CONGRESSIONAL RECORD. -PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. 1 FIRST SESSION. SENATE. And so be with us in these days that are to come. Light, love, and strength, Father; we ask everything of Thy perfect love, as MoNDAY, December' 4, 1905. Thy children in the Lord Jesus. Join me, all, audibly in the Lord's prayer. The first Monday of December being the day prescribed by the Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Th~ Constitution of the United States for the annual meeting of Con­ kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is done in gress, the first session of the Fifty-ninth Congress commenced heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us om this day. trespasses r.s we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead The Senate assembled in its Chamber at the Capitol. us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for Thine iR The Vice-President (Mr. CH.ABLES w. FAIRBANKS) called tlle the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen. Senate to order at 12 o'clock noon. CALLING OF THE ROLL. PRAYER. The VICE-PRESIDENT. The Secretary will call the roll o1 The Chaplain, Rev. EnwARD E. HALE, offered the following the Senate. prayer: The Secretary called the roll, and the following Senator( And Solomon stood before the alta1· of the Lord in the p1·es­ answered to their nam.es : mce of all the congregation of Israel, and spread forth hds hands Alger Daniel Heyburn Perkins Joward heaven; Allee Depew Hopkin.s Pettus And he said, Lord God of I snrel, there is no God like Thee in Allison Dick Kean Plles keaven above or on the earth beneath, who lveepest covenant and Ankeny Dillingham Kittredge Platt merc-y with Thy servants that walk before Thee with all their Bacon Dolliver Latimer Proctor Bailey Dryden Lodge Rayner !Learts.; Beveridge Dubois Long Scott And now, 0 God of Israel, let Thy word, I pray Thee, be veri­ Blackburn Elkins McCreary Simmons fied, which Thou speakest unto Thy servwnt. But will God Bulkeley Flint McCumber Smoot Burkett Foraker Mallory Spooner Jndeed dwell on the earthY Behold the heaven and heaven of Burnham Foster Martin Stone heavens can not contain Thee. Burrows Frye Millard Sutherland Yet have Thou 1·espect unto thG praym· of Thy servant, 0 Carter Fulton Money Teller Clapp Gallinger Morgan Tillman Lord my God, that Tlltine eyes may be open toward this house Clark, Mont. Gamble Nelson Warren night and day, eve-n toward the place of which Thou hast said Clark, Wyo. Gorman Newlands Wetmore Clarke, Ark. Hale Nixon ''My name shall be there," that Thou mayest hearken unto the Crane Hansbrough Overman prayers which Thy se-rvants shall make toward this place, and Culberson Hemenway Penrose hem·ker" Thou to the supplication of Thy servant and of Thy people when they shall pray, am.d hear Tlt01.1. in heaven Thy The VICE-PRESIDENT. Seventy-three Senators have an· rZwelling place, and when Thou hearest, forgive. swered to their names. A quorum of the Senate is present. What praye·r and supplication whdch shall be made by any Mr. BACON. As my colleague [Mr. CLAY] did not respond man o1· by all Thy people hem· Thou in heaven, Thy dwelling to his name on the roll call, I desire the RECORD to show that place, and forgive and do and give to eve-ry man according to he is absent on account of personal illness. his 'ways, whose heart Thou Tcnowest, fo1· Thou, knowest the SENATOR FROM PENNSYLVANIA. hem-ts of all the children of men. Mr. PENROSE. Mr. President, I have already presented the Let us pray. Father Almighty, Lord of heaven and earth, we credentials of my colleague [Mr. Knox] and they have been. thank Thee for everything and we ask Thee for everything. 'Ve filed. I ask that be now be sworn in. thank Thee for these days and months since we parted ; for The VICE-PRESIDENT. The Senator-elect from Pennsyl· health, for light, for air, for breath, for wisdom, for everything vania will present himself at the desk. that Thou hast been pleased to give Thy servants. Mr. Knox was escorted to the Vice-President's desk by Mr. And now we are before Thee in prayer for the work of this PENROSE; and the oath prescribed by law having been admin· Congress in the months that are before us. Thou hast been istered to him, he took his seat in the Senate. pleased to send Thy servants to this service. Thy kingdom is / to come and Thy will is to be done on earth as it is done in SENATOR FROM RHODE ISLAND. heaven. And here are all these ministers of Thine, apostles of Mr. WETMORE. I desire that my colleague [Mr. Aldrich] Thine, sent by Thee to go forward to bring in this kingdom. may be sworn. His credentials have been presented and filed They have to hew down the mountains and to lift up the val­ The VICE-PRESIDENT. The Senator-elect from Rhode Is· leys. They have to make tile waters 1low and the deserts blos­ land will present himself at the desk. som. And they are here to pledge themselves to Thee, the liv­ Mr. Aldrich was escorted to the Vice-President's desk by Mr. ing God, our Father, with us always--strength for Thy command­ WETMORE; and the oath prescribed by law having been admin· ments ; strength for each of Thy servants here ; wisdom, Thy istered to him, he took his seat in the Senate. perfect wisdom, for whatever they may have to decide and what­ ever they may do, and the love of justice, truth, and peace in SENATORS FROM MISSOURI AND TENNESSEE. every heart before Thee. Mr. STONE presented the credentials of William Warner, Father, we thank Thee for so much! For peace among the chosen by the legislature of the State of Missouri a Senator from nations; that Thou hast sheathed the sword and that men need that State for the term beginning March 4, 1905; which were study war no more ; for concord, the bl€Ssing and prosperity of read and ordered to be filed. this happy nation, whose God is the Lord; that men bear each Mr. GORMAN presented the credentials of James B. Frazier, others burdens; that they go forward as brethren, each with chosen by the legislature of the State of Tennessee a SenatoJ each and each with all. from that State to fill the vacancy in the term beginning Maret 37 38 ·coNGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. DECEMBER. 4, 4, 1905, occasioned by the death_of William B. Bate; which were by illness. I offer the following resolution, and ask for its read and ordered to be- filed. present consideration. The VICE-PRESIDENT. The Senators-elect whose creden­ The resolution was read, considered by unanimous consent, tials have been read will present themselves at the desk andre­ and agreed to, as follows : ceive the oath of office. Re8olved, That the hour of daily meeting of the Senate be 12 o'clock Mr. Warner and Mr. Frazier were escorted to the Vice-Presi­ meridian until otherwise orde.red. dent's desk by Mr. STONE and Mr. GoRMAN, respectively, and the DEATH OF SENATOR ORVILLE HITCHCOCK PLATT. oath prescribed by law having been administered to them, they Mr. BULKELEY. Mr. President, it is my sad duty to an­ took their seats in the Senate. nounce to the Senate the death, since the close of the last ses­ SENATORS PRESENT. sion of this body, of the senior Senator from Connecticut, Hon. The following Senators were present: ORVILLE HITCHCOCK PLATT, who died at his summer residence, From the State of- . Washington, Conn., April 21, 1905. Alabamar-John T. Morgan and Edmund W. Pettus. I desire, Mr. President, to offer the following resolutions for Arkansas-James P. Clarke. the consideration of the Senate. Oalitorniar-Frank P. Flint and George C. Perkins. The VICE-PRESIDEN'r. The Senator from Connecticut of­ Oolo ~rado-Henry M. Teller. fers resolutions, which will be read. Connecticut-Morgan G. Bulkeley. The resolutions were read, as follows : Dela-ware----J. Frank Allee. Resolv ed, That the Senate with deep regret has listened to the an­ nouncement of the death of the Hon. ORVILLE HITCHCOCK PLATT, for FZoridar-Stephen R. Mallory. more than a quarter of a century a member of this body, a period Georgia-Augustus 0. Bacon. marked by five consecutive elections, as a Senator from the State of Idaho-Fred T. Dubois and Weldon B. Heyburn. Connecticut. · Resolved, That the Secretary communicate a copy of these resolu­ Illinois-Albert J. Hopkins. tions to the House of Representatives. Indiana-Albert J. Beveridge and James A. Hemenway. R esolved, That as a further mark of respect to the memory of the Iowar-William B. Allison and Jonathan P. Dolliver. deceased the Senate do now adjourn. · Kansas-Chester I. Long. The VICE-PRESIDENT. The question .is on agreeing to Kentucky-Joseph C. S. Blackburn and James B. McCreary. the resolutions submitted by the Senator from Connecticut. Louisianar-Murphy J. Foster. The resolutions were agreed to unanimously; and the Senate Maine-William P. Frye and Eugene Hale. (at 12 o'clock ,and 25 minutes p. m.) adjourned until to-morrow, Mary~and-Arthur P. Gorman and Isador Rayner. Tuesday, December 5, 1905, at 12 o'clock meridian. Massachusetts-Winthrop M. Crane and Henry Cabot Lodge. Michigan--Russell A. Alger and Julius C. Burrows. Minnesota-Moses E. Clapp and Knute Nelstm. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES.
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