Indian River Chapter, EGA Library Inventory Listed by Title CATEGORY CATEGORY # TITLE AUTHOR Canvas Work 1 035 Bargello, An Explosion in Color Boyles, Margaret 1 000 1 003 Bargello and Related Stitchery Barnes & Blake 1 046 Bargello Borders Hall, Nancy & Jen Riley 1 040 Bargello Magic Fischer & Laske 1029 Basic Needlery Stitches on Mesh Fabric Beinecke, Mary Ann 1 041 Complete Book of Needlepoint Ambuter, Carolyn 1 051 Even More Complete Book of Needlepoint Ambuter, Carolyn 1 042 Creative Canvas Work Williams, Elsa 1 038 * Gardener’s Book of Needlepoint Bod, Jack 1 031 * Gold & Silver Needlepoint Lane, Maggie 1 010 Guide to Combination Stitches Silverstein, Mira 1 002 Guide to Looped & Knotted Stitches Silverstein, Mira 1 024 Guide to Upright Stitches Silverstein, Mira 1 023 Guide to Slanted Stitches Silverstein, Mira 1 000 Heart of My Heart Kinsey, Margaret 1 021 Laid Fillings for Evenweave Fabrics: 125 Stitch Taggert, Jean Designs 1 006 More Needlepoint by Design Lane, Maggie 1 014 * More Needlepoint Design Gartner, Lori 1 052 My Point Exactly Willis, Orna 1 008 Needlepoint Hanley, Hope 1 028 Needlepoint and Beyond Feisner, Edith A. 1 011 Needlepoint Book Christensen, Jo I. 1 001 Needlepoint Doctor Davis, Mary Kay 1 020 Needlepoint Stitches Hilton, Jean 1 032 Needlepoint and the Art of Canvas Embroidery Rhodes, Mary 1 012 New Look at Needlepoint, A Rome & Devlin 1 034 New World of Needlepoint, The Perrone, Lisbeth 1 048 Open Canvas, The Ambuter, Carolyn 1 004 Pageant of Pattern for Needlepoint Canvas Lantz, Shirley & Maggie Lane 1 026 Pattern Design for Needlepoint and Patchwork Schoenfeld, Susan 4/2/2013 Page 1 of 13 Indian River Chapter, EGA Library Inventory Listed by Title 1 017 Stitchery Under Southern Skies Anderson & Deem 1 047 Perrone’s Needlepoint Workbook Perrone, Lisbeth 1 005 Filling Stitches John, Edith Surface 2 026 Angel Wings EGA Central FL Chapter Embroidery 2 003 Animal Kingdom Wilson, Erica 2 000 2 029 * Art of Embroidery Barton, Julia 2 015 Brazilian Embroidery Johnson, Barbara 2 006 Complete Guide to Embroidery Stitches and Crewel Bucher, Jo 2 024 Complete Book of Embroidery Coss, Melinda 2 047 Creative Hand Embroidery Newhouse, Sue 2 005 Crewel Embroidery Wilson, Erica 2 021 * Crewel Embroidery in England Edwards, Joan 2 012 Crewel Work Anchor Publishing 2 004 Crewel Embroidery with Texture & Threads Francini, Audrey A. 2 015 * Early American Embroidery Designs Davis, Mildred J. 2 000 Embroiderer’s Handbook Bauer, Margie 2 013 Encyclopedia of Embroidery Stitches, Including Nichols, Marion Crewel 2 025 Encyclopedia of Embroidery Techniques Brown, Pauline 2 039 Floss Flowers: A Unique Approach to Embroidery Chapman, Virginia 2 009 Freestyle Embroidery Stitches Anchor Publishing 2 002 Homespun and Blue: A Study of Crewel Embroidery Stearns, Martha G. 2 018 Just Flowers Turpin‐Delport, Leslie 2 010 Left‐Handed Embroiderer’s Companion, The Stanton, Yvette 2 019 Modern Embroidery Rosen, Ike 2 045 Needlepoint Lace: Designs from the Countryside Holmes, Doreen 2 023 New Dictionary of Counted Thread Goldberg, Dhora Ochser 2 046 Patterned Fabric Stitchery Robinson, Patricia F. 2 016 Scribble Stitchery Snook, Barbara 2 027 Stitches of Creative Embroidery, Revised Enthoven, Jacqueline 2 014 * Stumpwork: The Art of Raised Embroidery Baker, Muriel L. 2 017 * Stumpwork Embroidery: A Collection of Fruits, Nicholas, Jane 4/2/2013 Page 2 of 13 Indian River Chapter, EGA Library Inventory Listed by Title Flowers & Insects for Contemporary Embroidery 2 022 * Stumpwork Embroidery Designs and Projects Nicholas, Jane 2 020 * Stumpwork Dragonflies Nicholas, Jane 2 028 Surface Embroidery Stitches EGA 2 001 Techniques of Metal Thread Embroidery Zimmermann, Jane 2 007 Beginner’s Guide to Silk Shading Hanham, Clare Needlelace 2A 034 * Art of Lacemaking, The Collier, Ann 2A 000 2A 025 Battenberg and Other Tape Laces Butterick 2A 026 Designing with Italian Needlelace Mitchell, Vima 2A 030 Handwoven Laces Muller, Donna 2A 023 Needle Made Laces and Net Embroideries Preston 2A 032 Needlelace & Needleweaving Nordfors, Jill 2A 035 Needlelace Barley, Catherine 2A 031 Renaissance Patterns for Lace Venciolo, Federico 2A 027 * Royal School of Embroidery—Book of Needlework Synge, Lanto and Embroidery 2A 022 Starting Needlepoint Lace Grimwood & Lovesey 2A 024 Technique of Terrific Lace Bradford 2A 029 Twentieth Century Lace Pfannschmidt, Ernst Applique, 3 002 1001 Patchwork Designs Malone, Maggie Molas, 3 011 Crazy Quilt Stitches Bond, Dorothy Patchwork, 3 007 Designs in Patchwork Logan, Diann Quilting 3 012 Fabled Flowers Sashiko & Origami Techniques Sudo, Kumiko 3 000 3 019 Great American Quilts 1988 O’Brien, Sandra, editor 3 020 Great American Quilts 1989 O’Brien, Sandra, editor 3 004 Guide to Rotary Cutting McCloskey, Marsha 3 036 Friends in Needlework Quilted Medley Powell, Deanna 3 026 Japanese Quilts Watanabe, Yuko 3 016 Lap Quilting Georgia Bonesteel 3 009 Let’s Call it Quilts: Machine Quilting Holt, Verna 3 008 Olympic Games Quilts Quiltmakers of Georgia 4/2/2013 Page 3 of 13 Indian River Chapter, EGA Library Inventory Listed by Title 3 021 Patchwork Patterns Beyer, Jinny 3 028 Patchwork Quilts for Kids You Love Seward, Linda 3 003 Quilt Digest, The Kiracofe & Kile, editors 3 032 Quilt Engagement Calendar Treasury Nelson & Houck 3 013 Quilter’s Album of Blocks & Borders Beyer, Jinny 3 035 Quilts to Wear Avery, Virginia 3 006 * Sampler Quilt, The Leone, Diane 3 023 Stenciled Quilt, The Sturmerns, Marie 3 025 Winning Scrap Quilts Florence, Judy Finishing, 3A 014 Complete Book of Smocking Durand, Diane Sewing, 3A 037 French Hand Sewing by Machine Pullen, Martha Smocking 3A 041 Heirloom Sewing I Pierce, Margaret 3A 000 3A 042 Heirloom Sewing II Pierce, Margaret 3A 036 Heirloom Sewing III Pierce, Margaret 3A 044 Knitting – Needlecraft #11 Search Press, Ltd. 3A 040 Making Embroidered Bags & Purses Banbury & Dewar 3A 043 Mounting Embroidery with the Threaded Needle Dane, Gail W. 3A 038 Needlework Blocking & Finishing Burchette, Dorothy 3A 048 Shadow Trapunto Donahue, Nancy (?) 3A 045 Smocking – Needlecraft #5 Search Press, Ltd. 3A 047 Smocking & Gathering for Fabric Manipulation Link, Nelle Blackwork, 4 008 Advanced Charted Hardanger Embroidery Meier & Watnemo Counted Thread, 4 018 Assisi Embroidery Zimmerman, Jane Drawn Thread, 4 032 Award Winning Designs in Hardanger 1980 Meier & Watnemo Hardanger, 4 003 Award winning Designs in Hardanger 1982 Meier & Watnemo Pulled Thread 4 015 Backgrounds: The Finishing Touch Strite‐Kurz, Ann 4 000 4 007 Beginner’s Charted Hardanger Meier & Watnemo 4 004 Big Book of Cross Stitch Reader’s Digest 4 020 Blackwork: A New Approach Day, Brenda 4 027 Blackwork and Holbein Embroidery Altherr, Ilse 4 036 Blackwork Embroidery Geddes & McNeill 4/2/2013 Page 4 of 13 Indian River Chapter, EGA Library Inventory Listed by Title 4 025 Blackwork Embroidery Patterns Zimmerman, Jane 4 012 Bordado Mexicano Bristow, Wilanna 4 029 Borders for Embroidery Peterson, Greta 4 011 Counted Thread Embroidery Projects Zimmerman, Jane 4 024 Craft of Blackwork and Whitework Wilson, Erica 4 028 * Cross‐Stitchers Complete Companion: 500 Motifs for Crafter’s Choice Every Occasion, The 4 016 Danish Handcraft Guild Counted Thread Embroidery Hansen, Edith I 4 037 Elegance From the Past EGA Collection 4 017 Favorite Borders, Corners & Motifs Driskell, Linda 4 022 Favorite Stitches for Linen and Canvas Volume 3 Driskell, Linda 4 023 Favorite Stitches for Linen and Canvas Volume 4 Driskell, Linda 4 013 Hands Aflutter Coral Springs Chapter, EGA 4 038 Hardanger Basics and Beyond Love, Janice 4 039 Hardanger Fundamentals Made Fancy Love, Janice 4 034 Hardanger Embroidery Bright, Sigrid 4 031 Hardanger Embroidery, An Introduction Scoular, Marion 4 030 Hardanger Embroidery Favorites Meier & Watnemo 4 006 Hardanger Patterns Rosenstand, Eva 4 009 Hardanger with Love Love, Janice 4 035 Hardangersom Bolstad, Lillian 4 021 Oehlenschlager Hardanger 4 014 Permin Kulendar Danish Art Needlework 4 010 Pulled Thread McNeill, Moyra 4 040 Pulled Thread Triangles EGA Collection 4 019 Pulled Thread Workbook A & B Fry, Mary 4 026 Reversible Blackwork Altherr, Ilsa 4 001 Stitches for Counted Thread Embroidery (Volume I: Shipp, Mary Flat Stitches) 4 002 Stitches for Counted Thread Embroidery (Volume II: Shipp, Mary Dimensional Stitches) 4 033 Traditional Hardanger Embroidery The Priscilla Publishing Co. 4/2/2013 Page 5 of 13 Indian River Chapter, EGA Library Inventory Listed by Title 4 041 Traditional Needle Arts Cross Stitch Cargill, Katrin Ethnic Embroidery, 5 027 * Art of Embroidery (in box) Gostelow, Mary History, 5 035 Beads and Treads of Italy Micheli, Vima deMarchi Samplers 5 031 Blue and White: Cotton Embroideries of Rural China Baker, Muriel and Margaret Lunt 5 000 5 011 Chinese Embroideries DMC Library 5 019 Cut My Cote Burnham, Dorothy 5 001 Embroideries of North Africa 5 008 * Embroidery Gostelow, Mary 5 013 Embroidery Motifs from Old Dutch Samplers Meulenbelt‐Nieuwburg, Albarta 5 006 Embroidery of Madeira, The Walker & Holman 5 018 Ethnic Stitches Masterson, Joan 5 023 * Guide to Greek Island Embroidery, A Victoria & Albert 5 003 Here and Now Stitchery from Other Times Fanning, Robbie & Tony 5 034 * Historic Samplers Ryan & Bragdon 5 007 Japanese Stencil Designs Tuer, Andrew W. 5 017 Needleart: A Short History of English Embroidery Morse, Pat 5 026 Needlework Smithsonian 5 029 Old World Stitchery for Today Kozaczka, Grazyna 5 033 Racinet’s Full‐Color Pictorial History of Western Racinet, Auguste Costume 5 032 * Racinet’s Historic Ornament in Full Color Racinet, Auguste 5 024 * Sampler Book, The Gierl, Irmgard 5 014 Samplers, A Journey Through Embroidery DMC Library 5 030 * Samplers from the Victoria & Albert Museum Browne & Wearden 5 002 Scottish Tartans Stoke, Caroline 5 015 Shisha Embroidery Gross & Fontana 5 012 Tamari Ball Book No. 7 Olympus 5 021 Threads of the Past, Volume I N.Y. State Capitol Museum 5 022 Threads of the Past, Volume II N.Y.
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