l^^^^^r^lWaven , Coni^. ^^^ry Page Eight THE BHANFORP REVIEW • EAST HAVEN NEWS Thursday, May 3. 1951 will be Holy Communion. Several of those members will also receive Scout-A-Rama the Ordinance of Baptism. Tlie STONY CREEK names of those being received are I1ic .Scmit-0-Rama which will North Branford CLASSIFIED ADS as follows; the Misses Nancy Wll- take Diaco at the New Haven LUCKY LOGAN~8-2379 ilflms, Edith Olovsbn, Joan and Arena Saturday May IZlh at ST. ACOUfSTTNE'S K. C. CIIUUCO Alice Garden, Lorraine Francois, 2:30 1'. M. and 8 I'. M. will dc- Kcv. John 3. nicCartby, Pastor HELP WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Jane Murphy, Marlon Atkinson monslratc the ablllly • of the Rev. Fcllx Maguirc •St. Theresa's Church, Catholic; Those having birthdays this week Dlanil, Murphy and Judy Hoogh- Hoy,.Scouts and what Ihcv can Frank Prawley BUY - RENT SELL - HAVE IT REPAIRED Rev. Francis Brccn. are: Mike Oryl, May Bth; Tommy klrk, Richard Williams Carl Olov- do. Troop 2 of North Brnn- son, David Vail and Dilvld Baker, Organist,and Choir Director N^JOB , Thursday—Sunday School (3:00 ^>,.,.»^^' ®l|p East Bawn Mellllo, May 3rd; Faye Atkinson ford will nut on an net ot tliplr Mrs. Charles Ddnadlo. assistant • P. M). nnd Lee Wilson, May 0th: Lolly Also Mrs. Merlam Yeakoy, Mrs. own which will be well worlli Mass 7:00 - 8:15 - 10:15 WORDS FOUR Saturday—Confession. Bralnerd, May 1st; and Hence Alice Kent Howell, Mr. Eric Eric vIcwIhR./ or LESS son and Mr. William Dow. Mtt.ss 8:00 Northford Congrega­ 25 50/ TIMES $1.50 Combined With The Branford Review Sunday Masses—8:00 and 0:30 Bralnerd, May 2nd. Lolly and Re- All members of the com­ tional Church Ono T'imtf A. M, nee are having a party for their Young Kenny Ouenther was munity who arc interested lit' Classes In religious in.iitructlons little friends. In honor of both guest soloist during Morning Wor­ hclplnic the boys make this a will bo hold at 10 o'clock on Satur­ Classified Advertising Musi Be Prepaid VOL. VI—NO. 35 EAST HAVEN, CONNECTICUT, THURSDAY. MAY 10, 1951 5 Cents Per Copy—$2.50 A Year ' Church of Christ, Congregation­ their birthdays. Congrats to all! ship on last Sunday, and a most al; Rev. Arnold R. Vali: success can do so by getting day morning In the church. Domini­ For ad over 25 words, 10 cents foreaci, additional 5 words On last Saturday evening, a beautiful Selection was sung. In a tickets early. They m.ay be had can nuns from New Haven and the - Sunday School, 9:45 — Howard most beautiful way. you're doing Kelsey, superintendent, birthday party was given In honor from any Boy Scout or by call- pastors will conduct instructions. Speakers Named of Jen Mellllo, at her homo. Those "fine, Kenny, and .believe mo—we're init 8-288< or 8-2803. Afternoon The Confraternity of tlic Rosary • MOrnlnB Worship, 11:00. all mighty proud of you I ' , admission Is fifty cents, even­ CLASSIFIED DISPLAY Pilgrim Fellowship, 7:00 P. M. attending were the Mrs. Harriet meets this week on Thursday eve­ LOCAL MEN RECEIVE SERVICE AWARD PLAQUES Murray, Ellon Rellly, Hilda Braln­ Mrs. Herbert Martin, or Denver, ing sixty rents, and rescrvcil For Graduation We all would like to extend deep­ ning In the Rectory. Final plans , 50c per column inch erd, Alta Francois, Laura Olov- Colorado Is vlstllng at the homo of .scats arc $1.20. for the communion breakfast will est sympathy ' to Mrs. Alta Fran- son and Mrs. Jordan. her sisters Mrs. Hilda Brnlneid, Uii'S HELP KKEP THI! BOX Ciassified ads must be received by 5:00 P.M. Wednesday By School Faculty $15,000 Granted Town cols, due to the death of her moth­ bo dlscu-s-scd. The women of the er, Mrs. Herbert Podrlck, who Come one—Come alll To the big Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mott, of SCOUTS ACTIVE. parish will receive Holy Commun­ for'publicafion in Tfiursday edition. passed away In her sixty-second Church Root Party, being held at East Hampton, Now York, were ion In a body on Sunday morning Miss Marjorie Ahlbcrg, Miss year on lost Sunday, following a the Church of Christ on this com­ week end guests at the home of Mr. and following the 9:15 Ma.ss will aiicy Caliiihan and Donald long Illness. ing Tuesday, May 8, In the even­ and Mrs. Prank Mott, Cinderella Ball sojourn to the Totokct Inn where The Branford Review - East Haven News Smilli Avcrc chosen by the East ing. Lots of fun Is promised, with Mr. and Mrs. A, Spalding have as they will enjoy their Annual Com­ c-o THE BRANFORD PRINTING CO. Haven faculty today to give the For Momauguin Study Thank God! Utile Johnny a number of good entertainers heir guests for a few days, Mr. Is Junior Theme munion Breakfast. A speaker from PHONE 8-2431 three graduation speeches at Northam, son of Mr. and Mrs. performing, group singing, and— Clyde Spalding, of Bingham, Mc., New Haven has been secured for BRANFORD, CONN. the Commencement Exercises In Martin Northam, Jr., has been re­ a big surprise I—Hear toll It's a and also Miss Donna Spalding of For Annual Prom the event. .lane. Contract Signed moved from the danger list at Nov/ big secret—not to be known until Sholtdn, Conn. Being comparative­ 0HMEDIATE DEXIVERI: Iron Ena. 'liic speakers must all be EAST HAVEN SERGEANT Haven Hospital, where ho has been the night ot the event—^I'm curi­ ly new residents 'here, wo v/lsli to The Junior Cla.ss of Branford zioN EPISCOPAL cmiRcn LEGAL NOTICES honor students allhouBb not conillncd for several days with a ous—aren't you? extend to you a very cordial wel mel Dralnboard Sinks, and TAva- necessarily with the highest With Governmeni High School Is preparing for the RcT. Francis J. Smith, Rector DISTRICT OF BHANFORD, cs. PRO­ scr.tous illness. This coming Sunday, during come to our town. I annual Junior Prom to be held at Edmund L. Stoddard tories; Chrome Brass Toilet Ac­ standing according to East Ha­ others on the sick list are: Mrs. Morning Worship, at the Church BATE COURT, April 12, 19.51 ven tradition. LAUDS BLOOD PROGRAM On Monday night, at 7:30, at the the Pino Orchard Club on Saturday. Lay Reader Estate of RUTH RUNYON BROWN cessories; .Copper Gatter and At Noon Thursday DavIdV Sheehan, who is suftering or Christ, Rev. Arnold. Vail, Pas­ FIrohouse, the Stony Creek Alh May 10. Eddie Willsteln's Orchestra Mrs. Paul R. Hawktaa ,GraiIuation will take place in with a*'broken wrist received In a tor, will extend the Right Hand of lale of Branford, In said District, do- liCaders; Roofing and InsDlatlon the Iil?h sdiooi auiditoritmi on "Tell them that blood sent to ietic A.'isociullon will liold a rcg will play for the Cinderella motif Organist ccnsed. Local officinls signed a contract fall at Hcr home last Monday. Also, Fellowship, In accepting new mem­ ular meeting, followed by Sports, affair. Mrs. Edmund L,'Stoddard THE CONN. FLDMIiINO &ND Thursday evening, June 14tli. Korea for our servicemen never will Bloodmoblle Visit with the Federal Urban Kcdcvelop- Peter Donley, confined to his bed bers Into the churcn, which will bo Movies and refreshments, to vvhich In charge of the "Midnight Ball" Choir Director The Court of Probate for the Dis­ LTJMDER COIUPANI go to waste." ment Commission at noon today for severaJ> days. Here's wishing the followed by a brief exhortation to trict of Branford, hath limited and The speaker was dark-eyed. 22 the public Is cordially invited. are Dana /irmstrong and Pnu Farr- 9:30a.m. Morning Service and 1739 Stato St. New BaT«n, c:k>Dii ^ Slated Here May 25 whU'li will allow thu town to proceed speediest oiT, recoveries to all! the new members, and then'there Children must be accompanied by InRlon. social chairmen and Ken­ Sermon allowed six months from the date year old Marine Sgt. Felix Del wlib its iirclinilnary plans for (he •an adult. neth Donadlo. president of the class. Holy Communion, 1st, 3rd. and hereof, for the creditors of said es­ Tel. 7-8291 Uuidlce 01 East Haven, twice rcilcvclopmcnt of Alomauguln. The committee includes: 6th Sundays tate to exhibit their claims for set­ wounded and winner of the Bronze The Red Cross Uloudinoblle It is stated that Memorial Day tlement. Those who neglect to'pre­ Star Medal, now on a 30-day leave will be in ICiisl Haven on Friday, The vontract.s were mailed htre will be the Grand Opening of Decorations: Chairmen. Pat Morning Prayer 2nd and 4th Dolan. Phil Farrlngton,* Kenneth sent their accounts properly attest­ BUILDING MATERIALS For from the Korean batllefront. i>liiy -;ivii. Ill ri.'ji ive Kl) pints from Wnslilngton I>, C, foUowInK a Dodds' li'lold, the Athletic Club's Sundays ed, within .said time, will bo de­ Sale: Screens, Bronze and Plas­ of life giving fluid from local tcloRrnni received on Monday from now ball field, located Just oil Donadlo, and Dnna Armstrong: Children of the Parish will attend Tne sergeant has seen-blood ad­ THE LOBSTER POUND Committee. Barbara Steglna. Carol barred a recovery. All persons in­ tic Wire: Stock Sizes and made ministered "plenty of times." Fa­ citizens. U. S. Director N. S. ..KclUi ..which Leote's Island Road, omclal cere­ church school classes at the church debted to said Estate are requested to order. Insulation, all- types; miliar with the transfusion pro­ 'Pile unit will lie stationed at ssid that $h'i,QIIU has been granted monies will take place, and a gala Lacy Nancy Ryan.
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