An Associated Collegiate Press Pacemaker Award Winner THE Body image a growing Men's lacrosse loses in concern among men, playoffs, Bl B8 250 University Center University of Delaware Newark, DE 19716 Thesday & Friday • • .FREE Volume 130, tssue 50 ' www.review.udel.edu May 7, 2004 Roadwork affects Roselle Newark traffic gzves• BY DA:'\IELLE RABI!'\ munity has more bikers and pede tri­ Sw/1 Reporter ans than most suburban settings. annual The Delaware Department of The Metropolitan Planning TransportatiOn began road'' ork Organization m ewark propo ed the Monda: to mstall btcycle paths and idea that this ''as a good potential sidewalks on Paper :V1ill Road from location to install bicycle paths and Cle' eland A\ enue to Possum Park tdewalks. update Road. ''They wanted to have better and M1chele Ackles. manager of pub­ safer area for people to walk and ride lic relattons for DelDot. said there will their bikes." she said. not be se,·ere lane restnctions. Richard Ferrara. admini trative BY GRETA K:'IIAPP Stalf Reporter She said no roads ''ill be com­ a sistant for Greggo and Ferrara, said The uni,·erstt) ts workmg to pletely closed, but the; ''ill instead the firm was selected to do the con­ enhance music and art on campus. close one portion of the lane on either tracting for this project by an open bid­ embrace anisnc mvestments and ~ande side of the road. ding process. toward tmproYing practice and perform­ "There isn't really a place you can He said they put out their draw­ THE REVIEW 'Katie Gra.o;<;o ha' e construction wtthout causmg ing and speculations for the project, Construction to build sidewalks and bicycle paths is partially closing ance space for musicians. Pre~1dent Da\ 1d P. Roselle ~a;d m a -;peech some kmd of mconvenience," Ackles as well as the projected cost, and lanes on Paper Mill Road, Possum Park Road and Cleveland Avenue. Tuesday. said. DelDot selected them. The predommant traffic 'olumes The four and a half mile stretch of delays until he is within the university me," Rodgers said. '"It's just another Roselle addressed these reno\ anon~ arc m the early morning and late after­ land will have bicycle paths and side­ area in Newark. headache." and other recent proJect- undenaken b~ the uni\ ersit) dunng hts annual noon. Ackles sat d. and the) are making walks installed. He said he could not imagine the Ferrara aid it is inevitable that the ··Unt\ersit~ Update.. speech to the all attempts to a\oid trat1ic problems Ferrara said they will also "hot delays that will occur with another proJect will tmpinge on motori ts, but by h<n ing the construction done from 9 mix." or lay out new asphalt. portion of the city starting construc­ they tried to design plans that would Umverslt) of Delaware A>socJatJon of a.m. to -l p.m. They expect to complete the proj­ tion. minimize the amount of problem . Retired Facult} at 1ts quanerl~ meetmg "We are avoidmg peak hours to ect by the end of November. "I ah·ead) budget myself a certain "It's a pretty simple project actu­ in Clay1on Hall. help traffic move more smoothly," she Sophomore Jeff Rodgers. a com­ amount of time for expected delays. ally." Ferrara said. ··It's not too com­ Roselle spoke about the current said. muter who resides in ew Castle, said and with the possibilit) of more traffic plicated. There ts JUSt a lot of land to plans for the construcuon of three donni­ tones de,Igned to replace Pencader resi­ Ackles said the uni,ersit) com- he does not experience hea\ y traffic occurring, this\\ til only be a burden to CO\ er and it has to be done.·· dence halls, the renovatiOn of an Earlv Learnmg Center otT of \\: ommg Road and the construction of the ~tamott hotel on Route ~96. scheduled to open in October. He also pointed to a fe\\ large. Iraqi prisoner abuse reports escalate ex pen 1\ e purchases and propo~ab mtended to support the art::.. He said the accomplishments of uni­ BY A:'IIDRE:W A:\lSLER not undermined but also to keep the homeland safe. officials noted a pattern of abuse m the Abu Ghmrb versity 'tudents are progres~l\ el) n'mg C opr Eduor "What happened in Iraq ·s prisons IS appalling prison as early as o\'ember 2003. each year, with the mcommg class of Just weeks after the public saw pictures of U.S. and must be addressed with far more urgency than The abuse included. but was not limited to. the 2008 ha\ 111!! the highest academic scores soldier in western Baghdad subjecting Iraqi prison­ the administration has demonstrated so far:· he said. sexual assault of an Iraqi detainee with a chemical vet. - A~ the academic cal­ ers to abuse and humiliatiOn for the first time. "It's the smgle most damaging act to our mterests in light stick or broomstick and the humiliatiOn of pns­ ;ber of students continues to mcrease. he numerous la'' makers are furious that they were not the region in the Ia t decade. and it w1ll negatively oners \\ ith demeanmg activities. said. 11 IS Important to prO\ ide nunuring told of the abuses earlier. affect our national securit)." Beth Anne Tupin, spokeswoman ~ r Amne t) facll1tie for thetr anisuc interesh. According to an article in "The ew Yorker" President George W. Bush and ational Security International, a worldwide human right watchdog .. The better the student is. the more magazine, a 53-page classtfied U.S. military report Adviser Condoleeza Rice both appeared on Arab organization, said the allegations are conststent with like!; the) are to do somethmg related to detailed several counts of pnsoner abuse at the Abu news networks Wednesday morning to reassure peo­ reports recei,·ed b) AI. the art , and 111 particular. do something Ghraib pnson in Iraq. Pictures confirming these alle­ ple in the Middle East that these actions are unac­ Since the beginning of the war. AI officials ha\e related to mus1c:· Roselle sa1d. ··and the gations'' ere also made public on CBS's "60 Minutes ceptable and will be addressed. received numerous reports of widespread pnson fact of the matter 1s our fact lilies are not If' on Apnl 28. "People in Iraq must understand that I view abuse by both U.S. and British forces in Iraq. adequate to handle them:· A more recent report made public by the those practices as abhorrent.'' Bush told the U.S.­ ''Until now, imestigation by either country has Roselle smd the creanon of the ne'' Associated Press \Vednesdav confirms that 14 inves­ sponsored Alhurra network. ··we're an open society. not been forthcommg."' she said. $42 mdhon Center for the Arts bt11ldmg. tigations of pnsoner abuse ·tn Iraq and Afghanistan, We're a society that is going to investigate, fully For this reason. she said. AI has called for an predicted to open in ~006. will cater to including those that have been ruled homicides. have investigate. in this case. "hat took place in that impartial international investigation, the re ults of the needs of both performmg mus1c1ans taken place smce late ovember. prison." which should be made public. and for those re pon­ and pract1c111g amateurs. The resulting political firestonn has many law­ Military officials ha\e outwardly condemned ible to be held accountable. De tgned to be built off of Orchard makers questioning the actions of military and gov­ the actions of the soldiers involved but ha\ e main­ Howe\ er, Cassella aid the actions of the se\ en Road. the center'' 1ll span 9~.000 square ernment officials. tained that they are the actions of a few and do not U.S. soldiers in que ·tion ha\ e been im e tigated feet and is expected to be large enough to Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld will testify reflect the actions of all men and women in the under the terms of Article 32 in the militar: code, hold the 310 member marchmg band, as today 111 a two-hour open hearing before the Senate armed forces. which is the equi\ alent of a grand jur: inve tigation. well as pronding 32 separate practice Armed Sen ice Committee. Army Lt. Col. James Ca sella. spokesman for Three of the investigations have been complet­ rooms. he said. Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr., D-Del., said in an the Pentagon, said the events are a tragic mis-state­ ed, and the deci ion has been made to go forward "Basically my 'tew of the Center interview Wednesday morning that bringing th ose ment of U.S. intentions in Iraq. with a court martial, two ha,·e been delayed, one IS for the Ans is it should be a place where responsible to justice is necessary. ''This is not representative in any way of our ongoing and one has been dropped. he said. Similar people can dCYelop the1r talent and peo­ "Accountability ts essential." he said. '·So the service members or the way we conduct our actions," investigations ha' e been launched to a ess the prac­ ple can showcase their talents ... Roselle question for me is what did Secretary Rumsfeld and he said. tices of the U.S. intelligence community and the said. others m the Pentagon know. when did they know it. The allegations of abuse date back to early training involved in interrogating prisoners. Funher ded1cauon to the arts wa and what dtd the\ do about it. January, Cassella said, when a soldier told his supe­ "We will get to the bottom of it, and we will find expressed, Roselle sa1d.
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