(2020), 17(2): 191-205 pISSN: 0216 – 0439 eISSN: 2540 – 9689 http://ejournal.forda-mof.org/ejournal-litbang/index.php/JPHKA Akreditasi Kemenristekdikti Nomor 21/E/KPT/2018 GROWTH EVALUATION OF RED MERANTI SPECIES IN RESTORATION AREA OF GUNUNG DAHU RESEARCH FOREST, BOGOR (Evaluasi Pertumbuhan Jenis Meranti Merah di Areal Restorasi Hutan Gunung Dahu, Bogor) Eggy Nugraha Ariansyah1*, Prijanto Pamoengkas1, Rizki Ary Fambayun2, and Henti Hendalastuti Rachmat2 1Department of Silviculture, Faculty of Forestry, IPB University, IPB Dramaga Campus, Bogor 16001, (0251) 8622642 2Forest Research and Development Center, Jl. Gunung Batu No. 5 Bogor 16610 (0251) 8334314 Article info: ABSTRACT Keywords: The use of local species for revegetation activities is expected to accelerate the natural Gunung Dahu, regeneration to increase the biodiversity in restoration efforts of disturbed areas. This growth, study used several parameters to observe the growth of 20-years old stand S. pinanga Shorea pinanga, and S. platyclados, including diameter, total tree height, Mean Annual Increment (MAI), Shorea platyclados % of fruiting trees, Leaf Area Index (LAI), altitude, and slope. The study results were analyzed using one-way variance analysis (ANOVA) and Duncan test with a 95% Article history: confidence level. The results showed that S. platyclados significantly had a higher Received: diameter (32.7 cm), height (19.1 m), and mean volume (0.43 m3) compared to S. pinanga. 15 September 2020; The growth of S. platyclados, which locally known as meranti bukit is strongly supported Revised: by conditions in Gunung Dahu Research Forest, which has an altitude of about 800 m.asl. 12 November 2020; On the other hand, S. pinanga, as lowland species, showed lower growth compared to S. Accepted: platyclados. 17 November 2020 I. INTRODUCTION exploitation and utilization, which may Meranti is a commercial tree species risk their natural occurrence in the future. widely known with its various commercial Reducing population size, increasing names. One of them is Shorea red meranti. inbreeding rate, and lowering genetic It has a high economic value in global diversity are among the threats that may trade since the commercialization of alter the species' existence. natural forest in the 1970s was begun In their natural habitat, S. (Sukendro & Sugiarto, 2012; Juniarti, platyclados grows at an altitude ranging Herawatiningsih, & Burhanuddin, 2017; from 700–1,300 masl and sometimes Chotimah, Wasis, & Rachmat, 2020). grows at the bottom of the mountain Shorea pinanga and Shorea platyclados valley, starting from 200 masl. In comparison, S. pinanga grows best at were grouped into Shorea red meranti based on their timber characteristic. Its ridges below 700 m asl (Cao, Gailing, timber has multiple purposes, and the seed Siregar, Siregar, & Finkeldey, 2009; Ng, of S. pinanga is also known for the source Lee, Lee, Tnah, & Ng, 2013; Hardiwinoto of tengkawang or illipe nut et al., 2016). The Shorea species' natural (Purwaningsih, 2004; Wardani & Susilo, habitat has been facing serious problems, 2017). Both species' high economic values including forest fires, encroachment, and have been triggered by massive illegal loggings (Fiani, 2014). According to the International Union for Editor: Asep Hidayat, S.Hut., M.Agr, Ph.D Author correspondence: Eggy Nugraha Ariansyah* (E-mail: [email protected]) Author contribution: ENA: field data collection, data tabulation, data analysis, writing and editing manuscript; PP, RAF, and HHR: research design, data analysis, writing and editing manuscript. https://doi.org/10.20886/jphka.2020.17.2.191-205 ©JPHKA - 2018 is Open access under CC BY-NC-SA license 191 Vol. 17 No. 2, Desember 2020 : 191-205 Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Shorea purpose have not gained much attention. pinanga was listed as Least Concern (LC), Therefore, previous revegetation efforts while Shorea platyclados was listed as were incorporated into more exotic Endangered (EN) (Ashton, 1998; species. This study aimed to assess the Robiansyah et al., 2019). The growth performance of two red meranti conservation status was generated by the species having different habitat niche in assessment result for the risk of a Gunung Dahu Research Forest as a population decline of at least 50% in the landscape revegetation effort conducted last ten years. Population decline without by the Center of Forest Research and any effort in conservation activities could Development. end in extinction status. Forest conversion and exploitation II. METHODOLOGY were among the significant causes for population declining in many Shorea A. Research Time and Location species (Cao et al., 2009), including S. This study was conducted at platyclados and S. pinanga. Following Gunung Dahu Research Forest (GDRF) in their high risk of extinction, native species Bogor, West Java. GDRF have a 2,500– for rehabilitation programs have gained 2,700 mm/year rainfall, which located more popularity today. Selecting the best between 106° 34'00" –106° 35'30'' E and local species with high economic value as 06° 36'30" –06° 37'00'' S. a candidate for the degraded land GDRF has a mountainous topography revegetation effort is in line with with an altitude ranging from 550 - 800 improving land productivity and masl with a red-yellow latosol soil type. conserving native genetic resources. Local At the beginning of the restoration, the species' use will increase the success rate landscape was dominated by shrubs, e.g., of revegetation activity since local species ferns, melastomas, and bamboos. Only a are more adaptive to their environment. few trees remain at the site, which Hopefully, it will ensure the genetic consisted of several old pinus stands integrity of the species (Nugroho & (Subiakto, Rachmat, & Sakai, 2016). Yassir, 2017). Compared to the potentially Plots were chosen using a purposive invasive exotic species, utilizing and sampling method on S. pinanga planting planting local species will bring more site at plots 5 and 24, while S. platyclados benefit to the ecosystem sustainability at plot 4 and 15. Planting distance for each (Simmons, Hallett, Sonti, Auyeung, & Lu, plot was 4 m x 4 m. The plot location for 2016; Lu et al., 2017; Sattler, Raedig, both species is shown in Figure 1. Hebner, & Wesenberg, 2018; Anggana, Cahyono, & Lastiantoro, 2019; B. Tools and Material Ratanapongsai, 2020). The tools used in this study were a The utilization of native and local map, phi band, haga hypsometer, plastic species for revegetation could restore the bag, thumbtack, sketch board, measuring ecosystem environments near its original tape, soil drill, clinometer, tally sheet, condition. Revegetation using local Global Positioning System (GPS), SLR species has been established successfully camera, Fisheye lens, hoe, ruler, camera, in Kalimantan and several mining sites label, writing tools, and a laptop equipped across Indonesia (Lampela, Jauhiainen, with Hemiview 2.1 software, Statistical Sarkkola, & Vasander, 2017; Setyowati, Product and Service Solutions (SPSS) 25, Amala & Aini, 2017; Sasmita, Komara, & Microsoft Office 2010, and Microsoft Purba, 2020). However, S. platyclados Excel 2010. Materials used in this study and S. pinanga for the revegetation were S. platyclados and S. pinanga stands. 192 Growth performance of Shorea red meranti (Ariansyah, E. N., Pamoengkas, P., Fambayun, R. A., and Rachmat, H. H.) Figure 1. Research Location in Gunung Dahu Research Forest, Bogor C. Research Method 3. Leaf Area Index (LAI) 1. Diameter, Total Tree Height, and LAI data were obtained by taking a Number of Fruiting Trees/Fruiting picture using a Fisheye lens with a Tree Count hemispherical canopy photograph Tree diameter measured at breast technique. Pictures were taken on each height of 1.30 m above ground using a phi plot in five different spots. band, while tree height was measured using a haga hypsometer (Widiyatno, D. Data analysis Soekotjo, Naiem, Hardiwinoto, & The analysis of variance (ANOVA) Purnomo, 2011). Mean Annual Increment at the 5% level was applied to observe the (MAI) was measured using the equation variation between plots. Further analysis D H MAI D = and MAI H = ; in which D = using Duncan multiple range test at 5% T T level was performed if there was a diameter at breast height (cm), H = total significant difference in observed height (m), and T = tree age (years old) variables (Mattjik & Sumertajaya, 2002). (Prodan, 1968). Data regarding numbers Afterward, data distributions were of fruiting trees were obtained from direct performed by using boxplot analysis to observation in the field. The fruiting tree show diameter and total height percentage was the division between the distribution. fruiting tree's number and the total potential number of mother trees in the experimental plot. III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A. Diameter Growth of S. pinanga 2. Altitude and Slope and S. platyclados Altitude data were taken from GPS The revegetation success is by tagging a position based on observation characterized by several categories, one of plots' location, taken at five spots for every them is an increase in area coverage by observation. Meanwhile, slope data were vegetation that also showed the success of obtained with a clinometer. Slope data restoring its ecosystem environment were obtained from five spots for each (Filho, Costa, Sousa, & Junqueira, 2013; observation, which data then categorized Lee, Seo, Seo, Joong, & Kim, 2013; into five classes consisted of flat (0-8 %), Adams, 2015; Correa, Teza, Balduino, & gentle slope (8-15 %), slightly steep (15- Baptista, 2018). Growth parameters that 25 %), steep (25-45 %), and very steep (≥ were observed in this study were diameter 45 %) (Syah & Hariyanto, 2013). and total tree height. Diameter growth of 193 Vol. 17 No. 2, Desember 2020 : 191-205 S. pinanga and S. platyclados are average diameter value of 24.9 cm. This presented in Table 1. value was lower than S. platyclados that Table 1 shows the average diameter yields an average diameter of 34.0 cm but of S. pinanga and S. platyclados were higher than S. pinanga that diameter value significantly different according to was averaging at 22.0 cm. Duncan's result at a 5% level.
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