Chan, Llíng-Tsit, Íjatson, Burton, Records of Civilisation, Sourcee and Studies, No

Chan, Llíng-Tsit, Íjatson, Burton, Records of Civilisation, Sourcee and Studies, No

PRNÍART SOUßCES shih Ching Ff ffi , Karlgren, Bernhard LgT4TheBookofOdes.stockholmralsoinB¡{FEA'vols16rL7,L944, 1945. Shu Ching g ffi , Karlgren, Bernhard L95O The Book of Docu¡uents, BMFEA, vo1' 22' LTTERÀTURE de Bary, I{h. Theodore, Chan, t{ing-teitr lJatson, Burton 1961 Sources of Chinese Tradition, Coupiled by de Bary, I'Im' îheodore' chan, llíng-tsit, ÍJatson, Burton, Records of civilisation, sourcee and Studies, no. 55, Soutces of Ghinese Tradition' New Tork' Beky, Gellert lrg72 Die lJelt des Tao, l4ünchen. Bernard, l{enrir S.J. Ig37 Chü ttsire Phílosophy and its InterPretation by Leibniz, T'ien Hsia l,tonthly, vo1. 5. Blakeley' BarrY 8. 1976 0n the itFeudal" Interpretation of chou Ghina, Early china, vol' 2' Bodde, Derk 1936 The Attitude to!ùard science and scientifíc Method in Ancient China, Í'ien tleia l{onthlY, vol' 2. 238 Boodberg, PeÈer  1953 The Sernasiology of Some Primary Confucian ConcepËs, PEI{' voI. 2. L957 PhiloLogical- Notes on Chapter One of the Lao Tzu, HJAS' vol. 20. \979 Some Proleptical Remarks on the Bvolution of Archaic Chinese, ( r937) in Selected Works of A. Boodberg, comp. Cohen, Alvin P., Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1979, also in ILIAS, vot. 2, 1937. L979 rldeographyr or lconol.atry? in Selected l{orks of Peler Boodberg, ( 1 940) comp. Cohen, Alvin P., Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1979, also in T'oung Pao, vol. 35, no. 4, L94O. L979 Cedules from a Berkeley ïlorkshop in Asiatic Philology (with ( 1e6e) Postscript by S.H. Cohen), in Sel-ected Works of Peter A. Boodberg, qpmp. Cohen, Alvin P., Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1979r also in Tsing Hua Journal- of Chinese Studies, vol. 7, no. 2, 1969. Bruce J. Percy L923 Chu Hsi and His Masters, An Introduction to Chu Hsi and the Sung School of Chinese Philosophy, diss. London. Bykov, L.S. 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Roy, David T., lsien, lsuen- hsuín, Kong Kong. changl shun-i ffi f;ü - 7g7t lrro Tzu Chi Chieh & f # ßi Taipei. Chang, Teung-tr¡rig 1970 Der Kul-t der Shang-Dynastíe im Spiegel der Orakelinschriften' Bíne pa1äographische Studie zur Religion im archaiachen Chinat tliesbaden. chang Yin-lin dF Ê ffi[ L973 Chung Kuo Shih Kang' +wÊfiü Taipei. chaoCh'en-ching ffiffiüÉ Ig71 Yin Tai Tsung chíao Hsin Yang Yil chi szu Yang Yü chí szu. ffi ft H # Fa ffi ffi # frE r Fu Jen studiee. no.4. ;- se Eurn¿u¡es are not follotred by a cormta if the work is in Chineee. If the ¡¡ork is in a weetern language, a coÛna is used' 240 Chao Kuang-hsien tH X H t-980 Shuo Shang Shu Chin T'eng P'ien, Chung Hua Wen Shih Lun Tzu' ffi .. fä Ê.â,É>> ffi ' + + t Ê ãÊ Ë ' no. 3, I-980. ChaoPí-kuang ËH )b L977 Shih lÍei Feng, T'ang Feng, Ch'i Feng' llsing I Shu, ÉttÊEt'ËEl'#ElF#ìû , JCMS, vol. 33. Chavannes, Edouard 1905 Les Ménoires Historígues de Se-na Ts'ien Traduíte et Annotée, vol. 5, Paris. 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