1956 CONGRESSIONAL- RECORD - HOUSE 2741 ·EXTENSJQNS OF RE.MARK·S."· ·Address by Senator Wiley Befor_e the. This- is the kind of guidance and leader- - our greatest· forefathers: George Washing­ ship we need for the youngsters of America, - ..ton, the<Fatherof·our Coun.i;y;·an<f .Abraham - Optimist-Club, Oshkosh, Wis: · DELINQUENCY IN AMERICA Lincoln, the Great Emancipator, ,whose birth As many of you . know, I am a member date was honoJ"ed on sun<iay, EXTENSION OF 'REM~RKS Of the Senate Judiciary Juvenile Delin- 'rhe. spirits and beliefs of these two great men still guide our Nation and strengthen OF quency .Subcommittee. For the pa;st year, the sense of patrtotistn in the hearts of our we have had the unpleasant job -of investi- countrymen. HON. ALEXANDER WILEY gating·delinquency among the youth of. our Over the years they serve as symbols of OF WISCONSIN country. i 1 We discovered many sobel'}ng and shoe~- genu ne eadership and statesmanship, IN TlIE SENATE OF THE UNITED .STATES ing facts. There were: ciirsis-: PAST AND PRESENT Thursday, February 16, 1956 Over 485,000 youngsters brought before Both Washington and Lincoln faced _ ··Mr. WILEY. Mr. President,- ·1 ask juvenile courts. crisis-different ·1n scope, but similar in OveI"" ·200,000 young folks had run away gravity-to those we face today. - unanimous consent to have printed in the from home. For ex_ample, George Washington fought - CONGRESSIONAL RECORD an address which Over 100,000 youths had .been: confined in - f'or freedom ang. independence .o.f our coun­ - -I deiivered before the Optimist Club at . common jails; . usually wit_h hardened _ try._ .We now are engaged in striving for Oshkosh, Wis., on February 16,- 19513. crimin~ls. freedom and survival for the fr~e world . There being no objection, the addre.ss . .ACl'lON ON BILL- FOR DEUNQUENGY PREVENTION - Abraham Lincoln faced the problem of a divided ·coU'ntry. ·. Today, President Eisen- was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, To help prevent delinquency among our howel' -and our Nation face the problems of as follows: young folks, I have sponsored legislati9n . a divided worltl . · SENATOR - WILEY PLEDGES. CONTINUED BATTLE to provide grants-in-aid to States and local In 1861~seemingly a long time ago.­ AGAINST YOUTH.DELINQUENCY; SAYS. YOUNG­ communities for delinquency · prevention - Abraham Lincoln emphasized _the need to STERS ANJ> AD.uvrs TRULY. INSPIRED .BY PRES­ programs. · · keep abreast of progress. He . ezpressed a ID'ENT EISENHO..WE~S LEADERSHIP , Other. Senators have sponsored companion great thought that is especially true today. I ani happ·y, indeed, to be in Wisconsin - measures, and it appears certain that some He said: . · again, ·and to have lunch with you here.: form of. this legislation wilLbe enacted before "The dogmas of the quiet past are inade.:. I want to say · that, in a ·world with too the end of_ the session. quate ·to the stormy present. The ·occasion many cynics and pessimists; it is a pleasure Meanwhile, the life of the Senate Juvenile . is piled high with difficulty, and we must to be -ameng optimists. · ' · · · · . Delinq~ncy -SµbcolllID.it~e.- 0 .itself, sll.ouid ,. Tise- with the· occasio.n. As our case is new, All of us need to be· optimistic, in• facing be extended, so that we can complete our so must we think anew and act ane ,, , the challenges, diffie,ul·ties, and oppertunities study and our legislative recominenaatioiis. ,. w . We have ~Umerous reports soon to be re.; · TBINKING ANEW AND ACTING ANEW ON SLAVERY ·of ·our time~. · leased .on motion pictures, education; · re- : "Thinking· _anew .and acting anew" means, NUMEROUS ISSUES FACING <::ON-GRESS ligion, pornography and related.phases. for example, continuing our bold . program Indeed, there are so many challenges-J;ac­ In any event,. we need continued . con- to ke~p alive . the spirit ot freedom behind ing-us-tha.t it is-almost hard to ·choo-se among structive activities by groups such as your the .Ir.on_Cur.tain~ . _ . .. : _. ., them · and decide which partieular qne to own. As we are all aware, the Soviet Union ·has - , ·discuss wi~h -you today; . YOUTH NEEDS _ o~PORTUNITY recen!lY prote§ted against our relatively .new In Washington, . for example, the Senate The difficulty, of course, is not basically .device:-the propaganda balloon"S· sent by t:P,e has pending before it right now a new farm with our youth. · Crusade for Freedom behind the Curtain. · ·bill. This farm bill incorporates a new soil­ I believe, instead, that we as a Nation, As for our governmental a-ctivity, and the bank -idea to- conserve the Nation's soil re­ are unfortunately not providing them with Red pr-otests against weather_ baUoons drift­ source, as well as to . reduce the surplus sufficient challenge and opportunity, with ing over Russia, we are trying td keep these problem. We are certainly going to pass ample outlets for their boundless energy. b~lloons along _the routes for which they some form of the f-arm bill, and definitely, As a result, we are wasting a -vast reservoir were basically inten,ded. , some form of the soil-bank idea. of new thoughts, ideas, talents, and skills. But there should be no interference with Not long after we finish the farm bill, I believe that -0ur .youths. could learn more the ri~ht of a private organization, the 'We are going to take up the social security of. the .mechanical :skllls and of the arts at ·· Crusade· for Freedom, sending encouraging bill.. · ~eyond question, we are going. to ex­ a much earlier age; could be better pre- · messages to the- enslaved peoples of Czecho­ tend coverage to upw.ar-d-s of a million more pared, by training, for adulthood; could slovakia, H~ngary, Poland, East Germany, employees and seli-employed, including . assume greater responsibilities than they · an_d Russi~ itself, urging them to· keep the · lawyers, accountants, and other profes-. now do. .flame of li~rty bright in their hearts. · sionals. Moreover, we are going to liberalize We,_who pay homage to the Emancipat9r, pensions for widows. MOST YOUTHS .ARE NOT DELINQUENTS Abe 'Lincoln, can hardly fail in our responsi­ Meanwhile, the House . of Representatives Th~. statistics on juvenile delinquency bility to the enslaved . peoples . of Eastern· is going to put the finishing touches· on th.e throughout · the ' country, seem large and Europe or eleswhere. · · · Nation's new highway bill. The only big con­ startling; yet, these are .usually small in We must think and act boldly in their be­ troversy that remains is how to finance the contr2St to the .successful and wholesome half and on behalf of peace - and freedom program. Highway taxes are going to have millions of yout];ls who :pave fl.ne rec.ords throughout the world. · to increase,. but it is still -uncertain· as to of home . and community ~ctivities, who ~THER DYNAMIC RESPONSES TO TODAY'S NEEDS how much the average motorist will pay, and resolve their own problems, _.who are inde- pendent, responible individuals. The occasion is still piJed high with diffl- how much heavy trucks will have to pay. th Another issue engaging our attention is a These will become the outstanding citi- culty. So. inking anew anct acting anew zens of tomorrow. requir-es also: · · · · study of the work of the oil and gas lobby - · (a) Speeding up America's scientific re- in connection with the recently passed In M_ilwaukee County, for example, it was search, particularly in th~ :field of guided natural-gas b111. · discovered . that only 2½ percent of the . missiles and nuclear weapons, as well as in These, then, ai:e but a few of the to'pics youngsters get into trouble with the law. peaceful application of atomic energy. which we face in Washington, and which That is, of course, 2½ percent too much, (b) St th you face here in Oshkosh. but at least it indicates that 97½ percent of reng ening tbe Nation's Reserve the youngsters are getting along all right. forces, which are presently, according to all OPTIMIST'S CLUB: woB.K· FOR YOUTH reports, in sadly und1!rmanned strength. One problem in which Optimist Clubs IDOLS OF YOUTH: LINCOLN . AND WASHINGTON (c) Keeping our domestic economy r.olling have rightly been interested is, of course, As you well know, most of our young pea- . in high gear with 65 million.employecl; keep­ · the problem of juvenHe delinquency. ple have a habit of adopting idols from both . in~ __ all seg~ents-industry, lapor, agricul­ I wa-nt, at this time, to highly commend the present and the past. These help to ture strong and prosperous. - your club f-or -the great and· admirable -youth mold the character and life of the IKE-AN' INSPIRATION TO ALL AMERICANS work you are performing. youngster. But before I leave the matter of inspiring The boys of America, and the country We, ourselves, serve as examples, so we examples, I want to point out that we have itself, owe Optimist Clubs a great debt 9f must all constantly strive to live up to the .· to<lay another: great symbol in the office of gratitude for your splendid efforts i_n -provid­ high principles we teach our young folks. the Presidency. ing OU:li, promising manhood wl:th hobbies Not only_ youth, but also nations, have I know that you will believe me that I am and vocational guidance and recreational their idols-men and women whom they sincerely not making a pa.rtisa11 reference opportunities and facilities, including such - admire and respect.
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