THE HISTORY OF HUDDERSFIELD A N D I T S V I C I N I TY. BY D. F. E. SYI(ES, LL.B. HUDDERSFIELD: THE ADVERTISER PRESS, LIMITED. MDCCCXCV II I. TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. Physical features-Some place names-The Brigantes--Evidences of their settlement-Celtic relics at Cupwith Hill-At Woodsome­ At Pike-Law-At High-Flatts-Altar to God of the Brigantes­ Of the Celts-Voyage of Pytheas-Expeditions of Julius Ccesar -His account of the Celts-The Druids-The Triads-Dr. Nicholas on the Ancient Britons-Roman Rule in Britain­ Agricola's account-Roman roads-Roman garrisons-Camp at West Nab-Roman altar discovered at Slack (Cambodunum)­ Discoveries of Dr. \Valker-Roman hypocaust at Slack­ Explorations at Slack-Evidences of camp there-Schedule of coins found at Slack-Influence of Roman settlement-On government-On industries-On speech-Philological indications. CHAPTER II. The withdrawal of the Romans-Saxon influx-Evidences of Saxon settlement-Character of the Saxons-The Danes-Evidences of their settlement-Introduction of Christianity-Paulinus-Con­ version of Edwin-Church at Cambodunum-Other Christian stations - Destruction of Church at Cambodunum - Of the Normans-Invasion of William the Conqueror-Ilbert de Laci­ The feudal tenure-Domesday Book-Huddersfield and adjacent places in Domesday Book-Economic and social life of this period - The Villans - The Boardars - Common land - The descent of the Laci manor--The Earl of Lancaster -Richard Waley, Lord of Henley-The Elland Feud-Robin Hood-The Lord of Farnley and Slaithwaite-Execution of Earl of Lancaster -Forfeiture of Laci Manors to the Crown-Acquisition by the Ramsden family-Other and part owners-Colinus de Dameh·ill -Fules de Batona-John d' Eyville-Robert de Be11ornonte­ John del Cloghes-Richard de Byron-The Byron family in Huddersfield-Purchase by Gilbert Gerrard, temp. Elizabeth. See appendix. CHAPTER III. The condition of the general people under the Normans-Norman castles-Baronial oppression-Almondbury Castle-The Lord's Hunting-ground at Marsden-Deanhead Chase-The Dog Kennels-Tragedy at Almo!ldbury Castle-Inquisition of Edward 1.-The unjust steward-The Constable of Almond­ bury-The Inquisition of Edward III.-Ancient dyehouse Vlll. HUDDERSFIELD AND ITS VICINITY. and fulling mill-Price of provisions-Wages-First traces of woollen industry- The free tenants-The villeins-The term tenants-Their services-The custom of Lytherwythe-Chevage --The Saxon hind-The Lord's Mill-Inquisition of Elizabeth -l{ing's Mill--Encouragement of manufactures by Edward III. -Early weavers-The aulnager-Decay of villanage under com- merce-Legislative protection of woollen industry-19 Eliz. 3 Carl II.: Burial in woollens-Statute of Philip and Mary­ The wool-driver-Earnings of early weavers. CHAPTER IV. The Subsidy Roll of Richard II. (1379)-Population and Poll Tax of Hoderfeld, Almanbury, Ffarnelay Tyas, Whytelay, Byrton, Heton, North Crosseland, Crosseland fosse, Querenby, Hauneley, Meltham, Holmfirth, Slaxthwayt-Summary-The Subsidy Roll of Henry VIII. (1523)-Population and assessment of Hudders­ field-cum-Bradley, Almondburry, Whitlay, Fernelay Tyas, Kirk­ burton, Kirkheaton, Crosland, Wharneby (Quarmby), Honlay, Meltham, Holmefyrth, Slaghtwatt, Marsden-Summary. CHAPTER V. The Parish Church of Almondbury, All Saints'--The Mother Church at Dewsbury, founded by Paulinus-All Saints' erected about 1100-The advowson in the Laci family-The College of Jesus at Rotherham-Will of Archbishop Scot-The tithes­ The Parsonage House-Property of the Church-List of rectors and vicars-Certain extracts from the parish registers-The Plague-Extracts from churchwardens' accounts-Penance­ Communion wine-The bells-Interior of the Church-The I{aye Chapel-The Beaumont Chapel-Monuments of the Fenay family--Of the Kaye family-Churches sprung from All Saints' -Controversy as to Vicarage of Meltham-The faculty for celebrating n1ass at Henley-The Church quartered. See also appendix. CHAPTER VI. The foundation of the Parish Church of Huddersfield by Walter de Laci-Advowson granted to Nostell Priory-Deed of Ordination of Michael de Wakefield-Its confirmation-Valuation temp. Edw. !.-Visitation temp. Henry VIII.-The Chantries-Early valuation-Dissolution of the Monasteries-Advowson acquired by William Ramsden-List of vicars-The Rev. Henry Venn-­ The Rev. Harcar Crook-The Highfield Schism-Monuments in the Church-Mr. Coates's School-Population in 1819- The Rev. Gabriel Raynes-The Rev. Edmund Hill-The Rev. Thomas Clarke-The Rev. Josiah Bateman-The vicarage­ The Church of St. Thomas-The consecration and non-conse- . HUDDERSFIELD AND ITS VICINITY. IX. cration of the Cen1etery-Certain n1onuments and inscriptions­ The Brookes of Newsome-The \Vilkinsons of Greenhead -Sir J. L. l{aye-Extracts from the parish registers-The first Huddersfield Pauper (n.)-Visit of the Son1erset Herald- Of the ReY. Joseph Hunter-Re-erection in 1836-The value of the li,·ing-The late G. \V. Tomlinson. CHAPTER VII. The Priory of l{irklees-The Cistercian Order-Their habit and discipline-Grant by Rayner le Fleming--Elizabeth de Staynton -List of Lady Superiors-Their oath-Various endowments-­ The ad\·owson of 1\1irfield Church-Grant of a female serf­ SurYey of Henry VIII. -Robin Hood-Dissolution of the Priory -Papist Hall-The Armytage family. CHAPTER VIII. Education 1n early times-Establishment and endowment of Grammar Schools-The l{aye grant -The Chapel of St. Helen-The Charter of IGng James I. to the Almondbury Grammar School-Statutes of the governors-Course of study -Other benefactors-The Nettleton Trust-Robert Nettleton -:\'1onument and residence-The Wormald Trust-Israel Wormald-His house-Present scheme of government-Visitor and governors-Scholarships-Petition for original Charter­ List of governors-List of head masters-Some scholars. CHAPTER IX. The Beaumont family-\Vhitley-Beaumont-William de Bellomonte­ Sir Richard de Bellomonte-Sir Robert de Bellomonte-Sir John de Bellomonte-John de Bellomonte-Robert de Bellomonte­ Henry de Bellomonte-Henry Beaumont-Richard Beaumont­ His ,vill-Thomas Beaumont-Richard Beaumont-Richard Beaumont-Edward Beaumont-Sir Richard Beaumont-Monu­ ments in Kirkheaton Church-Sir Thomas Beaumont-The Civil War- Siege of Sheffield Castle-Adam Beaumont-Richard Beaumont-Richard Beaumont - Richard Beaumont-Henry Beaumont-Richard Beaumont-Richard Henry Beaumont­ ] ohn Beaumont-Charles Henry Beaumont-Richard Henry Beaumont-Henry Frederick Beaumont-Beaumont Park­ Woodsome Hall-Henricus Teutonicus-Sir Baldwin Teutonicus -Sir Francis Tyas--Laurence Kay-Lawsuit for Manor of Slaith­ waite-The Finchenden family-Pedigree of the l{ayes of Woodsome-The Woodsome manuscript-Arthur Kaye-Denby Grange-Slaughwaite Hall-The Manor House at Slaithwaite­ Pole Chapel-John Kaye of Woodsome-Robert Kaye-John Kaye-Sir John Kaye-The Civil Wars-Sir John Kaye­ Parliamentary elections-Sir Arthur Kaye-His marriage-Sir x. HUDDERSFIELD AND ITS VICINITY. John Lister-Kaye-Sir John Lister-Kaye of Denby Grange­ John Lister-Kaye-Sir John Lister Lister-Kaye-Sir John Pepys Lister-Kaye-The Legge family-William Legge-The Civil Wars-Honest Will Legge-Baron Dartmouth-William Legge, second Baron and first Earl-Marriage of Viscount Lewisham and daughter of Sir Arthur Kaye-William, second Earl of Dartmouth - His friendship with John Wesley - George, third Earl - William, fourth Earl-Some correspondence of William Walter, fifth Earl - Enfranchisement of Slaithwaite estates - The present Earl-Woodsome Hall. CHAPTER X. The Ramsaen family-Robertus de Wodde-The Woades of Longley-John Ramsden of Longley Hall-William Ramsden­ Deed of Purchase of the Huddersfield Estates-Bay Hall­ Sir John R.amsden-The Civil Wars-William Ramsden­ Sir John Ramsden -Charter of market at Huddersfield-Sir William Ramsden-Sir John Ramsden-The Huddersfield Cloth Hall-Sir John Ramsden-The Huddersfield Enclosure Act-Sir John William Ramsden-The Huddersfield Tenant­ Right Case. CHAPTER XI. The Civil Wars--Catholic families of the district-Muster at Almond­ bury for the Parliament-At Doncaster for the King-Major Beaumont drowned-The defences of Almondbury-Sir John Ramsden at Selby-Charles Nettleton of Honley-Captain Horsfall of Storthes Hall-Defence of Sheffield by Sir Thomas Beaumont-Kaye of Woodsome fined by Parliament-Thomas Hirst of Greenhead fined-The Rev. Richard Sykes expelled his cure-The Rev. Christopher Richardson-Lascelles Hall -The Rev. Abraham Woodhead of Meltham-His endowment of the Church at Meltham-Sir Thomas Hoyle of Linthwaite­ Resistance of James II. by local gentry-Resistance of the Pretender-The Young Pretender's Army at Scot Head-The Huddersfield Yeomanry. CHAPTER XII. Huddersfield in 1800-A description of the town-The government of the town-The office and duties of the constable-The Cuck Stool-The Whipping Post-The Court Leet-Petition for appointment of constable-The surveyor of high ways-The water supply-Public lighting-Introduction of. gas-Early magistrates-The Marsh Prosecution Society-County Court­ The Riding School-The playhouse-The Cloth Hall-Private schools-The police-Some private residences-Popular pastimes -Bull baiting-Costumes of the period--The stage coaches- . HUDDERSFIELD AND ITS VICINITY. Xl. The pack horses-•Coaching accidents--The state of the High­ ways-General distress-,Vages-Statute of labourers-Hand­ loom weavers-Merry Dale l\rlill-Legislative protection of woollen industry- Resistance to union with Ireland-Some early worthies of the town. CHAPTER XIII. The introduction of machinery - Riots-The Croppers - Their earnings - Restrictions on exportation - Industrial distress­ Petition for Peace-E. and
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