COMMENT ENVIRONMENT Worse than BIOTECHNOLOGY Biohackers ECOLOGY Libyan revolution OBITUARY Simon van der Meer, Deepwater would be an take biology into the might protect bluefin tuna, who enabled the discovery of Arctic oil spill p.162 garage p.167 with trawlers grounded p.169 W and Z particles p.170 J. EVESON/FLPA/PHOTOLIBRARY Applying liquid manure more precisely than this would be cleaner, reduce odour and emit less ammonia. Too much of a good thing Curbing nitrogen emissions is a central environmental challenge for the twenty-first century, argue Mark Sutton and his colleagues. n analysis published this week outcome of the five-year European Nitrogen calculates that excess nitrogen in Assessment, which has drawn together 200 SUMMARY the environment costs the Euro- experts, including ourselves, to understand ● Nitrogen pollution costs the European Apean Union (EU) between €70 billion the sources, processes and impacts of nitro- Union between €70 billion and €320 (US$100 billion) and €320 billion per year1. gen as a basis to inform policy. billion per year. It is the first time that an economic value has Excess reactive nitrogen threatens the ● Policies should address farming, meat been placed on the threats posed by nitrogen quality of air, soil and water. It affects consumption, use of human sewage and pollution, including contributions to climate ecosystems and biodiversity, and alters the fossil-fuel burning. change and biodiversity loss. To put that into balance of greenhouse gases. Existing cli- ● The Gothenburg Protocol is an perspective, this cost is more than double the mate and air-pollution policies that aim to opportunity to further reduce emissions. value that nitrogen fertilizers are estimated reduce energy consumption and fossil-fuel ● A global inter-convention nitrogen to add to European farm income. burning, such as the Gothenburg Protocol, protocol is needed. This economic valuation is just one are helping to cap nitrogen emissions 14 APRIL 2011 | VOL 472 | NATURE | 159 © 2011 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved COMMENT At the same time, nitrogen emissions tend to DAMAGE COSTS OF NITROGEN POLLUTION MAIN NITROGEN SOURCES cool the planet: by reducing the atmospheric Agriculture and fossil-fuel burning load the environment life-time of methane; by forming particulate with reactive nitrogen, aecting water, soils and air. matter that reflects light back into space; and 120 by acting as a fertilizer, increasing the growth WATER NH Reactive nitrogen RUNOFF 3 of forests. Overall, the assessment finds that 100 runo in water these effects tend to balance out. Efforts need NH3 released to air NO released to air to focus on reducing the warming effects, 80 x N2O released to air while recognizing that the adverse effects of particulate matter and nitrogen deposition 60 on human health and biodiversity may more NO x N20 than outweigh their climate benefits. 40 COSTS AND BENEFITS 20 It is hard to tally up all the costs and benefits Cost to European Union (billion €) Agriculture Sewage Fossil-fuel burning Other of reactive-nitrogen production. The direct 0 Industry Human health Ecosystems Climate and indirect effects influence everything from population growth and energy produc- tion to the manufacture of nitrogen-based from transport and industry. Together But the mass production of reactive products such as nylon, polyurethane and with policies on nitrates in drinking water nitrogen has come with costs. Nitrogen- hydrazine rocket fuel. and reductions in cattle numbers, these have based explosives killed 100 million people The benefits of nitrogen can be seen from led to a modest drop in European nitrogen in armed conflicts during the twentieth its largest use: agricultural fertilizers. Manu- pollution since the 1980s. century2. Their use in mining has opened factured fertilizer adds 11 million tonnes of But existing policies are piecemeal, and up fossil-fuel reserves, the burning of which reactive nitrogen annually to fields in the EU. there has been little attempt to integrate has released carbon dioxide and more reac- This produces a direct benefit to European the effects of the different nitrogen threats. tive nitrogen into the atmosphere. About farmers, in terms of crops grown, of €20 bil- Nitrogen pollution poses an even greater half of the nitrogen added to farm fields in lion to €80 billion per year, when the long- challenge than carbon, because the element Europe ends up as pollution, or is wasted by term benefits are included1. On top of that, has many complex effects as it cascades denitrification back to N2 (ref. 1). biological fixation and recycled sources of through many chemical forms. There is a In water, excess reactive nitrogen causes nitrogen — including plant residues, animal need for new policies that cover these con- algal blooms that can kill fish, and nitrate manures and atmospheric deposition — add cerns and encourage changes in farming, in drinking water can harm human health, 17 million tonnes, giving a total direct ben- diet and even what we do with human waste. increasing the risk of bowel cancer. About efit of €25 billion to €130 billion, even before 80% of European fresh waters exceed a value is added during the food-supply chain. THE DAMAGE DONE threshold for high risk to biodiversity of But half of the nitrogen in fertilizers and Nitrogen can be divided into two classes. 1.5 milligrams of nitrogen per litre. Com- manures is lost to the surrounding envi- Unreactive nitrogen (N2) makes up 78% bined with the effects of too much phos- ronment. In economic terms, this amounts of Earth’s atmosphere. Reactive nitrogen phorus, the resulting proliferation of algae in to a loss of potential includes every other form of the element, coastal areas gives new meaning to the idea “The effects benefits to farmers of including nitrogen oxides (NOx), nitrous of ‘green’ bathing. of airborne €13 billion to €65 bil- oxide (N2O), ammonia (NH3) and nitrate In the air, reactive nitrogen adds to par- particles take lion per year. On these (NO3). All biological systems need reac- ticulate matter and ground-level ozone, six months grounds alone, there is tive nitrogen, but historically it has been in created when nitrogen oxides react with off the life a strong case for using short supply. Until the end of the nineteenth organic compounds, causing respiratory expectancy nitrogen more effi- century, the main agricultural source was and cardiovascular disease. The effects of of at least ciently. fixation of N2 by symbiotic bacteria in leg- airborne particles take six months off the life half of all These numbers, umes planted for that purpose, combined expectancy of at least half of all Europeans. Europeans.” however, are much with careful recycling of the limited amount In forests, ammonia pollution encourages lower than the esti- of nitrogen in manure. the growth of algal slime that can suffocate mated cost of the damage from reactive- By 1900, there was a worrying shortage of tree-living plants such as mosses and lichens nitrogen emissions. The assessment gauges reactive nitrogen, as fertilizers were needed (see picture) to such an extent that it would these costs by looking at society’s readiness to feed a growing population and nitrogen- be easy to think this were natural in agricul- to pay for longer and healthier life, for nature based explosives were wanted for weaponry. tural areas of northwest Europe. The assess- restoration, or for climate stability. The grand The solution came in 1908 with the Haber– ment estimates that NH3 and NOx emissions total of €70 billion to €320 billion per year is Bosch process, allowing cheap ammonia to have reduced forest biodiversity by more equivalent to 1–4% of the average disposable be made from N2 and energy on an industrial than 10% over two-thirds of Europe. per capita income of European citizens. scale. This process was so successful that, Nitrogen deposition also threatens the abil- Of the total cost of damage from reactive- within a century, human production of reac- ity of peatlands to store carbon by killing the nitrogen emissions, 75% comes from the tive nitrogen had more than doubled global bog-building moss Sphagnum. effects of NOx and NH3 on human health rates of nitrogen fixation. Without it, around Importantly, we now have a first estimate and ecosystems. The effect of N2O emis- half of humanity would not be alive2. As an of how the different climate warming and sions on climate warming accounts for only intentional strategy to address the world’s cooling effects of nitrogen add up across around 5%. Although N2O has recently been shortage of reactive nitrogen, the Haber– Europe. Nitrogen tends to warm the planet heralded as the main cause of stratospheric 3 Bosch process is arguably the greatest single by forming N2O and ground-level ozone, ozone depletion , this represents only 1% of experiment ever made in geo­engineering. both of which are powerful greenhouse gases. the damage costs. Climate change and ozone 160 | NATURE | VOL 472 | 14 APRIL 2011 © 2011 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved COMMENT thinning are important, but the threats to crop and maximizes NH3 emissions. Apply- billion to €105 billion per year (see graphic), health and ecosystems are an even stronger ing manure in bands cuts emissions by the environmental benefits of mitigation are argument for taking action on nitrogen. 30–60%, decreases odours, leaves the crop therefore around 20 (range of 6 to 42) times Clearly nitrogen is one of the major envi- clean and reduces the farmer’s fertilizer bill. the costs, even without counting the other ronmental challenges of the twenty-first By improving nitrogen-use efficiency in this benefits this gives in reducing N2O emis- century. way, measures to decrease NH3 emissions sions and nitrogen runoff.
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