Beat N. Y. U. TH1 Beat N. Y. U Vol. 19 NEW YORK, N. Y., NOVEMBER 23, 1938 No. 8 FORDHAM FAVORED TO CRUSH VIOLETS Fordham Assumes Twentieth Annual Battle of Bronx Freshmen Attend Major Role in Formal Reception Peace Meeting To Be Held Saturday at Stadium At Roosevelt Clash to Pit Maroon Run- Fr. Deane and Fr. Walsh Doty, '39, and Reynolds, Logic Specimen Held ning Attack Versus Violet Prom Decorations Promise Class of '42 Full '40, Lead Resolution Dis- Passing Cooperation cussion; Win Offices Friday in Keating Announced The twentieth chapter of the Saga The eighth Annual Freshmen Ban- Over twenty-fire colleges last Satur- Fifteen Professors Quiz of the Battle of the Bronx will be writ- Entire Roof of Gymnasium quet was held Monday evening in the day met at Marywood College, Scran- ten tomorrow afternoon when the Ford- grand ballroom of the Hotel Roosevelt. ton, Pa., for the Catholic Student Seven Junior Sections in ham Rams meet the Violets of N. Y. U. To Be Covered as Sound Seated on the at the Yankee Stadium before what Peace Federation Philosophy Board for Acoustics dais, among the Conference. Wil- promises to be a near capacity audi- guests were the liam L. Doty, '39, ence. At present Fordham leads their traditional rivals having won thirteen Plans moved forward rapidly this Secretary General and Thomas A. The annual Minor Logic Specimen of the University, contests against five for N. Y. U. with week in the completion of details for Reynolds, '40, rep- for the Junior Class was held last Fri- Rev. Charles J. resented F o r d- only one tie in the series which dates the Class of 1940 Junior Prom to be day in the Senior Religion Room of back to 1889. Fordham will probably Deane, S.J.; the ham. held on the campus in the university Dean of the Col- Keating Hall. It was conducted in twoenter the game a pronounced favorite Fordham took a due to their superior record for the gymnasium Friday night, December 2, 1 e g e, Kev. Law- major part In the sections, one meeting from nine to ten current season, having been beaten with Larry Clinton and his orchestra rence A. Walsh, conference, when and the other from ten to eleven. only by Pitt, but ill such a bitter rivalry playing. S.J.; the Dean of as this, previous accomplishments Freshmen, Rev. In t h e opening The professors asking the questions "We have almost finished detail session they suc- mean little. Thomas C. on logic were Father Glen C. Walsh, work for the prom," Peter Carleslmo, ceeded in tabling S.J.; Dr. Elizabeth Salmon; Father In 1935 N. Y. U. had swept through Hughes, S.J.; the a resolution call- their schedule without a defeat and chairman announced this week, "We Freshman Stu- ing for condemna- Theodore T. Farley, S.J.; Father David they entered the Fordham game over- have contacted a decorating firm _ _ _ . dent Counsellor, C. Cronln, S.J.; Father John Mullen, Fr. Deane, S.J. « mL . tion of the Mu- W. Doty which has submitted detailed sketches Rev. Thomas A. nich Pact. Doty S.J.; Father Harold Mulqueen, S.J.; Fa- of proposed gymnasium decorations. Moore, S.J., and the Dean of Discipline, and Reynolds contended that it was ther Francis Day, S.J.; Dr. William In all probability the gym will he com- Rev. John W. Tynan, S. J.; President of too soon to voice an opinion on the Student Council, Arthur Dooley; Presi- pact. They refused to commit them- O'Meara; Father George D. Bull, S.J.; pletely revamped. According to pres- Mr. Walter L. Batten; Mr. William T. dent of Senior Year, Robert Hassmiller. selves on their views, merely empha- ent indications the entire top of the The Secretary General of Fordnam sizing that a condemnation now would Farley; Mr. David Crombie; Father gymnasium will be draped to serve as University, Fr. Charles J. Deane, S.J., be without the Justice of time. John J. Coniff, S.J.; Mr. James A. a sounding board. The building will be exhorted the "first class of the Second Of the two resolutions passed by the Mullen, Mr. Daniel Sullivan and Mr. decorated in tone to represent some Century to make the most of its oppor- committee, Doty sponsored one. He suc- tuniity. The world looks for men with cessfully moved "That this body go on John J. O'Hara. particular aspect. Perhaps a tropical The students in the first group who background, perhaps a winter setting, purpose, character, and ideals to bring record as favoring for the United some solution. Do your best," he urged, States a foreign policy of economic and were called on were Peter P. Holovak, perhaps a novel "city of the future ar- "and have,high ideals." political Justice and good-will toward Francis J. McCrann, Domonic A. Prin- rangement," he declared. The next speakerwas the Dean of Dis- all nations, and as opposing military cipe, Nathaniel 13. Tepp, Edward J. Invitations to attend have been cipline, Fr. John J. Tynan, who In a se- alliances with any nation or group of mailed out to all members of the rious vein, spoke on" spirit of withdraw- nations." The resolution was carried White, James J. Long, Martin B. Mas- Alumni Association who have gradu- terson, Noubar J. Garabedian, Patrick ing from the faculty." This definite- unanimously. ated during the past four years. Carl- ly is against the "communicable spirit In the afternoon session, Doty spoke A. Petiino, William C. Goodwine, Jo- esimo announced yesterday that plans of Fordham." A student, he continued, seph C. Norath, Henry N. Plceluttl and had been completed for procuring against the advisability of a treaty with chairs, tables and linens to provide for drops twenty-five percent of his educa- Great Britain. Elections held resulted Frederick P. Warnecke. five hundred couples. tion if be loses tills vital contact. As in the naming of Reynolds, Fordham's The second group heard the ques- a motto lie suggested "onward and up- Junior representative at the confer- A special ladies smoking lounge ward." "We, the faculty, are working ence, as Vice-Piesident. Doty already tioning of Richard L. Breen, John A. room is being constructed on the south for you." Buckley, Joseph A. Casey, George J. side of the gymnasium. It will be deco- held the post of corresponding secre- rated in a tone in keeping witli the Stating that the entrance of the new tary. Langley, William D. Ward, Francis general type of decoration. students coincided with the appoint- Ten college representatives spoke in E. J. Wilde, Angelo J. Fortunato, Joseph Casey, in charge of sale of ment of the new dean, Mr. Whalen in- the two sessions of the conference. In George J. Guess, James D. Hamill, bids, announced that table reserva- troduced his next speaker. Fr. Law- the morning the subject for discussion tions can be made at the time of the rence A. Walsh, S.J., decried the tenets was "The Munich Peace Pact"; the Thomas A. Reynolds, Justin P. Cnrey, COACH CROWLEY purchase of bids. Bids will be on sale of this "streamlined education," which afternoon session heard speakers on James F. McGrnth and Alfred F. Per- in the Rec. Room and in the Cafeteria neglects the disciplinary training of "The United States Policy." rone. whelming favorites and hopes were all during this and next week. the mind, through studies. high on University Heights that N. Y. U. might make the New Year's Day trek to Pasadena. The Rams removed Band to Hold Annual Spring all hopes of a Rose Bowl bid by soundly N. Y. U. Rally to Be Held trouncing the Violets 21-0 before 67,000 spectators. The following year the situation was Concert in Carnegie Hall reversed. Fordham, having conquered In Collins Auditorium Today Purdue, St. Mary's, Southern Metho- Definite Arrangements Will Be Completed by Captain Hopf (Continued on page 4) Cab Calloway and Bill Robinson to Give Broadway Angle Before End of Week on Battle of the Bronx The Fordham Band will hold its an- DEAN ANNOUNCES NEW DEAN OF PHARMACY Fourteen hundred Fordham men will nual concert at Carnegie Hull this year, Westchester Club pack Collins Auditorium this morning It was unuouncod by Capt. Mrnost Hopf, LAW REVIEW STAFF PAYS BET TO PITT In a gigantic "Beat N.Y.U," rally. director of the organization, lute yes- Holds Gala Night Rivaled only by the Pitt rally that saw Scholarship and Ability Are ten thousand Fordham rooters jam terday. Dr. J. H. K idder Sends Hotel Pennsylvania Scene their way into the gymnasium, today's Although dual plans for the concert Basis of New Appointments Victory Capsules to Pitt pep meeting will not only send the of Fordham Festivities team out to trounce the Violets but Iwvo not Imcn completed, nor the pluco Dean Ignatius M. Wilkinson of the Last week a package from Dean J, ilnlliiltdly set ror OimioRlo Hull, dipt, will be the furowell appearance of fif- Fordlinm University School of Law has LnBt night the Wostchostor Club II, Kldder of tho College of Pharmacy teen Seniors who will play their last lf"|if WHS firm In hlM conviction Unit announced the. selection of twenty-two sponsored a Fordliani NMit at the containing live hundred capsules was game for the Hums on Saturday, I't'fnru till) mid or ||UI coming week ho studMitH for Ilia 1(138-31) editorial board Mudlmttnn Room In the Hotel Penn- sent to Dunn C, Leonard O'Connull of ll Among thoso who will definitely bo »il bin comiiillluu would havn most of or lliii Furdhum Law Uevlow, The ap-sylvania, It was a gnlu affair, attomUid thu School of Pharmacy of Pittsburgh by students and nlumnl alike, making present to glvo tho Maroon a shove Hi" liri'Huiil ciinllicllcniH cleuroil up.
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