JTC1/SC2/WG2 N3412 L2/08-131 2008-04-01 Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set International Organization for Standardization Organisation Internationale de Normalisation Международная организация по стандартизации Doc Type: Working Group Document Title: Proposal for encoding Last Resort Pictures in Plane 14 of the UCS Source: Michael Everson Status: Individual Contribution Action: For consideration by JTC1/SC2/WG2 and UTC Date: 2008-04-01 1. Introduction. The Last Resort font is a collection of glyphs which represents types of UCS characters. These glyphs are designed to allow users to recognize that an encoded value is a specific type of UCS character, a Private Use Area character, an unassigned character, or one of the illegal character codes. Apple Computer and SIL are two organizations which have shipped Last Resort fonts for some time now. Recently Apple decided to make its Last Resort font available for public distribution via the Unicode Consortium’s website (sometime after the publication of Unicode 5.1). One of the principles of a Last Resort font is that is normally displayed when no other font is available for the character in question. Similarly, the Control characters encoded at U+0000-001F cannot be represented in text, since they are intended “do” things (even if few of them do much on modern operating systems. At 2400-243F the CONTROL PICTURES block provides glyphs for those characters so that they can be discussed and displayed in text. This facility would be as valuable for the Last Resort functionality as it is for the control characters. Accordingly, this proposal requests the encoding of a new block, U+E0200-E03FF LAST RESORT PICTURES, in Plane 14 of the UCS. The scheme for encoding in Plane 14 proposed here is block-based. As new blocks are added to the standard, new characters would be added to the Last Resort Pictures block. This maintenance burden is not very great, since the Consortium’s Last Resort font has to be updated in any case. In fact maintaining the Plane 14 block could well ensure a more timely updating of the Last Resort font. 2. Character names. The character names proposed begin with the prefix “LR-”, followed by the character range and block name. 3. Unicode Character Properties. E0200;LR-0000-FFFD PLANE-0 UNDEFINED;So;0;ON;;;;;N;;;;; E0201;LR-0000-007F BASIC LATIN;So;0;ON;;;;;N;;;;; E0202;LR-0080-00FF LATIN-1 SUPPLEMENT;So;0;ON;;;;;N;;;;; E0203;LR-0100-017F LATIN EXTENDED-A;So;0;ON;;;;;N;;;;; ... 4. Issues. The BMP is nearly full, and it is not hard to leave a bit of space where between blocks for future expansion. Whether this should be done for the SMP or not may merit some discussion. 1 A. Administrative 1. Title Proposal for encoding Last Resort Pictures in Plane 14 of the UCS 2. Requester’s name Michael Everson 3. Requester type (Member body/Liaison/Individual contribution) Indi v i dual co ntri buti o n. 4. Submission date 2008-04-01 5. Requester’s reference (if applicable) 6. Choose one of the following: 6a. This is a complete proposal Yes. 6b. More information will be provided later No. B. Technical – General 1. Choose one of the following: 1a. This proposal is for a new script (set of characters) Yes. 1b. Proposed name of script Last Resort Pictures. 1c. The proposal is for addition of character(s) to an existing block No. 1d. Name of the existing block 2. Number of characters in proposal 201. 3. Proposed category (A-Contemporary; B.1-Specialized (small collection); B.2-Specialized (large collection); C-Major extinct; D- Attested extinct; E-Minor extinct; F-Archaic Hieroglyphic or Ideographic; G-Obscure or questionable usage symbols) Category G. 4a. Is a repertoire including character names provided? Yes. 4b. If YES, are the names in accordance with the “character naming guidelines” in Annex L of P&P document? Yes. 4c. Are the character shapes attached in a legible form suitable for review? Yes. 5a. Who will provide the appropriate computerized font (ordered preference: True Type, or PostScript format) for publishing the standard? Michael Everson. 5b. If available now, identify source(s) for the font (include address, e-mail, ftp-site, etc.) and indicate the tools used: Michael Everson, Fontographer. 6a. Are references (to other character sets, dictionaries, descriptive texts etc.) provided? Yes. 6b. Are published examples of use (such as samples from newspapers, magazines, or other sources) of proposed characters attached? Yes. 7. Does the proposal address other aspects of character data processing (if applicable) such as input, presentation, sorting, searching, indexing, transliteration etc. (if yes please enclose information)? Yes. 8. Submitters are invited to provide any additional information about Properties of the proposed Character(s) or Script that will assist in correct understanding of and correct linguistic processing of the proposed character(s) or script. Examples of such properties are: Casing information, Numeric information, Currency information, Display behaviour information such as line breaks, widths etc., Combining behaviour, Spacing behaviour, Directional behaviour, Default Collation behaviour, relevance in Mark Up contexts, Compatibility equivalence and other Unicode normalization related information. See the Unicode standard at http://www. unicode. org for such information on other scripts. Also see Unicode Character Database http://www. unicode. org/Public/UNIDATA/ UnicodeCharacterDatabase.html and associated Unicode Technical Reports for information needed for consideration by the Unicode Technical Committee for inclusion in the Unicode Standard. See above. C. Technical – Justification 1. Has this proposal for addition of character(s) been submitted before? If YES, explain. No. 2a. Has contact been made to members of the user community (for example: National Body, user groups of the script or characters, other experts, etc.)? No. 2b. If YES, with whom? 2c. If YES, available relevant documents 3. Information on the user community for the proposed characters (for example: size, demographics, information technology use, or publishing use) is included? No. 2 4a. The context of use for the proposed characters (type of use; common or rare) Rare. 4b. Reference 5a. Are the proposed characters in current use by the user community? The glyphs are, but they are unavailable for use in text. 5b. If YES, where? In Last Resort fonts. 6a. After giving due considerations to the principles in the P&P document must the proposed characters be entirely in the BMP? No. 6b. If YES, is a rationale provided? 6c. If YES, reference 7. Should the proposed characters be kept together in a contiguous range (rather than being scattered)? Yes. 8a. Can any of the proposed characters be considered a presentation form of an existing character or character sequence? No. 8b. If YES, is a rationale for its inclusion provided? 8c. If YES, reference 9a. Can any of the proposed characters be encoded using a composed character sequence of either existing characters or other proposed characters? No. 9b. If YES, is a rationale for its inclusion provided? 9c. If YES, reference 10a. Can any of the proposed character(s) be considered to be similar (in appearance or function) to an existing character? No. 10b. If YES, is a rationale for its inclusion provided? 10c. If YES, reference 11a. Does the proposal include use of combining characters and/or use of composite sequences (see clauses 4.12 and 4.14 in ISO/IEC 10646-1: 2000)? No. 11b. If YES, is a rationale for such use provided? 11c. If YES, reference 11d. Is a list of composite sequences and their corresponding glyph images (graphic symbols) provided? No. 11e. If YES, reference 12a. Does the proposal contain characters with any special properties such as control function or similar semantics? No. 12b. If YES, describe in detail (include attachment if necessary) 13a. Does the proposal contain any Ideographic compatibility character(s)? No. 13b. If YES, is the equivalent corresponding unified ideographic character(s) identified? 3 E0200 Last Resort Pictures E02FF E020 E021 E022 E023 E024 E025 E026 E027 E028 E029 E02A E02B E02C E02D E02E E02F 0 ÈÒÜæðúĄĎĘ §­±Á E0200 E0210 E0220 E0230 E0240 E0250 E0260 E0270 E0280 E02A0 E02C0 E02D0 E02E0 E02F0 1 ÉÓÝçñûąďę ¨®²Â E0201 E0211 E0221 E0231 E0241 E0251 E0261 E0271 E0281 E02A1 E02B1 E02C1 E02D1 E02E1 E02F1 2 ÊÔÞèòüĆĐĚ ¯³Ã E0202 E0212 E0222 E0232 E0242 E0252 E0262 E0272 E0282 E02A2 E02B2 E02D2 E02E2 E02F2 3 Ë ß óýćđě °´Ä E0203 E0223 E0243 E0253 E0263 E0273 E0283 E02A3 E02D3 E02E3 E02F3 4 Ì àêôþĈĒĜ µÅ E0204 E0224 E0234 E0244 E0254 E0264 E0274 E0284 E02A4 E02B4 E02E4 E02F4 5 Í áëõÿĉēĝħ¡ ¶Æ E0205 E0225 E0235 E0245 E0255 E0265 E0275 E0285 E0295 E02A5 E02B5 E02E5 E02F5 6 Î âìöĀĊĔĞĨ ·Ç E0206 E0226 E0236 E0246 E0256 E0266 E0276 E0286 E0296 E02A6 E02E6 E02F6 7 ÏÙãí÷āċĕğĩ¢© ¸È E0207 E0217 E0227 E0237 E0247 E0257 E0267 E0277 E0287 E0297 E02A7 E02B7 E02C7 E02E7 E02F7 8 ÐÚäîøĂČĖĠĪ£ª ¹É E0208 E0218 E0228 E0238 E0248 E0258 E0268 E0278 E0288 E0298 E02A8 E02B8 E02C8 E02E8 E02F8 9 ÑÛåïùăčėġī º E0209 E0219 E0229 E0239 E0249 E0259 E0269 E0279 E0289 E0299 E02A9 E02E9 A ' CS r¤ » E020A E021A E022A E024A E025A E027A E028A E029A E02AA E02BA E02EA B ( DTcs ¥ ¼ E020B E021B E022B E024B E025B E026B E027B E029B E02AB E02BB E02EB C )6EUdt¦« ½ E020C E021C E022C E023C E024C E025C E026C E027C E028C E029C E02AC E02BC E02CC E02EC D *7FVeu ¾ E020D E021D E022D E023D E024D E025D E026D E027D E029D E02AD E02ED E + GWfv ¬ ¿ E020E E021E E022E E024E E025E E026E E027E E028E E029E E02AE E02CE E02EE F ,8HXg À E020F E021F E022F E023F
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