PERIODICU ~ BIOLOGOR ~l DC 57:61 VOL. 107, ;\/03,3-11-3-19,2005 CODE PDBIAD [SSN 0031-5362 Original scientific paper Agaricales (Basidiomycota, Fungi) of Sjeverni Velebit National Park in Croatia Abstract ZOENKO TKALCEC ARMIN MESIC Background and Purpose: The fUllgi of Croatia are poorly knowlI. OLEG ANTONIC Some parts of Croatia have neuer been mycologically explored. The order Agaricales is no exception. As a contribution to the knowledge of Croatian Laboratory of Biocoenotic Research mycobiota, a survey of known species of Agaricales (sensu lato) [ound in Ruder Boskovic Institute Sjcucrni Velebit National Park is given. The great majority of those species Bijenicka cesta 54 10000 Zagreb has never been reported for th is area. Croatia Matel"ial and Methods: The survey indndes all previously published re- cords, as well as all identified unpublished records collected until july 2004. Basic data of the records are included for each species. All samples are Correspondence: identified by standard mycological methods. The material is conserved by Zdenko Tkalcec dlying and deposited in the Croatian National Fungariul11 (CNF). Laboratory of Biocoenotic Research Ruder Boskovic Institute Results: The survey comprises 98 species of Agaricales, 87 of which are Bijenicka cesta 54 reported as new to the area ofSjevemiVelebit National Parl(. Eight species 10000 Zagreb are reported as new to Croatia. Croatia E-mail: [email protected] Conclusion: According to vegetational and climatic characteristics of this area, it can be assumed that this is only a small part of Agaricalesspecies that live in Sjevemi Velebit ational Parl(. It is lIeCeSSal)t1o continue myco- Key words: biodiversity, mycobiota logical research of this protected part of Croatian nature. INTRODUCTION A mong all major taxonomic groups of rganisms in Croatia, Fungi .1""\..are the least known (-16). ome parts of Croatia have never been mycologically explored. Such level of exploration is caused by an insuf- ficient number of mycologists who have researched the area. The order Agaricales is no exception. As a contribution to the knowledge of Cro- atian mycobiota, we give a survey of known species of Agaricalcs found in Sjeverni Velebit ational Park. Up to now, only II species of Agaricales have been reported for the area ofSjeverni Velebit ational Park (53), as a result of research by M. Tortic between 1973 and 1975. More intensive research has been started in 1998 by Z. Tkalcec and A. fdie, with the help of a few field collabo- rators. The area of Sjeverni Velcbit I ational Park covers 109 quare kilo- metres (see Figure I. for the situation of the ational Park in Croatia and Velebit mountain). The altitude in the park varies from 550 to 1676 m. Main types of habitats are montane (Fagus sylvatica), alri- montane (Abies alba, Fagus sylvatica, Picea abies), subalpine (Fagus Received March 3, 2005. sylvatica, Picea abies, Pinus mugo) and subrnediterranean (Pinus nigra, z. Tkalcec £01 al. .Igaricales lBasidiomycota, FungI) ofSjevemi Velebit NP in Croatia d Figure 1. Geographic position oj Sjeuerni Velebit National Park (black area) on mountain Velebit and in the Republic of Croatia. and (995) situated in the park cannot be examined as representative for the entire ational Park due to the mentioned altitudinal variability as well as the contact of two types of macroclimate (inland and mediterra- nean). Estimation of macroclirnaric variability within the park, based on spatial interpolation macroclimatic models (2), is shown in Figure 2. Extremely rugged karst relief that developed on pure limestone geological substratum cau es high spatial variability of soil and topoclimatic conditions (J). The latter is especially evi- dent in the temperature and humidity altitudinal inver- sions of karst sinkholes (3). Month MATERIAL AND METHODS Figure 2. Macrodimatic conditions within the area oj Sjeoerni Velebit National Park. Solid line - monthly mean air temperature, In this paper, we treat the order Agaricales in a wide dashed line - monthly precipitation. Triangles - maximum values sense (including Boletales and Russulalcsi. The survey expected tvithill the area, circles - average values u/ithin the area, includes all previously published records, as well as all squares- minimum values expected tuithin the area. Bold lines unthout marks represent data from Zaoiian meteorological station identified unpublished records collected until July 2004. (1956-1995). Identification of specimens is based on macroscopic and/or microscopic features of basidiocarps. Micro copic fea- tures are observed with a light microscope (brightfield) Quercus pubescens, Ostrya carpinifolia) forests, with re- with magnification up to 1,500 x. The literature on the lated types of vegetation succession (inland and subrne- basis of which we have identified the records is cited in diterranean shrublands, grasslands and screes). Alpine brackets following the name of each species. All collected vegetation above the altitudinal treeline is limited to the material and data are kept in the Croatian ational highest peaks and ridges. Macroclimatic data from Za- Fungarium ( F). Basidiocarps were preserved by dry- vizan meteorological station (air. 1594 m, the average ing. We quote the synonyms and misapplied name that annual precipitation being 1925 mm, the average an- were used in recent taxonomic literature. We cited abbre- nual air temperature 3.6 °c, measured between 1956 viations offungal taxa author according to (39). 342 Period bioi, Vol 107, No 3, 2005. Agaricales (Basidiomycota, FlIlIgt) ofSjevemi Velebit NP in Croatia Z. Tkalcec et at. Marks and abbreviations: Lomska duliba - Between Lomska duliba valley and ZaviZan mountain lodge (near the road); 44°47'39" , * - species reported as new to Croatia in this paper 14°59'32"E {r = 1,5 km); alt. 1300-1500 m; • - species reported as new to the area of Sjeverni Mali Kozjak - 700 m NW of peak Mali Kozjak (1466) Velebit ational Park in thi paper (near Veliki Lubenovac area); between 44°44'45" T, A. alba - Abies alba Mill. 15°02' 12"E and 44°44'46" T, 15°02'20"E; alt. 1250 m; D. octopetala - Dryas octopetala L. F sylvatica - Fagus sylvatica L. Mali Lorn - Mali Lom area (near Lomska duliba P abies - Picea abies (L.) Karsten valley); 44°45'49" , 15°03'10"E (r = 600 m); alt. 1200- P mugo - Pinus mugo Turra 1275 m; P nigra - Pinus nigra Arnold Perifinci - Perifinci area (near Vucjak peak (1644 det. - determined by m)); 44°48'57" ,14°58,53"E; alt. 1530 m; exs. - exsiccaturn Rossijevo skloniste 1 - 500 m of mountain hut leg. - collector (vlegator- in Latin) Rossijevo skloniste, near hiking trail Prernuziceva staza; misappl. - misapplied name 44°46'15" , 14°59'14"E (r = 150 m); alt. 1600 m; The following is the list of field research dates with Rossijevo skloniste 2 - I km ofRossijevo skloniste data on collector and determiners. mountain hut, near Prernuziceva staza hiking trail; I July 1973; leg. & det. M. Tortic 44°46'50" , 14°59'36"E (r = 300 m); alt. 1450-1600 m; 13 Aug. 1973; leg. & det. M. Tortic Skrbina draga 1- Skrbina draga area (near Rozanski 18 Aug. 1974; leg. & det. M. Terrie kukovi area); 44°46'47"N, 15°00'04"E (r = 500 m); alt. 22 Aug. 1974· leg. & der. M. Terrie 1300-1350 m; 12 Aug. 1975; leg. & det. M. Tortic Skrbina draga 2 - Between Skrbina draga area and 26 Sept. 1998; leg. & det. Z. Tkalcec & A. MeSic Fabin dolac area (near Rozanski kukovi area); 44°46'22"N, 14°59'48"E (r = 600 m); alt. 1325-1600 m; Aug. 2002; leg. T. Maras det. Z. Tkalcec & A. Mevic 15 Aug. 2002; leg. & det. Z. Tkalcec & A. Mesic Stirovaca - Stirovaea area; 44°41 '59" , 15°03'03"E (r 500 rn}; alt. 1100-1200 m; 17 Aug. 2002' leg. M. Ccrkez, det, Z. Tkalcec & A. = MeSic Velika Kosa - ear Velika Kosa peak (1622 rn) (near 18 Aug. 2002· leg. M. Cerkez, det. Z. Tkalcec & A. ZaviZan mountain lodge); 44°48'45" ; 14°58'22"E (r = Mesic 200 m); alt. 1600 m; Sept. 2002; leg. T. Maras, det. Z. Tkalcec & A. Veliki Lubenovac 1- veliki Lubenovac area; 44°44'23" , MeSic 15°00'54"E (r = 100 m); alt. 1340 m; 28 Sept. 2002; leg. M. Cerkez, det. Z. Tkalcec & A. Veliki Lubenovac 2 - N ofVeliki Lubenovac valley MeSic (near the road); 44°45'13" ,15°00'43"E (r = 600 rn); 16 Oct. 2002; leg. D. Segota, det. Z. Tkalcec & A. alt. 1300 m; Mesic Veliki Zavizan - I km SE of Veliki Zavizan peak 16 Oct. 2003; leg. & det. Z. Tkalcec & A. MeSic (1676 rn), near Prernuziccva staza hiking trail; 44°47'48"N, 6 ov. 2003; leg. & det. Z. Tkalcec & A. Mesic 14°59'03"E (r = 600 m); alt. 1500 m; 21 June 2004; leg. Z. Andrasevic, det. Z. Tkalcec & Vucjak 1 - Near Vucjak peak (J 644 m) (near Zavizan A. Mesic mountain lodge); 44°48'57" ; 14°58'34"E (r = 50 m); 23 June 2004; leg. & det. Z. Tkalcec & A. MeSic alt.1640m; The following is the Ii t of researched localities with Vucjak2-600 m ofVucjak peak (1644 m); 44°48'38" , 14°58'33"E; alt. 1520 m; basic geographic data. Bilenski padez - SW of Bilenski padez area (near Veliki Alan saddle (1414 m)}; 44°42'49" ,14°59'57"E RESULTS AND DISCUSSION (r = 500 rn): alt. 1300-1500 m: In this paper we present 98 species of Agaricales from Buljma - 400 m SW of peak Buljma {1451} (near Sjeverni Velebit ational Park, 87 of which are reported Veliki Alan saddle (1414 m)); 44°42'54" , 14°57'50"E; as new to the area. Eight species are reported as new to alt. 1260 m; Croatia: Collybia Jagiphila, Conocybe hadrocystis, Cysto- Gornja Branjevina - orthern part ofGornja Branje- derma Jallax, Entoloma catalaunicum, Galerina sideroides, vina area {nearVelikiAlan saddle (1414 m)); 44°42'40" , Kueh Ileromyces lign icola, Psathyrella Jagetoph ila, Psilocybe 14°57'37"E; alt.
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