THE S I"TY- FIFT H A NNU A L R EPO R T O F T H E ’ awauan Mission 0 rens Sociey 1 9 1 7 W IT H T H E NA M ES A ND A D D R ES S ES O F A C T IV E M EM B ER S N U U T H . HO OL L , . PA RA DISE O F TH E PA C IFIC PR INT 1 9 1 7 f" - O cers for 1 91 7 1 91 8 . Presiden t GERR T P W LD I . I ER Vi ce- Presiden t RE V H . P . UDD . J Secretar MR R . R S . W A D W y . N E S Treas urer LYLE A D K . IC EY R r r R ec o de OB ER T W . ANDR EWS Board o f ana er M g s . A L R A RE O R . D W M A E E DD N S ISS GN S . J U HAR OLD e . DILLIN GHAM J OSEPH S . EMER SON MR OAR LINE A TLE WE TER VELT S . O O S S R R Y E WELL E' E' A M S . D O OTH AR T H D M NN M W R AMRERLAIN M R UTH RIOIIARD W . O ISS S E LYMA M MAR Y P W E ERNEST . N ISS . INN Chamberlain House Committee . HA R LD D LL HAM M EL E' WILC’O" O G . I ING ISS SI V ER Tr s rer G . ea u MR LINE WE TER ELT . W LD S . CAR O S S I P ublication and Library Committee . - The R ecorder an d the Secr etar o the S ociet ere o icio . y f y, ff Ar hur 0 Alexan er C on tinu es or on e ear t . d f y Mrs Em m a L on D o le C on tin ues or two ears . y s y f y F n M In t re A oin ted or three ears Mrs . a lore c e H . c y pp f y THE HAWAIIAN MISSIO N CHILDREN’ S SO CIETY T E ANNUAL MEETING H . A 20 th Century Cousins ’ Meeting was held in the Mission l 1 i em orial 2 st 1 9 7 . Auditorium on April , The hall with its noiseless cement floor and high arched rafters vas grand beyond the brightest dreams of the Missionaries . A r eat star - spangled banner stretched in front of the elevated plat orm made ample decoration . A basket of African daisies gave a — — ouch of nature , and children scores of them came tripping in md seated themselves in family groups with their parents . Surely he Mothers who but yesterday saw their Willies , Emmas and ‘ ranks sitting demurely in the old school -house b ack of Kaw aiah ao hur ch making scrap - books while listening to learned discussions n practical civilization , would be astonished to see them today 3 ading their own happy grandchildren into this j oyous meeting . Reports were read from Trustees , Board of Managers , Cham erlain n omin at House Committee , Secretary and Treasurer . The :1 g committee , through their chairman , Miss Harriet G . Forbes , ec omm en ded the following officers G P VVild r . e P — - Rev . H . Judd Vice president R W — e Mrs . Andrews S cretary — Lyle A . Dickey Treasurer . By a unanimous vote the secretary was instructed to cast the a llot of the Society for these officers . A T W cting reasurer . J . Forbes announced the collection to b e The Honor -roll was signed at a table near the entrance by ous in s 1 40 T and all descendants of the missionaries , in all . hese e s , popular with the children , keep the record of those who tend for five years consecutively . S . The address of the day was delivered by J . Emerson on , R ” eminiscences of Waialua , and was especially enj oyed by the i s y , even those of mature years . He told of raising corn , shelling - by hand , grinding it in a little home made mill and sending the l aa to Honolulu by a native carrier with an auamo ; he spoke of ’ inting hen s nests and selling eggs to get money for mahin a hou 4 m the missionary eeting ; of the old style of fishing, of planting ul cocoanuts , making candles and b lets , shooting wild turkeys and lo oin s s g cattle . The - Family Roll call was the number of greatest interest . Mr . G S . eorge Cooke called the names of the Fathers and . G Wilder 8 tallied . The Cookes held the highest record yet m ade , 2 , and the 26 Judds came next with . Had two other Judds arrived five min Th utes sooner there would have b een the excitement of a tie . e 1 4 1 3 1 1 Rices with , the Chamberlains with , Thurstons with , Lowell 1 0 W 8 Smiths with , and J . Smiths and Elias Bonds with each , 3 registered higher than ever before . The Gulicks with , the Emer sons and Rowells with 2 each and the Doles with 1 should received as every member of these families now on the Islands was 8 6 5 present . Others who responded were Forbes , Castles , Halls , 2 r n P each of the And ews , Baldwin , Hitchcock , Lyma and aris 1 families , and each of the Alexanders , Binghams and Lyons . The A r - lexanders , who scored highest the first yea of the roll call , have ‘ - l been migrating , and the George Dole Rowel family , who number - a forty two children and grandchildren , had but single represent ative . The Chamberlain House topic was almost crowded out from lack ' ’ Mr of time . However, . Erdman s plan for making the building a living memorial by using a part of it to house the Bible Training — — School the future ministers of Hawaii was presented by Mrs . Erdman . The time being too short for discussion , Mr . F . C . Ather ton moved that a letter be prepared by the Board of Managers and O 1 75 sent to the Cousins asking for their pinion . There were from to 20 0 persons present . The meeting closed in the usual way . With Mrs . Carrie Castle Westervelt at the piano , the glorious “ old hymns , Come Thou Almighty King for the opening , and “ m ” The Missionary Hy n for closing, were inspiring . 5 ’ THE SECRETARY S R EPO RT . OF THE YEAR EVENTS . The m an u s c ript for the Sixty - fourth Annual Report was sent to Ma an d the printer early in y t the books were finished , ready for distribution , in July . Unfortunately the book weighed a little more than eight ounces , and according to the new postal regulations , had m to be sent by parcels post , making the cost of ailing more than ever before . Increase in the price of paper and ink added to the expense . The Society wishes to thank the donors for the following gifts : “ ” from Dr . Frances Wetmore a box of Missionary Heralds ; from R W . Castle a package of Annual Reports ; also from Miss Ellen Lyman some H . M . C . reports left after making up her file ; from Mr . G . P . Castle photographs of Dr . and Mrs . Snow , Dr . and Mrs . Sturges and Dr . and Mrs . L . H . Gulick ; Miss Mary Parker donated a number of Micronesian views ; Rev . and Mrs . O . H . Gulick gave “ ” ul . pictures of the Morning Star , L . H . G ick and family , Mrs Knight , Miss Knight , Mother Emerson , Mother Baldwin , Mr . Logan . S . and Mr and Mrs . turges , also a full length photograph of Mr and Mrs . J . B . Atherton ; Mrs . Hyde sent a photograph of her son Charles and his two little daughters ; Miss Evelyn Mc D ou gal gave ’ ” a photo . of Hawaii s First Doll with an appropriate poem ; Miss Mc Carth - y presented the sewing machine that Mrs . Lydia B . Coan “ had used all her life ; Miss K . Reynolds gave two palms that had ’ “ ” R . graced Mrs . Coan s Gilbertina home ; and W . Andrews gave ’ “ ” S an a copy of . E . Bishop s Reminiscences of Old Hawaii , d a . o photo of a drawing of the old grass church of H nolulu . w m rom . Good ne s co es f our rote es Is p g in boarding school . a bella Hulu visited Honolulu during the holidays and returned to Maun aolu , where she has one more year before graduation . Mary Maun aolu Kawelo and Miriam Lane , also at are doing well . Helen G l ’ Naone stands well in her classes at Kamehameha ir s School . P P . f hilip Naone did not go back to Hilo aul Kaai , o Hookena , has taken the scholarship voted to James Kawelo , who did not wish to go to Hilo . Paul entered with the new year . A new Chamberlain Hous e Commit ee t , Mr . Harold Dillingham W , . W Mrs Caroline estervelt , and Miss Elsie ilcox , was appointed to raise the remaining of the pledged for renovating C the hamberlain House and assisting the Mission Memorial . An d f appeal was made to those who had not alrea y given to this und . S . G . Wilder continues as treasurer . 6 ’ The C ousins vault at the Mission Memorial came into the care 5 91 5 e . 1 of your secretary on S pt , . A short time previous Mr . Clifton Tracy had been employed to fumigate the old books , letters and records belonging to the Hawaiian Board and to place them on shelves .
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