Inland So Cal United Way For The Quarter Ending Dec 31, 2020 211 San Bernardino County Quarterly Update 211 Data Summary for Quarter Ending Decembe 31, 2020 211 News Items 211 has text messaging capabilities, live M-F 8am-5pm! People simply text their zip code to 898211. For COVID-19 vaccinations information, go to https://sbcovid19.com/vaccine/locations/#load ConnectIE.org… check it out! A partnership between 211, IEHP, IEHIO (Inland Empire Health Information Organization), and CVHIP (the Desert Healthcare District) has created ConnectIE.org for easy web-based resource information access. 211 Statistics in Brief Quarter total referrals to services: 21,854 Total 2020 referrals to services: 48,303 Quarter total for 'regular' 211 calls & texts answered: 16,241 Total calls & texts answered in 2020: 12,502 Quarter total 211sb.org web portal users: 15,328 (30,112 for the year) Agencies listed in 211 database: 984 (Plus 400+ in shared statewide database) Programs listed in 211 database: 2,853 (Plus 1,000+ in shared statewide database) Agencies / Programs in 211 database verified during the quarter: 194 / 320 Number of Child Abuse calls forwarded through 211: 311 Total 2020 Child Abuse calls through 211: 535 Total Child Abuse calls since December of 2009: 18,080 Percentage of female callers: 76% Total quarterly number of children in callers' homes: 7,413 Total known number of children under 6 for the quarter: 2,164 Households of more than 9 people for the quarter: 13 Top calling cities in descending order for the quarter: San Bernardino, Victorville, Ontario, Fontana Barstow, San Bernardino, Victorville, Adelanto, Ontario, Top calling cities/towns per capita in descending order: Colton, Apple Valley, Yucca Valley, Lucerne Valley, Upland, Highland, Redlands, Rialto Advocacy performed: Adult Abuse 1 (Past 3 months) Child Abuse 0 Domestic Violence 2 Emergency/911 0 Maternal Health Crisis 0 Reentry Crisis 2 Suicide Call 1 Target Populations: Homeless 2237 14% (overlapping) Senior/Aging Adult 1943 12% (Past 3 months) Disabled 1578 10% Other 953 6% At Risk of Homelessness 663 4% Dislocated Worker * 452 3% Served in the U.S. Military 248 2% Previously incarcerated 175 1% Victim of Domestic Violence 77 * (Laid off, displaced homemaker, previously self-employed) Note that 86 (35)% of veterans were also homeless or at risk and 80 (32%) were also disabled. Of the 5,504 callers who shared transportation dependency, only 53% have their own vehicle. 1 of 38 Caller Needs Unmet Needs 2 of 38 Zero to 5 Families' Needs Health Screening/Diagnostic Temporary Financial Assist Edu Institutions/Schools 1% Transportation 1% Disaster Services 1% Community/Govt/Administrati Health Supportive Services 1% 1% ve 0% 1% Other Mental Health Assessm/Treat 1% 2% Employment 2% Information Services Housing/Shelter 2% 29% Legal Services 4% Individ/Family Support 6% Public Assistance 8% Material Goods 8% Utilities Food 25% 8% Number of Zero to 5 family calls: 1534 Zero to 5 callers self identifying as homeless or at risk: 299 19% Zero to 5 callers with Maternal Mental Health needs: 13 Zero to 5 callers with Domestic Violence needs: 23 1% Zero to 5 callers self identifying as disabled: 78 5% Note, this is an unusually high number of disabled First 5 callers; and 27% were between 29 and 40 years old. Homeless: 165 11% Zero to 5 Families Main Sources of Income last 3 months Employed; TANF/CalWorks EDD/ Unemployment; Self-Employed 1% Employed 1% Child Support SSDI 1% 1% Disability 2% Other 2% 2% EDD/ Unemployment; Employed TANF/CalWorks 25% 2% Other 2% TANF/CalWorks; SSI 4% SSI 7% EDD/ Unemployment 12% None 19% TANF/CalWorks 19% Percentage of First 5 families without their own transportation: 30% 3 of 38 In my new role as Director of Health Initiatives, this is likely the final 211 report that will be produced me. Note the merger of United Ways resulting in the new name of Inland SoCal United Way. Also, there is now one 211 for the Inland area: Inland SoCal 211+. Thank You and Be Well! Gary Madden, Director of Health Initiatives Inland SoCal United Way 909-980-2857 ext 202 [email protected] And many thanks to our major funders: 4 of 38 2-1-1 San Bernardino County October through December, 2020 Total number of documented calls 3000 6,000 2500 5,562 5,492 5,500 5,187 2000 5,000 1500 4,414 4,500 1000 4,000 500 3,500 0 Dec, 2019 Dec-2020 3,000 Sep Dec Nov Oct Agencies Programs Total countywide number of documented I&R calls & texts** Agencies Database totals Programs Oct 5,187 1,002 Dec-2019 2,972 Nov 5,492 1,003 Dec-2020 2,819 Dec 5,562 (And 400+ additional State & National Resources in statewide database) Sep 4,414 ** Does not include hangups, wrong numbers, internal, etc. Known number of children involved Known # of callers with children in the households 3000 1300 1200 2500 1,199 2,571 1,174 2,506 1100 2,336 1,107 2000 1000 900 1500 800 1000 700 500 600 500 0 Oct Nov Dec Oct Nov Dec Call totals per # of children in household: Total Known Number of Children Oct Nov Dec Oct 2336 0 or unknown 4,080 4,293 4,363 Jan-00 Nov 2,571 1 446 464 453 Mar-01 Dec 2,506 2 347 364 340 Nov-01 3 179 210 231 Jun-01 Percentage of callers w/children 21% 4 73 100 91 Oct-00 5 29 35 42 May-00 First 5 Calls 6 16 10 9 Apr-00 Known # of First 5 Children this quarter 2,164 7 10 14 5 Mar-00 Total number of calls this Quarter 16,241 8 7 2 1 Feb-00 Total # of First 5 Calls 1534 9 1 Jan-00 Percentage of F5 calls 9% More than 9 1 0 2336 Total known number of children underJan-00 6 Jan-00 Total 1107 1199 1174 600 Jan-34 Dec-53 Jan-00545 Jan-00 481 508 Known totals per stated # of children under 6: 500 Jan-00 Jan-00 Oct Nov Dec #VALUE! #VALUE! 0 or unknown 4,706 4,984 5,054 400 ################################################# ######### 1 328 354 361 1900 1043 Nov-17 Nov-49 118 115 148 854 762 Feb-37 Aug-46 2 300 3 24 27 31 263 246 Oct-01 Apr-02 4 9 8 3 59 80 Mar-00 Jan-00 5 3 2 23 20025 30 20 6 1 children# First of 5 0 #VALUE! #VALUE! 7 100 0 8 1 8 9 0 0 More than 9 1 1 2164 Oct Nov Dec Total F5 Calls 481 508 545 5 of 38 2-1-1 San Bernardino County Total # in household: Total in Household percentages Total in household 3 Oct Nov Dec 14% Unknown (not in chart) 2,324 2,178 2,154 NA 2324 (% of total calls where the total # in household4 is Unknown) 0.4480432 1 1168 1452 1558 41% 4178 1 member in household2 11% 0.4079637 2 668 763 727 23% 4316 2 members in 23%household 0.2333217 3 395 422 432 14% 3747 3 members in household 5 6 0.1379672 4 315 289 319 11% 3692 4 members in household 5% 2% 0.1100244 5 157 211 219 5% 2935 5 members in household 70.0548376 2% 6 67 97 84 2% 1488 6 members in household 0.023402 7 45 33 46 2% 868 7 members in household 80.0157178 8 18 28 17 1% 504 8 members in household 1%0.0062871 9 25 13 4 1% 378 9 members in household 1 0.0087321 9+ 5 6 2 0% 117 More than 9 members in household41% 0.0017464 0.03 24547 Total 2863 3314 3408 2863 Total people represented in this quarter's calls 24547 Age: Age 18 - 20 Oct Nov Dec Known Consumers13 - 17 2% Age - Percentages 0 - 5 2 1 0-5 Years 0% 0.0006596 6 -12 2 3 6 3032 6-10 Years 0.001947 13 - 17 5 10 11 2568 11-19 Years 65 & Over 21 - 28 0.0179128 15% 13% 18 - 20 46 62 61 2568 21-29 Years 0.1561526 61- 64 21 - 28 401 396 463 2568 30-39 Years 29 - 34 0.1347352 8% 11% 29 - 34 346 431 450 2568 40-49 Years 0.1468069 35 - 40 377 438 444 2568 50-59 Years 0.1838006 50 - 60 35 - 40 41 - 49 472 536 508 2568 60-65 Years 0.2616822 22% 13% 50 - 60 672 801 839 2568 Older than 65 41 - 49 0.095405 61- 64 245 354 287 2568 Older than 65 16% 0.0894544 65 & Over 464 559 652 5187 Total 3032 3031 3070 Gender Gender Oct Nov Dec Caller Gender Percentages Female 2723 2862 2771 5187 Male Male 0.5249663 Male 1244 1263 1299 5187 Female 31% 0.2398303 Female 10 20 9 Other 5187 Other 69% 0.0019279 Transgender 5187 Transgender 0 Undisclosed 1,585 1347 1108 5187 0.3055716 % of Female callers from total known 0.3127986 Total 5,187 5,492 5,562 Language Language Oct Nov Dec 2336 English 5026 5174 4742 2336 Spanish 536 318 445 Spanish 10% Other 2336 Percentage Spanish Calls 0.2294521 English 2336 90% Caller relationship to person in need: COVID-19 Relationship 16% Family Oct Nov Dec 3541 0.730584581 6% Self 2587 2523 2293 2798 3541 0.159841853 COVID-19 566 524 450 955 3541 0.063823779 Friend Family 226 231 189 193 3541 0.020615645 2% Friend 73 77 51 77 3541 0.020898051 Professional/Age Self Professional/Agency 74 59 40 51 3541 0.004236091 Caregiver ncy 73% Caregiver 15 4 8 11 1% 2% 6 of 38 2-1-1 San Bernardino County Race/ ethnicity Race/ ethnicity Oct Nov Dec Race/Ethnicity Percentages Hispanic/Latino 1157 1083 957 32% 3617 Hispanic/Latino0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 30000.31987843500 Black 993 900 865 27% 3617 Black 0.2745369 White 712 820 604 20% 3617 White 0.1968482 Other 190 247 199 5% 3617Hispanic/LatinoOther 0.0525297 Mexican 207 166 135 6% 3617 Mexican 0.0572297 Multi-Race 130 129 97 4% 3617 Multi-Race 0.0359414 Mexican-American 94 96 77 3% 3617 Mexican-American 0.0259884 Native American 20 29 17 1% 3617 Native American 0.0055294 Black Asian 30 9 27 3617 Asian 0.0082942 Filipino 18 6 5 3617 Filipino 0.0049765 Pacific Islander 7 15 7 3617 Pacific Islander 0.0019353 Hawaiian 13 8 3 3617 Hawaiian 0.0035941 Puerto Rican 4 5 13 3617 WhitePuerto Rican 0.0011059 Central American 12 4 3617 Central American 0.0033177 Asian-Indian 6 5 5 3617 Asian-Indian 0.0016588 Spanish 2 1 7 3617 Spanish 0.0005529 Cambodian 8 1 3617 Cambodian 0.0022118 Other Guamanian 6 1 3617 Guamanian 0 Japanese 2 1 4 3617 Japanese 0.0005529 Chinese 4 2 3617 Chinese 0.0011059 South American 4 2 3617 South American
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