SUMMER 2013 NEW YORK CITY - SOUTHern neW YORK CHAPTer MS COnneCTION NEWSLETTer INSIDE 03 04 07 09 WOMEN ON CHAPTer VOLUNTEER RESEARCH THIS THE MOVE NEWS COrner ISSUE LunCHEON 2 MS COnneCTION: summer 2013 JOIN THE MOVEMENT: www.MSnyc.org 3 PuBLICATION OF THE NATIONAL LeTTer frOM THE muLTIPLE SCLerOSIS SOCIETY, neW YORK FASHION IS ALWAYS IN CITY - SOUTHern neW YORK CHAPTer CHAPTer PRESIdenT 733 THIrd AVenue, neW YORK, NY 10017 STYLE WHen it’S FOR A 212-463-7787 Summer is here! Sunny days, which are often hazy, hot, and Chairman humid, are upon us; children GOOD CAuse! Michael L. Norton have exchanged their books and Vice Chairman school attire for shorts, t-shirts Join us on Wednesday, September 18 at the 8th Annual Women Peter Goettler and lots of sunblock. It’s a time for vacations, firing up the grill on the Move Luncheon, where women living with multiple scle- Chairman, for backyard barbeques, settling into a comfy chair outdoors rosis will take to the runway in an effort to raise funds for the Clinical Advisory Committee to read a good book, or simply enjoying time with family and New York City – Southern New York Chapter of the National Fred Lublin, MD friends. Multiple Sclerosis Society. Secretary For those living with MS, this time of year, in all its beauty, Jeffrey L. Silverman ALLISON RIPKA (CenTer) And frIends AT This year’s fashion show is once again sponsored by Blooming- can trigger a temporary worsening of symptoms. In this issue, Treasurer THE 2012 WOmen ON THE MOVE LunCHEON dale’s and will feature recreational and fitness attire to highlight both our Community Resources and Hispanic Outreach articles the variety of recreation and fitness programs the chapter pro- Malcolm P. Wattman, Esq. share sound advice on “beating the heat” and two volunteers vides for people living with MS. President share why they give back their time and talent. THE 8TH AnnuAL Robin Einbinder, LCSW, MPH WOMEN ON THE MOVE LunCHEON “It is important to Bloomingdale’s that we support charitable Editors As always, we’ve included listings for ongoing programs, services WednesdAY, SEPTemBer 18, 2013 initiatives in neighborhoods where we have stores,” says Anne and events for those living with MS, their family and friends to Liz Samurovich TrumP NATIONAL GOLF COurse, Keating, senior vice president of public relations and corporate Daphne Mack participate in. 339 PIne ROAD, BrIARCLIff MANOR, NY philanthropy for Bloomingdale’s. “We are thrilled to support the Designer However you choose to spend these few months of designated VISIT WWW.MSNYC.Org OR CALL New York City – Southern New York Chapter of the National Caitlin Tolchin 212-453-3235 TO PurCHAse TICKETS. downtime, remember we are here for you and encourage you to MS Society and MS research, reinforcing that giving back truly stay involved in the effort we have forged to create a world free is stylish.” COnneCT WITH of MS. Cooler days are ahead. Please enjoy reading this issue and enjoy your summer! us ONLINE: www.MSnyc.org [email protected] Sincerely, Like us: facebook.com/NYC SouthernNY Robin Einbinder Follow us: President twitter.com/NMSS_ On the Cover: NYCSNY Ann Marie Johnson striking a pose as she walks the Catwalk at the 2012 Women on the Move Luncheon. 4 MS COnneCTION: summer 2013 JOIN THE MOVEMENT: www.MSnyc.org 5 CHAPTer neWS say there is no cure for MS (but) I disagree. direct and indirect costs of MS, including lost Marissa plans to study Neuroscience in the fall My willpower is my cure. MS doesn’t have me.” wages — even for those with health insur- at Tulane University. She says the scholarship, ance — are estimated at more than $70,000 “…brings me one step closer towards She plans to attend the State University of New FOur NAmed annually per household. This makes fund- entering the field of neuroscience and York at Stony Brook in the fall to study Biology. ing a college education that much harder. truly helping to create a world free of MS.” 2013 SCHOLARSHIP The Society established its scholarship pro- PROGRAM RECIPIENTS gram 10 years ago and it immediately became a source of great encouragement for families Congratulations to Flavia Tomori of Ridge- concerned that MS might put college out of wood, Sarah Paschkas of Pound Ridge and twin sisters Danielle and Marissa Raskin of Brook- reach. This year, 423 new awards and 257 lyn the 2013 recipients of the New York City renewals totaling $1.1 million were present- – Southern New York Chapter of the National ed nationwide. Applications are evaluated on MS Society’s annual Scholarship Program. financial need, academic record, leadership and volunteer activities, a statement of educational This program helps students affected by and career goals, and letters of recommenda- multiple sclerosis pursue a college or techni- DANIELLE And MARISSA RASKIN tion. Applicants were also asked to provide a cal school education. It is open to high school personal statement describing the impact MS seniors who live with MS or have a parent Danielle and Marissa have watched MS take SARAH PASCHKAS has had on their life. Scholarships can range who does; or anybody living with MS who away their father’s ability to walk and, in recent from a minimum of $1,000 to $3,000 max per has not yet attended a post-secondary school. Sarah’s mother was diagnosed with MS when years, work. Sarah was 10 years old. Now a senior at Fox Lane year. High School, she says her mother’s tenacity in “Due to his dwindling independence, my the face of MS has been an inspiration to her. mother’s full time job is taking care of him,” said Danielle, a senior at Eleanor Roosevelt High “I can honestly say that my mom is one School. “This not only puts a financial strain SAVE THE DATE of the most amazing people I know. She is on the family, but an emotional one as well.” smart, strong, kind, practical, and when the situation calls for it, incredibly stubborn.” Marissa, a senior at the Bronx High School of Science, concurs adding, “This situation has Sarah, who plans to attend the New Hampshire created a constant source of stress in addition Institute of Art in the fall to study Art Educa- to the pressures of academics and extra- tion, says this scholarship means, “I will have curricular (activities.)” FLAVIA TOMORI more funds available to buy the supplies I will The 6th Annual MS Brain Games Flavia, a senior at Forest Hills High School, need, as an art student, to turn my wild ideas Danielle, who plans to study Social Sciences at was diagnosed at the age of 16 with MS. She into realities.” Pomona College in the fall, says, “The value of Monday, October 7, 2013 says, “Sometimes the only way you know you’re In addition to the emotional toll, MS can have this scholarship is invaluable to the opportu- strong is when you have no other choice. They a substantial financial impact on a family. The nities it creates for both me and my family.” 6 MS COnneCTION: summer 2013 JOIN THE MOVEMENT: www.MSnyc.org 7 rest stops, bike mechanics, a full meal and sup- GET IN GEAR FOR port vehicles. Invite your family and friends to cheer as you cross the finish line and cel- VOLUNTEER COrner ebrate with great food, music, a beer gar- BIKE MS NYC den, massage area and photo opportunities. Jennifer Medina was 17, a junior in high school and a top collegiate recruit for soccer, when she was officially diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. Bike MS NYC has a required fundraising minimum of $150 and a registration fee of "While finding out I had MS was truly awful news for $50. The registration fee increases to $75 on JennIfer (seCOnd frOM LefT) WITH frIends. my family and I,” explained Jennifer, “receiving an actual September 6 so sign up today! diagnosis was also, to me, an extreme relief given I had literally questioned whether or not I was going crazy." Register at www.bikeMSnyc.org or call “ MS DOES NOT She said as her treatment began, her symptoms dissi- 212-463-9791 for more information. defINE WHO WE Are pated and she was able to resume her studies, play soc- cer again and the following year earned an athletic scholarship to University of California at Berkeley. BUT IS SOmeTHIng It would be 12 years later, upon moving to New York THAT INEVITABLY City and connecting with the New York City – South- ern New York Chapter, that Jennifer, for the first RECEIVE MSCOnneCTION and our mission is contagious. RESHAPES HOW One time, would meet others living with MS in person. THROugH EMAIL THINKS ABOUT HIS/ Learning quickly about the chapter’s vast resources and listening to and then connecting those newly diagnosed Receive MSConnection, the quarterly HER LIfe MOVIng with MS to those resources, led Jennifer to train as a newsletter, via email to save on printing peer counselor and co-facilitate the Newly Diagnosed program which five years later she says, “I'm still doing it and Register today for Bike MS New York City and mailing costs, in addition to FORWArd.” love it.” taking place on Sunday, October 6, 2013 at providing you with timely and relevant Pier 94 in Manhattan. Once again, the ride will She said as a Mental Health Counseling graduate student the experience taught her the dif- offer three unique routes – the 30 mile traf- information in a format that works best ferences between being a peer versus a mental health counselor.
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