Checklist of Plants of Columbia County p. 1 of 44 (draft May 2014, compiled by the Hawthorne Valley Farmscape Ecology Program [email protected]; comments and corrections are welcome) Family SciName simplified Synonyms CommName PopTrend FCCRarity FCCHabitat PlantType GrowthHabit Duration State Rank Native (Y/N) Invasive (N-I) Regional Rank Spec StatusCC only along HuR, there often cultivated, maybe not native to Aceraceae Acer negundo box elder Y CCg S5 same Vascular Tree Perennial well established County? poorly known, maybe Aceraceae Acer nigrum black maple Y CCu S5 same Vascular Tree Perennial variety of A. sacharum striped maple, moosewood, green- freq throughout, most Aceraceae Acer pensylvanicum striped maple, whistlewood, Y CCg S5 same rich moist woods Vascular Tree Perennial abundant E Pennsylvania maple Aceraceae Acer platanoides Norway maple N-I SE increased! not in FCC Vascular Tree Perennial Aceraceae Acer pseudoplatanus sycamore maple N-I SE not seen not in FCC Vascular Tree Perennial same or Aceraceae Acer rubrum red maple Y S5 c throughout swamps and wet woods Vascular Tree Perennial increased? Aceraceae Acer saccharinum silver maple Y CCg S5 same only HuV, freq floodplain forest Vascular Tree Perennial same or Aceraceae Acer saccharum sugar maple Y S5 c woods, rich upland woods Vascular Tree Perennial increased? Aceraceae Acer spicatum mountain maple Y CCu S S4S5 declined only E, where common rocky woods, gorges Vascular Tree Perennial water-plantain, broad-leaved water- Alismataceae Alisma subcordatum Y CCg S5 same only HuV,where common wet places Vascular Forb/herb Perennial plantain, southern water-plantain not in FCC, taxonomy Alismataceae Alisma triviale Alisma subcordatum northern water-plantain Y S5 same? Vascular Forb/herb Perennial changed northern arrowhead, wapato, muddy shores of small ponds which Alismataceae Sagittaria cuneata Y CCr S5 same? r Vascular Forb/herb Perennial wapatum arrowhead dry up in summer Alismataceae Sagittaria graminea Sagittaria graminea grassleaf arrowhead Y CCu S5 same infreq shallow water, borders of pond Vascular Forb/herb Perennial broadleaf arrowhead, wapato, Alismataceae Sagittaria latifolia Y S5 same c wet places Vascular Forb/herb Perennial common arrowhead, duck-potato Sagittaria montevidensis tidal arrowhead, hooded Alismataceae Y CCr S2 same? r tidal mud Vascular Herbaceous Annual ssp. spongiosa arrowhead Alismataceae Sagittaria rigida sessile-fruit arrowhead Y CCu S5 same? loc abund tidal mud Vascular Forb/herb Perennial Alismataceae Sagittaria subulata strap-leaf arrowhead Y CCr S3 same? loc abund tidal mud Vascular Forb/herb Perennial tumbleweed amaranth, tumble Amaranthaceae Amaranthus albus pigweed, white amaranth, prostrate N SE not seen? c weed in cult or waste grounds Vascular Herbaceous Annual pigweed prostrate amaranth, prostrate Amaranthaceae Amaranthus blitoides Amaranthus graecizans pigweed, matweed, matweed N SE not seen r railroad yards Vascular Forb/herb Annual amaranth waterhemp pigweed, tidal marsh Amaranthaceae Amaranthus cannabinus Y CCu S5 same loc abund tidal mud Vascular Forb/herb Perennial amaranth love-lies-bleeding, purple Amaranthaceae Amaranthus caudatus N SE increased? not in FCC may persist near areas of cultivation Vascular Forb/herb Annual amaranth, foxtail amaranth weed in gardens, cult. and waste Amaranthaceae Amaranthus hybridus smooth amaranth, smooth pigweed N SE same c Vascular Forb/herb Annual grds green amaranth, Powell's Amaranthaceae Amaranthus powellii amaranth, Powell's smooth N SE not seen not in FCC Vascular Forb/herb Annual amaranth common amaranth, redroot weed in gardens, cult. and waste Amaranthaceae Amaranthus retroflexus pigweed, redroot amaranth, wild- Y S5 same freq Vascular Herbaceous Annual grds beet amaranth, rough pigweed Anacardiaceae Cotinus coggygria smoketree N SE not seen not in FCC Vascular Tree, Shrub Perennial Anacardiaceae Rhus aromatica fragrant sumac Y CCu R S5 declined? loc abund rocky bluffs and hills Vascular Shrub Perennial Anacardiaceae Rhus copallinum winged sumac Y CCr S2 S5 same r rocky summits Vascular Tree, Shrub Perennial old fields, roadsides, thickets, dry Anacardiaceae Rhus glabra smooth sumac Y CCg S5 same only HuV,where common Vascular Tree, Shrub Perennial soil old fields, roadsides, thickets, dry Anacardiaceae Rhus typhina staghorn sumac Y S5 same c Vascular Tree Perennial soil Checklist of Plants of Columbia County p. 2 of 44 (draft May 2014, compiled by the Hawthorne Valley Farmscape Ecology Program [email protected]; comments and corrections are welcome) Family SciName simplified Synonyms CommName PopTrend FCCRarity FCCHabitat PlantType GrowthHabit Duration State Rank Native (Y/N) Invasive (N-I) Regional Rank Spec StatusCC same or Anacardiaceae Toxicodendron radicans poison ivy, eastern poison ivy Y S5 c woods, fence rows, rocky banks Vascular Vine Perennial increased? Anacardiaceae Toxicodendron rydbergii western poison ivy Y CCu? S3? incleased? not in FCC FNYA: rocky open areas Vascular Shrub Perennial Anacardiaceae Toxicodendron vernix poison sumac Y CCu S4 same loc abund swamps, large & undistrubed Vascular Tree, Shrub Perennial Apiaceae Aegopodium podagraria goutweed, bishops goutweed N-I? SE increased not in FCC Vascular Forb/herb Perennial floodplain forest, wet meadows, Apiaceae Angelica atropurpurea angelica, great angelica Y CCu S5 same loc abund Vascular Forb/herb Perennial swamps Apiaceae Angelica venenosa hairy angelica Y CCr S3 declined? infreq dry woods Vascular Forb/herb Perennial Apiaceae Anthriscus sylvestris wild chervil, cow parsley N-I SE increased not in FCC Vascular Herbaceous Biennial Apiaceae Chaerophyllum procumbens spreading chervil Y CCr S1 increased not in FCC floodplain species Vascular Herbaceous Annual Apiaceae Cicuta bulbifera bulb-bearing water-hemlock Y S5 same c wet places Vascular Forb/herb Perennial water hemlock, spotted water hemlock, poison hemlock, beaver- only Hu&HaV,where open swamps and margins of Apiaceae Cicuta maculata Y CCg S5 same Vascular Herbaceous Perennial poison, musquash-root, spotted common streams cowbane swampy woods, shady places in Apiaceae Conioselinum chinense hemlock parsley Y CCr S4 same r Vascular Forb/herb Perennial calc. marshes Apiaceae Conium maculatum poison hemlock N SE increased not in FCC (gravel pit) Vascular Herbaceous Perennial Apiaceae Cryptotaenia canadensis Canada honewort Y CCu S5 declined? c moist rich woods Vascular Forb/herb Perennial Apiaceae Daucus carota wild carrot N SE same c weed of fields, meadows, roadsides Vascular Forb/herb Biennial Apiaceae Heracleum maximum Heracleum lanatum cow-parsnip Y CCr S4 same r alluvial meadows Vascular Forb/herb Perennial Apiaceae Hydrocotyle americana American water-pennywort Y CCu S5 declined? c springy places, moist low grounds Vascular Forb/herb Perennial Apiaceae Osmorhiza claytonii sweet cicely, Clayton's sweetroot Y CCu S5 declined? freq moist rich woods Vascular Herbaceous Perennial Apiaceae Osmorhiza longistylis aniseroot, longstyle sweetroot Y CCu S5 same? infreq moist rich woods, floodplains Vascular Herbaceous Perennial Apiaceae Pastinaca sativa wild parsnip N SE same c, loc v. abund weed of meadows and roadsides Vascular Herbaceous Biennial Apiaceae Sanicula canadensis short-styled sanicle Y CCu S5 declined? only HuV, freq moist woods Vascular Forb/herb Biennial Apiaceae Sanicula marilandica black snake-root Y CCu S5 declined? c woods Vascular Forb/herb Perennial Apiaceae Sanicula odorata Sanicula gregaria clustered blacksnakeroot Y CCu S5 declined only HuV,where common moist woods Vascular Forb/herb Perennial water-parsnip, hemlock water- muddy borders of streams and Apiaceae Sium suave Y CCu S5 declined c Vascular Forb/herb Perennial parsnip ponds only HuV,where dry clay and shale bluffs and Apiaceae Taenidia integerrima yellow pimpernel Y CCr S5 declined Vascular Forb/herb Perennial common, occ. In HaV hillsides Apiaceae Torilis japonica hedge-parsley, erect hedge-parsley N SE same occ dry fields and roadsides Vascular Forb/herb Annual heart-leaved golden Alexanders, Apiaceae Zizia aptera Y CCu S4 declined? only Hu&HaV, freq dry, rich, calc. woods Vascular Herbaceous Perennial meadow zizia Apiaceae Zizia aurea common golden Alexanders Y CCu S5 declined? c throughout moist meadows, along streams Vascular Forb/herb Perennial Apocynum Apocynaceae spreading dogbane Y CCu S5 declined c dry fields and thickets Vascular Forb/herb Perennial androsaemifolium Indian hemp, clasping-leaved gravelly or sandy shores, weed in Apocynaceae Apocynum cannabinum Apocynum sibiricum Y CCu S5 declined c Vascular Forb/herb Perennial dogbane fields Apocynaceae Vinca minor periwinkle N SE increased occ cementaries, yards, roadsides Vascular Vine Perennial Aquifoliaceae Ilex laevigata smooth winterberry holly Y CCu R S4 not seen not in FCC Vascular Tree, Shrub Perennial Aquifoliaceae Ilex verticillata common winterberry, black holly Y CCu S5 declined? freq open swamps and wet woods Vascular Tree, Shrub Perennial Aquifoliaceae Nemopanthus mucronatus mountain holly Y CCu S S5 declined? loc abund swampy woods, sphagnum bogs Vascular Tree, Shrub Perennial declined? Or Araceae Acorus americanus Acorus calamus American sweetflag Y CCr? S5 only HuV,where common ditches, wet or swampy places Vascular Forb/herb Perennial taxonomy changed… Checklist of Plants of Columbia County p. 3 of 44 (draft May 2014, compiled by the Hawthorne Valley Farmscape Ecology Program [email protected]; comments and corrections are welcome) Family SciName simplified
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