1904. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 1759 By Mr. PAGE: Petitions of M. L. :Mathews, M. D., and 187 By Mr. WEEMS: Papers to accompany bill H. R. 8421, for the others, of East Bend, N.C., and B. Cole and 50 others, of Sanford relief of Russell A. McKinley-to the Committee on Military Af­ Township, N. C., in favor of the Hepburn-Dolliver bill-to the fairs. Committee on the Judiciary. · Also, papers to accompany bill H. R. 9289, granting a pension By Mr. ROBINSON of Indiana: Papers to accompany bill H. R. to Theodore T. Bruce-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. 11182, granting an increase of pension to William J. Murray-to By Mr. WILLIAMS of illinois: Resolutions of Carmi Post, No. the Committee on Invalid Pen.,ions. 296, and Winfield Ingraham Post, No. 238, Grand Army of the By Mr. ROBERTS: Resolution of U.S. Grant Post, No.4, of Republic, Department of illinois, in favor of a service-pension Melrose, Mass., and Theodore Winthrop Post, No. 35, of Chelsea, bill-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Mass. Grand Army of the Republic, in favor of a service-pension By Mr. WRIGHT: Resolutions of Post No. 33; Watkins Post, bill-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. No. 68, and Stevens Post, No. 69, Grand Army of the Republic, By Mr. RUPPERT: Resolution of New York Chamber of Com­ Department of Pennsylvania, in favor of a service-pension bill­ merce, relative to the harbor of refuge at Point Judith, Rhode to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Island-to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors. Alsv, resolution of the Merchants' Association of New York, relative to the repeal of the desert-land act-to the Committee on SENATE. the Public Lands. Also. memorial of the National Grange, Patrons of Husbandry, TUESDAY, February 9, 190.ft-. relative to good-roads bill, etc.-to the Committee on Agriculture. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. EDWARD EvERETT H.A.LE: Also, petition of the New Y 01·k Board of Trade and Transpor­ The Secretary proceeded to read the Journal of yesterday's pro­ tation, relative to the Quarles-Cooper bill-to the Committee on ceedings, when, on the request of Mr. KE.AN, and by unanimous Interstate and Foreign Commerce. consent. the further reading was dispensed with. Also, resolution of the National Board of Trade, approving The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Journal will stand ap­ the extension of the navigation laws-to the Committee on Inter­ proved. state and Foreign Commerce. OFFICE OF THE TREASURER OF THE UNITED STATES. Also, resolution of the New York State senate, relative to the The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a com­ promotion of the efficiency of the Life-Saving Service-to the munication from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. letter from the Treasurer of the United States requesting the Also. resolution of the New York State senate, in favor of the adoption of an amendment to the legielative, executive, and ju­ Brownlow good-roads bill-to the Committee on Agriculture. dicial appropr;ation bill relating to the force of his office, so as to Also, resolution of the New York Board of Trade and Trans­ provide for nine expert counters in lieu of nine clerks, at $700 portation, relative to the harbor of refuge at Point Judith, R. I.­ each; which, with the accompanying paper, was referred to the to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors. Committee on Appropriations, and ordered to be printed. By Mr. SHERMAN: Papers to accompany_bill H. R. 11423, ACCEPTANCE OF DECORATIONS. granting a pension to Evelyn S. Beardslee-to the Committee on Pensions. The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a com­ By Mr. WM. ALDEN SMITH: Resolution of the American As­ munication from the Secretary of State, requesting that certain sociation of Masters and Pilots of Steam Vessels, Detroit Harbor, United States officials be permitted to re~eive decorations of the No. 47, relative to a breakwater at Rogers City, Mich.-to the order of the Legion of Honor conferred upon them by the French Committee on Rivers and Harbors. Government; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Also, resolution of the Shipmasters' Association. Detroit, Mich., Relations, and ordered to be printed. relative to a harbor of refuge at Rogers City, Mich.-to the Com­ MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE. mittee on Rivers and Harbors. A message from the House of Representatives. by Mr. C. R. Also, resolution of Michigan Woman's Temperance Union, in McKENNEY, its enrolling clerk, announced that the House had favor of the Hepburn-Dolliver bill-to the Committee on the passed a bill (H. R. 8160) to authorize the construction of bridges Judiciary. across a portion of the Minnesota River in the State of Minne­ By Mr. STEENERSON: Petition of St. Paul Yacht Club, rela­ sota; in which it requested the concurrence of the Senate. tive to bill extending navigation laws-to the Committee on Inter­ PETITIONS .AND MEMORIALS. state and Foreign Commerce. The PRESIDENT pro tempore presented memorials of Con­ By Mr. SULLIVAN of New York: Memorial of the board of cordia Lodge, No. 5, of Cleveland; of Aurora Lodge, No. 259, of supervisors of San Francisco, in relation to Tuolumne River and Cleveland; of Standhaft Union, No.5, of Cleveland; of Schiller Lake Eleanor reservoir rights of way-to the Committee on Rivers Lodge, of Massillon; of the Liederkranz of Cincinnati; of the and Harbors. West Cincinnati Turn Verein, of Cincinnati: of the Unterstiitz­ Also, resolution of New York Board of Trade and Transporta­ ungs Verein of Cincinnati; of the German Teachers' Relief As­ tion, in relation to the Quarles-Cooper bill-to the Committee on sociation, of Cineinn a ti, and of the German Veterans' Association, Interstate and Foreign Commerce. of Springfield, all in the State of Ohio; of the F. J. Russ Hunting By Mr. SULZER: Resolution of the Chamber of Commerce, and Fishing Club, of Pittsburg; of the Germania Liederkranz, of relative to the harbor of refuge at Point Judith, R. I.-to the Pittsbm·g; of the Southwart Arbeiter, of Philadelphia, and of the Committee on Rivers and Harbors. St. Peter's RittEr Verein, of Philadelphia, all in the State of Also, petition of Union ex-prisoners of war, urging the passage Pennsylvania; of tlie Swiss National Society Helvetia, of Denver, of bill H. R. 9313, relative to p;msion-to the Committee on Inva­ Colo.; of the Vater John Lodge, No. 301, of New Britain, Conn.; lid Pensions. of the Plattdeutsche Gilde, No. 16, of Michigan Cjty, and of the Also, resolution of United Commercial Travelers of America Young Men's German Organization of Richmond, all in the State New York Council, No. 114, relative to an amendment to the of Indiana; of the Maennerchor of Davenport, and of the Ger­ bankruptcy act-to the Committee on the Judiciary. man Mechanics' Aid Society, of Muscatine, all in the State of By ~Ir. TATE: Paper to accompany bill granting an increase Iowa; of the Liederkranz of Loui ville, Ky.; of Germania Lodge of pension to Frances J. Childers; also, paper to accompany bill of the Order of Columbian Knights, of Elgin, and of the Platt­ granting an increase of pension to Mary E. Baird-to the Commit­ deutsche Gilde Teutonia, No. 61, of Chlcago, all in the State of tee on Invalid Pensions. Illinois; of the Turn Verein of New York City; of the German By Mr. THAYER: Resolution of Massachusetts Agricultural Mutual Ben-efit Association, of Binghamton; of the Kreis Pinna­ College Alumni Club, in favor of increasing appropriations for berger Verein, of New York City; of the Ostener Club, of New Stat3 experiment stations-to the Committee on Agriculture. York City; of the Allemania Association, of New York City, and Also, resolutions of George H. Thomas Post, No. 131, of Leices­ of the Kreis Zevener Pleasure Club, of New York City, all in the ter, Mass., and George A. Custer Post, No. 70, of Millbury, Mass., State of New York; of Schiller Grove, No.1, of Tacoma; of Steu­ Grand Army of the Republic. in favor of a service-pension bill­ ben Lodge, No. 65, of Tacoma, and of the Liederkranz of Seattle, to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. all in the State of Washington; of the Barden Maennerchor, of By Mr. THOMAS of Iowa: PaperstoaccompanybillH.R.1900, Milwaukee, and of Lodge No. 54, of Milwaukee, in the State of granting an increase of pension to Samuel Visnow-to the Com­ Wisconsin; of the Rutersville Lodge, of Rutersville, Tex.; of the mittee on Invalid Pensions. General Genn~m Aid Society, of Portland, Oreg.; of the Hessen­ Also, protest of citizens of the Eleventh Congressional district Darmstaedter Verein, of Baltimore; and of the Badenser Verein, of Iowa, against the passage of the parcels-post bill-to the Com­ of Baltimore, all in the State of Maryland; of the German Work­ mittee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. ingmen's Society, of Petoskey, Mich.; of Germania Lodge, No. By Mr. VREELAND: Petitions of 35 citizens of Portville, 14, of Easthampton, and of the Turn Verein of Boston, in the State N.Y., favoring the passage of the Hepburn-Dolliver bill-to the of Massachusetts; of the German Society of New Orleans, La.; of Committee on the Judiciary. the Sociale Saengerchor, of St. Louis; of the Plattdeutscher Ve- 1760 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. FEBRUARY 9, rein of St. Joseph; of Concordia Turn Verein, of St. Louis; of the c:il, of Roselle Park, N.J., praying for the adoption of certain Sachsen and Thueringer Verein, of Kansas City; of Beethoven amendments to the immigration law; which was referred to the Lodge, No.
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