Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 4-17-1968 The B-G News April 17, 1968 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The B-G News April 17, 1968" (1968). BG News (Student Newspaper). 2199. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/2199 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. Coach Bill Fitch To Move On By TOM HINE final a week ago. tell what's going to happen." from the man that had guided them The decision on a new coach is Sports Editor "I slept on this decision several "But after I'm through coaching, for Just one season. still In the air, though Perry says BUI Fitch, the man with the nights," admitted Fitch. "They I want to go Into the adminis- applications are being screened. golden touch In Howling Green's (Minnesota) called Doyt Perry and tration angle, and I think by working "A terrific, hard working bunch basketball program, is moving on. asked him for permission to talk around—from North Dakota, Bowl- of guys," said Fitch In reference Fitch's personal recommenda- After one season at Bowling with me. I talked with them, ing Green and Minnesota—I'll be to that 1968 conference champ tions go to his assistants of the £. Green, where he compiled an 18-7 weighted the offers and ..." In good position to move in," said squad. past season, Robert Conlbear and record, took the Mld-Amerlcan According to Fitch, a major Fitch. Jim Lesslg. Conference championship and was "They're both very capable of reason behind his move Included Fitch, understandably, regrets From Doyt Perry, BG athletic awarded "Ohio College Coach of his future hopes of going Into leaving the school that perhaps as keeping this Bowling Green Bas- the Year" honors, Fitch has director, comes nothing but praise ketball program going strong," administrative work when—and much as anything, helped thrust for the man he Is losing. elected to take on a coaching job if—he retires from coaching. him Into the national limelight. said Fitch. at the University of Minnesota. "I really can't say how much "Bill Fitch Is one of the finest Fitch plans to visit Minnesota longer I'll be In this coaching "This is a great town," said basketball coaches in the country,'' early next week "for 3 or 4 days" Although the change was not game," Fitch said with a smile. Fitch, adding that" the townspeople claimed Perry, who also said "I and will make the final move to • to have been announced until this "It might be six years, It might the student body —everybody appreciate having had Bill on our Minneapolis some time in late Friday when the hiring of Fitch be 10, It might be 20. Heck, I'd around here—have been as good staff this past year and wish the April, according to his current can be approved by Minnesota's like to keep on coaching another as I could have expected." best of luck and success to him plans. Board of Regents, It was all but 30 years, but you Just can't ever His players, too, received praise in the future." (See related story, page 8) The B-G News Serving a Growing University Since 1920 Wednesday, April 17, 1968 Bowling Green Slate University, Bowling Green, Ohio Volume 52, No. 89 News Wins Ail-American Honor Rating B-G News staff members re- turned from Easter break with a basketful of awards received in national and state newspaper com- petition for the 1967-68 season. For the fourth semester In a row the American College Press awarded the News an "All- American" rating It was learned yesterday. The News was Judged In comparison with all other dally campus papers In the nation. The News has received All- Amerlcan ratings five out of the last seven semesters. At the Ohio College Newspaper Association convention held In Cin- cinnati April 12 and 13, the News walked away with a total of 17 prizes, to lead all other Ohio college papers. Seven of these awards were for photography. Photo editor Tim Culek won five photo awards, Including two first places for best sports and best news photos . He won a third place and an honorable mention for best portrait and personality photo. In the category of best feature photo Culek won an honorable mention. Three second place awards went FIREMEN BATTLE Monday's blare at an old storage barn noar ment, a tower used for painting buildings and washing windows, to Bowling Green students Suzanne the University Golf Course, which did an estimated $50 thousand and some biology experimental equipment. The fire's cause is Foree, Junior in the College of in damage. Destroyed were lawn and golf maintenance equip- ■et undetermined. Photo by Tim Culek Business Administration, Richard Nesbltt, now chief photographer $20 More Per Quarter for the University News service § Bulletins Ready 1 and formerly with the Key, and :•:• Summer School bulletins •:■: Peter Hess, News photographer. •:•: are now available In the Reg- 8 Nesbltt won his prize In the best :••: istrar's Office for all those | picture story category and Hess Regents Approve Fee Increase :•!• wishing to attend summer ses-ix won for best sports photo. Miss ■:■: slons. •:■: Foree also won a third place for best picture story. University and Miami University ness rampant disregard for law The News won an honorable By JIM MARINO already have higher student fees and order, even on the college Asst. Editorial Editor than does Bowling Green. mention for the best newspaper A $20 per quarter Increase In level. Presently, you as faculty use of photography, edged out only student fee» here has received the "My position Is that the Uni- members are In an excellent po- Angel Flight by first place winner "The Post" tentative approval of the state versity Board of Trustees should sition to keep our communications of Ohio University. * Board of Regents, according to Dr. have the authority to raise these with the students open and to avoid Eflffls Two On the editorial side, the News Richard Carpenter, University fees, not the Regents," said Uni- any type of major disturbance was awarded a first place for best faculty representative to the board versity President William T. Jer- here." front page makeup and typography. In Columbus. ome uL a speaker at the Fac- President Jerome asked faculty Drill Awards First places for the best sports The announcement was made by ulty Senate meeting. members to listen very carefullj The University's Angel Flight story and best sports column went Dr. Carpenter at a meeting of the Anticipating student reaction to chapter returned happy from two to Tom Hlne, sports editor. Faculty Senate here yesterday. to student requests, as he said Issue editor Steve Tragash and the Increase, the President said, he would. major competitions held during "A model budget proposed by "I will tell you that student fees spring vacation. feature editor Judy Elcher won m the State Board of Regents seeks do not constitute the major source "Most students anywhere are Friday, April 5, 17 members a third place In the best news $450 academic year from of financial stability to a univer- reasonable," he remarked. "I of the drill team were awarded story category. schools on the quarter calendar for sity today, although students seems know our students here are. 1st place In the Cherry Blossom The News received two honor- student fees," Dr. Carpenter said. to think they do." Competitions In Washington, D.C., able mentions In the categories "The present student fees "I would be willing to discuss "Students want someone to make for their 8-mlnute performance, of best advertising layout and best charge is $130 per quarter. The allocation of the student incidental decisions, and this Administration In which they accumulated 697 out continuing column, written byLyle proposed Increase would raise that fees with Interested parties, but Is In a position to respond posi- of 1000 possible points. The chap- Greenfield. figure to $150 per quarter," he emphasize that under the power tively to their comments." ter was first In a field of six In the best campus dally com- added. granted me by the Board of Trus- He then added, "But I will drill team units. petition, the News was ranked * Other faculty representatives tees, I will have the final say as not negotiate with anyone under the Ten members of the unit went third among Ohio college papers, from Ohio universities met In to how money Is spent here. I gun." on to New York City to claim trailing the OU Post and Ohio Columbus with Chancellor John will, however, accept all the ad- The president made reference to the Purdue Cup, for which 134 State Lantern. The Dally Kent Mlllett of the Board of Regents vice offered me. a recent disturbance at his alma other teams were competing. This Stater also won a third prize. on April 5, Dr. Carpenter ex- The President continuing his mater, Colgate, where students, cup Is awarded annually to the The News received a first placet plained, where this matter was general remarks before Faculty along with faculty members, took outstanding Flight in the nation. from the Columbia Scholastic aired.
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