
5TH MARINE REGIMENT - 2ND BATTALION - HISTORICAL DIARY - NOVEMBER 1950 Korean War Korean War Project Record: USMC-2141 CD: 22 United States Marine Corps History Division Quantico, Virginia Records: United States Marine Corps Unit Name: 1st Marine Division Records Group: RG 127 Depository: National Archives and Records Administration Location: College Park, Maryland Editor: Hal Barker Korean War Project P.O. Box 180190 Dallas, TX 75218-0190 http://www.koreanwar.org DECLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-07900060 - ~, -~·---------------------------------------- ___ ,·-~. 1/Jwt A&-.6 Serl 00242 ll Ja:a 1951 FIRST E!ID:'RSEIOOT on CO, 2d llll., 5th Mar Seer et 1 tr ser 001-50 of 10 Ju 1551 to CMC From: Comranding Officer, 5th Marinea To: Commandant of the Marine Corps Via: ( l) ColiOllW.ndbe; Geaeral, let Marine Div1•1on, FMF (2) Comm2~ding General, Fleet Marine Force, Pacific Subj: Second Battalion, 5th Marines Ristorical Diary for month of Nove•ber, 1950 1. fonmrded. DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-07900061 --- ..• ·-·------ SECRET 4l-l/1dp 2295 ls;~/1.~\~.s/ SEco;:D EiiDORSEMEI'IT on 2dBn, 5thMer HistoriCAl Diary for November 1950, 1 tr ser 001-50 From: Comm1<nding General, lst Marine Division, FHF To: Commandant of the Marine Cores Via: Commancling General, Fleet Marine Force, Pacific Subj: Historical Diary for month of November 1950 l. Forwarded. 2. The security classification of this enclorsement is cll.nce11ed when Cl.etached rrom the be.sic letter. 3. Transmission by United States Registered Mail or reg­ istered guard mail is authorized in accordance with erticle 7-5, United States ~!avy Security Manual for Classified Matter. ;:;ECREl SECRET DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-07900062 From: Commanding Generel.~.. l11t 'Rartne 'P1vllion. J'JO' · ·­ h: Commandant or the Ka~1Ae Oor.ps- na: Oosmandlng General. n ..t Jlar1'Qe force~ Pacific Bbtoriaal Diaq tor •onth ot JoveJjl-'ber l9So l. ro:r-.-ardeO.. L The eeomtr olaas1tlcatlon of thts •ndorseunt U oaneelled when detaehed f'rom the 'badq letter, ~. 'l'raneb!!ioJt b:r Ufd,tad ltatee &.tshred Rail or reg•. - bt9red ;!Uard mall 111 •utr..o:rheii in aooorwmct vitb. artlola Y-& United States l'lav-y StJouri t1 :VanUAl. for 01aa<1iflen _ llatt:er.1 - . I DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-07900063 -- 0065/945 Ser 0_ 0 3 0 - 5 1 ~J!. .. • p srcRE1 ~_...,,, , , . '::IS' SECRET THIRD ENDORSEJ.SNT on 2d.Bbl 5th }.far Rlstorical ;:nary ·for November 1950, ~tr ser 001-50 From: Commanding General, Fleet Ec.rin.:; Force, Pacific To: Commandant of the l1Br1ne Corps Subj: Historical Diary for November 1950 l. Forwarded. • r7 W_ MrLL~R SRIG.ADtER G--=Nr-·~1 ~~ '' s , -· • ' '''~, -'· • MAI\JNE CORPS Copy to: QfPUTY COi',.',VJit)fa ' CG, lstMar;:Jiv, SECRET ,.,,., ______ ., __________-'------------ DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-07900064 0. 0 3 o- G 1 df:r; J ' l~5: Diary tor 'fRIRD !NJCRS!HE:N! on 24l!b1 15th M:u- Rietor1oa1 November 1950, !t~ $e~ 00~~&0 From: Co~~and1ng 3tnaral, Jleot Marine roroa, Pac1f1<: 'i'o: rt'ommandant or the brine Co:rps 4~toJ : F.lG toril.lal D1arr tel' llionaber 1950 1~ Forwarded. I. W. MILLER. flRIGADltR GE"NERAl, 'J. 5. MAR~~E C:ORPS, Copy to: DE"UT't' (QM.''•'\A.NOER CG, latMa.rDi Y, .... ,_ '. SFCRE1 SECRET DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-07900065 . SECREr OOl-50 Headquarters 2d Battalion, 5th Marines let Marine Division, FMF 'c/o Fleet Post Office San Francisco, California From: Commanding Officer To: Commandant of the Marine Corps Via: 1~ Commanding Officer, 5th Marines 2 Commanding General, let Marine Division, FMF ~ 3 Commanding· General, Fleet Marine Force, Pacific Subj: Historical Diary for month of November, 1950 Ref:· (a) Paragraph 11401, Marine Corps Manual (b) Division General Order No. 16 with addendum SUMMARY: 1. This diary covers the activities of the 2nd Battalion, 5th Marines during the period 1-30 November 1950. At the beginning of the period this battalion was attached to the let Marines with the mission or defending WONSAN Korea. On 2 November this battalion reverted to 5th Marines control and received orders to be prepared to leave WONSAN for HAM­ HUNG by train. Upon arrival at HA..l\I!!UNG railroad station the battalion moved to SONGRUNG-NI assembly area. On 4 November the battalion moved by truck convoy to KYONGHUNG-NI where it took up defensive positions and patrolled this area until 9 November. On 10 November the battalion moved west about four (4) miles on the Main Supply Route and was assigned missions to guard the road, railroad and defena the right flank of the Division, and remained in this position until 13 November, On 14 November the battalion embarked aboard trucks for KOTO­ RI and remained in this area until lB November. During this period the battalion's mission was to _send out patrols in order to make contact with the enemy. On 19 November the battalion displaced to HUDONG-NI where it remaii}ed until 25 November. During this period the battalion was !lBBigned a defensive pos­ ition and to extensively patrol the area. On 26 November the battalion moved to YUDAM-NI where it went into the attack on 27 November against the enemy. Enemy counterattacks caused a halt in our advance and the battalion remained in this area until the end of the period, SECRET 001-50 ~----====~------~~------------------~·- Dli:CLASSTFTF.D DECLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-07900066 SECRET 001-50 HIS'XORICAL DIARY FOR NOVEMBER, 1950 (CONTINUED) CHRONOLOGICAL NARRATIVE; DATE 1. The battalion command post was set up in a school on out­ skirts of WONSAN. Korea. Winter clothing was issued to Dog, Easy, Fox, and ~veapons company. Received warning order from 5th Marines to be prepared to move by train and motor convoy to RAMHUNG. Twenty one (21) Prisoners of War captured and sent under guard to t4e loth Army Corps stockade at WONSAN. Weather partly cloudy and cool. Three (3) men sick and evacuated. 2. This battalion reverted to 5th Marines control. The ad­ vance party left 1vONSAN at 0?10 and arrived at RAMHUNG at 1400. Organi~ational vehicles left at 0930 and arrived at 1530. The remainder of the battalion departed by train at 0940 and arrived at 1815. The battalion moved from the HA}UfUNG railroad station by truck convoy to SONGHUNG-NI assembly area. Weather cloudy and cool. Costal terrain flat and rolling and inland terrain very mountainous. One (1) man sick evacuated. 3. This battalion located in assembly area at SoNrnrJNG-NI. Remainder of winter clothing issued. Personnel participated in athletics and care and cleaning of equ_ipment during the day. Received warning order from 5th Marines to move by truck convoy to K~ONGHUNG-NI. Weather sunny and cool. Two (2) men sick evacuated •. Joined three (3) replacements. 4. Received orders to relieve a ROK battalion defending the sector at CV 835?. A reconnaissance party left at 0630 and arrived at ROK battalion command post at 0845 to re­ ceive local situation. Departed by truck convoy from assembly area at SONGHUNG-NI at 0815 and arrived at KYONG­ HUNG-NI at 1145. Attached units are ?5MM Anti-Tank section, 4.2 mortar section, "B" Battery, 11th Marines. The battalion consolidated positions and all companies were in position prior to 1530. Weather cloudy and cool. Terrain mountain­ ous and vegetation scrubby brush and scattered pine. Pro­ moted thirty seven (3?) corporals to sergeant and sixteen (16) privates first class to corporal. Battalion rear ad­ ministrative section remained with the regimental rear ad­ ministrative unit at HAMHUNG. -2- SECRET ~-----------------------'--- DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-07900067 SECRET -:·---~-- \ HISTORICAL DIARY FOR NOVEMBER, 1950 (CONTINUED) - - - - - - - _._ - - - - - - ~ ~ - 5. Battalion remained in position during night and encountered no enemy activity. Fox company patrol consisting of one (1) squad left at 08QO with orders to remain at TA 8657 T until 1700. Patrol resulted in apprehension of seventy three (73) men and thirty three (33) communist sympathizers who were turned over to civilian a~thorities for disposit­ ion. Ee.sy company patrol consisting of one (1) platoon reinforced departed at 0835 with orders to proceed to TA- 7959 C and to remain in position during the day and arrive at command post area prior to darkness, Dog company less one (1) platoon left by motorized patrol at 0900. One (1) OY plane and two (2) corsair planes were requested to cover this patrol. At 1112 Dog company patrol was forced to dis­ embark from trucks due to impassability of road and proceed to sector by foot. At 1245 the patrol contacted about twenty (20) enemy but the enemy withdrew. Dog company patrol was ordered to secure the ridge at TA 8369 A-D. This patrol secured the ridge at 1545 and returned to command post area at 1715. Weather cloudy and cold. Terrain flat and mountain­ ous. Vegetation scrubby brush and scattered pine, One {1) man killed due to accidental discharge of weapon. Admin­ istrative report submitted. 6. Two (2) reconnaissance patrols and one {1) combat patrol was ordered for this date. Dog company patrol left at 0815 and returned at 1620 making no enemy contact, Fox company pat­ rol left at 0830 and returned at 1616 making no enemy contact. Easy company patrol left at 0840 to TA 7'765 M by trucks and disembarked at 1040 and proceeded on foot along railroad track to TA 7767 M. This patrol covered by oy; OY spotted about fifteen (15) enemy troops at TA 7770 M at 1400 and called airstrike. Patrol did not get to airstr1ke location to determine results. This patrol returned at 1600. One (1) communist agent apprehended, Weather sunny and warm, Six (6) men sick evacuated, 7.
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