Brixton Street Market Masterplan & Action Plan 2018-2023 Draft for consultation Brixton Street Market Masterplan & Action Plan 2018-2023 A report by London Borough of Lambeth xi xxi 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 FOREWORD 1 EXECUTIVE 2 INTRODUCTION 4 BRIXTON'S 6 BRIXTON'S 10 THE FUTURE 14 RESEARCH AND 15 THE BRIXTON 25 THE BRIXTON 34 ACTION PLAN 47 SUMMARY STREET MARKET: MARKETS: VISION FOR CONSULTATION STREET MARKET STREET MARKET PAST AND CHALLENGES BRIXTON'S CONCEPT ACTION PLAN PRESENT AND STREET MARKET MASTERPLAN OPPORTUNITIES xi Foreword I am delighted to introduce the draft Brixton This Street Market Masterplan and Action Plan, ment of over £1m in the street market, in particu- Street Market Strategy and Masterplan. and the extensive survey, consultation and re- lar Electric Avenue, to improve the infrastructure, search that underpins it, has revealed that despite public realm and operations. But still much more The document reaffirms our commitment to Brix- its popularity, the market is surviving, rather than remains to be done. ton's street market and its operation as a local au- thriving. The challenge ahead is to retain commu- thority run market. It sets out an ambitious plan nity value, strengthen commercial performance The plan sets out the next stage of improvement for how we can further improve the customer and adapt as Brixton changes, taking up an en- work the remaining market streets of Brixton Sta- experience, boost trade and provide the basis for hanced role in a growth borough and a global city, tion Road and Pope's Road, along with the adja- the Council and our partners to secure additional whilst balancing tradition and modernity. cent shops and businesses on those roads. funds for further investment. Future investment through the Your New Town It also articulates how the market management Brixton’s street market is a vital ingredient in the Hall, Somerleyton Road and Brixton Central will move forward to support a growing street diverse, creative and independent Brixton. It is schemes will deliver new homes, commercial and market. part of the very fabric of community, commerce, community spaces, bringing more people and heritage and place. jobs to the area. This change inevitably raises This Street Market Masterplan and Action Plan is tensions, which the Council is sensitive to. It is for currently a draft for consultation. It plots a way It’s a place where people can come together and the Council, working with the market traders and forward for the market over the next five years. belong. Through initiatives like the Alexandra others, to both capitalise on these changes and I invite traders, residents, and the wid er commu- Rose Food Vouchers it supports access to cheap manage them in a balanced way. nity to let us know any comments or thoughts healthy food for those on low incomes, lifting about the approach set out. health and living standards. Over the years the Council has made sustained at- tempts to support the street market and its trad- Once finalised, we hope the strategy will help The market is also part of a changing and growing ers, through grant funding, comparatively cheap ensure Brixton’s market retains its di versity, cre- town-centre economy, contributing to a national- fees and charges, and acting flexibly to enable ativity and independent spirit, whilst seizing op- ly and regionally distinct cultural, food, drink, lei- greater trader freedom and responsibility, includ- portunities that will unlock its latent potential and sure and entertainment offer. At the grass-roots it ing licensing the Brixton Market Trader Federation enable improvements in its perfor mance that will attracts footfall to the town-centre and provides to develop and manage the community market in secure its long-term future. low cost, low-risk ‘start up’ opportunities that Brixton Station Road. have led to local success stories like Joy, Healthy Eaters, Maria Sabina and Koi Ramen. The Council has underlined this commitment to Councillor Matthew Bennett - Cabinet Member for the market by securing and delivering the invest- Planning, Regeneration & Jobs 1 xii Executive summary The Brixton Street Market Action Plan and Mas- The Masterplan and Action Plan is supported by • Customer focus terplan seeks to: research and consultation, which is set out in • Mix of Commodities the main body of the report. This work includes • High standards • Establish a future vision for Brixton’s street one-on-one interviews with market traders, • Attractive streets & good quality infrastruc- market that is shared by all its users market research with shoppers though on street ture • Inform and guide the future management survey and focus groups, workshops with key • Effective waste management and focus on arrangements of Brixton’s street market local stakeholders, the development of physical environmental sustainability • Set out a phased delivery action plan towards models to look at market stall layout options and • Sustainability realising the future vision trails of new gazebos with market traders. • Safe & secure design The post-war period up to the mid-1970s wit- Brixton’s markets face challenges, some strategic, To achieve this the Masterplan and Action Plan nessed the street market’s high watermark, with financial, operational, but also how the custom- proposes that the Council commits to continue stalls extending the full length of Pope’s Road er base is changing. The need for investment in to manage the Market, while working closely and while the 1990s and into the 2000s the physical infrastructure is also key. Central Gov- with traders, retailers and their representatives. street market remained central to the town cen- ernment cuts mean that local authority markets The council proposes to implement a new Mar- tre, it was subsisting without flourishing. In more are coming under significant budgetary pressures ket Manager post to help oversee the strategy recent years traders had begun to talk about the and the increasing need to demonstrate they and the framework for future investment in the market being in decline. are on a self-financing and sustainable footing remaining market streets. is becoming paramount. The Masterplan and The market now consists of 117 pitches, locat- Action Plan identifies the key opportunities of This Masterplan has been developed in parallel ed in adjoining streets - Electric Avenue, Pope’s the on-going regeneration and investment in the with the delivery of the first phase of invest- Road and Brixton Station Road – the market town centre and the need to adapt to new cus- ment in Brixton’s market, the £1m investment in forms a horseshoe, bisected by Atlantic Road and tomers, while continuing to serve its many loyal Electric Avenue. It also sets out a framework for two overhead rail lines that separate the market and longstanding customers. future investment in the street market, including: streets, creating both distinction, but also dislo- cation. Brixton street market, and other street The Masterplan and Action Plan sets out a vision • Hard and soft landscaping and the potential markets like it, face considerable strategic and for the Brixton’s street market that by 2022 will for new market stalls on Brixton Station Road locally specific challenges, coupled with clear be known for its: and Pope’s Road opportunities for growth and a secure future. • Improved street market function and pedes- • Affordability & financial sustainability trian movement • Unique identity • Way-finding and gateway signage 2 • Improved pedestrian and goods access & The Masterplan and Action Plan sets a timetable storage for delivery and includes key partners who will • Enhanced waste management help deliver the changes required over the next 5 years. The Action Plan sets out a strategy for the next five years to work with and build on the physical While an enormous amount of work was under- changes planned in the Masterplan. It includes: taken since the initial development work for the Masterplan and Action Plan, this document sets • A steering group to be created to deliver the out the basis for further work necessary to keep Brixton Street Market Action plan the momentum going for the continued im- • A commitment that the Council will operate provement of Brixton markets. It sets out a clear and manage the market evidence base and captures the tangible and • A ‘traders’ charter’ or ‘good conduct agree- deliverable next steps. ment’ • Improved marketing • Small increases in pitch fees to help the market become financially self-sufficient over time • Continued work around licensing, commodity mix and enforcement in the market streets • Attracting new traders into the market • Explore opportunity for a weekly evening market on Brixton Station Road. • The need to consider extending the trading day to capture evening trade, including on Wednesdays, opening on Sundays and poten- tially closing on Mondays, subject to further discussions with traders • Contactless payments should be rolled out to traders across the market streets. 3 1 Introduction The Brixton Street Market Masterplan and The Council’s Shared purpose and Borough Plan Brixton Street Market Action Plan Strategic Objectives The Brixton Street Market Masterplan and the In establishing a future vision for Brixton’s street Brixton Street Market Action Plan were commis- market, the Masterplan and Action Plan support sioned by Lambeth Council as separate, but inter- the three strategic objectives the Council has linked, pieces of work to: established for itself and its partners in the Bor- ough Plan, Future Lambeth – Our Borough Plan, 1. Establish a future vision for Brixton’s street for the period 2016 - 2021: market that is shared by all its users 2. Inform and guide the future management 1. Inclusive growth – exploiting a once in a gen- arrangements of Brixton’s street market eration opportunity to improve the Borough 3. Set out a phased delivery action plan towards and the lives of people living in it by playing a realising the future vision vital role in London’s economy and unlocking the potential that exists, particularly in the The two are brought together here in this single centre and the south.
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