1932 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 6761 4864. By Mr. LINDSAY: Petition of Nichols Copper Co., sentatives of the wholesale and retail merchants, bankers, Laurel Hill, Long Island, N. Y., favoring the passage of and manufacturers of Williamson, W. Va., urging that Con­ House Resolution 319; to the Committee on Ways and Means. gress enact legislation providing that bus and truck lines be 4865. Also, petition of Warrior Ideal Democratic Organiza­ placed under the rules and regulations and direction of the tion, 9 Seigel Street, Brooklyn, N. Y., favoring a universal Interstate Commerce Commission; to the Committee on 5-day week; to the Committee on Labor. Interstate and Foreign Commerce. 486ft Also, petition of Louis Brosky, 213 Kent Street, 4884. By Mr. STALKER: Petition of members of the Brooklyn, N.Y., executive secretary of the Unemployed and Woman's Christian Temperance Union of Washington, D. C., Unattached Veterans of Greenpoint, Brooklyn, N.Y., favor­ opposing the resubmission of the eighteenth amendment to ing the immediate payment of the adjusted-service certifi­ be ratified by State conventions or by State legislatures, cates, House bill. 1; to the Committee on Ways and Means. and supporting adequate appropriations for law enforce­ 4867. By Mr. NELSON of Maine: Petition of George S. ment and for education in law observance; to the Committee Staples and 86 other citizens of Maine, urging support for on the Judiciary. House bill 9891, to provide pensions for certain railroad 4885. Also, petition of residents of Hornell, N. Y., protest­ employees; to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Com­ ing against compulsory Sunday observance; to the Com­ merce. mittee on the District of Columbia. 4868. By Mr. NOLAN: Petition of the city of Minneapolis, 4886. By Mr. SWANSON: Petition of Parent-Teacher indorsing the Shipstead-Mansfield bill financing the. river Council of Council Bluffs, Iowa, favoring House bills 5859 and harbor projects; to the Committee on Rivers and and 1867, for investigation of communists and for strength­ Harbors. ening of immigration laws; to the Committee on the Judi­ 4869. Also, petition of organizations in Minneapolis, Minn., ciary. relative to the enactment of a law providing for Federal 4887. By Mr. SWING: Petition signed by 58 citizens of supervision of motion pictures; to the Committee on the San Diego, Calif., protesting against legislation making Sun­ Judiciary. day observance compulsory; to the Committee on the Dis­ 4870. By Mr. PEAVEY: Petition of numerous citizens re­ trict of Columbia. siding at Ashland, 'Wis., protesting against compulsory Sun­ 4888. By Mr. TEMPLE: Petition of Grand Theater. 104 day observance; to the Committee on the Judiciary. East Lincoln Avenue, McDonald, Pa., suggesting amendments 4871. By Mr. RAINEY: Petition of Robert Franknecht to the Vestal bill; to the Committee on Patents. and 24 other citizens of Chicago, Ill., favoring the reduction 4889. By Mr. TIERNEY: Petition relating to General of the Federal deficit without infiation by utilizing fully idle Pulaski's Memorial Day; to the Committee on the Judiciary. gold and other guaranties of currency; to the Committee on Banking and Currency. 4872. By Mr. ROBINSON: Petition signed by Henry SENATE Theed, jr., of Gladbrook, Iowa, and 18 other citizens of THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 1932 Gladbrook, Iowa, opposing the Federal sal~s tax; to the Committee on Ways and Means. <Legislative day of Wednesday, March 23, 1932) 4873. Also, petition signed by George H. Hake, Belmond, The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, on the expiration Iowa, and about 100 other citizens of Belmond, Iowa, op­ of the recess. posing the theater admission tax on the lower admission The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senate will receive ames­ classifications, feeling that it will seriously handicap both sage from the House of Representatives. local theater and general business conditions and cause the MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE closing of many theaters in the smaller communities; to the Committee on Ways and Means. A message from the House of Representatives by Mr. 4874. Also, petition signed by F. M. Kachelhoffer, of the Chaffee, one of its clerks, announced that the House ha-d Ackley Gun Club, Ackley, Iowa, and 42 others from Ackley passed without amendment the bill <S. 1590) granting cer­ and near-by towns, protesting against the 1-cent tax. on tain public lands to the state of New Mexico for the use and shotgun shells; to the Committee on Ways and Means. benefit of the Eastern New Mexico Normal School, and for 4875. By Mr. RUDD: Petition of Nestles Milk Products other purposes. · Co., New York City, favoring exemption of malt sirup in The message also announced that the House had passed the proposed sales tax; to the Committee on Ways and bills of the following titles, in which it requested the con­ Means. currence of the Senate: 4876. Also, petition of · Association of Army Employees. H. R. 8087. An act authorizing the Secretary of the Inte­ Governors Island, N. Y., opposing salary reduction; to the rior to vacate withdrawals of public lands under the reclama­ Committee on Appropriations. tion law, with reservation of rights, ways, and easements; 4877. Also, petition of William P. McGervey, Pittsburgh, H. R. 8914. An act to accept the grant by the State of Pa., referring to deduction of losses on worthless bank stock; Montana of concurrent police jurisdiction over the rights to the Comtnittee on Ways and Means. of way of the Blackfeet Highway, and over the rights of way 4878. Also, petition of Richey, Browne & Donald, Maspeth, of its connections with the Glacier National Park road sys­ Long Island, N. Y., referring to the sales tax; to the Com­ tem on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation in the State of mittee on Ways and Means. Montana; and 4879. Also, petition of Ann Rose Frocks <Inc.) opposing H. R. 10495. An act amending an act of Congress approved the manufacturers' sales tax; to the Committee on Ways and February 28, 1919 (40 Stat. L. 1206), grantirig the city of Means. San Diego certain lands in the Cleveland National Forest and the Capitan Grande Indian Reservation for dam and 4880. Also, petition of allied salesmen of the Garment In­ dustry Unc.), New York City, opposing the sales tax; to the reservoir purposes for the conservation of water, and for Committee on Ways and Means. other purposes, so as to include additional lands. 4881. By Mr. SCHNEIDER: Petition of residents of Hor­ ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED tonville, Wis., protesting against the levy of a sales tax on The message further announced that the Speaker had sausage, lard, canned meat, and cooked ham; to the Com­ affixed his signature to the following enrolled bills, and mittee on Ways and Means. they were signed by the Vice President: 4882. By Mr. SEGER: Letter from William Green, presi­ S. 3282. An act to extend the times for commencing and dent of the American Federation of Labor, opposing any completing the construction of a bridge across the Bay of reduction in salaries of Federal employees; to the Committee San Francisco from the Rincon Hill district in San Fran­ on Expenditures in the Executive Departments. cisco by way of Goat Island to Oakland; and 4883. By Mr. SHOTT: Petitjon of 100 members of Wil­ S. 3409. An act authorizing the Secretary of the Interior liamson Chamber of Commerce, and including the repre- to sell certain unused Indian cemetery reserves on the 6762 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE MARCH 24 :Wichita Indian Reservation in Oklahoma to provide funds It will be recalled that in 1922 in the Fordney-McCumber for purchase of other suitable burial sites for the Wichita Act the Tariff Commission was given the power to increase Indians and affiliated bands. or reduce rates 50 per cent, Congress withholding, of course, HOUSE BILLS RE.FERRED the right to take items that were on the free list and im­ The following bills were severally read twice by the~ pose any duty upon them or to place on the free list any titles and referred to the Committee on Public Limds and items that were dutiable. The object of the legislation is Surveys: to take away from the Tariff Commission that power and H. R. 8087. An act authorizing the Secretary of the In­ to lodge it back with the Congress. terior to vacate withdrawals of public lands under the The bill as it passed the House not only does that but reclamation law, with reservation of rights, ways, and it creates in the Tariff Commission the position of a con­ easements; sumer's counsel, designed and intended to represent the H. R. 8914. An. act to accept the grant by the State of consuming public in matters before the Tariff Commission. Montana of concurrent police jurisdiction over the rights of Third, the House bill sought to have the President of the way of the Blackfeet Highway, and over the rights of way of United States inaugurate a movement for an international econo~c conference, the purpos_e of which was the lowering its connections with the Glacier National Park road system of excessive tariff duties and eliminating discriminatory ~m the Blackfeet Indian Reservation in the State of Mon~ and unfair trade practices and other economic barriers tana; and affecting international trade, preventing retaliatory tarur H. R. 10495. An act amending an act of Congress ap­ measures and economic wars and promoting fair, equal, and proved February 28, 1919 (40 Stat. L. 1206), granting the friendly trade and commercial relations between nations. city of San Diego certaili lands' in the Cleveland National The House bill sought to do those three things, to restore Forest and the Capitan Grande Indian Reservation for dam to Congress the power to fix tariff rates, the holding of and reservoir purposes for the conservation of water, and· an international economic conference, and the creation of for other purposes, so as to include additional la'nds.
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