4 f, k ril .+ Articles of the Month :fl \r/ ,x MESSAGE FROM SOONG CHING IING PUBTISHED MONIHLY IN ENGIISH, FRENCH, SPAN6H, ARABTC AND BIMONTHIy tN Crnuml gV Linking post ond THE CHINA WELFARE INSTITUTE present on new (sooNc cHtNG uNG, CHAIRMANI Chino's 30th birth- doy, Soong Ching Ling (Mme. Sun Yot- sen) soyS lts people, vot. xxv[! No. t0 ocToBER reTe hoving won notion'ol equolity ond embork- ed on soiiolism, ore morching toword CONTENTS economic ond tech- nicol equolity in the To the Readers ot China Reconstructs Soong Ching Ling ,2 modern w6rld. Crucial Steps in China's Modernizalion Wen Zong 3 Poge 2 Self-Heliance and Imported Technology How Shanghai,s Petrochemical - Complex Relates the Two Bian Hui g CRUCIAT STEPS TO MODERNIZATION Thirty You Yuwen 13 Tuning up the economy ond widening the scope of Thirty Years of Controlling China's Greatebt River sociolist Lin Yishan democrocy ond low; decisiJns by Chino.s fi People's Congress. poge 3 Seven Returns.to the Homeland Interview with Zhao Haosheng -An 24 Country Fair Rong Lie TAMING CHINA'S 28 TONGEST RIVER Virtuoso lsaac Stern Charms Chinese Audiences JJ Australian Youth Orchestra in China Flood control, irrigo- 35 tion ond new building Siity Years in an Artist's Life Li Kuchan JO for vost electric power; Beijing Scenes (Photos) 39 project chief for three Do You Know? Tian An Men 43 decodes tells of steps Largest Acupuncture in hornessing the Symposium Ever 44 Chongjiong (Yongtze). China's Wldening Research bn Acupuncture eian Xinzhong 47 Poge 17 Things Chinese: The Rhododendrons of Mount Emei 50 Chinese History - Xlll The Glory That Was Tang: 2 Relations with Many WHAT MAKES ACUPUNCIURE WORI(? Peoples Jiao JiAn - 54 Symposium of 500 Treasures from Abroad Prized in Sui-Tang Times yi Shui 58 scientists, foreig n Fierce or Fanciful: Folk Animal Toys Can Be both ond Chinese, finds Xiao Qing and Wen Zhen 60 o new opprooch Children: A Young Mountain in recent world Eagle 63 discoveries obout 'Roof of the World' Still Moving Northward Teng Jiwen 64 the huinon broin. Going to Night School in Tianjin you yuwen 66 Poge 44 Across the Land: High Energy physics Experimental Center 6B Debate Among Historiais: A Forum on the' Taiping Revolution 69 The Karlst Caverns of Yixing Han eitou .70 SEVEN RETURNS TO IHE HOMETAND Building Up China's Rail Transport-An lnterview with Hoving Guo Weicheng, Minister left Chino in 1948, of Baiiways 74 ond returning olmost onnuolly Cartoons 78 since 1973, Prof, Zhoo Hoo- Language Corner: Yole yangshuo his Lesson 10: Going to 79 tes of oc COVER PICTURES: .- ms. Front: Victory Dance Zheng Huaning Poge 24 Back'. The Great Wall, Gao Hong Editoriol.Olliccl Wol Wen Building, Beijing ,,C(tRECON,, (37), Chino. .Coble: Beijing-. Generol Distributor: OUOZT SHUDiAli, P.O. Box 399, Beijing, Chino. To the Readers ol'Ghina Reconstructs' -Ir--1 ry/'*5 nN the occasion of the 30th anniversary of our ing to the full the unprecedented potentials'of so- U P"opl"'" Republic of China, I greet you all, cialisrn, in transf orming society, nature and' man wherever you are. himself. Our 30 years have been a vast new birth. World "The elevation of China to a position of freedom historie we4e the victories with which it began. One and equality among the nations," that was how in was the final overthrow of the feudal social system 1925, in his last Testament, Sun Yat-sen summed up which had oppressed and exploited our'- people, a the aim of his 40 years of leadership of China's dem- fifth of all humanity, for over 2,000 years. An- ocratic revolution. In 1949, under the leadership of other was the final smashing of the imperialist con- the Chinese Commuhist Party, that goal was reached. trol, by practically every foreign power, severally or Chairman Mao Zedong proclaimed at the founding jointly, under which we had labored for a century. of the People's Rdiublic of China, "Ours will no longer subject insult and humiliation. Finally, because the long revolution was brought to be a nation to Since then we. have established triumph by the Communist Party, our people were We have stood up." relations with over 100 other countries, large able to uproot China's bureaucrat-capitalist mo- new and small. They are equal relations. No other kind, nopolies which were linked to both feudalism and with China, is now possible. Only in equality can imperialtm, and take the road to socialism. different countries help each other, learn from each social struggles of the The national and liberation other what they truly need, work together for world Chinese people have been inseparably intertwined peace and progress. with those of the rest of the world. We have been Politically we won equality by our revolution. But the helped forward by the ideas and examples of economically, educationally and scientifically, we are deinocratic revolutions in America and France, of still behind the advanced nations. Our new Long the October Socialist Revolution in Russia, and of March, our socialist "four modernizations" are aimed battles for freedom in all oppressed countries. Many at fiiling the gap. In this effort, we look for coop- foreign friends genuinely inspired by those ideas eration with all willing to woik with us for mutual have fought shoulder to shoulder with us on our benefit. own soil, some laying down their lives, as well as in Among our oldest and best friends have been the mass suppo'rt movements abroad. We shall never readers of China Reconstructs, itself now 27 years forget them. old. I trust their numbers will multiply. We, on our For three decades now our people have been build- par$ shall continue to perform, better and more ing socialism, a new system. Their accomplishments fully, the task set for us by the late Premier Z}rott are recognized everywhere. There have also been Enlai: "Spread further and wider the Chinese peo- setbacks, halts and errors. And we still. face immense ple's wish for fribndship with aII the peoples of the problems of material and ctrltural growth, of utiliz- riorld, and strengthen our unity with them. E 2 CHINA BECONSTBUCTS GRUGIAT STEPS lil GHI[il's il(lltER]ilzAT!(lil WEN ZONG tTt UIS 30th anniversary' of the decade 1966-1976 by the sabotage salary earners, in industry and I Feople's Republic of China of Lin Biao and the gang qf four other fields, got increases in pay. finds its 900 million people taking which brought the economy to the In view of the preceding circum- a key step in their advance toward brink of ruin, and the recovery stances, such gains in a developing socialist modernization by the since 1976 when sound policies, country with a fifth of the world's century's end. enjoying general support, again population can be termed rapid Three years, beginning with prevailed. and impressive. 1979, are being devoted to read- In the year 1978, the third since Yet, viewed from the standpoint justing, restructuring, consolidat- the fall of the gang, China's econo. of what has to be done in the na- ing and improving the national my began a rapid turn for the tionwide striving for moderniza- economy in order to lay the better. In agriculturq, despite in- tion, - the economy still has malad- f oundation f or well-proportioned clemencies of nature, grain output justments and difficulties, some and high speed development from per capita topped past records. In very grave. then on. industry, the output of steel, coal, Hence the need for "readjust- Concurrently socialist democracy crude oil, power, chemical ferti- ment, restructuring, consolidation is being promoted and the socialist lizers and synthetic fibers increased and improvement." legal system strengthened to re- substantially as did freight car- ried on the railways.- The average -lease and protect the initiative and Four Initial Tasks creativeness of China's people of income of the peasants the great majority of the population- all nationalities for the immense - from Readjustment: The purpose is task. their collective work was 17..7 to correct major disproportions. percent higher 1976. Both programs, the economic and than in Sixty Through it, within three years, percent of China's wage and China the political and social, were out- hopes to achieve: Iined and analyzed with clear-cut facts and figures at the two-week long Second Session, of the Fifth National'People's Congress held in June by Premier Hua Guofeng in his- report on government work and in speeches by other leaders. The Congress, China's highest organ of state power, discussed and approved the report and adopted'the required decisions and Iaws. What is China's economic Situa' tion at present? Three factors enter into it the great progress made between- the liberation in 1949 and the early 1960s, the grave harm done in the WEN ZONG is a staff reporter for China Reconstructs. Uulty anil Stabillty Li Binsheng antl Sln Yizeng OCTOBER T9?9 t978 Perrentdge lnrreose wet ljlT t978 Pertenioge lntreose over 1977 Ioiol Agrkulturol 0utput 145,900 B 9 % million yuon Irodors Groin 304.75 I .Bolo 113,500 3olo million tons Cotlon Roil treight 2161 l, 070 million lons million lons Oilseed Crops Retoil soles 5 2tB I 52, 750 million tons million yuon Totol lndustriol 0ulput lmprt ond 423, I 00 35, 500 million yuon million yuon Sreel lnveslment in Copilol Construttion 31 .78 million tons Notionol (ool 39, 500 million yuon laol 8,400 "'1 million yuon ESil ,,1'bu 110 milliontons l.l/0 Completed Proieds Eletrritity 256, 550 99 lorge ond iledium Size million kwh Chemitol tertilizer q,693 l!/ rorriol Units million tons .17, o Growth of grain and other o Closing the gap between production by agriculture and its available fuels (coal' qnd pe sidelines corresponding to the troleum), power, modern building growth of population and of materials, transport and com- industry, munications and needs of the Agriculture is the foundation of economy in these baslc respects.
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