Local Government Budget Framework Paper Vote: 545 Nebbi District Structure of Budget Framework Paper Foreword Executive Summary A: Revenue Performance and Plans B: Summary of Department Performance and Plans by Workplan C: Draft Annual Workplan Outputs for 2015/16 Page 1 Local Government Budget Framework Paper Vote: 545 Nebbi District Foreword The Budget for financial year 2015/16 is derived from the aspirations of the people of Nebbi as expressed in the District’s Vision, Mission statement and Goals which are detailed in the plan. The Vision, Mission and Goals were informed and guided by the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the five years National Development Plan (2010/11 to 2014/15), the National Resistance Movement (NRM) manifesto, various sector policies and guidelines and our local priorities. Accordingly, the Budget focuses on the strategic areas of economic and social infrastructure construction and rehabilitation, human development and empowerment and poverty reduction. It broadly covers the: construction, rehabilitation and maintenance of schools, health units, roads and bridges; the development of technical staff interms of quality and quantity and; the empowerment of the disadvantaged/vulnerable groups in our society. As a point of emphasis, the District is committed to the efficient use and maintenance of all the facilities that were developed over the years and efforts will be put to ensure that the capacity of the users is strengthened towards correct use inorder to increase facility life span and enjoyment of the services they are meant to offer. Thus, it is envisaged that the budget will be implemented through some of the ongoing programmes such as the Northern Uganda Peace, Recovery and Development (PRDP), Northern Uganda Social Action plan (NUSAFII) as well as the other Sector’s and Partner’s programmes. I call upon all stakeholders to embrace the comprehensive plan and participate fully towards its implementation for the good of our people. Okumu Robert District Chairperson/Nebbi Page 2 Local Government Budget Framework Paper Vote: 545 Nebbi District Executive Summary Revenue Performance and Plans 2014/15 2015/16 Approved Budget Receipts by End Proposed Budget September UShs 000's 1. Locally Raised Revenues 1,704,815 294,655 1,704,815 2a. Discretionary Government Transfers 3,056,764 624,031 3,056,764 2b. Conditional Government Transfers 20,614,843 4,711,545 20,614,843 2c. Other Government Transfers 3,990,400 1,478,473 2,448,982 3. Local Development Grant 933,605 233,401 933,605 4. Donor Funding 339,754 44,184 443,164 Total Revenues 30,640,182 7,386,289 29,202,173 Revenue Performance in the first quarter of 2014/15 By the end of first Quarter financial year 2014/15, the district received a total of 7.466 billion shillings representing 24.3% of the total budget. This is good performance on the part of Central Government transfers where all funds were received as planned. However, some sources of revenue under performance like in local revenue only 17% was collected. This was due to heavy rains that affected market dues collection and the dispose off of asset was not done. Other Central Government transfers from Neglected Tropical Disease, Avian Flu, Uganda Sanitation, Uganda Wildlife Authority, Re-stocking programme, GAVI, DICOSS, FIEFOC and Youthlihood were not received. Also Donor funds from UNICEF and GIZ Uganda were not received as planned as the donor were demanding for accountability to release next allocation to the district. Planned Revenues for 2015/16 In the Finanial year 2015/16 the district expects to receive 29.2 billion compared to 30.64 billion from last financial year. This is a reduction by over one billion shillings mainly as a result of NUSAF2 phasing out, Secondly, funds from UWA as corporate responsility has been reduced. However, there are also other sources of revenue that have continued to increase like unconditional grant wage for salary enhancement and Conditional grant wage. Conditional grant transfers and Discretionery funds have been maintained as per MoFPED instruction. Other Central Government transfers from UBOS ended with completion of Census exercise and the IPFs from Avian Flu, Uganda Sanitation fund and FIEFOC were not communcated. These funds have been allocated across all sector with education receiving the highest allocation followed by health and administration in that order. Expenditure Performance and Plans 2014/15 2015/16 Approved Budget Actual Proposed Budget Expenditure by UShs 000's end Sept 1a Administration 2,221,469 592,522 2,279,629 2 Finance 1,211,373 240,802 1,017,991 3 Statutory Bodies 791,696 144,600 813,725 4 Production and Marketing 1,402,218 121,933 1,125,299 5 Health 4,592,250 964,098 4,390,994 6 Education 15,312,223 3,269,828 15,280,601 7a Roads and Engineering 1,841,930 180,712 1,790,927 7b Water 732,066 23,886 751,154 8 Natural Resources 321,544 38,261 251,502 9 Community Based Services 1,263,614 62,986 1,062,005 10 Planning 841,132 904,282 324,520 11 Internal Audit 109,266 17,323 113,825 Page 3 Local Government Budget Framework Paper Vote: 545 Nebbi District Executive Summary 2014/15 2015/16 Approved Budget Actual Proposed Budget Expenditure by UShs 000's end Sept Grand Total 30,640,782 6,561,233 29,202,173 Wage Rec't: 17,006,506 3,720,918 16,682,510 Non Wage Rec't: 8,850,977 2,361,782 8,173,340 Domestic Dev't 4,443,545 478,533 3,903,160 Donor Dev't 339,754 0 443,164 Expenditure Performance in the first quarter of 2014/15 During the Quarter under review, the district spent 6.622 billion shillings across all the sectors. Mainly for wage at 3.7 billion, non wage at 2.428 billin shillings and for development at 470 million shilling. It should be noted that, NOT much was done in infrastructure development because much of the works were still under evaluation stage and some projects were re-advertised as they did not attract many bidders. By the end of the quarter the District had over 800 million shillings sitting on account for key expenditure areas as below; Administration Completion of office block at Alwi Sub county, Rehabilitation district headquarters and fencing of works department , Capacity building conducted for 3 staff, recruitment of 33 new staff, 1 vehicle and 3 motorcycles contract awarded for supply. Finance Prepared and submitt LG Final Accounts to Auditor General, Collected local revenue worth 294 millio to finance Council activities, Submitted Annual Performance Report and responded to queries raised by Auditor General. Statutory Bodies Conducted 0ne Council meeting, one monitoring report produced and one standing committee conducted. Production and Marketing 12,155 cattle vaccinated, 8,960 livestock undertaken to slaughter slab, construction of market shade at Alwi sub county and 2 fish cage maintained at Panyimur sub county. Health 3,237 inpatient visited District and General Hospital, 12,819 OPD, 563 deliveries, Transferred funds to 40 health facilities, 2212 Childern immunized with Pentavalent vaccine, one staff house rehabilitated at Panyigoro HCIII and co- funded solar power under GIZ, Education 1762 Qualified teachers paid salaries, 114,545 enrolled in UPE, 6,545 enrolled in USE, Rehabilitated 2 classrooms at Namthin primary school, completed 2 classrooms at Lwalakojo primary school, 164 and 5 Primary schools and secondary schools inspected respectively and 3,317 accessing SNE facilities. Roads 68 km of road routinely maintained, 2km road periodically maintained, 5km of road rehabilitated and 15 culverts installed on Paminya-Erussi road. Water 15 water facility user trained, one supervision visit conducted during and after construction of water points, 10 water user committees formed and one advocacy meeting conducted. Natural Resources One water shade committee formed, 16 women and men trained in ENR monitoring and one radio talk show conducted. Community Services 3 Community development worker activated, 9 Juveniles cases handled and settled and one women group supported with IGAs. Planned Expenditures for 2015/16 The following shall form part of the expenditure plan for 2015/16. Fencing of work department phase two, construction of lagoon for waste management, provision of ICT materials, Construction of Market stalls at Alwi sub county and rehabilitation of Paminya - Ayila- Erussi road, drilling 10 boreholes and rehabilitation of 15 boreholes. Completion of Goli staff house, Abongo maternity and procurement of land among others. Medium Term Expenditure Plans Page 4 Local Government Budget Framework Paper Vote: 545 Nebbi District Executive Summary Construction of Council Hall, procurement of vehicle for Education department, construction of CAOs residence and fencing of works department second phase. Construction 250 classrooms to reduce pupil:Classroom from 76:1 to 56:1, 1,760 latrine stances constructed, rehabilitation of 20 health facilities and 15 staff houses, Construction of 67 boreholes and routine maintanance 480km of district road. Challenges in Implementation 1. Late submission of department and sub county reports. This affects timely and qaulity of consoldated report by the district 2. Limited capacity to internalize new reforms like OBT, SCORECARD and Programme budgeting 3. Poor community attitude to participate in income generating activities to increase Household income Page 5 Local Government Budget Framework Paper Vote: 545 Nebbi District A. Revenue Performance and Plans 2014/15 2015/16 Approved Budget Receipts by End Proposed Budget September UShs 000's 1. Locally Raised Revenues 1,704,815 294,655
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