Melanesian Languages on the Edge of Asia: Challenges for the 21st Century edited by Nicholas Evans and Marian Klamer Language Documentation & Conservation Special Publication No. 5 PUBLISHED AS A SPECIAL PUBLICATION OF LANGUAGE DOCUMENTATION & CONSERVATION LANGUAGE DOCUMENTATION & CONSERVATION Department of Linguistics, UHM Moore Hall 569 1890 East-West Road +RQROXOX+DZDLދL USA KWWSQÀUFKDZDLLHGXOGF UNIVERSITY OF HAWAIދI PRESS .RORZDOX6WUHHW +RQROXOX+DZDLދL USA © $OOWH[WVDQGLPDJHVDUHFRS\ULJKWWRWKHUHVSHFWLYHDXWKRUV All chapters are licensed under Creative Commons Licenses Cover design by Susan Ford incorporating a photograph by Darja Hoenigman Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication data ,6%1 KWWSKGOKDQGOHQHW Contents Contributors iv Introduction 1 Nicholas Evans and Marian Klamer The languages of Melanesia: Quantifying the level of coverage 13 Harald Hammarström and Sebastian Nordhoff Systematic typological comparison as a tool for investigating language history Ger Reesink and Michael Dunn Papuan-Austronesian language contact: Alorese from an areal perspective Marian Klamer Even more diverse than we had thought: The multiplicity of 109 Trans-Fly languages Nicholas Evans Projecting morphology and agreement in Marori, an isolate of 150 southern New Guinea I Wayan Arka ‘Realis’ and ‘irrealis’ in Wogeo: A valid category? Mats Exter From mountain talk to hidden talk: Continuity and change in 191 Awiakay registers Darja Hoenigman Cross-cultural differences in representations and routines for exact number Michael C. Frank .HHSLQJUHFRUGVRIODQJXDJHGLYHUVLW\LQ0HODQHVLD7KH3DFL¿F and Regional Archive for Digital Sources in Endangered Cultures (PARADISEC) Nicholas Thieberger and Linda Barwick iv Contributors I WAYAN ARKA LV DI¿OLDWHG ZLWK WKH $XVWUDOLDQ 1DWLRQDO 8QLYHUVLW\ DV D )HOORZ LQ /LQJXLVWLFVDW6FKRRORI&XOWXUH+LVWRU\DQG/DQJXDJH&ROOHJHRI$VLDDQGWKH3DFL¿F DQG8GD\DQD8QLYHUVLW\%DOL (QJOLVK'HSDUWPHQWDQG*UDGXDWH3URJUDPLQ/LQJXLVWLFV His interests are in descriptive, theoretical and typological aspects of Austronesian and 3DSXDQODQJXDJHVRI,QGRQHVLD:D\DQLVFXUUHQWO\ZRUNLQJRQDQXPEHURISURMHFWV16) funded research on voice in the Austronesian languages of eastern Indonesia ARC-funded projects for the development of computational grammar for Indonesian DQGWKH/DQJXDJHVRI6RXWKHUQ1HZ*XLQHD LINDA BARWICK is Associate Professor in the School of Letters, Art and Media at the 8QLYHUVLW\RI6\GQH\DQG'LUHFWRURIWKH3DFL¿FDQG5HJLRQDO$UFKLYHIRU'LJLWDO6RXUFHV LQ(QGDQJHUHG&XOWXUHV 3$5$',6(& 6KHWUDLQHGLQ,WDOLDQODQJXDJHDQGGLDOHFWRORJ\ with Antonio Comin at Adelaide’s Flinders University, and in ethnomusicology with WKH ODWH &DWKHULQH (OOLV DW WKH 8QLYHUVLW\ RI $GHODLGH 6LQFH WKHQ VKH KDV XQGHUWDNHQ HWKQRPXVLFRORJLFDO ¿HOGZRUN LQ ,WDO\$XVWUDOLD DQG WKH 3KLOLSSLQHV DQG KDV SXEOLVKHG widely on Australian Indigenous Music as well as continuing her engagement with Italian WUDGLWLRQDOPXVLF MICHAEL DUNN is an evolutionary linguist with a background in linguistic typology and ODQJXDJH GHVFULSWLRQ +LV FXUUHQW UHVHDUFK WDNHV D TXDQWLWDWLYH SK\ORJHQHWLF DSSURDFK WR ODQJXDJH FKDQJH DQG OLQJXLVWLF GLYHUVLW\ 5HFHQW SURMHFWV KDYH DGGUHVVHG TXHVWLRQV of coevolution of typological parameters, as well as the ecological and social factors LQÀXHQFLQJODQJXDJHFKDQJH+HKDVDOVRZRUNHGRQWKHFODVVL¿FDWLRQDQGSUHKLVWRU\RI 3DSXDQ ODQJXDJHV DQG WKH SK\ORJHRJUDSK\ RI ,QGR(XURSHDQ DQG$VOLDQ ODQJXDJH +H leads the Max Planck Research Group “Evolutionary Processes in Language and Culture” DWWKH0D[3ODQFN,QVWLWXWHIRU3V\FKROLQJXLVWLFVLQ1LMPHJHQWKH1HWKHUODQGV NICHOLAS EVANSLV'LVWLQJXLVKHG3URIHVVRURI/LQJXLVWLFVLQWKH&ROOHJHRI$VLD3DFL¿F $XVWUDOLDQ1DWLRQDO8QLYHUVLW\+HKDVFDUULHGRXWZLGHUDQJLQJ¿HOGZRUNRQWUDGLWLRQDO ODQJXDJHV RI QRUWKHUQ$XVWUDOLD DQG VRXWKHUQ 3DSXD 1HZ *XLQHD 7KH GULYLQJ LQWHUHVW of his work is the interplay between documenting endangered languages and the many VFLHQWL¿F DQG KXPDQLVWLF TXHVWLRQV WKH\ FDQ KHOS XV DQVZHU ,Q DGGLWLRQ WR JUDPPDUV of two Aboriginal languages, Kayardild and Bininj Gun-wok, dictionaries of Dalabon and .D\DUGLOG HGLWHG FROOHFWLRQV RQ D QXPEHU RI OLQJXLVWLF WRSLFV DQG RYHU VFLHQWL¿F papers, he recently published the widely-acclaimed crossover book Dying Words: Endangered Languages and What They Have to Tell Us which sets out a broad program for HQJDJLQJZLWKWKHZRUOG¶VGZLQGOLQJOLQJXLVWLFGLYHUVLW\+HKDVDOVRZRUNHGDVDOLQJXLVW interpreter and anthropologist in two Native Title claims in northern Australia, and as a SURPRWRURI$ERULJLQDODUWE\WKH%HQWLQFN,VODQGZRPHQ¶VDUWLVWV v MATS EXTER studied General Linguistics, Historical-Comparative Linguistics, Phonetics DQG )LQQLVK 6WXGLHV DW WKH 8QLYHUVLW\ RI &RORJQH +H KDV KHOG SRVWGRFWRUDO UHVHDUFK DQGWHDFKLQJSRVLWLRQVDWWKH8QLYHUVLWLHVRI%RQQDQG'VVHOGRUI+LVZRUNIRFXVHVRQ language description and documentation, experimental phonetics, laboratory phonology, DQGPRUSKRV\QWDFWLFW\SRORJ\+HKDVFRQGXFWHG¿HOGZRUNRQ:RJHRDQ$XVWURQHVLDQ language of Papua New Guinea, where he has done descriptive research on the phonological DQGPRUSKRV\QWDFWLFVWUXFWXUHDVZHOODVSURGXFLQJDFROOHFWLRQRIWUDGLWLRQDOWH[WV0RUH IRUPHUO\µ6RXWKHUQ.KRLVDQ¶ ODQJXDJH XXD7XXۄUHFHQWO\KHKDVFRQGXFWHG¿HOGZRUNRQ1 RI6RXWK$IULFDIRFXVLQJRQWKHSKRQHWLFDQGSKRQRORJLFDOVWUXFWXUHRIWKHODQJXDJH MICHAEL C. FRANK LV$VVLVWDQW 3URIHVVRU RI 3V\FKRORJ\ DW 6WDQIRUG 8QLYHUVLW\ +H UHFHLYHGKLV3K'IURPWKH'HSDUWPHQWRI%UDLQDQG&RJQLWLYH6FLHQFHVDW0,7LQ and now heads the Language and Cognition Lab, which uses experimental, observational, DQGFRPSXWDWLRQDOPHWKRGVWRVWXG\ODQJXDJHDFTXLVLWLRQDQGODQJXDJHXVH+HLVEURDGO\ interested in the reciprocal interactions of language and cognition: both how languages affect the thoughts of their users and how the structure of cognition (especially social FRJQLWLRQ IDFLOLWDWHVWKHDFTXLVLWLRQRIODQJXDJHLQLQIDQWVDQGFKLOGUHQ HARALD HAMMARSTRÖM studies linguistics and computer science at Uppsala University (Sweden) and went on to do a PhD in computational linguistics at Chalmers University 6ZHGHQ +LV LQWHUHVWV DUH OLQJXLVWLF W\SRORJ\ HVSHFLDOO\ QXPHUDO V\VWHPV 3DSXDQ ODQJXDJHVODQJXDJHFODVVL¿FDWLRQDQGFRPSXWDWLRQDOWHFKQLTXHVIRUPRGHOLQJWKHGLYHUVLW\ RIKXPDQODQJXDJHV+HLVFXUUHQWO\ZRUNLQJDVD3RVW'RFDWWKH03,(9$ *HUPDQ\ DQG Radboud University (the Netherlands) on the documentation of the Papuan language Mor DQGRQDUHDOOLQJXLVWLFVLQ6RXWK$PHULFD DARJA HOENIGMAN is a PhD candidate in Anthropology at The Australian National University, working among the Awiakay, a community of 300 people living in Kanjimei YLOODJH LQ (DVW 6HSLN 3URYLQFH RI 3DSXD 1HZ *XLQHD ,Q KHU FXUUHQW SURMHFW VKH LV investigating socio-cultural continuity and change in Kanjimei and its relation to linguistic UHJLVWHUV,QVWXG\LQJWKHVHVSHHFKYDULHWLHVDQGWKHLUUHODWLRQWRWKHRYHUDOOVRFLDOVFHQH VKHEULQJVWRJHWKHUOLQJXLVWLFDQWKURSRORJ\DQGHWKQRJUDSKLF¿OPPDNLQJ MARIAN KLAMER WHDFKHV DW /HLGHQ 8QLYHUVLW\ DQG KDV GRQH SULPDU\ ¿HOGZRUN RQ D GR]HQ$XVWURQHVLDQ DQG 3DSXDQ ODQJXDJHV LQ ,QGRQHVLD RYHU WKH ODVW WZR GHFDGHV +HU research centres on language description and documentation, typology, and historical and FRQWDFWLQGXFHGODQJXDJHFKDQJH+HUSXEOLFDWLRQVLQFOXGH$JUDPPDURI.DPEHUD $JUDPPDURI7HLZD $VKRUWJUDPPDURI$ORUHVH DQGRYHUDUWLFOHVRQ DYDULHW\RIWRSLFV.ODPHUKDVFRRUGLQDWHGQXPHURXVUHVHDUFKSURMHFWVRQODQJXDJHVRI ,QGRQHVLD LQFOXGLQJ WKH 12:9,', SURMHFW µ/LQJXLVWLF YDULDWLRQ LQ (DVWHUQ ,QGRQHVLD¶ ± DQGWKH(XUR%$%(/SURMHFWµ$ORU3DQWDUODQJXDJHV2ULJLQVDQGWKHRUHWLFDO LPSDFW¶ ± IXQGHGE\WKH(XURSHDQ6FLHQFH)RXQGDWLRQ vi SEBASTIAN NORDHOFF is a postdoctoral researcher at the Max Planck Institute for (YROXWLRQDU\$QWKURSRORJ\LQ/HLS]LJ+HVSHFLDOL]HVLQODQJXDJHFRQWDFWDQGODQJXDJH change and the interface of language description and documentation on the one hand and HOHFWURQLFSXEOLFDWLRQRQWKHRWKHU+HLVDPHPEHURIWKHZRUNLQJJURXSRQ2SHQ'DWDLQ Linguistics of the Open Knowledge Foundation, where he works on integrating typological GDWDLQWRWKH/LQJXLVWLF/LQNHG2SHQ'DWD&ORXG GER REESINK studied psychology at the University of Utrecht, after which he spent 15 \HDUVLQ3DSXD1HZ*XLQHDXQGHUWKHDXVSLFHVRI6,/)LQLVKLQJKLVDI¿OLDWLRQZLWK6,/ he spent more than 15 years at Leiden University, mostly doing research on the languages RIWKH%LUG¶V+HDGRI3DSXDSURYLQFH,QGRQHVLD6LQFHKHKDVEHHQDSRVWGRFWRUDO researcher at the Radboud University and the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics at Nijmegen, involved in typological research of Papuan and Austronesian languages in order WRWUDFHWKHDQFLHQWKLVWRU\RIJHQHDORJLFDODQGFRQWDFWUHODWLRQV NICK THIEBERGERLVDQ$5&4(,,)HOORZDWWKH8QLYHUVLW\RI0HOERXUQH+HUHFRUGHG Paakantyi (NSW) speakers in the early 1980s and then worked with Warnman speakers (Western Australia) when he was setting up the Wangka Maya language centre in Port +HGODQG+HEXLOWWKH$ERULJLQDO6WXGLHV(OHFWURQLF'DWD$UFKLYH $6('$ DW$,$76,6 LQWKHHDUO\VDQGWKHQZDVDWWKH9DQXDWX&XOWXUDO&HQWUHIURP±+HZURWH DJUDPPDURI6RXWK(IDWHDODQJXDJHIURPFHQWUDO9DQXDWXZKLFKZDVWKH¿UVWJUDPPDU WRFLWHDGLJLWDOFRUSXVRIUHFRUGLQJVLQDOOH[DPSOHVHQWHQFHVDQGWH[WV,QKHKHOSHG HVWDEOLVK WKH 3DFL¿F DQG 5HJLRQDO$UFKLYH IRU 'LJLWDO 6RXUFHV LQ (QGDQJHUHG &XOWXUHV 3$5$',6(& +HWDXJKWLQWKH'HSDUWPHQWRI/LQJXLVWLFVDWWKH8QLYHUVLW\RI+DZDLµL ± +HLVDFRGLUHFWRURIWKH5HVRXUFH1HWZRUNIRU/LQJXLVWLF'LYHUVLW\ 51/' DQGWKHHGLWRURIWKHMRXUQDO/DQJXDJH'RFXPHQWDWLRQ &RQVHUYDWLRQ+HLVGHYHORSLQJ PHWKRGV IRU WKH FUHDWLRQ RI UHXVDEOH GDWD IURP ¿HOGZRUN RQ SUHYLRXVO\ XQUHFRUGHG ODQJXDJHVDQGWUDLQLQJUHVHDUFKHUVLQWKRVHPHWKRGV /DQJXDJH'RFXPHQWDWLRQ &RQVHUYDWLRQ6SHFLDO3XEOLFDWLRQ1R 'HFHPEHU Melanesian Languages on the Edge of Asia: Challenges for the 21st Century, HGE\1LFKRODV(YDQVDQG0DULDQ.ODPHUSS± KWWSQÀUFKDZDLLHGXOGFVS 1 KWWSKGOKDQGOHQHW Introduction: Linguistic
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