IJhe Jour onal of :ECORDING THE E I.ECTRICAIL ' Et~A VOL. XXXV WASHINGTON, D. C., JANUARY, 1936 NO. 1 A New Year Cycle The New Year comes... Prosperity increases .. Pay checks come more regularly ... Inquiries regarding group life insurance become more optimistic, and come oftener. Group life insurance stands the test "through thick and thin" .. Many labor groups realize this .. When death occurs in an insured group, there is a place to turn to for ready money. I I 4 The first month in the New Year is the best month for completing life insurance plans . Union Cooperative answers all inquiries fully and willingly ... Union Cooperative wants an application from you. Union Cooperative wishes you a Happy New Year. Union Cooperative Insurance Association (A legal reserve life insurance company) 1200 Fifteenth Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. _··____lr~~~~···__~~·~~·~·~~~ ~I·I~~1111. ~·~ ~-1 I · I 1-11I -(111111 I -M .1402 R uffiffi r_ OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE I Magazine Chat The poem "All Souls' Day" INTERNATIONAL published in this isue of the Journal is by Otto Freund, who ELECTRICAL WORKERS AND OPERATORS at one time was secretary to Willis J. Spauliding, PUBLISHED MONTHLY superin- tendent of the Springfield ele- trie municipally owned power C. M. BUGNIAZET , Editor, 1200 15th Street N. W., Washi.gton., D. C. plant. He is brother of Mrs. Celia Freund of the staff of This Journaml will not be held respon.ibl for views expres..ed by the International Office. Mr. correspondents. Freund's poem was included in The first of each month is the closing date; all copy must be in our a collection made by Thomas hands on or before. Moult, of London, England, published in this country by Harcourt, Brace & Company. EXECUTIVE OFFICERS Raiiroads --.... C. .J,MCGLOOAN Bremer Arclade, St. Paul, Minn. International President, D. W. TRaIc, The photograph on the cover 1200 Tlb St., N. W., Washington, which so vividly suggests the D. C. INTERNATIONAL EXECUTIVE COUŽCIL idea of planning was lent to International Secretary, G. M. Buo- this Journal by the Stanford NIAZlT., 1200 Ith St., N. W., Wash- C,*s. M. PAua,. Choirlstn Paper Company, Washington, ington. D. C. 4919 Cuyler Ave.. Chicago. Il. D. C. International Treslurier. W. A. HOGAN First District G.W.0 WHITFO, 1517 Third Ave., Now York, N. Y. 647 South SixBth An., Mt. Vernon, Thus we have new instances N.Y. Second District ......... F. L. KaLr as to how the 95 Beacon St., Hyde Park, Mass, formation of the monthly issues of your Journal VICE PRESIDENTS Third District M. P. GORo.N are acts of collaboration 607 Bigelow Blvd., Pittsburgh, Pa. be- First District E. InI,, tween many different types of R. R. 3, London. Ont., Can. Fourth District EDWAr NOTHNAcr persons and organizations. 1717 C St., N. W.. Washington, U. C. Second District .... s.... Klvs" Box 648, Lynn, Mass. Fifth District ....... JAamS F Cay, 5051 Msffitt Ave., St. Louis, Mo. George F. Milton, Third reference District.-........- Ew. F. Ktoma to whom was made in the De- 1200 15th St., N. W, Washington, D. C. Sixth Ditriet..... G. C. GlsoiS 1532 No. Boston St., Tuls, OMa. cember issue of the Journal as Fourth District .. Serssi.o being Box 241, Yo.unstown. Ohio Seventh Distrit ........ C. F. Ou editor of the Chattanooga 1045 King St., Denver, Colo. Times, is in fact editor of the Fifth District .. G. X. BSatem 16 North 20th St., Birnningham, Ala. Eighth District J. L. MCBglIm Chattanooga News, 18 James St., Labor Temple, Sixth District .... M. J. BoyL, Winnipeg, Can. 3530 Lake Shore Drive, Chicago. II. As writers grow in magni- Seventh District ..... W. L. INt..AM TELEPHONE OPERATORS' tude, their social views are 3641 Laughton St., Fort Worth. Texas DEPARTMENT often forgotten. So it was with Mark Twain, whose anni- Eighth District ............ H. W. Bma. President . - . JULIA O'COTNNO Box 471, Denver, Colo. 5 Boylston Place, Boston, Mass, versary was celebrated in No- vember, 1935. Twain was an Ninth District . .... H. P. BalrGumTS Secretory ... .. MAY Be"r Pacific Bldg., San Francisco. Calif. 5 Boylston Place, Boston, Mass. ardent believer in organized labor, He told W. D. Howell, whose sympathies with labor are well known, that "In the Contents P .. union was the working man's only present hope of standing PlInning Idea Drives Toward Fulfllment . · .. I S up like a man against money and Fairy Story Vi. British Cooperatives the power of 75 it." Twain's books U. S. Gets Third World Power Conference are still classics. They are also Accept Challenge of Thomas N. McCatier · . IP8 monuments to the democratic Is Big Business Bigger Than Government? to spirit of America. 10 But few Mr. Emery, Shall We Page Mr. Mulhall? I' people know that he was an El Paso Case Eemplifies Utility Policy 12 ardent advocate of organized Tawdry Tale of Kept Press Retold . s13 labor. I. Enters Field of Consumption Economics 14 Reform of Industry Must Start With Standards s15 A. H. Feely, international Labor Unions Back peae Mandate . 16 representative of the union, Rail Unions Fire First Guns in Campaign 17 spoke brilliantly over KERN, New Iadio Union Recalls Magnificent Past IS Bakersfield, Restricted Calif., about social Production, World Phenomennm 19 assistance given members. More Editorial 29 inhnebtr srhould adopt this, Woman's Work ......... ~... 22 method of making the good Casey's Chronicles of the Work World . .. *, . 24 work of their organization (Correspondenes . ....... 2. widely known. -6 R I~~~,.... ............... ~~.. ~ .. Prntt W N.tioail rIbIhsltthn Co. HKt7.2 St, W., w,*a.$., c 2 The Journal of Electrical Workers and Operators January, 1986 All Souls' Day By OTro FREUND The patient dead have slept, year after year, Novembers come and go; the frosts of night Upon this quiet hill, Feed on the votive stone, In unremembered rows, forever drear, And dim the promises of life and light Forever still. Engraved thereon. Through endless seasons, intimate with clay. Whether or not beatitude may see Deep under flowing lawns The end of their repose, They wait in passive silence for a day The harvest of November rains will he That never dawns. December snows. i _I_ THE JOURNAL OF ELECTRICALWORKES &OPERAORS Official Publication of the International Broterhood of Electrical Workers ltead at Washinglon. D C. as Sevond Cla. Matter Acceptance or maisn.a speel ratep of ostage pro- vided For in Section 110. Act o October 3. 1917, autoried M tch 28. 1922 SINGLE COPIES, 20 CENTS $200 PER YEAR. IN ADVANCE VOL. XXXV WASHINGTON. D. C., JANUARY, 1936 NO. I Planning Idea Drives Toward Fulfillment H l1n I. lng idea will not dow "'S:. 2. (a) The council-- T WnWi gres.ls me.tsin Janurgy, it When Congress convenes, the "(1) Shall keep advised with respect will have bhecre it the resolutien in- to geleraI eonomic and business condi- traduced at the end of the last .e.sirn by Bulkcley resolution, or a new bill, tions in the United States; Senator Bulkilcy. of Ohio. The resolu- will bring concept to the fore. "(2) Shall consider problems affeting tion is, briefly, as follows: the economic situation of tile United "Resolved, That the eonitt4e on States and its citizens; manufactures, or any duly authorized "(3) Shall endeavor to formulate pro- subcommitteo thereof. is authorizl and "Be it nrctd by the Seilt anld House of etpr-,sentuTaiveg oj the L ited Slotes posals looking to the solution of such directed to investigate the desirability of problems; establishing a national economic coun- of America il Congress assemnbld, That (a) there is hereby established a na- "(14) Shall make an annual report on cil and to make re commendations with or before the day of respect to the funclti ons whirb tional economic council to by composd andi duties to the Preidlent and to the Congress, might be assigned to such couitld. The of 15 members to he appinteld by the President, by and with the advice and together with its recommendations, if committee shall report to the Senate, as any. for necessary legislation or for soon as practicable, the result of its consent of the Senate. The members of other action; and investigation, togetle,ith its recona- the council shall be selected ann.ually q(5) Shall, from time to time as it enddatlias. from lists submitted by groups of asso- "For the purposes of this resolution the ciations and organizations representing deems advisable, subnmit reports dealing committee, or ally duly authorized sub- the industrial, financial, agricultural, with particular eeonomnic questions, to- transportation, ard labor interests of the gether with its recommendations, to the committee thereof i. authorized to hold President to the Congress., and to the such hearingg, to t;it and act at such United States, but not more than three times and places during the sessions and such members shall be selectd from the appropriate economic associatlins and recesses of the S,,at. in the Sventy- list submitted by each of such groups. organizations interested in such ques- fourth Congress. to employ such clerical The terms of office of the members of the tions. and other assistants, Ib requlre by sub- council first taking office after the ap- "(b) For the purposes of this Act, the poena or otherwise the attendance of proval of this Act shall expire, as desig- council is authorized to make such rules such witnesses and the production of nated by the President at the time of and regulations, and by itself or through such books, papers, and documents, to nomination, five at the end of the first its officers, to make such investigations administer such oaths. to take such testi- year. five at the end of the second year, and to call for such information as it ,noy, and to miae such expenditures, as and five at the end of the fourth year, deilnts rcessary.
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