510 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE January 28 and for other purposes; to the Committee on By Mr. SIMPSON of Pennsylvania: Education and Labor. H. R. 6229. A bill to repeal the 10-per­ SENATE By Mr. COLE of New York: cent surcharge on postal cards; to the Com­ H. R. 6216. A bill to amend the Social Se­ mittee on Post Office and Civil Service. MONDAY, JANUARY 28, 1952 curity Act, as amended, to permit individuals By Mr. BERRY: entitled to old-age or survivors insurance H. Con. Res. 189. Concurrent resolution re­ <Legislative day of Thursday, January benefits to earn $100 per month without de­ asserting the exclusive power of Congress to 10, 1952) ductions being made from their benefits; to declare war and to control the involvement the Committee on Ways and Means. of American forces in armed conflict on for­ The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, By Mr. ELLIOTT: eign soil; to the Committee on the Judiciary. on the expiration of the recess. H. R. 6217. A bill to make additional funds By Mr. BECKWORTH: The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown available to the Administrator of Veterans' H. Res. 505. Resolution for the relief of Affairs for direct home and farmhouse loans Helen M. Reno, widow of Royice W. Reno, Harris, D. D., offered the following to eligible veterans, under title III of the late an employee of the House of Repre­ prayer: Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944, as sentatives; to the Committee on House O God our Father, to the waiting tasks amended; to the Committee on Veterans• Administration. Affairs. of another week Thou hast brought us By Mr. FISHER: by Thy grace. To the high altar of Thy H. R. 6218. A bill to repeal the 10-percent MEMORIALS mercy we come; each with his private surcharge on postal cards; to the Committee need which only Thou knowest. In Thee on Post Office and Civil Service. Under clause 3 of rule XXII, memo­ alone, in whom we live and move and By Mr. HORAN: - rials were presented and referred as have our being, we find the deep springs H. R. 6219. A bill to protect purchasers of follows: of the Spirit at whose living waters we household appliances by requiring that such By the SPEAKER: Memorial of the Legis­ may be so strengthened with might that, appliances, when shipped in interstate com­ lature of the State of Rhode Island, relative maintaining our integrity and :fidelity in merce, be accompanied by instruction book­ to an interstate civil defense compact en­ lets containing adequate information as to tered into and ratified by the State of Rhode an evil time, we shall go forth to be in the operation, care, and repair thereof, and Island, pursuant to the Federal Civil De­ the world, but not of it. In the midst for other purposes; to the Committee on fense Act of 1950 (Public Law 920, 81st of all that saddens and perplexes in this Interstate and Foreign Commerce. Cong.); to the Committee on Armed Serv­ difficult yet challenging day, give us an By Mr. FOGARTY: ices. inner radiance. Send us out where H. R. 6220. A bill to amend the Universal sound the cries of class and race, not Military Training and Service Act to pro­ vide that certain members of the National knowing that our faces shine but humbly Guard and other Reserve components, who PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS glad that in a world that lieth in dark­ served during World War II, shall be released Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private ness we are called to be children of the from active duty upon completing 17 bills and resolutions were introduced and light. In the Redeemer's name. Amen. months' active duty after June 24, 1950; to severally referred as follows: the Committee on Armed Services. By Mr. KERSTEN of Wisconsin: By Mr. CANFIELD: ATTENDANCE OF SENATORS H. R. 6221. A bill to provide for the ap­ H. R. 6230. A bill for the relief of Mrs. ARTHUR WATKINS, a Senator from pointment and compensation of counsel for Leslie Coffelt; to the Commitee on the Ju­ v. impoverished defendants in certain crim­ diciary. the State of Utah, and MILTON R. YOUNG, inal cases in the United States district By Mr. CASE: a Senator from the State of North courts; to the Committee on the Judiciary. H. R. 6231. A bill for the relief of Gordon Dakota, appeared in their seats today. By Mr. LANTAFF: Uglow; to the Committee on the Judiciary. H. R. 6222. A bill to provide for the pro­ By Mr. HAYS of Ohio: curement and installation of mechanism for H. R. 6232. A bill for the relief of Halsey THE JOURNAL recording and counting votes in the House H. Lafferty; to the Committee on the Judi­ On request of Mr. GEORGE, and by of Representatives; to the Committee on ciary. unanimous consent, the reading of the House Administration. By Mr. MORANO: Journal of the proceedings of Thursday, By Mr. McMILLAN: H . R. 6233. A bill for the relief of Antonio H. R. 6223. A bill to authorize the can­ Joseph Aikler; to the Committee on the January 24, 1952, was dispensed with. cellation, adjustment, and collection of cer­ Judiciary. tain obligations due to the United States, By Mr. KERSTEN of Wisconsin: MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT and for other purposes; to the Committee H. R. 6234. A bill for the relief of Junko on Agriculture. Kubo; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Messages in writing from the President By Mr. MARTIN of Iowa: By Mr. WIER: of the United States were communicated H. R. 6224. A bill to reduce from 12 to 8 H. R. 6235. A bill for the relief of Peter to the Senate by Mr. Miller, one of his months the time for which livestock must James O'Brien; to the Committee on the secretaries. be held in order to qualify for the benefits Judiciary. of section 117 (j) of the Internal Revenue Code; to the Committee on Ways and Means. ST. LAWRENCE SEAWAY AND POWER By Mr. WIER: PETITIONS, ETC. PROJECT-MESSAGE FROM THE PRESI­ H. R. 6225. A bill to authorize the heads of the executive departments and the agencies Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions DENT (H. DOC. NO. 337) and independent establishments of the Fed­ and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk The VICE PRESIDENT. The Chair eral Government to provide for the promo­ and referred as fallows: lays before the Senate a message which tion and maintenance of employee recrea­ has just been received from the Presi­ tion programs; to the Committee on Post 515. By Mr. FORAND: Resolution of the Office and Civil Service. City Council of the City of Providence, R. I., dent of the United States with reference By Mr. RABAUT: memorializing the Congress of the United to the St. Lawrence seaway, which he H . R. 6226. A bill to P.rovide supplemen­ States to amend the 1950 Social Security Act thinks should be read at this time. tary unemployment compensation benefits by permitting employees of all cities and The Chief Clerk read the message. in certain cases to workers unemployed dur­ towns, regardless of the fact that they now <For President's message, see today's ing the national emergency, and for other have retirement systems in effect, to con­ proceedings of the House of Represent­ p urposes; to the Committee on Ways and tribute to and receive the benefits of Fed­ eral old age security; to the Committee on atives, pp. 550-552.) Means. The VICE PRESIDENT. The message By Mr. RANKIN: y.lays and Means. H. R. 6227. A bill to appropriate funds for 516. By the SPEAKER: Petition of city and accompanying papers will be re­ flood control on the Tombigbee River and clerk, city of Alameda, Calif., petitioning con­ f erred to the Committee on Foreign its tributaries in Mississippi and Alabama; sideration of their resolution with reference Relations. to the Committee on Appropriations. to acting favorably upon S. 940 or H. R. 4484; Mr. CONNALLY. Mr. President, I wish By Mr. REES of Kansas: to the Committee on the Judiciary. to say that the project referred to in the H . R. 6228. A bill to amend the Railroad 517. Also, petition of executive director, President's message has been pending in Retirement Act of 1937 so as to provide that Port of Detroit Commission, Detroit, Mich., the Committee on Foreign Relations for the spouse of an individual who bas been petitioning consideration of their resolution awarded a disability annuity shall be en­ with reference to S. 241, a bill proposing to a considerable period of time. The com­ titled to a spouse's annuity if such spouse amend the Merchant Marine Act of 1936, as mittee has not reported it favorably. has attained the age of 65; to the Com­ amended; to the Committee on Merchant Personally I am strongly opposed to the mittee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. Marine and Fisheries. proposed spending of approzjmately 1952 CONGRESSIONAL ~CORD - SENATE 511 $1,000,000,000 on the St. Lawrence sea­ business before the Senate is the bill the Missouri River. I ask unanimous way, a project which would be frozen up <S. 2104) to repeal section 104 of the consent that the resolution be printed for 5 months of the year, and which Defense Production Act of 1950, as in the RECORD. would involve the building of a canal amended. No agreement for the trans­ There being no objection, the resolu­ through foreign territory.
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