A preliminary survey of the presence and distribution of small carnivores in the Lower Zambezi Protected Area Complex, Zambia 1 and Clare W. MATEKE2 Abstract Tania L. F. BIRD (Canidae,An interview Felidae, questionnaire Herpestidae, survey Mustelidae of tour guidesand Viverridae). and game Two rangers other in speciesthe Lower are Zambeziconsidered National likely toPark occur, and andChiawa two Gamemore toManagement be possible. Area Meller’s in south-eastern Mongoose Rhynchogale Zambia received melleri credible (previously reports unrecorded of 15 small for carnivore the area) species and a form of five of taxonomicgenet of unknown families Bdeogale crassicauda and Selous’s Mongoose Paracynictis selousi (also previously unrecorded) were fairly convincingly reported. Reports of Spotted-necked Otter Lutra maculicollis were taxonomic significance were photographed. Bushy-tailedIctonyx striatus Mongoose and African Striped Weasel Poecilogale albinucha) expected to equivocal.Canis adustus Two displayed highly nocturnal unusual behaviourspecies (Zorilla in its highly diurnal activity and expressed obvious competitive release in almost ex- clusivebe present use ofwere open not plains. reported Camera-trapping and might thus, is recommended if predictions areto complement accurate, be our of local current conservation interview methods,concern. Side-stripedwhich nonetheless Jackal are an inexpensive and effective way to capture much-needed data on some poorly-known small carnivore species. Keywords Rhynchogale melleri, Viverridae Une enquête: interviews, préliminaire Felidae, Herpestidae, sur la présence Mustelidae, et questionnaires, la répartition des petits carnivores dans le Complexe d’Aires Protégées du Bas-Zambèze, en Zambie Résumé Une enquête par questionnaire basée sur des entretiens avec des guides touristiques et des gardes-chasse a été entreprise dans Herpestidae,le Parc National Mustelidae du Bas-Zambèze et Viverridae). et la Zone La deprésence Gestion de du deux Gibier autres de Chiawa espèces dans est le considérée sud-est de commela Zambie. probable, Elle a permis et celle de de mettre deux autresen évidence est regardée la présence comme crédible peu probable, de 15 espèces mais possible.de petits Lacarnivores Mangouste appartenant de Meller àRhynchogale cinq familles melleri taxonomiques (préalablement (Canidae, non Felidae, obser- Bdeogale crassicauda et celle de la Mangouste de Selous Paracynictis selousi (deux espèces égale- véement dans non la reportées region) ainsi au paravant) qu’une forme ont étéde genetteenregistrées de signification de manière taxonomique relativement inconnue convaincante. ont été Des photographiés. observations La de présence la Loutre de à lacou Mangouste tacheté Lutra à queue maculicollis touffue Ictonyx striatus Poecilogale albinucha) est aussi suspectée, mais ces espèces n’ont pas été enregis- trées. Si nos prédictions sont correctes, étaient équivoques. ces deux espèces La présence pourraient de deux nécessiter espèces desessentiellement mesures de conservationnocturnes (le à Zorille l’échelle commun locale. et la BeletteCanis rayée adustus d’Afrique - geageLe Chacal est recommandé à flancs rayés comme un outil ade affiché recherche un comportement complémentaire inhabituel à nos méthodes de par sond’entrevue activité actuelles,hautement ces diurne dernières et exprimé offrent une libération concurrentielle évidente au travers de l’utilisation presque exclusive des plaines ouvertes. Alors que le photo-pié malgré tout un moyen peu coûteux et efficace pour obtenir des données plus que nécessaires sur certaines espèces de petits Motscarnivores clés qui ont été sous-étudiées. Rhynchogale melleri, viverridés : entrevues, félins, mangoustes, mustelidés, questionnaires, Introduction much more diverse in their behaviour and ecology (Roemer et al. 2009), but their often nocturnal and secretive habits Many large carnivore species are well researched and docu- et al. 2008). Of those - edge among small carnivores. There is a severe paucity of data ofmake land them Carnivora difficult except to monitor cats [Felidae], (Blaum hyaenas [Hyaenidae], onmented, them butfor muchthere ofare Africa, significant as for gapsLatin in America the state (Schipper of knowl et small carnivore species (defined for this statistic as all species- al. 2009). Small-bodied carnivores (taken here, except where tion to assess their extinction risk, 22% are considered glob- otherwise stated, as those weighing <15 kg) are ecologically allydogs threatened [Canidae] andby Thebears IUCN [Ursidae]) Red List with of Threatenedsufficient informa Species diverse, and changes in their community structure and popu- (Schipper et al. 2008). Effective conservation relies on accu- lation growth rates can impact ecosystem dynamics (Terborgh rate current data regarding status and distribution, thus sur- 1988, Schreiber et al veys in areas where few or no data exist are conservation and Maya et al. 2009). ‘Mesocarnivores’ (those weighing <25 kg) management priorities for small carnivores. Determining the far outnumber large . carnivores1989, Crooks in species& Soulé richness 1999, González- and are current local distribution of carnivores can also help identify 47 Small Carnivore Conservation , Vol. 48: 47–59, July 2013 Bird & Mateke possible corridors for movement, to ensure long-term viabil- ity and assist management decisions (Purchase et al. 2007). determine the species present in the Zambian side of the com- In Zambia, until recently few coherent studies had fo- over the previous five years. The survey’s main et alaims. (2007) were and to cussed on small carnivore research (see White 2013). After previous records, and to gather preliminary information on - smallplex, to carnivores compare withas a baseline the findings for further of Purchase research in this area. tions, few further data were recorded systematically until 2007,Ansell’s when (1978) The major Zambezi work Society on Zambian reviewed mammal extensively distribu the Methods carnivores in the protected areas and surrounds of the Zambe- Study area status, distribution, and levels of human–carnivore conflict for Lower Zambezi NP covers 4,092 km² and has six tourist lodg- et al. 2007). Large areas within the Zambian protected area es, while to the west of the park, Chiawa GMA covers 2,344 networkzi Basin, basedhad no on or a only mail-out limited questionnaire current data survey regarding (Purchase status and distribution of many carnivore species. Within the Zambezi basin, the Lower Zambezi National allkm², tourism with more lodges than are ten lined lodges along and the a north number river of bankvillages. running Both - westprotected to east. areas North lie adjacent of the valley to the is Zambezi a steep Riverescarpment, (Fig. 1), borand- ment Area (Chiawa GMA) (here collectively called the Lower dered by a plateau. Most of the park’s wildlife is concentrated ZambeziPark (Lower Protected Zambezi Area NP) Complex;and adjacent Lower Chiawa Zambezi Game PAC)Manage are - two protected areas located in south-eastern Zambia along the Zambezi River, which are part of the Mana Pools–Lower Zam- methodsalong the used valley and floor, the thetime escarpment available, this acting survey as a concentrated natural bar bezi Complex extending into Zimbabwe. This complex was rier. Valley floor elevations range from 370 to 500 m. Given the - and rangers usually drive and patrol. nivore conservation, and as an urgent priority area for more on theThe valley area covered,floor (approximately a long, narrow 900 riverside km²), wherestrip of guides about detailedidentified survey as the secondgiven the most paucity important of data area for for many Zambian species, car 130 km, was divided from west to east into four sections: West combined with the relatively high expected species richness and East Chiawa GMA, and West and East Lower Zambezi NP and presence of some rare species (Purchase et al. 2007). In (Fig. 2). East Chiawa GMA includes several safari lodges but addition, Chiawa GMA is at risk of degradation and habitat loss very few villages, whereas West Chiawa GMA holds most of the through human presence and activities. Species data can help villages but only two lodges. West Lower Zambezi NP is here determine potential risks to small carnivores there. taken to include a small stretch containing two lodges close Monitoring animal populations in changing environ- to, but outside, the park gate, because this area showed very ments is crucial to wildlife conservation and management, little obvious difference from the park proper in habitat or hu- man disturbance. In addition, separate sections were recorded et al. 2008). Questionnaire-based for the northern hills and escarpment, and for sightings within methodsbut the insufficiency provide an ofinexpensive resources wayposes to a obtainrecurring information problem villages: species recorded in the villages of West Chiawa GMA throughout Africa (Blaum were not thereby automatically also recorded for the West for more precise population assessment (Gese 2004). Ques- Chiawa GMA recording section. tionnairesin scenarios are where especially considerable useful when resources little is would known be about required the Vegetation and habitats The edge of the Zambezi River (i.e. the Lower Zambezi PAC riv- orbiology long-term of the camera-trappingspecies in question, efforts or for (Fanshawe collecting dataet al on. 1997, rare er bank) is overhung with a fringe of thick riverine woodland, and elusive species that might otherwise
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