I Portsmouth East High School Whatever it takes! 224 Marshal] Avenue Sciofoville, Ohio 45662 (614) 776-6777 Enrollment: 475 Principal: Tom Walker 1992 SPIRIT \ Whatever it Takes!!! ( The selection of the theme for each year- desire success on the golf course you do book is a difficult task. The yearbook 'whatever it takes'. This theme became staff had tried out a few ideas early in the driving force behind many aspects of the year but none that were acceptable to the '91-'92 school year. We had to adjust everyone. The football team, meanwhile. to new teachers and a new principal, t was enjoying a remarkable season, uti- Budget restrictions meant energy saving lizing the slogan 'Whatever it takes!'. Our measures that resulted in cold classrooms yearbook representative from Taylor and dark halls. Art supplies and library pointed out that this theme fit for all books could not be ordered until Christ- j areas of our school life, not just football. mas. Despite these difficulties, we man- Afterall, if you want a date with a certain aged to do 'whatever it takes' and make girl, you do 'whatever it takes'. If you the year a success! It looks like Captain T' (Chris Hutch­ inson) is ready to venture forth to a certain victory. New principal Tom Walker gets a rous­ ing welcome from East fans at the Foot­ ball kickoff. Clutching tenaciously to the wall, Jen­ nifer Dunham and Jenny Evans are just hangin' around. An enthusiastic Stacey Bond gives Coach Darryl Davis his 'just desserts' by commanding a "grass hit". Table of Contents Opening 2 Classes 10 Sports 42 Academics 66 Organizations 78 Middle School 102 Ads 114 Close 136 Opening Dilligently filling the pop ma­ chine are David Meadows, Gary Whitt and Billy Ober. The devoted Tartan fans show their spirit at one of the football pep assemblies. The "Dynamic Duo" Stacey Bond and Mike White sing their hit song "The Siders Said 'Ouch'" accompanied by Jason Wan Halen' Riesenbeck. Mr. Football contenders Mike Dunham and Jason Lowery dis­ play their trophies with the winner Stacey Bond. Handsome Phillip Lewis and lovely Debbie Stapleton are only a bit nervous during the Homecoming ceremonies. Seniors Amy Murray, Jennifer Dunham and Robyn Scurlock get a hug from Santa at the Library Christmas banqet Opening I Demonstrating their spirit in the parade are East's Varsity and JV cheerleaders. East's lovely River Days candidate Beth Gampp. Leading the parade of bands, floats and more is the Pride of Sciotoville, the East marching band. Patriotism and pride in America are evident in Beth's float. UNCLE SAM WANTS YOU! River Days 1991 The River Days celebration focused on memorable time for our candidate as she patriotism this year as the red, white and spent several months preparing. Her pa­ blue theme honored our Gulf War veter­ triotic float featured a red, white and blue ans and displayed our country's pride. eagle and a plump Uncle Sam (Becky The parade took place on Saturday, Au­ Tudor). Although she did not place in the gust 31st. Many of East's students, in­ pageant, Beth enjoyed her experience. cluding our marching band and JV and When asked about her participation, Beth Varsity cheerleaders, took part. Repre­ replied, "It was an honor and I am proud senting Portsmouth East High School in to have been East's representative." Our the Miss River Days pageant was Eliz­ school and staff applaud Beth for her abeth Ann Gampp. River Days was a accomplishments. Outlining her career goal to be a physical education teacher, Beth credits her two brothers, Craig and Ste­ phen, with developing her nerves of steel and grace under pressure. Beth gives her impression of a maniken. Struttin' her stuff, Beth Gampp flashes a stunning smile. River Days vVhatever It Takes.. o (Top Right) A vicious vampire (Mary Jo Neff) attacks and drains her next victim (Wendi Fan­ nin) at the Art Club Haunted House. (Top Left) Studious typing students Missy Bundy and Sarah Smith practice their skills in the library. (Above) Industrious to the core, library workers Amy Murray, David Martin, Stacey Bond and Robyn Scurlock man the circulation desk to protecl reference books. (Center Right) A proud Ed Thompson, first as­ sistant football coach, shows off the S.O.C. trophy and the football theme "Whatever It Takes". (Right) Just prior to a fire drill, Chris Hutch­ inson, Jessica Dingess and Mike White show typical Tartan camaraderie. (Far Right) Although a wounded warrior, Scott Meadows, shares in the elation over the S.O.C. championship. We’ve Got It! (Top Left) Although Justin Jenkins looks a triffle pained, his loving main squeeze Jessie Chamberlin looks pleased. (Top) Sporting cherry pie for a good cause (the Mr. Football contest) are Chris Huthinson and Stacey Bond. (Far Left) In spite of a losing season, volleyball player Barbie Monroe looks cheerful. (Left) What could Steve Skeens possibly be asking Santa (Stacey Bond) for this Christmas at the annual library lunch­ eon? (Lower Left) Performers Andy Zamer and David Martin with manager Ryan Chamberlin squeezed in, exhibit macho star quality. Guesting at the art club haunted house is a mysterious fortune teller (Ms. Mas­ ters) and the grim reaper (Mr. Smith). Opening 7 ^ I I \ orever Football Homecoming Tartan Football Homecoming took place Sowards as escort. The senior attendants on the evening of October 18, 1991. The included: Beth Gampp with escort Chris ceremonies were held during the East- Hutchinson and Beverly Stillwell escort­ Valley match-up. The Tartans were vic­ ed by Justin Jenkins. Our 1991 home­ torious with a score of 26-13, improving coming queen was Jessica Dingess. Jes­ their record to 8-0 and clinching the title sica was escorted by Mike White. She of 1991 SOC Division I champions. The received her crown from returning queen freshman attendant was Debbie Stapleton Jodi Stevenson, who was accompanied by escorted by Phillip Lewis. Representing crown bearer Ryan McGraw and flower the sophomore class was Tawana Cooper girl Brittany Wright. Following the game escorted by Roger Hayward. Keli Dodds was the traditional dance sponsored by was the junior class attendant; her escort the pep club. The theme was "Forever" was Stephen Gampp. The SCJVS repre­ and the colors featured were baby blue, sentative was Missy Blevins with Vernon white and silver. An anxious Jessica Dingess pensively watches the field during the halftime parade. She was announced Queen only Homecoming Court: Keli Dodds, Stephen Gampp, moments later. The pride of Sciotoville, the Tartan band, takes the Bev Stillwell, Justin Jenkins, Vernon Sowards, field. Missy Blevins, Chris Hutchinson, Beth Gampp, Phil­ lip Lewis, Debbie Stapleton, Roger Hayward, Returning Queen Jodi Stevenson with crown bearer Ryan Tawana Cooper; (seated) King Mike White, Queen McGrow & flower girl Brittany Wright ,MS1C<I Dm9es! & n°wer 9irl Brittany Wright. Sporting a thoughtful look is freshman Jenny Chamberlin awaiting the arrival of the un- defeated Tartans. The banner depicts the battle cry of the Tar­ tans this season, "Whatever it 2? V?LL ^ takes!". Radiant senior attendant Bev Stillwell smiles at her many While partying at the dance, sophomores B.J. Hack- man, Josh Smith and Roger Hayward portray East's version of the 'Three Stooges'. Joe Cool (Stephen Gampp) pauses during the pan­ demonium to break for PEACE! Football Homecoming I . <Treasured Memories In August, the Class of 1992 entered East High School as Seniors for the first time. As the year progressed, we grew closer as a class and counted down the days until graduation. Feel­ ings of uncertainty about the future and a sadness about leaving our "home" grew stronger with every passing day. In the end, we discovered our senior year was a time for new beginnings, treasured memories, reaching out, embracing life, and Class Officers: Secretary, Missy Mougey; watching dreams come true. President, Dan Pelfrey; Vice President, Sa­ ! Michael Roy Barrett rah Smith; Treasurer, Beverly Stillwell. ii I Chad Alan Bates Jason Michael Blair Daryld Lee Blevins Stacey William Bond David Lee Bradford Melissa Jo Bundy Seniors Michelle Darice Carter Leah Marie Craft Mary Jean Ager Cooper i Katrina Marie Davis Kellie Ann Davis Guy Michael Dempsey | !• r C E I >: 'I ;■ !•; Jessica Diana Dingess Jennifer Justina Dunham Michael Gregory Dunham Seniors 5f 5 •i \ A i/ l 4 1 ; * i-It 6 . Ti•: Matthew Flynn Edwards Jennifer Rebecca Evans Elizabeth Ann Gampp I 3 3 A I- u zI I r j; i * ' Marya Lynn Hackman Angela Kay Halcomb Christopher Ray Hutchinson i iVa It 3 ;v: A i % I s Justin Craig Jenkins Mitzi Jean Jenkins Amber Lu Ann King Seniors i r* 1 ¥. }?: i Michelle Jane Lawrence Brandon Matthew Lindamood Krista Marie Lindamood i Jason Michael Lowery Teresa Ann McGrow Heidi Beth Messer i Melissa Ann Mougey Betty Jo Mullin Amy Lynn Murray Seniors a 1. * \ E* j m ■ * Deborah Ann Newman Jennifer Hope Pauley Daniel Steven Pelfrey r * ! £ i '! Mark Anthony Penix Brandy Danywell Porter Jason Keith Riesenbeck .*• Av». ■ k iSi V. r % David Keith Riley Tina Louise Rudd Robyn Michelle Scurlock Seniors Scott Edward Skinner Joshua Joseph Smith Sarah Louise Smith Michelle Lynn Sparks Tammatha Lynn Sparks Beverly Kay Stillwell r . l Jennifer Le Ann Tackett Frederick Michael White Patricia Ann Wise Seniors I '§1 Class Flower: White Rose Tipped in Blue Class Motto: " Don't try to live for what has already gone, but for Class Colors: Blue, what is yet to come. " Grey and Black Darrin Wayne Tucker Seniors Last Day!!! Chad Bates and Daniel Pelfrey decide to quiet Amy Murray and her antics once and lor all! Hanging out in the library are seniors: (Back) - Daniel Pelfrey, Jessica Dingess, Jason Riesenbeck, Matt Edwards, Jen­ ny Evans;(Middle) - Kellie Da­ vis, Debby Newman, Beverly Stillwell, Marya Hackman, Tricia Wise.
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