STUDY OF UNMANNED SYSTEMS TO EVALUATE THE MARTIAN ENVIRONMENT Volume I. Sensitivity Analyeie .r . Contract NAS 2- 247 8 Prepared for: National Aeronautics and Space Administration AMES RESEARCH CENTER Moffett Field, California 23 September 1965 Study Director .. -- Systems Research Laboratory TRW Systems One Space Park Redondo Beach, California I ! . \ . 5303-60U-TU000 The present report i6 comprised of four volumes: Volume I Sensitivity Analysis Volume If Experiment: Requirements Volume III Unmanned Spacecraft Design Volume IV Summary . The following pereonnel. have contributed to the present report: J, Alper S. Altshuler L, I. Dimmick R. W, %redricks A. A. Jensen R. H. Johns W. G. Koerner H. G. Myer L. D, Simmons R. L. Sohn I. I iS353-5f13-RU2 TAB- OF CONTENTS Page 1. SUMMkRY e.. .I.............*....... 1-1 2. lNTRODUCTION. 0 e e m 0 e 2-1 2.1 Studyobjectives . .I . 2-1 2.2 StudyApproach. e . 2-1 ee.-*ao*.oo.* m . 1 13-1 4 - REFERENCE EJLANNED MARS,SYST * 4-1 4.1 Genera1 Mission Characteristics . e . e 4-1 4.2 VehicleDesign . 4-5 . 4.3 Navigation . .. e . 4-15 5. ENVIRONMENTALFACTORS . 5-1 5.1 Mission - Environment Interactions .' . 5-2 5.2 Discussion of Environmental Factors . 5-4 6. AEROENTRY SkSTEMANALYSIS . 6-1 6.1 CorridorAnalysis . ,, . 6-1 .2 ry of Corridor Capabilities . .,. 6-30 6.3 Heat Shield Analysis 6-33 t . 6.4 Effect of Corridor Performance on Vehicle Weight 6-43 .I . s 7. MARS LANDER SYSTEM ANALYSIS . 7-1 7-1 Descentphase . 7-2 7.2 LandingDynarnics, . .... 7-15 7.3 Ascentphase a ..7-24 7.4 Communications Blackout During Entry . -7-27 .. 7.5 Power Breakdown of Antennas in Martian Atmosphere. 4 7-44 a. SURFACE RJIOBILITY . .e..eee..ee...e.*8-1 8.1 Typical Surface Rover Design e e e 8-1 8.2 Environmental Factors - . 8-1 8.3 General Mobility Analysis. .I 0 8 8-4 8.4 TypicalSoilProperties - 8 8-12 8,s Vehicle Performance 0 e e'. -.a 8-13 I 8.6 Rocket Boost Glide Vehicles for Surface Efcploration 8-25 e 8.7 Surface Range Requirements I . 8-33 5303-601 3-TUOdd TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Pwe 9. NUCLEAR AND METEOROID RADIATION EFFECTS - 9-1 9.1 Nuclear Radiation . .-9-1 9.2 MeteoroidFlux . 9-6 10. POTE“MALC0NTAMINATIO”AZARD . 10-1 10.1 Introduction . 10-1 10.2 ThePossibilityof Life onMars . 10-1 10.3 The Possibility of Potentially Harmful Organisms onMars. 0 a 0 10-5 10.4 The Study of Martian Organisms by Unmanned Probes . 10-8 .. 10.5 Prevention of Back Contamination . 10-10 11. SYSTEMANALYSIS 11-1 11.1 MissionModes. 11-1 11.2 Mission Sensitivity Factors 11-2 11.3 Systemweightsensitivity . 11-12 11.4 System Weight Sensitivity Summary . 11-15 12. PRIORITPRATZNGS 0 0 0 s 0 0 0 0 12-1 12-1 EvaluationFactorr . * 12-1 12.2 Experiment Prioritien . 12-3 13. CONCLUSIONS 0 U-1 14- REFERENCES 14-1 APPENDICES a 1. SUMMARY A study of the sensitivity of the Manned Mars Mission to the Martian and Cismartian environment has been performed under Phase I of Contract No. NAS 2-2478. The primary objective of the Phase I activity was to: . identify those environmental factors that can influence the planning and design of the Manned Mars Wssion, and to establish the qualitative and quantitative relation- ships between uncertainties in the environmental factors and the design of the mission. Results obtained from the analyses reported herein are summarized below. The priorities for the experiments in the order of their importance are: solar cosmic radiation environment, meteoroid environment, and atmospheric properties. The atmosphere models assumed include the Schilling 11 Upper Limit (132 mb), the NASA Model 2 (25 mb) and the NASA Model 3 (10 mb) versions. Recent data tend to favor the lower density models. The NASA Model 2 (25 mb) version was selected for the nominal case. A review of available data on the Martian atmos- a phere was made, and probable limits established for the various factors. Analyses were made to support the review where required. Effects of Atmomhere Uncertainties The uncertainties in the Martian environment, as bounded by, the Schilling I1 Upper Limit Model (132 mb) and the NASA Engineering Model 3 (10 mb) can reduce the entry corridor in the worst case from 74.5 km to 21.9 km for a spacecraft having a lift-to-drag ratio capability of 0.3. Corridor reductions due to roll requirements are negligible, but uncertainties in diurnal effects on atmosphere scale height and density )r which were not calculated directly for the Martian atmosphere, could reduce the corridor by an additional 10 km, based on earth reentry analyses. The corridor accuracies attainable with state-of-the- art navigation systems is estimated to be 5.4 km (3 u), which is within the capabilities of the L/D = 0.3 aero entry system, unless the diurnal effects are greater than 10-15 krn. An increase in L/D to 0.4 increases the corridor (for the worst combination of atmosphere properties) to 46 km which is adequate to cover the above uncertainties. 1-1 Recent Mariner IV occulation experiments and results obtwned by recent earth-based spectroscopic analysis by Mkch and others, indicate that the band Ii of uncertainties on the Martian environment probably are covered by the Model 2 I 1 and Mudel 3 atmospheres (25 to 10 mb), in which case the corridors attainable I j with LID = 0.3 are more than adequate. quireme I I PPFC~E~of the S~SC~C~&weight at t&tis zotry) addo not vary g+eirtly -5th I I L/D, up to about L/D = 0.3 to 0.4. About 4000 lbs additional shielding is re- I quired if LID is increased from 0 .I to 0.3. The greatest effect on shielding is dire to uncertainties in scale height, which determine the length of time the II ~ shield is retained after entry until a safe jettisoning altitude is reached. Un- I certairties in composition are not important, except for the effect of composi- tion on density variation with altitude. Radiative heating effects are reduced to 2 minimum by sharply pointing the forebody of the spacecraft. Atmosphere ,I surface density can affect the design of the Mars Excursion Module in the areas of decelerator sizes and weights, and in ascent trajectory shaping and propellant requirements - Decelerator [parachute plus retro) weights can be increased by 1.8 percent in the worst case, leading to 0.1 percent increase in spacecraft gross :.weight. Ascent trzjectory losses are affected appreciably because of parking I orhit altitude variztion with atmosphere density. Increases of 2.3 percent in spzcecra.ft gross weight are incurred in the worst case. R zdiation Envir onm en%s Nuclear radiation dosages appear to be within limits prescribed for the 2 Ap01l0 mission, assuming a shield of 22 gmlcm . Recovery effectivenessr if realizable, could reduce the shield to 10 gm/cm2, resulting in a 4.8 percent in spacecraft gross weight. Mars atmosphere contrihhesl some- what to shielding against nuclear radi and does not cause peaking of total secondary radiations. Uncertainties in the solar radiation environment &I 2 shielding effectiveness could increase shield thickness from 22 gm/cm to 2 35 gm/cm resulting in an, additional spacecraft gross weight penalty of 3 5 , percent. The overall effects of uncertainties in recovery factor, and flux and jhisfding effectiveness could increase gross weight by 8.3 percent. 1-2 Winds Winds can have a substantial effeet on landing operations, due to reduced vision because of dust, excessive drift rates, which must be nulled before i and propulsion requirements to null drift velocity and drift range. In the worst case spacecraft gross wei Drift meters must be inst ascent are small Possible contamination of the lander crews by pathogens on the Martian surface cannot be predicted in advance of the manned missions based on the results of precursor missions. Decontamination procedures have been devised tQ reduce the possibilities of contamination to acceptable levels; tFSs effect should not pose a strong hazard to the crews, but may constrain surface early missions. adopted which minimize these effects with little increase in weight. Surface rover performance could be seriously affected by unusually weak or sticky Ionization at Surface 0 The presence oi a strong ionization belt at the surface of Mars has been predicted. This belt could dect the proper functioning of electrical equipment and communication radiators. It also interjects an uncertainty in Mariner 4 measurements of the atmosphere by radio occultation techniques. Experiment Priorities A summary of the sensitivity analysis is given in Figure 1.1. A recom- mended list of experiment priorities is given in the foiiowing tabie. ATMM1HEUC THBMO f'RESSME 2 2 1 t TEMPERATURE CHEMICAL COW ELfCTRlCAl ?Urn I - 2 - - IONOSSlHMIE . 2 2 - SliilfACE tONIUTtON t I I t DMMLAND SUSONAI IEIFFKTS 1 2 I . a METEOROLOGY WINE P i 2 c Cl OlJOS I m Wsr 5tTStMS I I i CLtMATE I I 1 SUIIFACL CONDITIONS WPACf COMP 2 I 2 1 sot1 Ro?€mlEs 1 I 2 1 25% TO)OGUMY I I. 2 I MDimcTNw I - I t SEISMIC ACT I - - AREOLOOY (SEE SMFAAtf CONMTlOFlf) iiaoGy 2 I 2 2 umnm EW~RONMEW cmtcMb UIRMCL 2 I 9 COJMK MD- WMN 3 3 3 W UOAt MIM I 1 30 3 I --e- I ???? I pc "5 I .... I V ii' :?- t V C a orn0.---A- J F Z e -Z 3 0 V 2.
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