LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS. INITIALS. NAMES. INITIALS. NAMES. F. E. A. F. E. ALLUM, Royal Mint, Tower D. R. D. .D. R. DEWEY, Ph.L.D. Professor, Hill. Massachusetts Institute of Tech· W. J. A. W. J. AsHLEY, M.A., Professor of nology, Boston, Mass. Economic History in Harvard M. G. D. MARK G. DAVIDSON, Advocate, University. Edinburgh. T. w. R. D. T. RHYS DAVIDS, LL.D., Ph.D., A. E. B. A. E. BATEMAN, Board of Trade. w. C. F. B. C. F. BASTABLE, LL.D., Professor Professor of Pali and Buddhist of Political Economy in Trinity Literature in University College, College, Dublin. London. J. B. J. BONAR, M.A., LL.D., Civil A. E. A. ELLIS. Service Commission. F. Y. E. F. Y. EDGEWORTH, M.A., D.C.L., R. W. B. R. w. BARNETT. Professor of Political Economy S. B. STEPHAN BAUER, Doctor Juris, in the University of Oxford. University, Vienna ; Handels­ T. H. E. T. H. ELLIOTT, Secretary, Board kammer, Briinn, Austria. of Agriculture. S. BO. STEPHEN BouRNE, F.S.S. S.C. B. SYDNEY C. BUXTON, M.P. A. de F. A. DE FoviLLE, Professeur &.u Con- servatoire des Arts et Metiers, A. C. Rev. A. CALDECOTT, M.A., Fellow chef du Bureau de statistique et of St. John's College, Cambridge. de legi_slation au Ministere des A. C. f, A. DouRTOis, fils, Secretaire Per­ Finances, Paris. petuel de la Societe d'Economie · A. w. F. A. W. FLux, M.A., Fellow of St. Politique de Paris. John's College, Cambridge. A. K. C. A. K. CONNELL. w. F. WILLIAM FowLER, LL.B. C. E. C. CLARA E. COLLET, M.A. C. G. C. C. G. CRUMP. Public Record Office. c. G. C. GIDE, Professeur d'Economie E. C. EDWIN CANNAN, M.A., Balliol Politique a la Faculte de Droit College, Oxford. de Montpellier, France. E. ca. E. CASTELOT, Correspondent of the C. Gr. Dr. CHAS. GRoss, Professor of British Economic Association, History in Harvard University, Paris. Cambridge, Mass. G. C. GEORGE CLARE. E. C. K. G. E. C. K. GONNER, M.A., Professor J. B. C. J. B. CLARK, Ph.D., Professor of of Political Economy in the Uni­ Political Economy, Amherst Col­ versity College, Liverpool. lege., Amherst, Mass. E. O. G. E. 0. GREENING. M.D. C. HisHonourJudgeM. D. CHALMERS, H. B. G. H. B. GREVEN, Professor of Poli- County Court, Birmingham. tical Economy in the University P. G. C. Major P. G. CRAIGIE, Board of of Leyden, Holland. Agriculture. A. H. A. HuGHES, Public Record Office. R. C. ROBERT CHALMERS, Treasury. o. A. H. C. A. HARRIS, Chr. Coll., Cam- w. c. Professor W. CUNNINGHAM, D.D., bridge, Colonial Office. Fellow of Trinity College, Cam­ E. H. ELIJAH HELM, Manchester. bridge. F. H. F. HENDRIKS, F.S.S., F.I.A. w. J. c. W. J. CoRBETT, M.A., Fellow of G. H~ H. G. H. HUNT, Treasury. King's College, Cambridge. H. H. HENRY HIGGS, LL:B., Secretary's A. D. Dr. A. DANIELL, Advocate, Edin­ Department, General Post Office. burgh. H. Ha. HuBERT HALL, Public Record C. F. D C. F. DuNBAR, LL.D., Professor of Office. Political Economy in Harvard w. A. s. H. W. A. S. HEWINS, M.A., Pembroke University. College, Oxford. 800 LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS INITIALS. NAMES. INITIALS. NAMES. W. H. WYNNARD HOOPER, M.A., Clare G. H. P. G. H. POWNALL. College, Cambridge. J.P. J. PEIRSON, F.C.A. J. R. P. J. R. PAGET, M.A., Temple. J. K. I. J. K. INGRAM, LL.D., Senior L. L. P. L. L. PRICE, M.A., Oriel College, Lecturer in Trinity College, Oxford. Dublin. L. R. P. Rev. L. R. PHELPS, M.A., Fellow J. W. B. I. J. W. BRODIE INNES. of Oriel College, Oxford. E. J. E. JoHNSTONE. M.P. Signor M. PANTALEONI, Rome. W. E. J. W. E. JOHNSON, M.A., King's Col­ R. E. P. R. E. PROTHERO, M.A., late Fel­ lege, Cambridge. low of All Souls College, Ox­ ford. J. N. K. J. N. KEYNES, M.A., D.Sc., late R. L. P. R. L. PooLE, M.A., Jesus College, Fellow of Pembroke College, Oxford. Cambridge. W. P. Rev. WILLIAM PATRICK, D.D. M. K. Rev. M. KAUFMANN, M.A. D, G. R. D. G. RITCHIE, M.A., Jesus College, A. F. V. L. Dr. A. F. v. LEYDEN, Amsterdam. Oxford. E. deL. Professor E. DE LA VELEYE, Liege. G. R. Professor G. Rossi, Office of the G. B. L. G. B. LONGSTAFF, M.A., M.D. Treasury, Rome. R. L. R. LODGE, M.A., Brasenose College, J. R. JOHN RAE, M.A. Oxford. , J. E. T. R. Professor J. E. THoROLD RoGERs, T. J. L. Rev. T. J. LAWRENCE, M.A., LL.D., M.A., sometime Professor of Professor of lnternati~nal Law, Political Economy in the Uni­ University of Chicago. versity of Oxford. 8. M. L. STANLEY M. LEATHl!jS, M.A., T. R. T. RALEIGH, M.A., Reader in Fellow of Trinity College, Cam­ English Law, All Souls College, bridge. Oxford. T. L. T. LONGHURST, Hon. Secy., British W. R.-A. Professor W. ROBERTS-AUSTEN, Chamber of Commerc1, Paris. F.R.S., Royal Mint, Tower W. L. WALTER LUPTON. Hill. A. C. M. A. C. MILLER, M.A., Professor, E. S. E. SCHUSTER (Doctor Juris, Uni- University of Chicago versity, Munich), Lincoln's Inn. E. A.M. ELLEN A. ·M'ARTHUR, Lecturer of F. E. S. F. E. STEELE. Girton College, Cambridge. G. F. S. GUSTAV F. STEFFEN. E. M. EWING MATHIESON. H. S. HENRY SIDGWICK, Litt.D., Pro­ F. C.?.,. F. C. MoNTAGUE, M.A., sometime fessor_ of Moral Philosophy in Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford, the University of Cambridge. Professor of History in Univer­ H. ld• S. H. MoRSE STEPHENS, M.A., late of sity College, London. Baliiol College, Oxford. F. W. M. F. W. MAITLAND, LL.D., Professor J. s. JOHN SMITH, Board of Trade. of the Laws of England in the University of Cambridge. F. W. T. Professor F. W. TAUSSIG, LL.B., J. E. C. M. J. E. C. MUNRO, LL.D. Ph.D., Harvard University. J. M. Professor JAMES MAYOR, University H. R. T. H. R. TEDDER. of Toronto. R. M.-s. RICHMOND MAYO-SMITH, Ph.D., N. P. v. de B. Dr. N. P. VAN DEN BERG, Governor Professor, Columbia College, New of the Bank of Holland, Amster­ York. dam. s. JII. SAMUEL MoNTAGU, M.P. B. E. W. B. E. WALKER, Toronto, Canada. J. S. N. J. S. NICHOLSON, M.A., D.Sc., E. W. E. WATERHOUSE, B.A. Professor of Political Economy, E. A. W. E. A. WHITTUCK, M.A., Oriel Col­ in the University of Edinburgh. lege, Oxford. V. N. VAUGHAN NASH. G. W. GRAHAM WALLAS, M.A. P. W, PAUL WATERHOUSE, M.A., E. B. 0. E. B. OsBORN, M.A. A.R.I.B.A., Balliol College, Ox­ E. G. P, ELEANOR G. POWELL. ford. F. P, Sir FREDERICK PoLLOCK, Bart., P. H. W. Rev. P. H. WrcKSTEED, M.A. M.A., Professor of Jurisprudence s. w. SPENSER WILKINSON, M.A., late in the University of Oxford. of Merton College, Oxford. The EDITOR. takes the respqnsibility of the u'Migned Articles. LISrr OF CONTRIBUTORS TO THE PRESENT AND PREVIOUS VOLUME. INITIALS. N A1lE8. INITIAl& N.u<ES. B. L. A. B. LIONEL ABRAHAMS, India Office. A. K. c. A. K.CoNNELL,M.A.,NewCollege c. M. A. Professor CHARLES M. ANDREWS, Oxford. Bryn Mawr College, U.S.A. c. E. c. CLARA E. COLLET, M.A. F. A. FREDERICK ATTERBURY, Secre- c. G. c. C. G. CRUMP, Public Record Office. taries' Office, Inland Revenue. E. c. EDWIN CANNAN, M.A., Balliol F. E. A. F. E. ALLUM, Royal Mint, Tower College, Oxford. Rill. E. ca. E. CASTELOT, Correspondent of the w. J. A. W. J. ASHLEY, Jl'l.A., Professor of British Economic Association, Economic History in Harvard Paris. University. G. C. GEORGE CLARE. J. B. c. J. B. CLARK, Ph.D., Professor of A. B. Professor ANGELO BERTOLINI, Bari, Political Economy, Amherst Col­ Italy. lege, Amherst, Mass. A. E. B. A. E. BATEMAN, Board of Trade. M. D. c His Honour Judge M.D. CHALMERs, c. F. B. C. F. BASTABLE, LL.D., Professor Member of the Council of H.M. 's of Political Economy in Trinity Secretary of State for India. College, Dublin. P. G. c. Major P. G. CRAIGIE, Board of E. E. N. B. E. E. N. BoWER, Assistant Secre­ Agriculture. tary, Inland Revenue. R. C. ROBERT CHALMERS, Treasury. E. W. B EDWARD W. BRABROOK, Chief W. C. Rev. Professor W. CUNNINGHAM, Registrar of Friendly Societies. D.D., Fellow of Trinity College, G. B. GYULA BECK DE MADARAS, Doctor Cambridge. Juris, University of Budapest. w. J. c. W. J. CoRBETT, M.A., Fellow of J. B. J. BoNAR, M.A., LL.D., Civil King's College, Cambridge. Service Commission . J. G. B. ifOHNGRAHAMBROOKS,Cambridge, A. D. Dr. A. DANIELL, Advocate, Edin- Mass., U.S.A. burgh. R. c. R. R. C. BEAZLEY, c. F. D. C. F. DUNBAR, LL.D., Professor of R. W. B. R. W. BARNETT. Political Economy in Harvard ~. B. STEPHAN BAUER, Doctor Juris, University. University, Vienna ; Randels­ D. R. D. D. R. DEWEY, Ph.L.D., Professor, kammer, Brunn, Austria. Massachusetts Institute of Tech­ s. Bo. STEPHEN BouRNE, F.S.S. nology, Boston, Mass. s. C. B. SYDNEY C. BUXTON, M.P. E. D. E. DixoN, Girto1;1 Coll., Cambridge. T. G. B. Rev. T. G. BoNNEY, D.Sc., F.R.S., M. G. D. MARK G.
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