U.S. Post|ge PAID Bronx, N.Y. VOL. 56 NO. 15 Permit No.76O8 Non-Prolit prg. MARCH 12, 1974 President hopes for city support Finlay, Beame to discuss TAP by Rosemary McManus past New York administrations, city tne meeting does not represent any University President James Finlay will officials spoke almost exclusively for the meet tomorrow with Mayor Abraham divisiveness between public and private interests of public colleges. sectors. "We're not fighting city Fieame to request support for the Tuition When in Albany and Washington, university," he declared. Rather, the Assistance Program, he announced Finlay insisted, Beame "must speak for meeting will merely request equal yesterday. Six other New York area private as well as public institutions." legislative support for all institutions of private University presidents will ac- The president pointed out that New higher education. company Finlay to the meeting. York's system of private institutions is John Lauber, vice president of the TAP, now being considered in the state- older than the public system. In addition, Commission on Independent Colleges and legislature, would provide an alternative he noted, it produces the largest number Universities, agreed, adding, "TAP will to the present scholar incentive program, of baccalaureate, professional, and doc- be valuable to public as well as private and a resultant increase in financial aid to torate degrees. schools." college students. "The city government is obligated to By encouraging increased enrollments "Wo wish to provide evidence to the recognize these assets to New York," at private institutions, he noted, TAP mayor that private institutions are Finlay declared. "It ought to be disturbed would help eliminate the current over- Rick DeClue culturally and educationally a great asset at the possible disappearance of New crowding in public colleges. CIOLLI: is collecting student opiiion on to New York City," Finlay stated. York's private universities." The vice president also contended that the Fordham college deanship with search The president complained that under The president asserted, however, that increased aid to private sectors would committee co-member Louis Pauly. save New York State taxpayers money in the long run. Lauber justified his predictions by citing the average grant under the Committee proposal, which is "less than $1,000 per year," while it costs the state about $4,000 per year for each public college student. accepts sixty Columbia University vice president Frank Macchiarola expressed optimism that Beame will support TAP, noting that "most of the democratic legislators nominations support the plan." In addition, he noted, TAP has gained by Joe Gunset support from the State University of New Rev. Joseph Frese, chairman! of the York. search committee for a dean of tljie to-be- Finlay stated that while independent merged Fordham-Thomas More! College college presidents are in firm agreement announced yesterday that the committee to urge the passage of TAP in the state is requesting the nearly 60 nominees for legislature, they are willing to com- the deanship to submit a formal ap- Carl Rossi promise in some areas. plication declaring their eligibil ty. The president pointed out that if TAP Frese declined to reveal the ramos of CAMPUS COUNCIL: will discuss Dean McMahon's proposed academic calendar at its becomes merely a slightly increased any of the nominees for the deanship, meeting tonight. scholar incentive program, its passage adding that many of the applications were would not significantly aid private college given to the committee in confidence. students. Frese explained that the cominittee is Council set to debate Another area of possible compromise, preparing a letter asking for dfrect ap- according to Finlay, is the method by plications. He added that mariy direct which the program would be phased in. applications were already receifed from pre-Christmas exams "We would prefer across the board some members of the Fordh^m com- munity and as a result of advertisements Christopher Henrich explained "after a grants for students in all four years," the The Rose Hill Campus Council will meet president stated. However, if the in the New York Times and educational grueling session of work for a semester tonight to discuss the academic calendar legislature wishes to initiate TAP for journals. with no holidays, there's no time to think •irawn up by George McMahon, Dean of incoming freshmen only, private in- Dr. Florinda Iannace, assistant modern before the final." He stated that his I'Vdham College, which permits pre- stitutions would probably agree, but languages professor, said she he s spoken I'hristmas final examinations. department is against the new proposal again, only if the grants are not cut to to colleagues at Columbia Unive •sity who and he will vote against it at the RHCC insignificant amounts. l'he proposed calendar sets registration meeting. (•Continued en page 7) for September 3, 4, and 5, while exams *"uld be December 16 through 21. The Present holidays of Columbus Day and Proposal parallels other schools Election Day would be eliminated. Reactions elided from ten RHCC representatives showed feelings slightly Survey reveals calendar variations Coring the new calendar with five in avor- three against and two undecided. An informal survey has shown that out approved of exams before Christmas. If Fordham University decides to move of nine colleges contacted, the majority "Research has shown that student !)r. Robert Goodfellow, assistant schedule before the up its examination schedule exams before Chirstmas. Only retention is greater if there is no in- professor of biology and Owina Ochieng, its academic calendar ln Christmas recess, New York University and Hunter College terruption caused by a Christmas j afro ameriean department instructor, || , ble that of many other colleges wj rt sem have test in January. vacation. We intend to keep' the pre- both expressed sentiments that their Christmas exam schedule the vyay it is." 'I'spective departments would support Students at the State University of the new calendar. Goodfellow asserted, New York at Stony Brook register at the Both Hunter and NYU studjmts take ''ontrary to what Dean McMahon had end of August. Classes start the Tuesday their finals after Christmas, j Hunter's st;ited, the faculty are all for the new utter Labor Day, and continue until a week exams are usually scheduled abound the '•alendar." before Christmas. Next fall, for example, middle of January, and NYU's are held in the last three weeks of Januaiy. ollege of Business Administration tests will be given from December 17 to M;ir December 21, similar to Fordham's Holy Cross College in ^vorcester, '"''" '° Tucci,stated that many of his proposed testing period of December 16 to •Jii'lioors faculty have already taken the Massachusetts has altered its! academic December 21. ''berty of administering their final calendar for the upcoming yjear. This "laminations before the Christmas break autumn, classes were held; between St. John's 1973 autumn semester September 13 and December 21, and tests '" tlu' Past, and therefore he supports started September 6 and closed on ""' Proposal. began on January 14. According to December 22, with exams given before Registrar Eileen Tosney, n<fxt year's ^"Mahon, expressing some of the Christmas. Manhattan College had a classes will start on September! 5 and end Problems involved with the earlier similar schedule. on December 10. Exams are scheduled ''"'"bile,noted that the graduate school The academic year at Iona College will from December 14 to the 21. ^'"'•"ly has their 1974-75 calendar slated lil end on December 12. Fordham's proposed Tosney said that the shift in the '" tc exams and complications arise new fall schedule would end the same day, calendar was first proposed by the "'ween the undergraduate and graduate but begin on September 6. Ionu's winter Interhouse Congress, a: student recess starts after the final exam on organization. The proposal wjs brought would rather support an hri| December 20. before an educational policy committee ' ative plan postponing registration , . ' Lt,n«H ,.„.« Hchodule reHem Dr Edward Hammond, vice president before the Holy Cross faculty-student '""'I after tin; exams in January, thereby lh, calendar* of - j for student affairs at Seton Hall College, assembly approved it. ' M ,",K l)r('ak»"K U|> Christmas vacation, department professor !iiHro|H)litaii MGWSBRISFS Heart attack I Judge Bruce Wright:of Bronx claims life to see autonomous checking of committee had done a good job The United Student Govern- under the circumstances, and criminal court will speak on "The ment Senate: voted last night to the records of various USG Conflict between Law, Order and agencies. that it dealt with the write-in allow participation of non-senate problem as professionally and Justice," Thursday at the of professor students on USG committees. effectively as possible, Fenton Lincoln Center campus. Wright earned the nickname The resolution, introduced by The United Student Govern- noted. of "Cut-em-loose Bruce" from the Dr. Thomas L. Cahalan, Senate floor leader Denis Holler, ment Court: dismissed a com- She added that the court New York Daily News for his English department professor will be effective pending plaint filed by Fordham College recommended USG to make practice of releasing suspected here at Rose Hill, died Friday ratification of the revised USG Presidential write-in candidate provisions for write-in can- criminals on little or no bail. night of an apparent heart attack constitution, in which the policy- Gregg Scalzi against the USG didates in next year's race. is permanent. The Police Benevolent at his home in Jefferson Valley, Elections Committee, chief New York. He was 64 years olil' USG president Jim Buckley Association has also opposed justice Anne Fenton disclosed Streaking: After issuing a Cahalan, at the time of his also announced that he has taken yesterday.
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