REPORT OF PROCEEDINGS• OF TYNWALD COURT. Douglas, Tuesday, March 1'7, 1953. Present: The Governor (Sir Ambrose propose, as our agenda is very long, and Flux Dundas, K.C.I.E., C.S.I.). In the we do not want to rush it, that the Court Council: The Lord Bishop (the Right should•sit..a little later, up to 7 o'clock Rev. J. R. S. Taylor, D.D.), Deemster Sir thE evening, with half-an-hour interval Percy. Cowley, C.B.E., Deernster John- for tea, and the same to-morrow, which son, 0.B.E., the Attorney-General (Mr S. I hop d will be long enough for our busi- J. Kneale, 0.B.E.), Messrs J. F. Crellin, ness. If not, then we will sit again on M.C., R. Kneen, G. Higgins, and J. Cal- ' Thursday. (Hear,. hear.) • lister, with Mr J. N. Panes, M.A:, Gov- ernment Secretary and Clerk to the Council. In the Keys: The Acting-., PAPERS LAID BEFORE THE COURT. Speaker (Mr E. B. C. Farrant, M.B.E.), The Governor: I have the honour to Messrs T. F. Corkhill, H. K. Cor- lay before the Court:— lett, L. Gerrard, F. H. Crowe, T. • Q. Cannell, R. C. Cannell, A. C. Bye-law of the Isle of Man Harbour Teare, H. C. Kerruish, Mrs A. Board, dated 18th December, 1952. Bridson, Messrs J. A. C. K. Nivison, J. The Isle of Man Water Order No. 4, H Nicholls, T., E. Brownsdon, A. Moore,' -dated 13th February, 1953, made by the T. A. Coole, C. C. McFee, R. E. Cottier, Isle of Man Local Government Board. A. S. Kelly, T. C. Cowin, W. C. Craine, . The Parrots (Prohibition of Imports) and G. Taggart, with Mr F. B. Johnson, Regulations, 1953, dated 13th February, M.A., Secretary and Clerk to Tynwald. 1953, made by the Isle of Man Local Gov- The Governor: Mr A. J. Teare, the: ernment Board. Speaker, Mr J. B Bolton and Mr Corrin The Local Government Board's ap- are all sick, and I am sure the Court proval to petitions as set out in the will wish them a speedy recovery., agenda. (Hear, hear.) The Newtown, Santon, Drainage DiE- • : Wet Order, 1953. WELCOME TO MR A. CECIL TEARE. (MEMBER FOR. RAMSEY).. The Governor. May I welcome Mr A. BILLS- FOR SIGNATURE. Cecil Tease, the hon. member for Ayre, The Governor: The following five whose brother was a distinguished mem- Bills are for signature:— ber of this Court for many years, and Shop Hours Bill; Children Bill; Bas- Who has already made his' own mark in tardy Bill; Adoption 'Bill;. Isle of Man the courageous editing of one of the College of Domestic Science Bill. Island's leading newspapers. (Hear, hear.) Mr A. Cecil Teare: Thank you, Your ROYAL ASSENT TO ACT. Excellency, for your kind welcome. The Govetnor: I have the honour to announce to Tynwald that in accord- ance with the terms of section 2 of the CONDUCT OF THE COURT'S Acts of Tynwald (Emergency Promulga- BUSINESS. tion) Act, 1916, that the Royal Assent The Governor: NoW, before we pro- Was given to the following Act on the ceed, I would like to say a word about 1111) of February, 1953-L--Action of Arrest the conduct of the business before us. I Act, 1953: • Welcome to Mr A. Cecil Teare (Member for Ramsey).—Conduct of the Court's Business.—Papers Laid before the Court—Bills for Signature.—Royal Assent to Act. 432 TYNWALD COURT, MARCH 17, 1953. MILITARY SERVICE—QUESTION BY plication been made with the approval MR MeFEE. of the isle of Man Airports Board? (3) Mi McFee asked the Lieut.-Gov- Is not the action taken in this manner ernor:—(a) Will His Excellency inform in conflict with the assurance given to the Court if it is the intention of Her Tynwald by the chairman of the Isle of Majesty's Government to extend the Man Airports Board in 1949? (4) Will provisions of the Military Service Act the chairman arrange for the application for a further period of five years? (b) to be withdrawn, pending consideration If so, will His Excellency give the Court of the matter by Tynwald? an assurance that ample opportunity Mr Cowin: The answer Lo (1) is will be given for Tynwald fully to de- "yes"; the answer to (2) is "yes"; the bate this question before such legisla- answer to (3) and (4) is "no." tion is extended to the Isle of Man? and (c) Will His Excellency state whether Mr Kerruish: Can the hon. member the extension of the Military Service for North Douglas explain how the Act contemplated by Her Majesty's Gov- Pnswers can be "yes" and '-'no" in this ernment will be extended to the Isle of case? Man by Order in Council with or with- The Governor: Have you anything out the approval of Tynwald? further to say, Mr Cowin? The Governor: (a) The Statement on Defence, 1953, which was approved by Mr Cowin: Yes, Your Exceleucy, I Parliament on 5th March, 1953, states, would draw the Lttention of the mem- "The Government will accordingly, in bers of this Court to the verbatim re • due course, propose to Parliament that port of Tynwald, April 20th, 1946, on the present national service scheme theAirports Committee's estimates, page should be extended for a further five 671, when the Governor sail:— years." (b) It is the intention to pro- I! the Court can be assured that there will vide an opportunity for Tynwald to de- be no further extensions or the provision of a bar without notice being given to Tyn- bate the question in due course, and wald I will put the motion. every effort will be made to ensure that this will be arranged in good time. I Now, Your Excellency, I would like to am in touch with the authorities in Lon- draw the attention of the Court to, and don. (c) It has of recent years been would like to quote from., the Annual the usual practice for Her Majesty's Report of the Isle of Man Airports Board Government to consult the Isle of Man ended 31st March, 1951. The report was Government before extending Imperial dated the 30th of November, and was legislation to the Island; there is no laid before Tynwald, and approved, on reason-to think that any departure from the 18th of March, 1952. tinder the head- this practice will take place on this oc- ing, "Facilities for Passengers," that casion or that Her Majesty's Govern- report said:— ment intend to impose an extension of During the past few years the Board have National Service Registration on the received many complaints and adverse Island if Tynwald expresses a contrary .criticism dtte to the lack of licensing facilities at Ronaldsway airport which are obtainable wish. I will ensure that full weight is at every other airport of any importance in given to the views expressed by Tyn- Great Britain. Many delays in services are wald when the time comes. occasioned during inclement weather, and visitors frequently complain that the facili- ties at Ronaldsway airport are inadequate on ALCOHOL LICENCE FOR RONALDS- such occasions. In view of these facts the Board intend to permit the tenant of the WAY AIRPORT.—QUESTION BY airport restaurant to make application to the MR McFEE. Licensing Bench for the, necessary licence. Mr McFee asked the chairman of the Airnorts Board (Mr T. C. Cowin):—(1) That was approved, Your Excellency, by Is the Isle of Man Airports Board aware Tynwald. No member of the Court took that application has been made to the exception to that cluse, and there- Licensing Court for a general public- fore— house licence in respect of the Airport Deemster Johnson: You say it was ap- Cafe at Ronaldsway? (2) Has the ap- proved. When was it approved? Military Service—Question by Mr McFee.—Alcohol Licence for Ronaldsway Airport—Question by Mr McFee. - TYNWALD COURT, MARCH 17, 1953. -433 M-r,4 CoWin' - Ozi the - 18th of March, Such sum to be in addition to the"suin of 4-4.700 voted by Tynwald on the 17th October. 1952, Your Excellency. I am quoting now 1950. ' from the report of the Isle of Man Air- ports Board, which was laid before the This additional £580 is due to the in- Court and passed. creased cost of labour and materials. Deemsier Johnson: Before the Court Mr Kelly seconded. and passed! What does the hon. mem- The resolution was carried. ber mean by the word "paSsed"? Mr Cowin: It was approved insofar LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOARD. as it was not rejected. The attention of INSPECTORS' SALARIES. the Court was drawn to the fact that we - Mr Crellin: I beg to move:— intended to permit our tenant to apply ; That in accordance with the terms of for a licence, and no merliber to* section 20 of the Local Government Con- ception to that: I am. sure that- every solidation Act, 1916, as amended by section 2 .,member of the Court would have read of the Local Government Act, 1948. Tynwald the report, and, therefore, would know approveS the payment of' salaries to the in- spectors of-the Isle of Man Local Govern- what was intended. ment .Board in accordance with the follow- Mr Kerruish: Is the hon. member for ing scale, with effect as from the 1st July, North Douglas trying to "pull a fast 1951-- • Two Inspectors—£620 x £20—£675 x £25- one" over the Court? And furthermore, £735 (assimilation to apply).
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