~ tt'(4lI'( 3ffiffiq; cg 101 I~ c6lfifCf), ~ ~1Cf)gH1 o~ m ¥i?llcl~ ALOK KUMAR Cf)IfifCf) 3tR ~&llJ1 fctm"fl tigcm WrcI ~&llJ1 WWT Joint Secretary ~-4,~~~ Tel. : 26106314 ~ ~ -;:rm ~t:;(j~ ~, ~ ~-110067 Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions Department of Personnel & Training Training Division Block-IV, Old JNU Campus New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi-110067 D.O. No.T-17012/21/2014-MCTP 1st July, 2014 Dear Sir/Madam, The 8th Round of the mandatory Phase-VMid-CareerTraining Programme (MCTP)for IAS officers is scheduled from 27 October to 28 November 2014 at Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration (LBSNAA),Mussoorie.As per rule 5(11) of the IAS (Pay) Rules 2007, undergoing Phase-V MCTP is a pre-requisite for granting of increments after completion of 28 years of service. Please find enclosed for reference a copy of relevant Rules, and letter dated 01.02.2012 from Secretary (Personnel) to all Cadre Controlling Authorities in this regard. 2. The current round of Phase-Vis being offered to the officers indicated below:- (i) Officers of 1986 and 1987 batch (1st chance) (ii) Officers of 1985 batch (2nd chance) (iii) Officers of 1984 batch (3rd chance) (iv) Officers of 1982 & 1983 (On caseto case basis) However, priority would be given to members of service belonging to 1986 batch and batches senior to that. 3. Further, as per government decision, an officer who has less than three years of service after the year in which he/she has been slotted to undergo the MCTPwould not be sent for the training. A copy of relevant communication is enclosed for reference. Therefore, officers superannuating before 31 December 2017 may not be nominated for the current round of Phase- V MCTP. 4. A list of the eligible officers (after deleting names of those superannuating before 31December 2017 as mentioned in para 3 above), as per database maintained by this Department, is enclosed. Any discrepancy in this list may kindly be brought to the notice of this office for corrective action. Cont../- -: 2 :- 5. You will appreciate that conducting MCfP entails detailed advance planning in terms of tying up with foreign partner institutions and faculty resources, apart from arranging logistics for foreign study tours etc. Therefore, it is imperative that the eligible officers enroll for the programme at the earliest. I, therefore, request you to instruct all eligible officers to enrol 'on- line' at <www.lbsnaa.gov.in> for this year's program. After online enrolment LBSNAA will convey acceptance of nomination to the eligible officers. In case of any queries regarding enrolment process or about the programme, the participants may be advised to contactLBSNAA at details given below. Associate Course Sh. Sanjeev Chopra, Jt. Director Coordinator: Email: [email protected] Phone: 91-135-2630557 (0), 2222000(EPBX) Coordinating Training Section 4 (Trg4) Section:Email: [email protected] Phone: 0135-222-2330 (DID) 6. It is further requested that the timely release of the officers, who have enrolled and are accepted for the Programme, may kindly be ensured. With regards, Yours sincerely, To (A~~ All Chief Secretaries/Secretaries, Government of India. End: 1. List of officers falling in the eligibility zone. 2. Copy of letter No.ll0ll/02/2012-Trg.(MCf), dated 01.02.2012 from Secretary (P) to all Cadre Controlling Authorities in the matter of complying with the provisions of the IAS (Pay) Rules, 2007. 3. Copy of letter no. 15011/03/2009-MCf dated 27.09.2010 regarding minimum residual service. Copy to: (i) Director, LBSNAA with a request to provide deputation proforma of faculty members as well as of participants for obtaining approval of the Competent Authority. (ii) NIC, Training Division, DoPT with a request to upload this letter and its enclosureson DoPT website, and to make operational the on-line enrolment of the eligible officers indicated in Para-2 and in consonance with the Para-3 of this letter. Eligible IAS officer for attending Phase-V MCTP in 2014 S.No Name Allotment Cadre Id No Sex Date of Date of Year Birth Superannua tion (Tentative) 1 G Latha Krishna Rao 1982 KN KN024101 F 115/1958 30104/2018 2 Bibhu Prasad Acharya 1983 AP AP031200 M 3011011960 31110/2020 3 Randeep Sudan 1983 AP AP031400 M 5/8/1959 31108/2019 4 Keshni Anand Arora 1983 HY HY015600 F 11/911960 30109/2020 5 Raj Bala Verma 1983 JH JH035300 F 1510511960 31/05/2020 6 Jyoti Bhramar Tubid 1983 JH JH035400 M 14/0311958 31103/2018 7 Hari Raj Kishore 1983 UP UP052400 M 22/0311959 31/03/2019 8 Atul Bagai 1983 UP UP054101 M 5/3/1959 31103/2019 9 Raghvendra Singh 1983 WB WB028400 M 2110611959 30106/2019 10 Gopal Krishna 1983 WB WB028600 M 14/04/1960 30104/2020 11 Amitabha Mukherjee 1983 WB WB029201 M 11611961 31/05/2021 12 K V Eapen 1984 AM AM019400 M 9/911959 30109/2019 13 Anil Chandra Punetha 1984 AP AP032300 M 101511959 31/05/2019 14 Ajoy Kumar 1984 BH BH036300 M 30109/1960 30109/2020 15 Arvind Agrawal 1984 GJ GJ023600 M 23/0411960 30104/2020 16 Narinder Chauhan 1984 HP HPOI0000 M 4/3/1958 31103/2018 17 D Satya Murty 1984 KN KN025200 M 1510111960 31/0112020 18 Aiov G Mehta 1984 MH MH035100 M 21/0911959 30109/2019 19 Satish M Gavai 1984 MH MH035900 M 3010811959 31108/2019 20 Alok Shrivastava 1984 MP MP036500 M 7/611960 30106/2020 21 Prashanta Kumar Nayak 1984 OR OR021300 M 2010611958 30106/2018 22 Dharam Vir 1984 PB PB016500 M 2011211957 31112/2017 23 Diwesh Nath Sharan 1984 RJ RJ025200 M 23/0311960 31103/2020 24 Rashmi Priyadarshani 1984 RJ RJ025300 F 1511011961 31110/2021 25 R Rajagopal 1984 TN TN028600 M 16/06/1961 30106/2021 26 Smita Nagaraj 1984 TN TN028900 F 22/0911958 3010912018 27 Meenakshi Rajagopal 1984 TN TN029000 F 28/0311961 31/03/2021 28 Anant Kumar Singh 1984 UP UP054500 M 6/311959 31103/2019 29 Rajani Kant Verma 1984 UT UT016200 M 23/0411959 30104/2019 30 Jalai Shrivastava 1984 UT UTOl6500 M 81211961 28/02/2021 31 Rajpal Singh Kahlon 1984 WB WB029900 M 13/04/1958 30104/2018 32 V S Bhaskar 1985 AM AM019800 M 28/0711961 31/07/2021 33 MG V KBhanu 1985 AM AM020300 M 15/0711958 31/07/2018 34 Sameer Sharma 1985 AP AP032800 M 1511111961 3011112021 35 Pushpa Subrahmanyam 1985 AP AP032900 F 31111962 31/01/2022 36 R Subrahmanyam 1985 AP AP033000 M 5/811962 31108/2022 37 Veena Ish 1985 AP AP033400 F 18/0511959 31105/2019 1 38 Chitra Ramachandran 1985 AP AP033701 F 8/411961 30104/2021 39 Arun Kumar Singh 1985 BH BH036700 M 26/0811961 31108/2021 40 Tripurari Sharan 1985 BH BH036800 M 30106/1961 30106/2021 41 J Rama Krishna Rao 1985 BH BH036900 M 11311959 28/0212019 42 A Santhosh Mathew 1985 BH BH037000 M 22/02/1961 28/02/2021 43 Rabindra Pan war 1985 BH BH037100 M 29/0411960 30104/2020 44 N Baijendra Kumar 1985 CG CG038100 M 25/0711960 31/07/2020 45 Sujit Gulati 1985 GJ GJ023800 M 22111/1959 30/1112019 46 Anil Gopishankar Mukim 1985 GJ GJ024000 M 15/0811960 31/08/2020 47 Atanu Chakraborty 1985 GJ GJ024100 M 5/411960 30104/2020 48 Anand Mohan Tiwari 1985 GJ GJ024200 M 3/611959 30106/2019 49 P. K. Parmar 1985 GJ GJ024600 M 28/0711960 31/07/2020 50 Girish Chandra Murmu 1985 GJ GJ024700 M 21111/1959 30/11/2019 51 Brij Kumar Aggarwal 1985 HP HPOI0200 M 15/06/1961 30106/2021 52 Manisha Nanda 1985 HP HPOI0501 F 26/0511959 31105/2019 53 Surina Rajan 1985 HY HY016800 F 16/0811959 31/08/2019 54 Ram Niwas 1985 HY HY016900 M 14/0211959 28/02/2019 55 P Raghavendra Rao 1985 HY HY017000 M 21105/1960 31105/2020 56 Sanjiv Kumar 1985 HY HY017100 M 27/0511960 31/05/2020 57 Krishan Kumar Khandelwal 1985 HY HYOI7200 M 3010911958 30109/2018 58 Prasanta Kumar Mahapatra 1985 HY HY017300 M 2010911958 3010912018 59 Dhanpat Singh 1985 HY HY017400 M 10/411960 30104/2020 60 Vijai Vardhan 1985 HY HY017500 M 11111/1961 30/1112021 61 Amit Khare 1985 JH JH036600 M 14/09/1961 30109/2021 62 Rajeev Sadanandan 1985 KL KL016000 M 28/0511959 31/05/2019 63 Inder Jit Singh 1985 KL KL016200 M 17/08/1961 3110812021 64 Pradeep Singh Kharola 1985 KN KN026000 M 15/0911961 30109/2021 65 Parmesh Pandey 1985 KN KN026100 M 31/0711960 31/07/2020 66 Mahendra Jain 1985 KN KN026200 M 27/0311961 31/03/2021 67 Yogendra Tripathy 1985 KN KN026300 M 18/0111962 31/01/2022 68 Renuka Chidambaram 1985 KN KN026400 F 41711958 31107/2018 69 Sham La) Goyal 1985 MH MH036200 M 22112/1961 31112/2021 70 Arvind Kumar 1985 MH MH036400 M 8/1011961 3111012021 71 Mukesh Khullar 1985 MH MH036500 M 23/0211959 28/02/2019 72 Rajneesh Vaish 1985 MP MP037400 M 26/06/1959 30106/2019 73 Deepak Khandekar 1985 MP MP037500 M 5/8/1961 31/0812021 74 Anil Shrivastava 1985 MP MP037700 M 15/0311959 31103/2019 75 M Gopal Reddy 1985 MP MP037900 M 15/0911960 30109/2020 76 Sanieev Ranjan 1985 MT MTOI0400 M 2110111963 3110112023 77 Ramnganing Muivah 1985 MT MTOI0500 M 1/3/1960 29/02/2020 78 W. L. Hangshing 1985 MT MTOI0600 M 15110/1958 31110/2018 79 Vipin Kumar Saxena 1985 OR OR022100 M 111211958 3011112018 2 80 Gagan Kumar Dhal 1985 OR OR022400 M 51111960 3110112020 81 Arun Goel 1985 PB PB016600 M 711211962 31112/2022 82 Deva Pampapathi Reddy 1985 PB PB016800 M 10/1211958 31112/2018 83 Badri Narain Sharma 1985 RJ RJ025600 M 31107/1959 31107/2019 84 Khernrai Choudhary 1985 RJ RJ025700 M 11111959 31112/2018 85 Jagdish Chandra Mohanty 1985 RJ RJ025900 M 111011958 30109/2018 86 Ravi Shankar Srivastava 1985 RJ RJ026000 M 20109/1962 30109/2022 87 Madhukar Gupta 1985 RJ RJ026202 M 17/09/1960 30109/2020 88 Kiran Soni Gupta 1985 RJ RJ026203 F 22/0611960 30106/2020 89 Rajeev Ranjan 1985 TN TN029200 M 22/0911961 30109/2021 90 Mohan Pyare 1985 TN TN029400 M 2110911959 30109/2019 91 K Shanmugam 1985 TN TN029500 M 717/1960 31/07/2020 92 KArulmozhi 1985 TN
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