MIZORMI LEGISLATIVE ASSElffiLY GOVERNOR SlolAR AJ KAUSBAL SPEAKER ROKAMLOVA DEPUTY SPEAKER VANLAL'oUE:~JA MINISTER- WITH PORTFOLIOS PU LAL THANHAI,LA • 1 • Political and Cabinet Deptt. CHIEF MINISTER 2, Vi~ilance Department. 3. Department of Per aqnneL and Administrative Ref~ms. 4. Secretariat Administration Department. 5. Power & Electricity Departll1E!n" 6. Public Wor~s Department. 7. Sports & 'fouth ',elfare Deptt. 8. Information and Pu~lic ' Relation Department. 9. Rural Development Department. 10. General Administration Deptt. 11. Tr?nsport Department. 12. Animal Husb8ndry & Veterinary Department. 13. District Council Affairs Dept' 14. Aviation Department. 2. PU J.LALSAIDZUALA ·• 1 • Fin2nce Department. MINISTER 2. Pl.annLng & Programme. • LmpLernerrt.at.Lcn Deoartmerrt • 3. Excise & Taxation Department. 4. Food & Civil Supplies Deptt. PU C.L.RUALA • 1. Home Department. MINISTER 2. Public Health Engineering Department. 3. Environment & Forest Deptt. 4. Dr.H. TI{JiNSI.!';fGI:. • 1. Education & Human Resources MINISTER Department. 2. Law, Judicial and Pprliamental Affairs Depoortment. 5. PU Z!.U.li'l'IA · 1. Land Revenue ~nd Settlement MINISTER · Department. , 2. Local Administration Deptt. contd•••2/- , • 2 MHTISTER OF S'TiTE ---------~- 7. PU S.HI~TO : 1. Health e nd Fam.iLC,' 'ole Ifpre (Independent charge) Dep~rtment. " 2. Tourism De par-tr.er.t , 8. PU LIAFSUAJVIi, 1 • Industries Depr-r-bn.e n t {Ende.• '::J'-J.pe nden.1'-'t chr-rc.e"~,,._~.~/.\ He 8111311 es.c.tst the Chief Ivlinister in Depr-r' t.rae n't of Personnel r.nd r.nrunls tr-at.Lve Reror-ms , Ce n -r-cj. /idm.in.i.s tr-a-r . tieD Depextment, :~form8tion and Public Re LatLo n s Depert­ mente 9. PU NIRUPM1 CHt.KMh : 1­ Sericulture De par-t.me n't,. (Imdependent' charge) 2. Co-eooer-at.Lon De cervtr.e rrt, 10. PU P... SIAJVlLIANi. 1. So c.ioL 've Lrr.r-e Deparvtme rrt , (Independent charge) 2. TrEde & COiTl,':ercF Dc ptrt , 3. Re heb.i.Lft.srt.Lo n Depnr-t.me n't , 11 • PUS",IKAPTHI:,NGi, 1. t..griculture De par-t.v.en't , (IndeiJehdent char-ge ) 2. Lr-bcur- & Emp.Loymcr.t; De pt-t , 12. PU VAIJLALr\'GEi\KA ' 0 '1 .. Soil Conserv2ti:,c De p'tt 8 (Independent charge) 2. Printing & Stptio: ry Department. H. L. CHU~:GI SECRET/RY • .. .. • 0 ..... LIST OF 11EMBERS OF sscoro MIZW;.r; STi.TE LB:;ISLATIVE !.SSEMBLY -------------,,----_._---------- No.& Name of Constituency Name of Hembers 1 • Tuipang ,• • 2. Saiha : Pu S.Hiato, Minister of State. 3. Bangau Pti H.Rammawi. 4. Lawngt.La.i, Pu F.Me,nghnuna. 5. ChawngtE : Pu Nfr-upam, 1I1inist12r of s'tate , 6. Tlabung : Pu Hari Krista Chckma. 7. Buarpui Pu P.Lalbie.ka. 8~ Lunglei South Pu F.sapa. 9. Lunglei North Dr.R.Lalthangliana. Minis~er 10., Tawipui Pu P.Siamliana, of State. 11 • Vanva Pu R. Romawia. 12. Hnahthial : Pu Vanlalnghaka, Minister of State. ,- --- - 13. N.Vanlaiphai Pu ,C.L.Ruala, Minister- -~ 14. Khawbung Pu K. Van.La.Iauva, 15. Champhai : Pu Zor-anrthenga G I. 16. Khe.whai : Pu J.H.Rothuama. 17. Bait.ual : Pu Andrew Lnlherliana. 18. Khawzawl Pu Tewnluia. 19. Ngopa Pu Zosiam2 P~chuau. 20. SU'?ngpuilawn : Pu Vanlalngerta, Deputy Speaker. 21. Flatu Pu La Lr-Lnchha.na, 22. Kawnpui : Pu vaf.venga , 23. Kolasib Pu t.ichhinga. 24. Bilkhe.wthlir Pu Zalawma, Minist~r. 25. Lokicherra · 26. Kawrthah : Pu Saikapthicnga, Minister of Stnte. 27. Mamit : Pu Lalhuthanga. 28. Phuldungsei : Pu Liansuama, Minister of Stcte. 29. Sateek : Pu Lalrewnliana. 30. Serchhip : Pu Lal Thanhawla, Chief Minister. 31. Lungpho Pu P.C.B8witlunnga. 32. 'I'LungveL : Pu P.C.Zorams<:mglian~: 33. h.izawl North I Pu Rosangliana. 34. 1-.izawl North II Pu H.Th8nsanga, Minister. 35. i.izawl East I Pu John LrLaangzueLa. Minister. 36. l.izawl Ees t; II : Pu Rokaml.ova , Speeker. 37. il.izawl WQst I : Pu J.Thenghuama. 38. I.izawl West II : Pu Rualchhina. 39. Aizawl South I : Pu R.Tlanghmingthonga. 40. l.izawl South II • , / , 1 • Thutkhawm vawi 1 - na (17.7 ..90 ) Page No. '(1 ) List of Business 1 (2) Obituary 2 -42 (3 ) Presentation of Report - 42 (4) Legl s 18 tive Business 43 (5) Election of Speaker 41+- 59 I_ 2. Thutkhawm vawi 2-na (20 •. 7.1990) (1 ) List of Bus i neaa 66 (2) Le g i s Le-t.iVB Business 61 -125 ........ ... • • t .. __PROCESPIl1GS OP ~'::'HE SIXTH- .SESSION of- THE SECOND MIZORAM STATE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY PROM: •17rll J1!.LY, 1990 T,o 20TH JULY, 1990 FIRST, SIT~I~G O~ 17TH. JULJJ 1990. PRESENT -- , 1. PU VANLALNGi.;JA, Deputy Speaker at the Chair, 12 (T\lelve) xtni s-ccrs and 26 (Twenty six) Members were present. OBITUARY 2. PU.,LAL T}IANHAWLA to make references on the demise of - (1) Pu Laldenga, and (ii) Shri K.S.Hegde PRE3El~ATIOll m:AAP,ow 3. PU VANLALNGENA to report to'the House the "Time T,able"chalked out by the BUSiness Advisory '\- Committee. LEGIS~TiVE BUSINEi§ (Bill to'be introduce) 4. PU C.L.RUALA to beg leave of the House to introduce the Mizoram Essential services Ma±ntenance Bill, 1990. ALSO to introduce the Bill ELECTION OP SP~E~ 5. THE HOUSE to elect Sp~aker. DEPlJry SPEAKER ;. Naktuk.all: cnuan e'ngnge 10 ·,awm <dawn in' jrre s L 10. In .nunna ~u engng~ ni -:: Chhum ... ceLtoee .10 Lanq a, ral Leh ta·mai·thi~ ang hi in ni'si . " " a. Jakoba 4:14 ....... 2/- <an Session Lnker ah F'." LaLdcrq a, Opposdt.Lon lJIC"'!"",--,c,. 71IA ni 7 ..7 .. 1090 lche n min ':::0_3;. .so n .)., 1'\2 K ..S .. Hc-;;"":;'c" ":1. > 0_,.lS90 khan 2'r-3~>>:' <cr .i.r, IT:,::'r: c co "L san ;)<3.'4]( a , 11::"-::;) ,:L s unrra kan ncL ang a , henq or i. co hn.i": sun -t ut- ken ne-Ln ':2 hi a rnaL ve vein O?. l chan c':-j, c r.va.na kan nei. anq a. ,,' TU::lA-h Ch.Lcf Ninister'-in Pu LaLccnc' cha» chin Lc.h aunna her. s aw.i, hmas a sc j a, Ch.Lef Hi:1ist.':~r leo a:1g. PU LAL T~~.~HAWLA . PU Dopu't.y Specker , . ,:_0 C'j--lIEF MIlllSl'ER Ses s Lon-eah hemi I·Iou:3'>·, ngci pawh Leader Lc ni t~",.,' :l,:J:n 1Gh tuna kan Opposi-ticl:. Leader ni rock s unna tihus awL a House pumpuLi.na ke: 1 sun a 10 ngai ta maf. hi a v anduea-t.h.Lak h Le ;:., hlot:~a-,(--:.sa tak a ni <3... Hmanniah roout t.akLn Zofate z Lnoah chu.m kan La vui ropui ber' a n.ii n lea ring a, ken neL t;~'-'-r-i a, a phu h Le r-enq a. Vawiin n.i ah 'h.i an he Houae-cah h; ,:~:i a. sunna neih p ahi n a cbanchLn t.av-L kim han SCl1iIi J.:', ' 1. a. Awlc, :(?:r. hriat t.bcub -r.i n Pu La.Lderiqa hi Hi.zo r-am S'tat;c kC'!:.] nih hnu-ca 'cur. C' jJ.' s; Hf.ni s t.er- hma aa ber 2. .:1i a. ~'in, nrao ~'Tatio::'.~1.1 ~Or-:n hmuchhuak't.u n.i.Ln President nf C}'1;10 nqar- riqxz- t: r-:' Tunc. a oor a.l 't.bL crghicrnchu· nne chu ri-uClWr'7'lto.>:i;: un khirh tak 't.ak ke.cor, e vcbe.Lh c:lho 2. Tin, c nurrc. ,cc chuan De Hou a c e ahowm t.exun h.Lan Oppo s Lt.Lon Le ~:'i Lad, melc Q. nd , Politician r-o-au L 1>J.k 2 ni 6, mehs .1-' -io Ln n atn a lch.ir h t.eki.n a 't.Lak J:1I1ilk avcnqi.n ni 7.7.199C <nan t.Lad. da.r 2 ~ 30 P:v: Lnd.Lan S't.ande.cd ?ime-u.h Londcrr .' "t:lrow Airport Ho apd.'t.e Le an u bor a L t a ani. h netna C~11.;. -nccr a na e , Tin" Pu Dcnqa hi kurn 63 a upa .:'.. n L a. <'i.:~;. ';:3 han -cLh b.i an upa b LeLn a lang nair. a n L ;<:h~ a hrne Lab "''13:1 kum 50 cmaw awr-h anqLn a 13.n9 2.. Demduv.i, In par. t-. an keL d·3'.\T(l p awbLn .can in brnu a , kcn in J\:Q'WIn e.• Chc ;-, lai pewh cocon hz-Lsc.L ibohna rapthlak t.akLn a t.Lak t.ewh n.imahae Le. ohu'tLanq ang hraeL c'huan G. Lanq Lover, "-~:12I c 't.hai.n d _'_ ~ h Lj.rn hmeL o Le a. Pu Donq a hi .vunc ,§ 1927 x hcn Pukpu.t k'hur LunqLcL Dd s t r Lc-t.e-ah r- 10 pi::::,r:~, :§ Pu Ld.em t Ldr-h« £;';:1 3. n.i., Novernr-c .: 5, 1954-ah a ns: ',-li • Pi Lalbi"lkdiki nen hi2n 3,n inned 2., f0Lpa p,:lhni1' .> ,11 f;.:mu ,,"," pQhnih n, ,iE)1 ::, ni. Rum 1944 khQn B1:"itish Indi C.n '" I Z<.1"i\'ITl Cl, ku", 1953-ah A,1:TIlY chu !<::CL1sanin chutih L~:L j>L:w Dis'l:rict CuuncLL k3~ tihilh khan Accountant-c1..n-::: ',ler in 2. thawk :::'.• Ki...L'Tl 1958-ah Hizo Cultuitic.l Socic-cy'l..in S:::crcte::ry c, ni c:,ho '2. ni. PU LClldenga hi<3.D 196C ".'.lt2P1 vU2k vet,::,};.

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