A List Ofjapanese Insect Collection by P. F. Von Siebold and H. Burger Preserved in Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum, Leiden, the Netherlands

A List Ofjapanese Insect Collection by P. F. Von Siebold and H. Burger Preserved in Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum, Leiden, the Netherlands

Bull. Kilakyushu Mia. Nat. Hist., 20: 81-143, pis. 3-9. March 31, 2001 A list ofJapanese Insect Collection by P. F. von Siebold and H. Burger preserved in Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum, Leiden, the Netherlands Part 3. Other Orders by Kyoichiro Ueda1 and Yutaka Yoshiyasu2 'Kilakyushu Museum and Institute of Natural History, 3-6-1 Nishihonmachi, Yahatahigashi-ku, Kitakyushu 805-0061 Japan JLaboratory ofApplied Entomology, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyoto Prefectural University, Shimogamo, Kyoto 606-8522Japan (Received December 19, 2000) Von Siebold left Japan after the Siebold affair (1829) and his assistant H. Burger continued collecting. Burger sent four shipments of natural history material to Leiden (Yamaguchi, 1993: 79) and many insect collections were included in these (Holthuis & Sakai, 1970). As soon as our research began we found that the material collected by von Siebold and Burger had not always been kept separate, and that Burger's material often bore labels with "Japan" only. For example, de Haan (1842-1844) apparently dedicated the specific name of Decticvs biirgeri de Haan, 1843 (p. 214) to Burger, but the four "Cotypus" specimens of D. biirgeri only bear a small, square hand-written label "Japan" (PI. 5: Fig. B). De Haan indicated Burger's name as collector for Phasma (Acanthoderus) japonicum de Haan, 1842 (p. 135) too. With Blattella nipponica Asahina, 1963 we found a circular label with "Japan", the letter being underlined (Fig. 11). This characteristic style is fre quently found on labels among specimens of Orthoptera and related orders. Conocephalus crassiceps de Haan, 1843bears a circular label inscribed "BurgerJapan" (PI. 5: G), so we tentatively assign the specimens bearing those labels to either the Burger or Siebold collection. More detailed comments on particular specimens are given below. Identification of the specimens was mainly based on the identification labels already attached to them. When problems of identification were encoun tered, we asked the specialists on each family for identifications from the photo graphs we took. Naturally a more detailed examination will later be needed for some material. We hope that this list will encourage systematicwork on the species in question. 82 KyoichiroUkda and YutakaYoshiyasu Acknowledgements Prof. Takao Yamaguchi, Kumamoto University and Prof. L. B. Holthuis, Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum, Leiden encouraged and helped us in many ways. Prof. Holthuis read the earlier draft of this work through and gave us many useful comments. Dr. Gaden S. Robinson, The Natural History Museum, London also gave us the advice. We are grateful to many systematists, i. e., Dr. Syoiti Miyamoto (Fukuoka City), Profs. Hiroshi Shima and Kazuo Ogata, Drs. Takuji Tachi and Masahiro Sueyoshi (Kyushu University), Prof. Seiki Yamane (Kagoshima University 8c University of Tokyo), Dr. Akihiko Shinohara (National Science Museum, Tokyo), Dr. Kazuhiko Konishi (Hokkaido National Agricultural Experiment Station), Dr. Kaoru Maeto (Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute, Shikoku Research Center), Dr. Takeyuki Nakamura (Tochigi Prefectural Museum) and Mr. Yoshinobu Uemura (Toyosato Museum of Entomology) for gen erous help in giving us comments on the identifications of several specimens of which we sent them photographs. Mr. Akihiko Ichikawa (Osaka City) indicated us the species which were described or recorded from Japan on de Haan's work. Mr. Hisakatsu Minei and Prof. Takeshi Kawarabata, Kyushu University kindly arranged the photograph of the late Emeritus Prof. Teiso Esaki. Finally our list is dedicated to two distinguished entomologists, the late Emeritus Prof. Teiso Esaki, Kyushu University and the late Emeritus Prof. Masuzo Ueno, Kyoto University. They published many papers on von Siebold and his natural history works even in the hard times after the World War II. We could not have started this project with out their efforts in the field. Order Ephemeroptera Family Siphlonuridae 7 9 tlJ Yu^lfr 1. Dipteromimus tipuliformis McLachlan, 1875 iSify^iiY'O^ 1 d* (PI. 3: Figs. A-B). Holotype of Dipteromimus tipuliformis McLachlan, 1875. D. [L; 1 Ephemeroptera, R; Siphlonuridae, Siphlaenigmatidae] FamilyEphemeridae -^ > # y O »> £|- 1. Ephemera orientalis McLachlan, 1875 h93^^6>*yD7 1o* (PI. 3: Figs. C-E, Figs. 1-2). HolotypeofEpliemera orientalis McLachlan, 1875. D. [L; 13 Ephemeroptera, R; Ephemera] Remarks. Both wings, the legs, the posterior segments ofabdomen and the genitalia are mounted on glass slides. The head, thorax and the anterior segments of the abdomen are glued on paper. G. Demoulin (1965) exam- A list ofJapanese Insect Collection by 1'. F. von Sikboi.d and II. BORGER 83 *?*. MelACtH4>>j\ |» <*f<• (Actio**/ : ?«eks H ,•••'•-- »'<,• HeewM | Sri t<4 fat^,- m v .:De~.L.au.r<rl FkkcH*AS*>, I 2* K'(.4<*rc/w •£. if1 Figs. 1-8. Figs. 1-2; Ephemera orientalis McLachlan, 1875, mounted wings, legs, abdomen, etc., Fig. 3; Cahpteiyx alrata SELYS, 1853, Fig. 4; Cahpteiyx cornelia Sr.i.vs, 1853, Fig. 5; Sieboldius albardae Selys, 1886, Fig. 6; Rhyothemis fuUginosa Selys, 1883, Fig. 7: Periplaneta fuliginosa (SerVILLE, 1839), Fig. 8; Opisthoplalia orientalis (BURMEISTER, 1838) ?,dorsal view. 84 Kyoichiro Ueda and Yutaka Yoshiyasu ined this material. Order Odonata !*$!&£§ Family Calopterygidae iJ 7 h > ^*f4 1. Calopteryx atrata Selys, 1853 >^7u V>tf lc?l^(Fig. 3) D. [L; Odonata 218/1 Calopterygidae, R; Calopteryx atrataJapan] 2. Calopteryx Cornelia Selys, 1853 ^tV7)7F>'f 1o* (Fig. 4) 1£ (Burger Collection) D. [L; Odonata 218/3 Calopterygidae, R; Calopteryx melli, grandaeva, Anaciagrion cornelia] 3. MnaispruinosaSelys, 1853 #7 h ># 1c? (PI. 3: Figs. F-H). Lectotypedesignated by M.A . Lieftinck, 1971, with hand-written comment by Dr. S. Asahina, 1968 and blue "cotypus" label. D. [L; Odonata 229/1 Calopterygidae, R; Mnais pruinosa, strigata, ssp. costalis ] Family Gomphidae ^i~^- N>4#r 1. Sieboldius albardae Selys, 1886 ^ * —\ > V 1 o* (Fig. 5) (Burger Collection). D. [L; Odonata 128/4 Gomphidae, R; Hagenius brevistylus, Sieboldius albardae] Family Cordulegasteridae ^" —"V > "^$• 1. Anotogaster sieboldii (Selys, 1854) if —\ > ~7 l-?- (PI. 4: Figs. A-B) (Burger Collection). Holotype (?) of Cordulegaster sieboldii de Selys, 1854 (abdomen missing), bears the identification label with "Probably HOLOTYPE !" by M. A. Lieftinck. D. [L; Odonata 150/1 Cordulegasteridae, R; Anotogaster sieboldi Japan] Family Libellulidae h > #$r 1. Rhyothemis fuliginosa Selys, 1883 •?- 3 *J h > tf 1 cT (Fig. 6) (Burger Collection). D. [L; Odonata 99/5 Libellulidae, R; Rhyothemis fuliginosa ssp. plutonia] Order Blattaria n'^r "7* U @ Family Blattidae =f*7*U# 1. Periplaneta fuliginosa (Serville, 1839) 9 n n*^r7*'J l<?(Fig.7). A list ofJapanese Insect Collection by P. F. von Siebold and H. Burger 85 D. [L; none, R; Pal., vol., met doom, under curation] Family Epilampridae "7?"7 ^*^r 7*'j # 1. Opisthoplatia orientalis (Burmeister, 1838) t^V^1/'] ? l£ (Figs. 8-9). D. [L; Blat., 1-1, Polyphaga, Eupolyphaga, etc., R; Polyphagoidea, Poly- phagidae] Family Blattellidae f- * / <* =f* 7*]) # 1. Blattella nipponica Asahina, 1963 •=£ Uf--V/<^ rf+yj 1 •¥• (Figs. 10-11). With a circular label with only "Japan". Det. by L. Roth (1980). Siebold or Burger Collection ? D. [L; Blat., 27.7, Blattella, Paraloboptera, etc., R; Epilamproidea, Blatel- lidae] Remarks. The inscription "Japan" on this circular label has the "p" underlined. This characteristic style is also found on the circular label of Rhabdoblatta guttigera (Shiraki, 1906) V ¥ 7 ^ ^ 7* 'J (Fig. 277). Dr. Asahina (1991) figured the latter two specimens and inferred that both specimens belong to Siebold's collection from Nagasaki. Order Mantodea iJ "7*c U @ Family Mantidae #V^'Jf4 1. Hierodula patellifera (Serville, 1839) ^7lfnA7+'J 1£ (Figs. 12-13), arranged under the label UH. venosa Oliv., 1792" and with the identification label "Par(?)hierodula venosa (01.)". D. [L; Mant., 7. 37, Hierodula, R; Mantidae, Mantinae] 2. Tenodera angustipennis Saussure, 1869 if" 3 7 -te > :# V 3r 'J 1-?- (Figs. 14-15), with an old identification label "Herbacea Serv.". D. [L; Mant., 7. 73, Tenodera, R; Mantidae, Mantinae] Order Orthoptera DM @ For the Orthoptera to Dermaptera we followed Husson and Holthuis (1955) on the dates of publication of de Haan's work "Bijdragen tot de Kennis der Orthoptera. Verhandelingen over de natuurlijke Geschiedenis der Nederlandsche overzeesche Bezittingen, Aflevering 16, 18, 19/20, 24". Family Rhaphidophoridae iJ ~? K7 "?# 1. Diestrammena japonica Karny, 1842 ~? ¥ 7 iJ"? V**} ~? 1£ (Fig. 16), arranged under the label "Rhaphidophora marmorata de Haan". 86 Kyoichiro Ueda and Yutaka Yoshiyasu 10 U&fts/a^en. 6BHTAL1A SLIDE W>, Blattella £ nlpponlpfr"As3r.<i& 11 I V, Siebold, Japan. •Museum Leiden. „ • venosa (orj jnt-toRe'.-,^'/ 13 j V. Siebold, | Japan. '>/* nrrt W 15 I 16 Figs. 9-10. Fig. 9; Opisthoplatia orientalis (BlJRMEISTER, 1838) ? ventral view, Figs. 10-11; lilattella nipponica Asahina, 1903 and the labels. Figs. 12-13; Hierodula patellifera (Serville, 1839) and the labels. Figs. 14-15; Tenodera angustipennis Saussure, 1809 and the labels. Fig. 10: Diestra in mena Japan ica k.\ RNY, 18-12. A list of Japanese Insect Collection by P. F. von Siebold and H. Burger 87 D. [L; GR. ACR. 5.1 Rhaphidophora, Paracrodonta, R; Rhaphidophoridae] Family Gryllotalpidae )"7# 1. Gryllotalpa fossor ScvmiV.R, 1869 *T 7 4 exs. (Figs. 17-18), each bearing the circular label "Japan" with the "p" underlined. D. [L; Gryl. 3. 2 Gryllotalpa, R; Gryllotalpidae] Family Gryllidae

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