בס"ד הטמאים אף הקב את "ה הר מט מט הר א וה ק ת י מ ש ה ר מ א Building Taharah ל כמנין$151 . .. מקו"ה .. ן א רי ש טה ריכ מ in North America ם י תם שראל לפני מי א בי"ם א ם שוב רפה בני משו בו בת שו יכ ם 72 כמנין$360 Mikvaos have already שובבי"ם .. been completed with our . .. ה' ש ו ם .assistance ב ו ו ב נא נים שובבי"ם 49 Desperately needed mikvah “Building a mikvah precedes building a projects are progressing Bais Knesses, purchasing a Sefer Torah, quickly. and all mitzvos.” (The Chofetz Chaim, zt”l, Sefer Bais Yisroel, Perek 3) 02 03 04 13 14 Letters of support from Why is taharah so Completed Voices of In less than one year - so Gedolei Hador, shlit”a important? mikvaos Appreciation many celebrations Shovavim 16 18 20 22 23 24 5779 Ongoing Mikvah Become a Partner! Taharah advances, 250 seminars The Gedolei Yisroel, zt”l, Dedications Projects It’s Easy and Affordable! day after day in 3 years Speak in One Voice USA Why is taharah so important? Taharah….. $151 . Letters The unique foundation of Klal Yisroel and every Jewish home The siyata d’Shmaya that we see is spectacular. Every project is taharah, purity. of support from has obstacles and setbacks, but in the end, the mikvah is When there is a beautiful and welcoming mikvah in a built with more success than we could have ever imagined. community, families observe taharah. And, tragically, in the shlit”a There are more amazing stories than we can keep track of בי"ם “ א שוב רפה absence of that type of mikvah, many families who otherwise נים מש in mikvah after mikvah. There are also countless stories of ו ב וב Gedolei Hador keep significant mitzvos such as Shabbos and kashrus do וב תי donors who saw miraculous yeshuos after partnering in a ש כ not keep taharas hamishpacha. Once a community has ם a beautiful, inviting mikvah of its own, the community mikvah project. flourishes and residents are drawn to grow in taharah and We turn to the public for help. There are forty-nine ongoing $360 their connection to Hashem. projects that still require your assistance in order for Mikvah USA is without peer in its revolutionary taharah work them to be completed. Advancing the cause of taharah is כמנין across North America. The landscape of taharas Yisroel has particularly special during the days of Shovevim. Please completely changed in just over a decade. Mikvah USA has join us and partner in this mission. The zechus and s’char שובבי"ם .. completed, or is in the midst of completing, a total of 121 . !mikvah projects in communities across the continent. for doing so are unbelievable . ה' ש ו ם Virtually none of these communities had a realistic chance We would like to thank you in advance for participating in ב ו או בני ם נ .of completing a successful mikvah project on their own. this incredible mission ם שובבי" Sincerely, Rabbi Yitzchok Bistritzky, Founder and President Board Members: Reb Yosef Ausch, Reb Yoel Israel, Reb Hershel Indig, Reb Moshe Grunhut, Reb Moshe Greenfeld, Reb Aryeh (Lenny) Wassner, Reb Yaakov Weinreb, Reb Zelig Mendlowitz, Reb Shlomo Frand, Rabbi Eliezer Kestenbaum, shlit”a, Reb Dovid Schreiber 3 להרבות טהרה בישראל ימי השובבים תשע"ט 2 ם שובבי"ם בני ארפ ובו ה ש מש וב תי כ $360 ם Completed Mikvaos Built with the help of Mikvah USA 72 כמנין . שובבי"ם . ש ו ב .. ו '. ב ה נים ום ש ובבי"ם נא Completed Fairfield, CT Hillside, NJ Skulener ith the help of Built w vaos Mikvaos Dedications: Dedications: Rebbe, zt"l Mik 07 Greenfield family, in memory 08 Reb Yosef Aryeh Brunner, of the Taharas Yom Tov, zt”l; Reb Yehuda Gutwein, Reb group of Bnos Yisroel, to merit Aharon Herzog, Reb Avrohom ah USA a zivug hagun Yuda Mandel, Reb Yaakov Mikv Weinreb (Board Member), Reb Binyomin Indig Ashland, OR Bakersfield, CA Irvine, CA McKeesport, PA Dedications: Dedications: Bor Tevillah – Rav Tovia Dedications: 01 Anonymous, Reb Shimon 02 Mikvah Simcha Yisroel 09 Gross, shlit”a, in memory 10 Anonymous, to merit Glick, Reb Mechel Gruss, – Reb Yoel Schreiber, of his father, Rav Moshe success for his family; Reb Wolf Zicherman, Reb in memory of his ben Reb Sinai Yehuda, z”l group of Bnos Tzion Bobov, Yaakov Weinreb (Board grandfather, Simcha to merit healthy children Member); Mikvah Room – Yisroel Orgel, z”l Anonymous ”A mikvah is a Dayton, OH Dunwoody, GA NE Philadelphia, PA Portland, ME segulah Dedications: Dedications: Dedications: Dedications: Bor Tevillah – Reb Moshe Anonymous – to merit Reb Boruch Tzvi Feder, Group of avreichim 03 04 a refuah shelaima, Reb 11 Reb Yoel Katz, Keren Be’er 12 for anyone Greenfield (Board Member), in memory of his great ancestor, Aharon Wettenstein; group Hasadeh; Bor Tevillah – the Taharas Yom Tov, zt”l, who of Bnos Yisroel, to merit Anonymous who finds was renowned for spreading a zivug hagun; Bor Mei taharah Geshamim – Anonymous himself in East Cherry Hill, NJ East Denver, CO Redondo Beach, CA Sacramento, CA a tzarah.” Dedications: Dedications: Dedications: Dedications: 05 Anonymous, to merit a refuah 06 Reb Naftali Indig, Reb Shlomo 13 Rav Yekusiel Yitzchok 14 Two parlor meetings, in shelaima; Reb Ezra Birnbaum, Klinger, Rav Zalman Leib Schwartz, shlit”a, Rav Monsey and Kiryas Yoel, Mr. Melly Lifshitz Wagschal, shlit”a, Reb Yaakov of Brodt to merit healthy children ים אף הקב"ה מ (Weinreb (Board Member טמא טהר ה א את ת י ש הר ר ט אל מ ה קו מ ה מ Completed Mikvaos $151 כמנין . מקו"ה ן רי ה ט מ ם ... את אש מי ימי השובבים תשע"ט להרבות טהרה בישראל ריכם פני 5 4 ישראל ל ם שובבי"ם בני ארפ ובו ה ש מש וב תי כ ם Completed Mikvaos Built with the help of Mikvah USA 72 Completed Mikvaos Built with the help of Mikvah USA 72 כמנין$360 . שובבי"ם . ש ו ב .. ו ה'. - Rav בני ם ם ו ש ובבי"ם נא Spokane, WA Springfield, NJ Oceanside, NY * Port Washington, NY Shlomo of Dedications: Dedications: Dedications: Zhvill, zt"l Bor Tevillah – Anonymous; Avreichei Kehillas Krula, Rav Lipa Geldwerth, shlit”a, Rav Dedications: 15 Bor Mei Geshamim – group of 16 Williamsburg; Reb Boruch of Khal Kol Torah, in memory of Avreichei Kehillas Krula, 23 24 Williamsburg; Reb Shimon Glick; avreichim, to merit healthy children; Ber Ungarischer, Reb his wife, Brana bas Reb Boruch Gershon Banet, Reb Naftali Reb Mechel Gruss; Reb Yechezkel Bor Mei Geshamim – Anonymous; Hakohein, a"h Kauftheil; Reb Yaakov Weinreb Shaar Chaim – Reb Moshe Grunhut and Reb Hershel Indig (Board Member); Anonymous, (Board Member); Shaar Shalom – (Board Member); Cheder * Rebuilt following as a zechus to meet a pressing Anonymous; Shaar Yosef V’zugaso Hatevillah – Reb Chaim Hurricane Sandy challenge – Anonymous Yuda Lefkowitz Stamford, CT Yorba Linda, CA Port Washington, NY* New Hyde Park, NY Dedications: Dedications: Dedications: Dedications: Mikvah Name – in memory of 17 Reb Yoel Greenfeld, Reb Bor Tevillah – Weinberger Anonymous; Bor Tevillah – 18 25 26 the tzaddikim of Radaschitz Naftali Solomon; group family; Bor Mei Geshamim – Anonymous and Ribnitz, zt”l; Bor Tevillah of Bnos Satmar, to merit Anonymous Recent Renovation: – Frank family, in memory healthy children of Breindel bas Reb Chaim, In memory of Rachel bas Reb a"h; Bor Mei Geshamim – in * Rebuilt following Mattisyahu, a”h, and Chynka Zlata memory of Reb Tzvi Yaakov Hurricane Sandy bas HaRav Dov Berish, a”h ben Reb Chaim Wolf, a"h The Geulah will be Nashville, TN Jacksonville, FL Malden, MA West Cherry Hill, NJ Dedications: brought Dedications: Dedications: Dedications: Lippel Family - Learning Bor Tevillah – Werzberger Mikvah Building – Siblings, Bor Tevillah – Reb Yosef Center, Eli Karman, parlor 19 20 in memory of their father; Bor 27 28 closer family; Bor Mei Geshamim – Aryeh Brunner; General meeting in home of Motty Reb Chaim Yuda Lefkowitz; Tevillah – Reb Moshe Grunhut Donation – parlor meeting Zilberberg; Bor Tevillah – General Donation – Anonymous (Board Member), Reb Shmuel in home of Yarmark and group of avreichim, to merit by the Rabinowitz, Reb Yitzchok Levovitz families healthy children for one Menachem Hass, Reb Hershel member; Bor Mei Geshamim Indig (Board Member) – Reb Yoel Retek mikvaos that will be Park Slope ,NY Oceanside, NY Dix Hills, NY Belle Harbor, NY built. Dedications: Dedications: Dedications: Dedications: 21 Bor Tevillah – Anonymous; 22 Rav Elya Brudny, shlit”a, Rosh 29 Mikvah Mei Toba – Reb 30 Reb Shmuel Klein, Reb General Donation – Rav Yeshivah, Mirrer Yeshiva of Shlomo Weber, in memory Berl Ziskind, Reb Michoel Yesod Tzaddik 265 Avrohom Meir Bierman, Brooklyn, in memory of his wife, of his mother, Toba Rechil Garfinkel, Reb Ralph shlit”a, Reb Tovia Pesha Gila bas Reb Nochum bas Reb Ezriel, a”h; Bor Mei Herzka ים אף הקב"ה מ טמא טהר ה א את ת י Fleishman; Anonymous, in Zev, a"h Geshamim – in memory ש הר ר ט אל מ Completed Mikvaos memory of Chana bas Reb of Reb Dovid Yosef ben ה קו מ ה מ Menachem, a"h Shlomo, z”l, and Rochel bas $151 כמנין Avraham Yakov, a”h . מקו"ה ן רי ה ט מ ם ימי השובבים תשע"ט להרבות טהרה בישראל ... את 7 6 א שרי מי כם ישראל לפני ם שובבי"ם בני ארפ ובו ה ש מש וב תי כ $360 ם Completed Mikvaos Built with the help of Mikvah USA 72 Completed Mikvaos Built with the help of Mikvah USA 72 כמנין . שובבי"ם . ש ו ב .
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