PAMPHLET INSTRUCTIONS )HSSV[PUMVYTH[PVUMVYLHJOVM[OLX\HSPÄLKWVSP[PJHSWHY[PLZPZWYV]PKLKPU[OPZ ZHTWSLIHSSV[HUK]V[LYPUMVYTH[PVUWHTWOSL[(ZLWHYH[LZHTWSLVMLHJO WHY[`»ZVMÄJPHSIHSSV[^P[O[OLPYJHUKPKH[LZMVY7YLZPKLU[HUK*V\U[`*LU[YHS *VTTP[[LL PZ WYV]PKLK ;OL YLZ[ VM [OL VMÄJLZ HUK TLHZ\YLZ ZOV^U PU [OLZHTWSLIHSSV[HYLMVYHSS]V[LYZ*VTIPUPUN[OPZPUMVYTH[PVUZPNUPÄJHU[S` YLK\JLZJVZ[ 3VVRPU[OLIS\LISVJRVU[OLIHJRJV]LYVM[OPZWHTWOSL[[V]LYPM``V\YWHY[` YLNPZ[YH[PVU()*@V\^PSSILPZZ\LKHIHSSV[MVY[OH[WHY[` AI American Independent LIB Libertarian DEM Democrat PF Peace & Freedom GRN Green REP Republican 1. ;OL ÄYZ[ WHNLZ VM `V\Y WHTWOSL[ OH]L PTWVY[HU[ PUMVYTH[PVU HUK PUZ[Y\J[PVUZ-PUK`V\YWHY[`»ZJHUKPKH[LZMVY7YLZPKLU[HUK*V\U[` *LU[YHS*VTTP[[LLKPYLJ[S`HM[LY;OLVYKLYVM[OLWHY[PLZPZIHZLK on voter registration; the party with the most registered voters HWWLHYZÄYZ[ 2. -PUK[OLYLZ[VM`V\YZHTWSLIHSSV[ZOV^PUNHSSVMÄJLZHUKTLHZ\YLZ [OH[ `V\ HYL LSPNPISL [V ]V[L VU H[ [OL MVSSV^PUN ZLJ[PVU [P[SLK ¸*65;05<,+=V[LY5VTPUH[LKHUK5VUWHY[PZHU6MÄJLZ¹ 3. :VTLJHUKPKH[LZOH]L[OLVW[PVUVMZ\ITP[[PUNHZ[H[LTLU[VM[OLPY X\HSPÄJH[PVUZ @V\ ^PSS ÄUK [OLZL Z[H[LTLU[Z HUK V[OLY LSLJ[PVU YLSH[LKPUMVYTH[PVUMVSSV^PUN`V\YZHTWSLIHSSV[WHNLZ FP-02-15 T SD 029-001 IMPORTANT ELECTION INFORMATION Mail Ballot Voters 0-@6<+,*0+,;6=6;,(;@6<9763305.73(*,)905.@6<9 4(03)(336;;6:<99,5+,9;6;/,7633>692,9: MAY 9, 2016 9egistrar of =oters begins mailing ofÄcial ballots to voters. JUNE 1, 2016 4(IL your ballot by this date to have your ballot in the Ärst Election 5ight Count. JUNE 7, 2016 ELECTI65 D(@. If dropping off your ballot it 4<:T be received by the 9egistrar of =oters or a poll worker no later than pm on this date. If mailing in your ballot it 4<:T be postmarked by this date and received by the 9egistrar of =oters no later than the Friday after Election Day for it to count. Track your mail ballot at www.sdvote.com, ¸Check @our =oter 9egistration.¹ Polling Place Voters @our polling place may have changed since you last voted ¶ check the back of this pamphlet for your assigned polling place. @ou can also check online at www.sdvote.com, ¸Check @our =oter 9egistration¹. If your polling place changes after you receive this pamphlet, we will mail you a ¸Change of 7olling 7lace 5otice¹ postcard. All Voters MAY 23, 2016 Last day to register to vote. TAKE A FRONT ROW SEAT TO DEMOCRACY :erve your community as a 7oll >orker" no e_perience necessary, training is provided. Complete the application inside the back cover of this pamphlet. FP-02-20 T SD 029-002 IMPORTANT ELECTION INFORMATION Voters With Specific Needs To receive elections materials in Spanish, Filipino, or Vietnamese language please call 858-565-5800 or toll free 800-696-0136. For election materials in Chinese, please call 858-505-7254 or 800-696-0136. Para solicitar información sobre los servicios de votación disponibles en Español, llame al 858-565-5800 o gratis al 800-696-0136 Tumawag sa 858-565-5800 o 800-696-0136 upang magtanong tungkoI sa mga serbisyo sa pagboto na makukuha sa wikang Filipino ;LQJӑLVӕKRһFÿӇKӓLYӅFiFGӏFKYө EҫX Fӱ EҵQJ WLӃQJ 9LӋW 您若需要中文的選舉資訊或需提供中文服務, 請致電聯絡 858-505-7254 或 800-696-0136。 Touchscreen Voting A touchscreen will be available at each polling location. Each touchscreen is eXuipped with a headset and a telephonestyle keypad for audiobased voting. :peciÄc audio touchscreen voting instructions will also be available at each polling location. Accessible Polling Locations >e strive to ensure that polling locations are accessible to every voter. Look for a @E: or 56 below this symbol on the back cover of this pamphlet to tell whether your poll is accessible. If it is not, call for alternative voting methods. @ou may reXuest to have a ballot brought to an accessible location as near as possible outside the polls. @ou may also select the assistance of not more than two persons to help you complete your ballot. The 9egistrar of Voters 6fÄce has a TDD Telecommunications Device for the Deaf. For assistance, please call . FP-02-21 T SD 029-003 VOTING INSTRUCTIONS FP-01-01 T SD 029-004 VOTING INSTRUCTIONS FP-02-01 T SD 029-005 TOUCHSCREEN VOTING INSTRUCTIONS FP-01-02 T SD 029-006 It’s here! The Sample Ballot & Voter Information Guide delivered to your mailbox. inbox Sign-up now to receive future Guides electronically – not only will you be LHY[OMYPLUKS``V\»SSNL[[OPZPUMVYTH[PVUÄYZ[0[»ZMHZ[LY JVU]LUPLU[HS^H`ZH]HPSHISLHUKWYVTV[LZHZ\Z[HPUHISLM\[\YL For information on how you can sign-up go to www.sdvote.com FP-02-22 T SD 029-007 OFFICIAL BALLOT - DEMOCRATIC SAN DIEGO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA PRESIDENTIAL PRIMARY ELECTION JUNE 7, 2016 Party-Nominated Offices COUNTY CENTRAL COMMITTEE Only voters who disclosed a preference upon registering 71ST ASSEMBLY DISTRICT to vote for the same party as the candidate seeking the Vote for no more than Six nomination of any party for the Presidency or election to a JUDITH K. WALTERS party committee may vote for that candidate at the primary Incumbent election, unless the party has adopted a rule to permit non- party voters to vote in its primary elections. J. ERIC HEREFORD Incumbent FEDERAL OFFICE ROBERT GRAND PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES Central Committee Alternate (Presidential Preference) Vote for One CHRIS PEARSON E Incumbent KEITH JUDD BONNIE B PRICE Appointed Member, LCentral Committee MICHAEL STEINBERG CHRISTINA "TINA" RYNBERG Central Committee Member BERNIE SANDERS P MARILYN RILEY Central Committee Delegate WILLIE WILSON Write-In ROQUE DE LA FUENTE M Write-In HILLARY CLINTON A Write-In HENRY HEWES Write-In Write-InS Write-In COUNTY COMMITTEE Write-In 512DEC41 1033 00018 01 T SD 029-008 OFFICIAL BALLOT - REPUBLICAN SAN DIEGO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA PRESIDENTIAL PRIMARY ELECTION JUNE 7, 2016 Party-Nominated Offices Only voters who disclosed a preference upon registering to vote for the same party as the candidate seeking the nomination of any party for the Presidency or election to a party committee may vote for that candidate at the primary election, unless the party has adopted a rule to permit non- party voters to vote in its primary elections. FEDERAL OFFICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES (Presidential Preference) Vote for One E DONALD TRUMP L BEN CARSON TED CRUZ P JOHN R. KASICH JIM GILMORE M Write-In A S B34F58C4 1033 00019 01 T SD 029-009 OFFICIAL BALLOT - REPUBLICAN SAN DIEGO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA PRESIDENTIAL PRIMARY ELECTION JUNE 7, 2016 COUNTY COMMITTEE RONN HALL Santee Council Member COUNTY CENTRAL COMMITTEE 71ST ASSEMBLY DISTRICT KEN S. HANSEN Retired Civ il Serv ice Vote for no more than Six CORRINE BUSTA LEO HAMEL Local Businesswoman Small Business Ow ner STEVEN ESPARZA FRANK I. HILLIKER Nav al Intelligence Farmer/Businessman BRIAN W. JONES ROBERT MAUPIN Assemblymember E Retired CEO STEVE JOHNSON ERIC ANDERSEN Businessman/Boardmember Small Business Ow nerL ALICIA M. OWENS LOUIS RUSSO Certified Public Accountant Retired Marine Officer RON NEHRING PWrite-In Small Businessman/Educator HAROLD TURNER Write-In Captain DAN SUMMERS M Write-In Retired Paramedic/Businessman ALLYSON SMITH Write-In Medical Professional WriterA JACK E DALE Write-In Santee Council Member JIM KELLY Write-In SmallS Businessman MASON HERRON Small Business Owner E1ECF034 1033 00019 02 T SD 029-010 OFFICIAL BALLOT - AMERICAN INDEPENDENT SAN DIEGO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA PRESIDENTIAL PRIMARY ELECTION JUNE 7, 2016 Party-Nominated Offices Only voters who disclosed a preference upon registering to vote for the same party as the candidate seeking the nomination of any party for the Presidency or election to a party committee may vote for that candidate at the primary election, unless the party has adopted a rule to permit non- party voters to vote in its primary elections. FEDERAL OFFICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES (Presidential Preference) Vote for One E ROBERT ORNELAS L ALAN SPEARS WILEY DRAKE P JAMES HEDGES THOMAS HOEFLING M ARTHUR HARRIS A J.R. MYERS Write-InS E74B6984 1033 00004 01 T SD 029-011 OFFICIAL BALLOT - LIBERTARIAN SAN DIEGO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA PRESIDENTIAL PRIMARY ELECTION JUNE 7, 2016 Party-Nominated Offices PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES Only voters who disclosed a preference upon registering (Presidential Preference) to vote for the same party as the candidate seeking the Vote for One nomination of any party for the Presidency or election to a DERRICK M. REID party committee may vote for that candidate at the primary election, unless the party has adopted a rule to permit non- party voters to vote in its primary elections. JACK ROBINSON, JR. FEDERAL OFFICE GARY JOHNSON MARC FELDMAN E RHETT WHITE FEATHERL SMITH PJOY WAYMIRE STEVE KERBEL M JOHN HALE JOHN MCAFEE A CECIL INCE AUSTIN PETERSEN S DARRYL W. PERRY Write-In 166F2D5C 1033 00052 01 T SD 029-012 OFFICIAL BALLOT - GREEN SAN DIEGO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA PRESIDENTIAL PRIMARY ELECTION JUNE 7, 2016 Party-Nominated Offices Only voters who disclosed a preference upon registering to vote for the same party as the candidate seeking the nomination of any party for the Presidency or election to a party committee may vote for that candidate at the primary election, unless the party has adopted a rule to permit non- party voters to vote in its primary elections. FEDERAL OFFICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES (Presidential Candidate Preference) Vote for (one) candidate E Delegates to the national convention will be selected after the primary election. L JILL STEIN DARRYL CHERNEY P WILLIAM KREML KENT MESPLAY M SEDINAM MOYOWASIFSA-CURRYA Write-InS CDF2F1F2 1033 00005 01 T SD 029-013 OFFICIAL BALLOT - PEACE & FREEDOM SAN DIEGO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA PRESIDENTIAL PRIMARY ELECTION JUNE 7, 2016 Party-Nominated Offices Only voters who disclosed a preference upon registering to vote for the same party as the candidate seeking the nomination of any party for the Presidency or election to a party committee may vote for that candidate at the primary election, unless the party has adopted a rule to permit non- party voters to vote in its primary elections.
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