southeast asia September-October, 1977, M. C. (P) No.111 124/1/7711b 4 14111 • Da ^P.! John Hancock, with animated accordian, Winston De Haven and juvenile Pathfinders engage in action songs. "Phew! It's hot!" So thought all the pathfinders on Saturday September 17 as they assembled for inspection on the quadrangle at Southeast Asia Union College. This was Pathfinder Day, an event held around the world in September of each year. It was a time of fun, fellowship, and formalities. Thirteen Pathfinders were invested as Master Guides during the afternoon meeting. Pastor John Hancock gave the message and together with Pastor Winston De Haven, [Continued on page 10.] aziWeser 1978 - Lay Evangelism Year Published bi-monthly as the official organ of the South- east Asia Union Mission of Seventh-day Adventists, 251 Upper Serangoon Road, Singapore, 13. Yearly Subscription Price S2.50 (U.S.) Editor Jill Warden Parchment By W. L. Wilcox, President Circulation Manager Esther Donato Southeast Asia Union Mission "Contributing Editors" throughodt our Union field are: MISSIONS: Sabah Miss. Hon Yin Kong Sarawak Pastor Paull Dixon The Southeast Asia Union Mission committee recently voted Thailand Mrs. Art Bell W. Malaysia-Singapore Pastor T. K. Chong that 1978 would be proclaimed "Lay Evangelism Year." This is a very timely action. Never before in the history of the world INSTITUTIONS: have so many signs so strikingly revealed the fact that the Southeast Asia Union College Mrs. Maggie Tan Bangkok Adventist Hospital . Mrs. Loretta Alspaugh coming of Jesus is indeed very near. Head Yai Mission Hospital Mrs. Art Elumir Penang Adventist Hospital Mr. E. J. Heisler The message of the soon-return of Jesus needs to be pro- Phuket Mission Hospital Mrs. Jane Crider claimed everywhere—in the large cities that are found through- Youngberg Adventist Memorial Hosp . Mr. Peter Foo Chiengmai Academy Mrs. Pam Kopitzke out our Union, in the villages out in the ulus, along the rivers, down in the valleys, up in the mountains, along the highways and byways! However, 1978 is to be a year when a great and 1977, M. C. IPI No. 124/1/77 SOUTHEAST ASIA UNION MISSION new emphasis is to be placed on the preaching of the Word of OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS God by our faithful laymen. DIRECTORY W. L. Wilcox President Every Talent Needed Daniel Tan Secretary R. C. Thompson Treasurer Every member of God's remnant church must respond to the H. H. Kong Assistant Treasurer call of evangelism. There are those who can proclaim the Edmund Ho Auditor R. L. Heisler Lay Activities & S. S. message in the large cities. Others have special talent for R. M. Sellers Publishing reaching their own village people. Some can preach, others L. Bissell Education, Stewardship R. C. Thompson Health can make personal contacts, give Bible studies and enroll B. U. Donato M. V., P. R. & Temperance people in the Voice of Prophecy Bible courses. Others can sell and distribute our literature, or give out tracts. Many have SABAH MISSION talents that have not yet been tapped. Plans are being made President J. Thurmon now, and materials are being prepared so that every layman Secretary C S. Gaban Treasurer & Auditor Peter Wong can hold lay evangelistic meetings wherever possible. P. 0. Box 7, Tamparuli, Sabah, East Malaysia Gear Up! SARAWAK MISSION President Paull Dixon Now is the time for us to gear up for the greatest evange- Secretary Geoffrey Pauner Treasurer 8- Auditor Gilbert Maju listic thrust this Union has ever witnessed. Workers and laymen P. 0. Box 41, Kuching, Sarawak working shoulder to shoulder in evangelism throughout this THAILAND MISSION Union is our goal. Remember, being Christlike is being evange- (INCLUDING LAOS) listic. May all of God's people take seriously this call to total President Sunti Sorajjakool evangelism for 1978! Sec-Treasurer & Auditor H. I. Lukman P. O. Box 11/234, Bangkok, Thailand WEST-MALAYSIA — SINGAPORE MISSION President T. K. Chong The Man God Made Again . Who? and How? Read Sec-Treasurer Et Auditor C. B. Lim pages 6, 7. 166-A Jalan Bukit Bintang, Kuala Lumpur 06-26 Selangor, Peninsular Malaysia A Premiere Performance in Southeast Asia Union Mission . What? and Where? Read pages 7, 8. Photo credits in this issue go to: Jane Allen pages 7, 8; Paull Dixon page 5; Bernie Donato pages 1,9,10,11, 16; Peter Foo page 13; Hon Yin Kon page 4; V.N. Editorial Advisors and assistants: Elaine Thompson, Audrey Joseph page 14; James Lim page 5; Ralph Sellers page 6; Sunti Sorajjakool page 6. Wilcox, Alwin Parchment. September-October THE MESSENGER 3 Daniel Tan and Sister Maggie Tan for their long years of loving service to God's cause. They have gone far beyond the call of duty and have carried heavy work loads because of their love for the Master. Though we cannot repay them for what they have accomplished in the cause of God, yet such dedicated service will be rewarded by God in the earth made new. It was very reassuring to have Pastor Tan in the Union office with whom we could often counsel in solving the many problems that Daniel and Maggie during a relaxed moment at home. come up in a Union so divergent and of such an extent as is South- east Asia Union. At times we trav- Tans' Departure Great Loss eled together to solve large prob- lems in various missions and organi- to Southeast Asia Union zations throughout this Union. Now that the Tans are leaving, they will After rendering combined services acknowledged her varied talents, surely be missed, not only by our of more than 63 years in Southeast notably her efficiency, meticulous- field generally, but in particular here Asia, Elder and Mrs. Daniel Tan ness, and dispatch with which she in our Union office and Southeast have decided to join their three discharges her duties. Asia Union College. children in the United States in the In 1964 the family traveled to the The wise man Solomon has said near future. United States to attend Andrews there is a time for many things. Elder Tan is a man of many cap- University. During that year both I suppose if he were here today, he abilities. As a young man, in Octo- Pastor and Mrs. Tan obtained their would say, "There is a time to ber, 1939, he began denominational Masters degrees. Their untiring ef- come and a time to go." Pastor and work in the Sarawak Mission as a forts on behalf of the educational Sister Tan feel as if it is time for secondary school teacher and book- work and in particular the expan- them to go. With great reluctance keeper. Since then his versatility sion of Southeast Asia Union Col- we have consented to their request. has enabled him to hold success- lege are truly appreciated. As they will be leaving the last of fully various positions in the Lord's We shall miss them but never- October 1977 from Singapore, we vineyard: teacher, registrar, princi- theless wish them the Lord's richest want to wish them Godspeed, and pal, college president and union blessings as they make their home His blessing on their future work secretary. in the land of their adoption.—S. F. and activities. We know that as If one desires to consult a leader Chu they leave their field, a good share with a kind and sympathetic heart, of their hearts will be left behind he can always freely approach soft- The Tans Much Missed and they will always remember the spoken Elder Tan who has on many in SAUM work here and pray for its contin- occasions gone the second mile to ued progress.—Pastor W. Wilcox assist a fellow worker. For 36 years now Pastor Tan has His wife, Mrs. Maggie Tan, com- dedicated his life to the Lord's Tans' Future Address menced her service with the mission cause in Southeast Asia. As teacher, in April, 1951, and has since de- college administrator and lastly, as Pastor Er Mrs. Daniel Tan will be voted her capabilities to the our Union Secretary. Sister Maggie taking up residence in November at: advancement of the Seventh-day Tan has also given almost the same 10950 Campus Street Adventist secondary school and number of years in service to the Loma Linda Southeast Asia Union College. Lord. Words are inadequate to por- California 92354 Those who associate with her have tray our heartfelt thanks to Pastor U. S. A. 4 THE MESSENGER September-October Myrtle Moves After serving eight years in Singapore, Myrtle Fitzgerald re- sponded to a call from Bangkok Julie Wins Sister Julie's enthusiasm and good Christ- ian spirit all three of them enrolled Adventist Hospital to be Dean of and Brothers Nurses there. A very capable, ver- in the baptismal class conducted by satile person, Myrtle speaks fluent Julie Szeto Siew Hoong learned church pastor, Lim Ah Min. Thai having worked in that area of the Advent message through a On July 23 Valerie, Frederick and previously. At SAUC she led out in friend who invited her to attend Gregory were among thirteen candi- various departments: Instructor in Sabbath school in Sandakan. After dates baptized at the time of the Education, Chairman in Communi- that first contact she became inter- new Kota Kinabalu church dedi- cations, Director of Food Service ested and started attending regularly. cation. Each of them is actively in- and Dean of Women. Though She joined the baptismal class and volved in church endeavors to help Singapore's loss is Thailand's gain, after a series of studies was bap- bring others to a knowledge of we are happy she is still working in tized by Pastor Chin Kong Loi on Jesus Christ.
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