ENVIRONMENT AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Wednesday 24 September 2003 (Morning) Session 2 £5.00 Parliamentary copyright. Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body 2003. Applications for reproduction should be made in writing to the Licensing Division, Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, St Clements House, 2-16 Colegate, Norwich NR3 1BQ Fax 01603 723000, which is administering the copyright on behalf of the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body. Produced and published in Scotland on behalf of the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body by The Stationery Office Ltd. Her Majesty’s Stationery Office is independent of and separate from the company now trading as The Stationery Office Ltd, which is responsible for printing and publishing Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body publications. CONTENTS Wednesday 24 September 2003 Col. SUBORDINATE LEGISLATION.................................................................................................................... 207 Inshore Fishing (Prohibition of Fishing and Fishing Methods) (Scotland) Amendment Order 2003 (SSI 2003/404) ................................................................................................................................. 207 PETITION .............................................................................................................................................. 208 Landfill Sites (PE541 and PE543) ...................................................................................................... 208 NATIONAL WASTE PLAN INQUIRY ............................................................................................................. 220 ENVIRONMENT AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 6th Meeting 2003, Session 2 CONVENER *Sarah Boyack (Edinburgh Central) (Lab) DEPU TY CONVENER *Eleanor Scott (Highlands and Islands) (Green) COMMI TTEE MEMBERS Roseanna Cunningham (Perth) (SNP) *Mr Rob Gibson (Highlands and Islands) (SNP) *Karen Gillon (Clydesdale) (Lab) *Alex Johnstone (North East Scotland) (Con) *Maureen Mac millan (Highlands and Islands) (Lab) *Mr Alasdair Morrison (Western Isles) (Lab) *Nora Radcliffe (Gordon) (LD) *attended COMMI TTEE SUBSTITU TES Alex Fergusson ( Gallow ay and Upper Nithsdale) (Con) Janis Hughes (Glasgow Rutherglen) (Lab) Mr Jim Mather (Highlands and Islands) (SNP) Jeremy Purvis (Tw eeddale, Ettrick and Lauderdale) (LD) Mr Mark Rus kell (Mid Scotland and Fife) (Green) THE FOLLOWING GAVE EVIDENCE: Douglas Boyle (Composting Association Scotland) Dr James Buchanan (Roslin, Bilston and Auchendinny Community Group) Susan Carstairs (Lochaber Environmental Group) Dr Colin Clark (Chartered Institution of Wastes Management) Ann Coleman (Greengairs Environmental Forum) Stephen Cooper (Lerw ick Waste to Energy Plant) Steve Creed (Waste and Resources Action Programme) Paul Dumble (Ros lin, Bilston and Auchendinny Community Group) John Harris (Chartered Institution of Wastes Management) Con Kerw in (Scottish Environmental Services Association) Martin King (Scottish Environmental Services Association) Liz Partington (Lothian and Edinburgh Env ironmental Partnership) Duncan Simpson (Remade Scotland) Karen Whitefield (Airdrie and Shotts) (Lab) CLERK TO THE COMMITTE E Tracey Haw e SENIOR ASSISTANT CLERK Mark Brough ASSISTANT CLERK Catherine Johnstone Roz Wheeler LOC ATION Committee Room 1 207 24 SEPTEMBER 2003 208 Scottish Parliament Petition Environment and Rural Landfill Sites (PE541 and PE543) Development Committee 10:05 Wednesday 24 September 2003 The Convener: Under agenda item 2, we have in front of us two petitions, which the committee (Morning) agreed should be considered as part of our current inquiry on the national waste plan. Copies of [THE CONVENER opened the meeting at 10:04] petitions PE541 and PE543 are among the committee papers, along with a cover note that sets out the background, and further written Subordinate Legislation submissions from both sets of petitioners. The petitions raise various points on landfill sites and call for a variety of improvements to procedures. Inshore Fishing (Prohibition of Fishing and The cover note says that the application that is Fishing Methods) (Scotland) Amendment referred to in PE541 was refused. In fact, to be Order 2003 (SSI 2003/404) 100 per cent accurate, it was withdrawn by the The Convener (Sarah Boyack): I welcome developers. colleagues, committee members, witnesses, the I welcome Dr James Buchanan and Paul press and members of the public to this meeting of Dumble from the Roslin, Bilston and Auchendinny the Environment and Rural Development Community Group, who submitted PE541. I also Committee. I have received written apologies from welcome Karen Whitefield MSP and Ann Coleman Roseanna Cunningham. I remind everyone to from the Greengairs Environmental Forum, who switch off their mobile phones. submitted PE543. Thank you for giving us your Agenda item 1 is subordinate legislation. We information in advance so that members were able have one instrument to consider under the to read it. We will go straight to questions. negative procedure. The Inshore Fishing Karen Gillon (Clydesdale) (Lab): What effects (Prohibition of Fishing and Fishing Methods) has the landfill site had on your community and (Scotland) Amendment Order 2003 (SSI what do you think we should do to try to minimise 2003/404) has already been considered by the such effects if other landfill sites are allowed in the Subordinate Legislation Committee, which made future? no comment on the order in its report. If members have no further comments, are they happy to Karen Whitefield (Airdrie and Shotts) (Lab): I make no recommendation to the Parliament on the will go first and then I will let Ann Coleman speak order? on behalf of the community, as she lives there. The landfill site has had a detrimental effect on life Members indicated agreement. in the community. There is no part of the village that people can stand in without seeing landfill or opencast operations at work. The committee should bear in mind the fact that opencast sites will often subsequently be used as landfill sites to fill in the voids. Quality of life is affected. There are so many trucks and lorries taking waste to and from the site that roads are affected and there are complaints from communities about constant noxious odours. Simple things, such as children walking safely to school, become problems. Depending on which way the wind is blowing, people are unable to enjoy their back gardens because of odours from the landfill site. There are also genuine concerns about the health impact on the community. Ann Coleman might want to say something about that as she conducted a health survey in the village recently. 209 24 SEPTEMBER 2003 210 Ann Coleman (Greengairs Environmental we do not have financial resources with which to Forum): In February, we put together a fight our case. The situation is demoralising. community questionnaire and sent it out. We had Karen Gillon: I have known your community a reasonable response, as these things go. I will group for some time and it is very active. I take it use the words that people from the community that you have made representations to the council used in their written responses to the about planning applications and that you have questionnaires. One of the questions that we complained about the smell. What action has the asked was about the disbenefits of living with council taken? opencast and landfill sites. These were a few of the comments: Ann Coleman: It has done nothing. “Because of the smells you can’t open your w indow s in Karen Gillon: Has the council taken any action the summer to get fresh air”; on the smell? “We pick up viruses”; Ann Coleman: The biggest success that the “Being surrounded by opencast w orkings, dust s mells, community has had was as a result of working bird pollution in garden”; directly with Shanks waste solutions. That work “Tips and s mell from them”; has had more impact than anything that the local authority has done. “The landfill s ite, opencast sites … there is no restoration going on”; For example, one complaint is about vehicles “Environment”; that travel along the main road without haps or covers. The local authority says that it will do “The disbenefits are the s mell coming from the tip and something about the problem if we supply the the noise from the machine at Boglea”; vehicles’ numbers. How can people see the “Constant flow of heavy lorries”; number of a lorry that whizzes past while they are “Terrible s mell from the dump especially in summertime”. in the house? If the council is aware of the problem, why does someone not monitor the I have pages of individual responses to the situation—at least occasionally? Why do council questionnaire. We will end up with a big hole and officials not go out on an ad hoc basis to check out Greengairs will disappear into it. the situation? There is no evidence that the local People have lost all hope for the future. We authority is doing anything. need more definite information so that we know Karen Gillon knows the carry-on that arose what is ahead for us. What is the point of getting about working outside hours. The working hours involved in any community development project, for the landfill sites are from 7 o’clock in the when the council is approving even more landfill? morning until 7 o’clock at night. However, nobody We already have the largest landfill site in is available in the local authority offices until half Scotland—it is one of the largest in Europe—and past 8 in the morning or after half past 4 in the
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