THE STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF MERCYHURST COLLEGE SINCE 1929 A&E SPORTS Streamline signs Women’s hockey recording ranked 8th a� er deal with tough weekend Sony Records Page 8 Page 11 Vol. 79 No. 7 Mercyhurst College 501 E. 38th St. Erie Pa. 16546 November 2, 2005 THE MERCIAD Jump-start your career “Freshmen and sophomores By Corrie Thearle can establish valuable con- News editor tacts for part-time or summer employment opportunities,” said Many seniors eagerly await the Bob Hvezda, Director of Career day when they receive their fi rst Services. job offer. These students should attend On Thursday, Nov. 3, these dressed in corporate casual students may not have to wait attire. any longer. Underclassmen should not The Offi ce of Career Services is worry if they do not have a holding the 14th annual Career/ complete resume. They should Job Fair in the Mercyhurst Ath- request a buisness card from a letic Center. rep. to forward a resume at a This is the biggest career fair future date. to date with 119 organizations Seniors who are seeking full Katie McAdams/Photo editor participating in the event. time employment should bring Katie McAdams/Photo editor Dr. Thomas Gamble addresses college community in PAC. From American Eagle Outfi t- at least 20 copies of their resume Eric Mead discussed employment with recruiter Jim Voss. ters to the U.S. Coast Guard, on good paper. over 225 campaigning repre- These students should dress only career fair held during the become continually competitive sentatives are looking to hire professionally and be prepared fall in this area. and marketable.” Gamble named Mercyhurst students. to make a great first impres- Another reason is due to the Junior Maeve Kelly expressed The fair is not limited to gradu- sion. tireless efforts of the Offi ce of her satisfaction with the personal ating seniors, the entire student Hvezda commented that, “A Career Services. attention she received from 11th president body is highly encouraged to fi rm handshake, enthusiasm and “The offi ce of Career Services Career Services. attend. a good attitude are factors that is very pro-student,” Hvezda “Mr. Hvezda is demi-God excellent academic programs, a Not only is the fair an ideal representatives notice immedi- said. in the world of internships. By Joshua Wilwohl wealth of administrative expe- ately. Employers hire people “As we look at servicing the Without his guiding hand and Editor-in-chief setting for professional employ- rience, wonderful students, a ment, there are opportunities they like.” student population, we want to eloquent writing style that is best committed board, and a clear for freshmen, sophomores and This year’s career fair has provide them with every oppor- seen through student resumes, After months of deliberations, vision of what is important. juniors to obtain internships and attracted a large number of tunity to secure employment on the Board of Trustees and the Mercyhurst is a college with co-ops. organizations because it is the whatever level so that they can Please see Career on page 3 Presidential Search Committee many strengths.” have selected Dr. Thomas J. Marlene Mosco, chair for the Gamble as Mercyhurst’s 11th board, said the committee ini- president. tially planned for an outsider as Care to The announcement came president, but once the search Friday after a unanimous vote narrowed saw great potential by the board of trustees Thurs- with an in-house candidate. take a day. He will take offi ce March “We initially were thinking an 1, 2006. outsider is what we wanted to go Gamble was one of the three with,” she said. swim on fi nalists and the only in-house “But, once going through candidate for the position. the process and looking at 50 Gamble vowed to continue the resumes and narrowing it down campus? Mercyhurst legacy as begun and and seeing Dr. Gamble’s passion continued by his predecessors, and love for the college, we knew Dr. William P. Garvey and Dr. he was a good fi nalist and excel- By Dana Moderick Contributing writer Michael McQuillen. lent candidate.” “Due to the effort and com- The college’s 10th president, mitment of many people, Dr. Michael McQuillen, sup- A recent survey conducted Mercyhurst College is a fine ports the board’s decision and by a Prinicples of Marketing and strong institution,” he said sees Gamble as an excellent class on Mercyhurst College at the PAC. successor. main campus showed that 43 “It has an exceptional faculty, Please see Gamble on page 3 percent of students would prefer a swimming pool be added to the current work out facilities. The right choice One such area for the pool being fl oated around campus anyone else’s,” Schuler said. is the land at the Parade Street By Lakyn Bianco “A lot of the time the spotlight entrance by the Mercy Suites. Contributing writer was on Dan and me,” Jasper The land has been used an explained. an open park since last year Senior Representative Aisha Their role was to represent when Erie city zoning reula- Melissa Jack/Features editor Jasper and President Dan Schuler and express the opinions and tions pevented its use as a Jeff Tullis, Jorge Montero, Zach Bell, Chad Ward and Kyle Bogucki want a pool. played important roles on the thoughts of Mercyhurst stu- parking lot. Presidential Search Committee dents. Thomas Billingsley, the exec- student body, have numerous opportunity to be involved in in selecting the new president “I took it upon myself as a stu- utive vice-president for the THE ideas as to what would benefi t the process of deciding what of the college. dent to make sure our opinions administration, said the lot is the college most. happens with the land, we Jasper and Schuler both felt were refl ected throughout the too small for a pool. Merciad Last year, MSG conducted a certianly feel it is a space that they could express their opinions entire search process,” Jasper “There is not enough space SPECIAL REPORT student poll asking members could be used signifi cantly by without hesitation at the com- said. in the empty lot to put a swim- of the Mercyhurst community the student body.” mittee meetings and that they “The college has reached the ming pool,” he said. He added with it.” what they would like to do with Either option would benefi t were taken seriously. end of our last set of strategic that the school is not opposed The land is classifi ed as R1, the land. Mercyhurst athletes. “I felt very open to voice my goals and I feel that the next to adding a pool on campus, which means it can only be An enormous amount of Several students contacted by opinion and I was received well president needs to know exactly but rather that it hopes to get used for residential housing feedback and enthusiasm came the Merciad favor putting a pool by the entire committee. where the college is headed and one in future years. or an urban park. Right now, and the most popular responses on the lot. If I didn’t always speak up how to effectively take it there. Finding a use for the land the administration is discussing were to add a swimming pool A swimming pool would they would ask me how I felt.” “Following vision, I felt the involves more than keeping the with a local landscaper what or tennis courts. “As a part of be especially useful for the Jasper said. most necessary qualities were a neighbors happy, he said. do to with the land while stay- our constituency service last men and women’s water polo When it came down to the person with a deep understand- “We bought the land with the ing within the zoning regula- year we surveyed students and teams who have to travel 30 final decision of who would ing and value for the mission and intention of putting something tions. recieved a great deal of excite- minutes a day to their practices become president of the col- history of the college, someone benefi cial for the college there. Before President Dr. William ment for a swimming pool,” at the Mercyhurst North East lege the opinions of Jasper and who is passionate and has expe- We know parking is a big issue Garvey retired in February he said MSG Treasurer Ryan Campus. Schuler, who represented the rience in Catholic higher educa- and we bought property along asked Mercyhurst Student Palm. “We were ready to move When asked if he had been entire student body, were placed tion, an advocate of the arts, a Parade Street with the inten- Government to fi nd out from forward, but unfortunatley due approached with any proposals in high regard. someone who values a positive tion of doing so. However, students what they want to do to the circumstances of that for a pool in the area, Billings- “I felt equal to the other com- working relationship with all we were unaware of the zoning with the property. MSG, as time nothing happened. ley stated he had not heard mittee members, and my opin- regulations that also came well as many members of the “We would welcome the Please see Students on page 3 ion was valued just as much as Please see MSG on page 3 PAGE 2 THE MERCIAD November 2, 2005 NEWS To contact: [email protected] A workshop of knowledge World Briefs Valuable information divulged at the Teaching and Learning Expo International news These workshops were pre- presented was entitled “Balanc- By Katie Walker sented by members of the Mer- ing Life Inside and Out of the Contributing writer cyhurst Education Department Classroom.” This gave the audi- Compiled by along with a few local teachers ence an opportunity to learn how Corrie Thearle Libby resigns On Saturday, Oct.
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