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INSEAM7 MANY? c GREY purchase price D BLACK plus $2.95 E BROWN postage and J SLATE handling. Check Enclosed a VISA CARD# Name Mail Address Apt. #_ City State .Zip_ 00% Satisfaction Guaranteed or Full Refund of Purchase $ § 3 Price at Any Time! The Magazine for a Strong America Vol. 135, No. 6 December 1993 ARTICLE s VA CAN'T SURVIVE BY STANDING STILL National Commander Thiesen tells Congress that VA will have to compete under the President's health-care plan. 16 HOUDAY VOICES FROM WWII Vimd, heartfelt memoriesfrom the new book, Voices: Letters from World War II 20 GIVING HOPE IN SOMALIA How U.S. troops displayed the Yuletide spirit in blight-stricken Africa. By Gidget Fuentes 24 THE COMING BOOM IN LATIN AMERICA A tidal wave ofdemocrac}' now isfolhwed b)' a revolutionai}' economic expansion. By Elliott Abrams 26 26 STOP PULLING AMERICA APART One ofAmerica 's leading historians warns that midticidturalist extremists are cracking the meltingpot 28 THE WAR YEARS: ^- ON THE IVIARCH From North Africa to Rome, U.S. groundforces camefully ofage. By Rick Hampson 30 ISLAND HOPPING IN THE PACIHC Some ofthe war's bloodiest battles werefought on South Pacific beaches. 34 AT HOME, THE NATION DELIVERS 28 Hard work and rationing made America the Arsenal ofDemocracy. 36 SOFTENING UP HIRER From the air and on the ground, the Allies prepared to invade Fortress Europe. 38 DEPARTIVIE NTS BIG ISSUES Should Congress support President Clinton 's health plan.'' 12 VETVOICE 4 VETERANS UPDATE 40 PARTING SHOTS 76 COMMANDER'S MESSAGE 10 LEGION NEWS 42 WASHINGTON WATCH 14 VETS 46 38 COVER GIs always cany the holiday spirit with them. Lastyear, the)' brought it to Somalia; 50 years ago, to Europe and Africa. See pages 20 and 24for tales of 'A GI Christmas. " Photo by Wide World Photos. The American Legion magazine, a leader among national general-interest publications, is publishied monthly by The American Legion for its 3.1 million members. These militaiy-service veterans, worl<ing through more than 1 5,000 community-level posts, dedicate themselves to God and country and tradi- tional American values; strong national security; adequate and compassionate care for veterans, their vi^ldows and orphans; community service; and the wholesome development of our nation's youths. DECEMBER 1993 1 . Flying B'17 Fortre^ on video FOR GOD AND COUNTRY 700 N. Pennsylvania St. H ave you ever dreamed of flying aboard the P.O. Box 1055 Indianapolis, IN 46206 mighty B-17? Now you can, as pilot Jeff Ethell 317-630-1200 left takes seat and you strap into the right for an National Commander incredible flight in the Flying Fortress. Get ready Bruce Thiesen for a mission of sheer excitement as you and a crew Publisher/Editor-in-Chief Daniel S. Wheeler lift off into the sky. Editor i^ls video features incredible sound guaranteed John Greenwald to rtiake you feel as though you are actually aboard Managing Editor the most famous bomber of them all. But be Miles Z. Epstein warned, starting up the four Wright Associate Editor Raymond H. Mahon Cyclone engines and ininning them up Assistant Editors to 1200 rpm for warm-up may tax the ^ T. Douglas Donaldson limit of your speaker system, to Ken Scharnberg say nothing of your neighbors' Art Director Simon Smith tranquility. This video is no Art and Production Assistants doubt the closest thing to actually Caron M. Morales, Cindy G. Johnson flying in the B-17 ever produced. Production Manager I William L. Poff #5860 Approx. 45 minutes Administration For VISA, MC, Discover orders, call toll-free 24 hours: Joan L. Berzins, Patricia Marschand Advertising Director 1-800-959-0061 Ext. fly4 Donald B. 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