ED971205Issue 923.qxd 07/05/98 16:21 Page 1 (1,1) Issue 923 - Weekly Friday 5th December 1997 NUS: We told you so 25% of Students who applied last year have not applied this year! Claims National Union of Students Leader. Photo: NUS Conference in mid debate US research has revealed a NUS believe that it is this extra cost The NUS targeted MP’s, parents university will make no difference shocking drop in the num- that is scaring students off applying Steven Alexander and would-be students for direct to them, as they are the future rich Nber of students applying for university. The Government could then pass action against the fees proposals. and will be able to afford it. Here through UCAS for a university “Tuition fees are killing ambition the bill without fuss from the gener- The Independent on Sunday also got they forget that it is, in reality, very place this year. Figures show that and opportunity” claimed Douglas al public, who will be bored of the involved, using its well muscled difficult for university graduates to the entries to each university are Trainer, NUS president, in a recent NUS’s whining. bandwagon-leaping legs to carry an get a job, especially after their num- down on this time last year, with the Press release to student newspapers. Also damaging to the NUS case is exclusive feature. It showed the edi- bers swelled when polytechnics lowest drop being 3% at Hull and “We believe the statistics show the the scope of the statistics. There will tor-relievingly long NUS poll in converted to universities. Their are the largest being 26.5% at Salford. nightmare of reality - whatever par- naturally be a fall in applications full, and gave the story the front now too many graduates chasing too The usual mid-November flood of liamentarians say, would-be stu- now, as many students cancelled page, plus a leader, and a full page few jobs for the Governments logic applicants who want to get an early dents are turning off higher educa- their gap year plans and applied article. They will not give it that to make sense. place through the UCAS scheme tion.” early last year, to avoid having to much coverage again until well after Students have a mixed perception in has apparently turned into a trickle. However, close analysis of the sta- pay fees in their first year. Also, the bill is passed. the public eye. This is fair enough, The root cause of the problem, tistics released by the NUS reveals a there are large variations from year The tuition fee program was pro- as students are as mixed as the rest claims the NUS, is the introduction more alarming story. It is clear from to year in the time of year that stu- posed on the basis that the of the public. Some people perceive of tuition fees across the board for their actions that the NUS has been dents choose to apply to UCAS. If Government should not have to us as the future, as the people who students. Tuition fees could add trying to stamp on the first reading the statistics eventually level out as invest in a student’s education, as it will take over and provide prosperi- more than £1,000 to the bills of stu- of the bill proposing the fees, which more students get round to applying, is the student alone who actually ty in years to come. But it is easy for dents at university but could creep went ahead on 27th November. it would prove the NUS wrong. benefits from being educated. others, who believe students are beyond the £2,000 pound bracket, They have put their efforts into a People will lose faith in the cam- However, this ignores the economic mere parasites, to point their finger as vice-chancellors have free hand large campaign now, but the bill still paign against tuition fees and the benefits that well educated students at us and make us pay fees. When to add “top-up” fees. Many people has to go through two more readings Government will win again. bring to the country. The our National Union is setting itself here at Surrey would be happy to and scrutiny by committee before it This week was designated a week of Government backs their argument up to fail in saving us from these pay these “top-up” fees, if they were is passed. In acting this early, it is action, with local activities and up by saying that university gradu- people, there is very little we can do used to ensure adequate fire protec- possible that the NUS could induce national media coverage to draw ates find it easier to get high paid to protect ourselves. Time to get tion in all the courts. However, the a premature peak in public interest. attention to the perceived problem. jobs. Therefore, charging them at another part-time job, I think. News 1 n Features 3 n Letters 4 n Music 6 n Entertainments Guide 7 . Cinema and Arts 8 n Union News 9 n Notices & Personals 9 n Sports 11 . ED971205Issue 923.qxd 07/05/98 16:21 Page 2 (1,1) 2 News Friday 5th December 1997 n The news in brief No more student Feel the noise night? he Students’ Union Club announced and counter the problem of having an L- the purchase of a new speaker system shaped dancefloor. It is hoped that noise Tthis week. The Renkus-Heinz system, pollution outside Union House on events Students going to Bojanglez last Wednesday weeks ago. Bojanglez management were which will replace the current one, is to cost nights will be reduced, whilst bringing a bet- night were surprised to find that the door price unavailable for comment at the time of going about £70,000. Technical Manager Ian Lipp ter sound to those inside. The new system had gone up to £5. Some students went on to to press. called it a “very positive step forward for the has a life expectancy of about ten years, and other pubs amid rumours that the measure was Union” and said that the system had been will be installed ready for the Christmas Ball in retalliation for the boycott of the club chosen following trials of about six others. It in two weeks’ time. organised by the Students’ Union several will employ several speaker stacks, to try Its getting To queue or hotter, faster... not to The first of this year’s snow might already Arguments have been raging at this week’s be here, but the Meteorological Office last world conference on Global Warming at week said that this year looks set to be the Kyoto, over the Australian Government’s world’s warmest since global records began refusal to agree to a cut in emissions of car- in 1860. The Met Office’s Hadley Research bon dioxide, thought to be a major contribu- queue... Centre also released a report suggesting that tor to the greenhouse effect. In the US, too, the speed of global warming is also on the oil companies have been running a televi- increase. Average temperatures could rise sion advertising campaign arguing that e’ve all been there members and hope that every- p.m. on by between 2.5 and 3º centigrade next cen- accepting the proposed emissions cuts haven’t we? Friday one knows when and where weekdays and up until 7.00 tury, compared to this century’s 0.6 º rise. would increase petrol prices by 50%. Wnight, 10pm, out- to purchase their tickets. Also p.m. on the night of the According to the report, the five warmest side the Union, your dressed there are always areas which event. This must be done years on record have all been in the 1990’s. in your best pulling outfit and are not clear to members in person and not over the it’s pissing down. You wetter about how to sign in guests phone. than a boy’s underpants after and a perfect system has so A maximum of 200 guests will watching ‘Baywatch’. You far eluded Union Club. be permitted into Union have no money so you need to So after careful consideration House at any event. queue for the cashpoint, which Union Club have created For any event, all guest tick- has run out of tenners three three draft versions of these ets will be priced £2.00 days ago, and join the queue policies which are soon to be above the cost of a Union that stretches down to the Hall passed and implemented at Club members ticket Bar for entrance to the Union. the beginning of next semes- price. This ticket price Well, Students’ Union Club ter. The three policies are far can be altered by the Club has recognised this and since too long to detail now, but the Committee, although on the start of the semester been basics will be outlined below: condition sufficient notice working on methods to get Tickets for all Union Club is given to all members. you into the Union quicker events - including the Guest tickets for the and drier! Friday Night Out - will be Friday Night Out will be This attack on queuing has on sale between 11.00 set at £4.00 regardless of been three pronged. Firstly, a.m.-3.00 p.m. from recep- the time of entry. since the hiring of profession- tion, for at least five work- What is important to take al Security, the organisation ing days before the event.
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