* White House discloses another tape missing .AlifnuCTO ; (AP)--The White House disclosed in court Wednesday that an 18-minute segment is missing from vet another subpoenaed -roidential atergate tape, and the ludge suggested all the subpoenaed material be placed in the courts custody. Chief U.S. District Court Judge John J. Firin; suggested that the whitee House voluntarily turn over custody of the tapes. If it does not, he said the special Watergate prosecutor should issue a subpoena. "ft is not because the court doesn't trust the hite ,Ouse," 4ric i said, but added, "This is another instance that convinces the court to take custody." white H!oue lawyer J. "red. .;shwrdt said the 1.8-ninute lapse in the tape was discovered only Tuesday evening on a tape recording made June 20, 1972. !reviouslv the "hite House had disclosed that a four- minute telephone conversation on that date between President Nixon and then Attorne. General John N. Mitch- ell xent unrecorded. The other June 20 tae made on the automatic White house e recording epuinment as1 a two-and-a-half hour face-to-Face conversation between the President and aides H.R. Haldeman and John 1). Fhrlichman. They talked with Nixon short]- after they not with then Counsel John W. Dean I.I, itchell and others. Cuzhardt said the lansed 1.8 minutes are recorded only as an audible tone and no conversations can be heard. The two tanes were cut three da-s after the June 17, 1972, breab-in of Democratic Party hea'iuartors in the Uatergate Office Buildin !. They were among nine tape,; subpoenaed hv the ater- gate special prosecutor. In late OctoberBuzhardt disclosed that tne June 20 telephone conversation PRLPIDENT NIXON with Mitchel did not exist, along with a recording that sunnosedly had been made .18-minute lapse of a conversation the President had with Dean on 4nril 15, 1973. (See ATERCATE. Pae 2) Egypisins demand Israeli withrawal U.S. NAVAL BASE GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA CAIRO (AP)--Egypt insists that Israel tLries occupied in the 1967 war. Yes- withdraw from positions it occupied terday was the sixth anniversary of after the October 22 cease-fire and that resolution. foreign military attaches have been To orove the Egvptian army is ready told the Egyptians are prepared to to do battle again, the government drive them back if necessary. took 43 foreign military attaches on Egyptian and Israeli military of- a tour of the front Tuesday. They rianto ficials held a fifth negotiating were told the bulk of the 3rd Army, session yesterday in unsuccessful which Israel has claimed was isolated efforts to reach agreement on the in the Sinai Desert, is on the West thorny issue of a new cease-fire line Bank, facing the Israelis. in accord with provisions of the cur- Both the 3rd Army and the 2nd Army rent truce. in the Sinaijust north of Israel's Cairo officials note that Israel corridor to the canal, were in good ignored an earlier U.N. resolution spirits and "anything but defeated," calling for withdrawal from terri- one western military attache said. 1 (See MIDEAST Page 2) Friday, November 23, 11)73 Page 2--LATE NE14S ROUNDUP Guantanamo Gazette Friday, November 23, 1973 WATERGATE-. GAZETTEER .a digest of late news (Continued from Page 1) During the hearings into the circumstances surrounding the original missing tapes, Buzhardt disclosed also that a dictated memorandum of the April 15 conversation also could not be found. The President later offered to make SPACE CENTER, HOUSTON (AP)--Two Skylab 3 astronauts a available his notes of that meeting with Dean. stepped outside their orbiting station yesterday for Wednesday's disclosure was made first in a meeting scheduled four-times-around-the-world Thanksgiving with Sirica that included TLhite House lawyers Duzhardt. space walk. Bundled in bulky white spacesuits and at- and Ed- Leonard farment and T)oudals Parker: and nroseentor lopn tached to 6U-foot lifelines, William R. Pogue Jaworski and his assistants, Henry Ruth, Richard Ben- ward G. Gibson slipped through an airlock hatch at more Veniste and Joe Bolner. The judge then called a meeting 12:43 :,.m. LST.afor a busy excursion expected to last for open court where the missing segment was publicly than six hours. While outside they were to load new disclosed. film aboard four telescope cameras, mount a camera and Buzhardt said technical tests had been made without several scientific devices on the side of the space- SuncPo to find thp cause of the interruption on the craft and attempt to unjam a stuck antenna. tape. LONDON (AP)--Four international airlines--two of them American, say they will cut down on their transatlantic MIDEAST- (Continued from Page 1) schedules in order to save fuel. One otficial said the cuts will involve 68 round-trip flights per week. TIe President Anwar Sadat declared on October 31 that he airlines are Pan American Airways, Trans-World Airlines, would release no Israeli prisoners until the Israelis the British Overseas Airways Corp. and Caledonian Air- withdrew to the October 22 cease-fire line as specified ways. Most of the eliminated flights were between Lon- in the new cease-fire agreement. But, after a meeting don and New York, but others were between London and with U.S. Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger earlier Washington, and Los Angeles and Miami. A BOAC spokes- this month, Sadat agreed to the prisoner exchange, which man said talks are underway about the reductions in was completed yesterday. runs to Washington, Miami, and Los Angeles. It was assumed he received assurance of a withdrawal before changing his mind about the prisoner exchange, TOKYO (AP)--Peking declared yesterday the Soviet Union but instead of visible intent to withdraw, the Israelis has 'in recent years intensified its subversion, con- built a causeway across the Suez Canal and apparently trol and intervention' in South Asia and the Indian reinforced their units on the Cairo side, according to Ocean.lAn article broadcast by H1sinhuai the official various Egyptian sources. Chinese nws agency, said the purpose of expansion by the Soviet Union is "to contend for spheres of influ- Egypt's Lt. Gen. Mohamed Gamasy, who headed the Egyn- ence with U.S. imperialism so as to realize the pipe tian negotiatinG team, drew un - man representing i;gynt's dream of building a world empire which the old tzars version of the October 22 positions. It would call for had failed to realize. Keeping up the Peking attacks Israeli withdrawal from Fayid, Abu Sultan, Jenifa, Kabrit,,on the role of the Soviet Union in South Asia and the Suez and the port of Adabiya. Indian Ocean, the article, written by an unidentified If the Israelis withdraw to the October 22 line, Sadat Hsinhua correspondent said: "In the past few years said he is willing to immediately begin peace talks, add- Soviet revisionism constantly exerted political pres- ing, "We are only asking for our own land and peace sure on South Asian countries in an attempt to make based on justice." them abandon their policy of neutrality and non-align- ment and join an Asian collective security system. Water status LocalLocal Forecat Guantanamo Gazette Water figures for yesterday: Partly cloudy with periods of showers in the area. Visi- bility 10 miles. Winds N 3-6 LI. 54 i. I Affars officer WATER PRODUCED: 1,181,000 knots becoming E by noon 12-14 Joc d r- .-. Edioria A knots gusting to 21 knots .sA .ar .che.so . I.e WATER CONSUIIED: 1,211,000 during the afternoon., Max. today 89. Min. temp JMSN s y r . temp -AS .4. WATER LOSS: 30,0J0 tonight 74. Bay conditions 44.~ ~~~~~~~h-- 4.4. -M~S 4441h44454 44. 4.4~.4 1 foot increasing to 2-3 feet. 445.1- 444-4.4~ 4444= N.1 B4444 .d45, In WATER IN STORAGE: 17,102,000 High tide 0911. Low tide 0143. S LOCAL NE!4S--Paqe 3 Friday, November 23, 1973 Guantanamo Gazette Pony baseball game Meet the Naval Air Station's tomorrow staged human relations advisers The game is pony baseball and the setting is Marine Site Field when the Rough Riders play the Dirty Dozen tomorrow at 2 p.m. In an effort to The Rough Riders horseman's Associ- help Gitmo ner- ation which has sponsored a fall sonnel be more rodeo as well as kiddie pony rides aware of those er-. is now bringing Citmo a baseball game sons in a position with all the play initiated astride to help them, todal the rear end of a pony! the Gazette prints the second in a The children of the club, whose series of articles base is the Family Corral, have identifying command challenged the ladies' softball human relations team, the Dirty Dozen, to play a personnel. game nearly entirely on horseback. Players must be on or attending a horse at all times. It is permiss- YNC Karl E. Ressinger W1 John Cooper able to allow someone else to "tether" Work 64397/98; home 97152 Work 64356; home 951204 a horse only when at bat. Players NAS Admin Office NAS Liquid Oxygen Plant must upon batting, immediately re- Drug and alcohol abuae Minority affairs adviser mount, ride to the base, dismount education. and tag the base. What with spills and thrills on the field and commentary from master of * Cycle race Christmas program ceremonies Stan Halstead, the after- promises to enhance an already noon The Guantanamo Bay Motorcycle Club full Thanksgiving weekend. tkets go on sale will sponsor a race at 1 p.m Sunday at be purchased from any Tickets may Sherman Ave.
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