Vol. 25, No. 10 March 8, 1982 A CHINESE WEEKLY OF NEWS AND VIEWS tvr/EE!( and takes exception to the doings !-tiS!-tt-!fitsiTS OF T3"18 of the Soviet Party. An article by Renmin Riboo Observer com- Socialist Ethics and principles in its relations with ments on the polemics between Courtesy Month other countries and the unique the two Parties (p. 11). role of the ]ate Premier Zhou A "socialist ethics and cour- Enlai in shaping China's foreign South-South Co nl ere nce tesy month" has been launched policv (p 16). across the nation, Party Chair- The recent South-South con- man Hu Yao,bang and other Chi- Energy Policy ference in New Delhi. which dis- joined nese leaders two million China's energv output ranks cussed common problems facing peopl,e in the capital to clean up fourth in the world, but its utili- the developing nations. was a the city. maintain public order, zation rate is low. Our special step f orward towards greatel' shop counters give sen'e at or correspondent outlines China's unity and closer co-operation special care Lo the old and dis- (p. plan to solve the energy problem arnong them 12). Leading members in abled. (p. 2o). various provinces also turned otrt in force to take part in A Rich Crop ol Novels similar activities (p. 5). A brief review by a literary Restructuring the State critic of the rich crop of novels Council pubiished in recent years. many of which are written Premier Zhao Ziyang deliver'- by hitherto unknown young writers (p. 22). ed a report to a meeting of the Standing Committee of the Na- Polemics Between ltalian tional People's Congress on the and Soviet Parties plan for restlucturing the State Council (p. 6). The Cr-rmmunist Party oI the: New China's Diplomacy Soviet Union brandishes the big stick rvhen the Italian Com- loung Pioneers in l3eiiing srveeping a neighbourhood The first part of an article ex- munist Party presents its own park. pounding New China's basic viervs as an independent partv Photo bv Hu I)u.nz[-ti Restructuring the Stote Council Honoi's "Peoce" Offensive - BfiIJING REVEEW Scientific Forming Encouroged Ji Ving Resources of Exploiting Woter DOCUMENIS the Chongjiong ARTICLES & Published every Mondoy by Moroccon Prime Minister Visits The Diplomocy of Zhou Enloi 16 - BEIJING REVIEW Chino Energy Development ond Con- 2{ Boiwonrhuong Rood, Beijing Deng on Chino's Open Policy servotion Our SPeciol The People's Republic of Chino Sino-Romonion Economic Co- Correspondent- Yu Bing 20 operotion Novels : Achievements in Vol. 25, No, 10 Morch 8, 1982 Tenth Anniversory of Shonghoi Recent Yeors-Zhong Jiong 22 Communique CONTENTS FROM THE CHINESE PRESS 26.27 CUTTURE & SCIENCE 28-30 INTERNATIONAT 11-15 NOTES FROM THE EDITORS 3-4 ART PAGE 3'l Tolks on Nucleor Weopons Polemics Between the ICP ond ond World Peoce Inter- the CPSU "Renmin Ri- BEIJING BEVIEW (USPS No 658-110) is - - notionol Editor Mu Youlin boo" Observer published weekly lor US$ 1 3.50 per year by Sports Competition Culturol South-South Conterence orl Beiiing Review, 24 Baiwanzhuang Boad, Editor Xin Xiongrong- Unity ond Co-operotion - Beijing, China. Second-class Postage paid Xin Yon at San trancisco. CA. Postmastel: Send LETTERS 4 Sihqnouk, Khieu Somphon on address changes to China Books & EVENTS & TRENDS 5- 10 Their Second-Round Tolks Periodicals, lnc., 2929 24th Street, San Notionol Sociolist Ethics ond Khieu Somphon: The Situo- Francisco. CA 94110. Courtesy Month tion in Kompucheo Notos Frorm (nur" ilicfrE{+rr"r+ Jluclear number of people who partici- Ialks 0n lleapons end llorld Peace pated were unprecedented. This shows that the people of How do you evaluate the US- Soviet proposal that both sides Western Europe oppose the US Soviet'talks on the limitation of phase out medium-range nuclear deployment of nuclear missiles medium-range nuclear weapons weapons in Europe. in their countries, oppose the in Europe? race In their nuclear arms race. US-Soviet nuclear arms and oppose nuclear war. China does not oppose these each of the two superpowers talks. but they seem to be pro- has its own aims. One is at- The actual situation today is ceeding with great difficuit5r tempting to maintain the supe- that the two military blocs are without solving any problems rior position it has gained while in sharp confrontation in and without easing the inter- the other is endeavouring to Europe. and that Western national situation. change the imbalance. Their Europe is under serious Soviet rhetoric against each other is military threat. with about 250 Since the. beginning o{ the simply another ploy aimed at Soviet SS-20s aimed at it. first pha.se of US-Soviet talks seizing the signboards of "peace" Moreover. the US medium- on the limitation of strategic and "disarmament" in order to range missiles have not yet ar- nuclear arms in November 1969. win favourable world opinion. the Soviet ieadership. while rived It can be predicted that the chanting "disarmament." has Peace-loving European people arms race between the two gone all out in arms expansion. are now increasingly clear where superpowers will only be speed- Under the smokescreen oI the main threat of war is coming ed up, not slowed dolvn. "detente." the Soviet Union has from and they realize that a general appeal for peace or op- since then amassed an increas- The' European people have nuclear position solely the US plan ing number of stlategic suffered from two world wars. to to deploy new missiles in Europe arms. while the United States The Chlnese people have also peace has losl its original dominant had bitter experience of long will not bring and securi- posi tion. ty but, objectively. will only dr> years of war'. It is ',heir common the Soviet Union a favour. How Today. Europe is the focus of desire to live and build their to realiy prevent war and contention between the two own countries in peace. and this saf eguard peace is a questir:n superpowers Prior to 1977. is quite reasonable. Last year they are considering now. their nuclear strength in Europe the peace movement gained was momentum in Western Europe: lnternational Editor approximately equal. How- - ever'. with its deployment of the .size of the events and the Mu Youlin SS-20 medium-ran.ge missiles in Europe. the Soviet Union has gained superiority there. Sports Gompetition Taking crver Western Europe's You heartily commend the common practice to cheer fot' call for the ''zero option." Pres- sportsmen and women who win outstanding performances no ident Ronald Reagan proposed gold medals in international matter what team the athlete is to the Soviet Union before re- competitions. Have you given on, a.s everybody respects dis- plays great suming the talks last November up your principle of "friendship of skill. first, competition second"? that the United States was To encourage "friendship first. prepared to cancel its plan to competition second" does not By no means. depioy Pershing Il and ground- mean we oppose winning or launched cruise missiles in There are few spectators who capturing titles at, international Western Europe in 1983 if the have no emotional response to tournaments. We encourage our' Soviet Union would dismantle sports competitions. As a mat- athletes to treasure friendship. its SS-20. SS-4 and SS-5 missiles ter of course, people of any to obselve all rules in competi- in Eastern Enrope This pro- country wish their own teams tions and to exhibit good sports- posal was at once rejected b-v to win in competitions against manship. We also request uur' the Soviet Union. Similarly, the other countries or in interna- spectators to be polite and to United States turned down the tional tournaments. It is also a practise correct social conduct Mat'ch 8, 1982 issue No.3, I9B2 (Spanish edition). I rvould Iike to see the cover This article convinced me that lemain the same because any 1'oul conclusion of rrraintaining a change will result in a price in- suitable population size for China crease. I ]ike the front cover and is colrect the inside back cover. Further'- more, present appear- Deogracias Lopez Ros I like the ance because I feel it is a kincl of Murcia. Spain elegance, any changes might spoil The nelr, film In-Latus descl'ib- this kind of elegance. Most im- ed in the' coluntn ' Culture and portant. I Iook for the message of Science" in issue No. +8. 1981 was ,.,,;.,. :,.r1 :i ;1,;-r-;;;- the review. I don't reallv cale shown at the Ne'n' Yeal celebra- about its cover tions olganized by the Sino-Que- I like 1'our "Intelnational" and bec Sc-icietl' of Charitl, Some "Articles and Documents" columns Wong Yin Hung 1.000 Chinese and Quebecois at- because they explain rhe siluation Ontario. Canada tended the meeting After an oi the .,vorld and the struggle for' excellen't Chinese dinner'. rve had Iibelation of people of all coun- a dance and sau, the filn-r. I \vas tlies. They also explain the pro- The cover might also be a very happv to see the film and tound changes taking place in gl'aphic art work The contents oI hope very much there u,ill be Nerv China the special features or other major more such films bectruse they ale I l-rope you will expanci the "In- articles should be clearlv indicated interesting entcrtainmenl and pro- on the -coVer vide a chance fol us to see the ternational" column. A campaign wal's in which the Chinese people should be waged to inlorm those Thomas Boysen the third world u/ho hat'e taken are rnarching forri.ard in KieI.
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