This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) Prange Date Submitted by Submitted by (based Control No. Date Submitted Censored Hold No. Source News Agency (Japanese) Submitted by on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Censorship Action Writers Japanese Article Pages of Number Duplicate Photograph(s) Oversized 47-loc-0251 5/27/1947 5/28/1947 12/27 news item 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Asahi shimbun 生産責任制 responsibility system for Suggestion that farmers be H, S Tomijiro Spaulding Ogino Hideo Y 3 production responsible for a rice delivery Saito Watanabe quota based on the fertility of their land 47-loc-0252 5/27/1947 5/28/1947 13/27 News Item 夕刊みやこ Yukan Miyako Miyako 新憲法制定いらい兇惡犯罪のみならず、恐カツ、スリなど A Student of Chinese Escapes Instances of delinquency have S Spaulding Ogino Takamura H. Okada Y 3 チンピラ犯罪の激増は善良なる民衆をして検察當局のみに the Danger of a Delinquent increased since the enactment 頼まれず夜間外出、 Man by Pretending To be a of the new Constitution Chinese Serving the Occupation Forces 47-loc-0253 5/27/1947 5/31/1947 14/27 news [item] 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Asahi 天皇印象記 R.N. Baldwin's impression R.N. Baldwin's impression H, P Gomes Ogino Takamura Abe Y 4 about his interview with the about his interview with the Emperor. Emperor 47-loc-0254 5/27/1947 5/31/1947 15/27 News Item 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun (25) Mainichi Shimbun 25 紡績操短強化. 原綿の輸入難で計画を変更 Curtailment of Spinning Curtailment of spinning H, P Malloy Matsumoto Moriyama M. Nagashima Y 3 Operations Intensified Program operations intensified program Altered Due to Difficulty of altered due to difficulty of raw Raw Cotton Imports cotton imports 47-loc-0255 5/27/1947 5/30/1947 16/27 news item 時事通信; 新夕刊 Jiji Tsushin (80); Shin Jiji [Tsushin] 80; 復員将兵が引揚促進の断食苦行 Demobilized soldiers to go on Demobilized soldiers to go on H, P Malloy Spaulding Doi Murao Sakaino Fujinami Y 4 Yukan (27) Shinyukan 27 hunger strike for promoting hunger strike for promoting repatriation repatriation 47-loc-0256 5/27/1947 5/29/1947 17/27 news item 毎日特信 Mainichi Tokushin Mainichi Tokushin 新憲法下の警察制度 Police system under the new A plan for reforming the police H, S [Asami] Malloy Ebisawa Kawaminami Yabuki Y 5 Constitution system 47-loc-0257 5/27/1947 6/2/1947 18/27 news item 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun mainichi shimbun 子平の死刑求刑は、常識判決と一致するのだが、弁護人三 respect of personal right and Respect of personal right and H, P Malloy Takebe Kawaminami Hideo Y 3 宅正太郎氏は証拠の不十分と信用性の希薄を指摘したのは the new constitution the new constitution Watanabe 注意すべきだ 47-loc-0258 5/27/1947 5/30/1947 19/27 News item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (132) Kyodo No. 132 重ねて警告する. 尾崎翁語る Mr. Ozaki's repeated warning H, P Y 2 to members of the Diet 47-loc-0258a 5/27/1947 5/29/1947 19/27 News item 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun (6) Mainichi No. 6 座談会 The new Constitution and P Malloy Fukutomi Kawaminami Yabuki Y 8 emasculation of police power 47-loc-0259 5/27/1947 6/6/1947 21/27 News Item 政治新聞 Seiji Shimbun (20) Seiji Shimbun 20 財界一部の把憂を粉破せよ Crush Baseless Fears Prevalent Why taking finished products H, D Spaulding Fukutomi Murao M. Nagashima Y 3 (Commentary) Among Part of Financial from Japan as well as Circles reparations will hurt her economy 47-loc-0260 5/27/1947 5/28/1947 22/27 news item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (123) Kyodo (123) 被爆者の大部分は全快. 原子爆弾調告団ワ大佐の中間報告 Interim report of Col. Warren Interim report of Col. Warren H, P Spauding Moriyama Iwasaki Abe Y 11 of A-bomb Investigation of A-bomb Investigation Commission. Almost all the Commission, who is now victims completely recovered. staying at Nagasaki; almost all the victims completely recovered 47-loc-0261 5/27/1947 5/30/1947 23/27 news items 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin kyodo tsushin 財政法第三条の施行. 運賃改正等実行後か application of article III of the Application of article III of the H, P Malloy Ebisawa Kawamoto Hideo Y 13 Finance Law is likely to come Finance Law is likely to come Watanabe after freightage revision after freightage revision 47-loc-0262 5/27/1947 24/27 News Item 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (2) Yomiuri Shimbun 2 世耕事件全貎; 東京都教育局事件; 名刺一枚で摘発; Whole Aspect of the Seko Account of the Seko H, D Yendo, Malloy Nakano Gomes M. Nagashima Yabuki Y 20 滋賀縣の水口事件; 世耕指令書は飛ぶ; 拂下げ公文書第一号; Case; Case involving the blackmarket case reporter 安本機構の立直し; 策士と官僚の陰謀. 世耕氏談 Education Bureau, Tokyo Metropolitan Gov't; A man who exposes concealed and hoarded goods by usign a sheet of name card; The Minaguchi case of Shiga Prefecture; Seko Directives Sent Flying; Directive to Expose Concealed and Hoarded Goods; Official Document No. 1 relating to Sale of Government Property; Reshuffling of the setup of Economic Stabilization Board; Intrigue of men of tactics and bureaucrats 47-loc-0263 5/27/1947 5/27/1947 News 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri 舊態變らぬ日本. 英紙片山内閣の組織評 "Socialist party" comment on Socialist asserts that members D Malloy Takebe Takamura Hideo Y 3 comment political situation of his party are regarded as Watanabe spies 47-loc-0264 5/27/1947 5/27/1947 News item 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun Yo[m]iuri 失業 Unemployment Problem If restaurants are closed, then D Malloy Iwasaki Moriyama H. Okada Y 5 1 many people will lose their jobs 47-loc-0265 5/27/1947 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi, Saitama マ元師に贈るフヂヤマの画 Painting of "Fujiyama" H, S Y 1 (Saitama) presented to MacArthur [Horiuchi] 47-loc-0265a 5/27/1947 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri, Saitama 香画の富士山. マ司令部へ贈呈 S Y 1 (Saitama) [Ogino] 47-loc-0266 5/27/1947 5/30/1947 新夕刊 Shin Yukan Shin yukan また断食男. 引揚促進に復員同志七名 Hunger strike for repatriation H, P Y 1 47-loc-0267 5/27/1947 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun (115) Mainichi 115 やはり自然休業. 料理店取締り旣定通り Restaurants closing busines[s] H, D Nakano Sakaino Y 2 as a natural course 47-loc-0267a 5/27/1947 新報知 Shin Hochi Shin-Hochi 轉業も考慮. 銀座露店の飲食店組合 D Spaulding Pinto Horiuchi Y 2 47-loc-0267b 5/27/1947 東京タイムズ The Tokyo Times Tokyo Times 當局の方針不變. 料飲店の取締り Control of Japanese Restaurant D Malloy Takebe Kawaminami Y 2 47-loc-0267c 5/27/1947 東京都民新聞 Tokyo Tomin Shimbun Tokyo Tomin 厄介な料飲業者問題. 内務省苦心の腹案なる Troublesome Restaurant D Malloy Ebisawa Sakaino Y 2 Shimbun Problem- House ministry drafted painstaking measure 47-loc-0268 5/29/1947 5/31/1947 18/29 News Item 世界日報 Sekai Nippo Sekai Nippo ボールドウン氏と日本學生問答 Questions and answers Head of ACLU asks Japanese H, D Spaulding Horiuchi Kimura Hirota Y 2 1 exchanged between Mr. students if they are dissatisfied Baldwin and Japanese students with American occupation policy 47-loc-0269 5/30/1947 5/30/1947 1/30 news item 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin (10) Jiji Tsushin 10 「東京湾に怪物上陸」. 一寸騒がせた一時間 "Monster landed to Tokyo False report of a monster in H, P Spaulding Pinto Fujinami Y 4 Bay" Tokyo Bay People surprised a little for one hour 47-loc-0270 5/30/1947 6/3/1947 3/30 News Item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin (22) Kyodo Tsushin 22 鹿児島県下に眞性赤痢 Genuine case of Dysentery in Genuine case of dysentery in H, P Spaulding Ebisawa Pinto M. Nagashima Y 6 Kagoshima Prefecture Kagoshima Prefecture 47-loc-0271 5/30/1947 6/2/1947 4/30 news item 聯合支局 Rengo Shikyoku Rengo Shikyoku 外蒙の大草原に発表されざる戦歴を残して今日に至った「 Tokyo trials re. Nomomhan Soviets are holding several key D Spaulding Ebisawa Pinto Isamu Abe Y 41 ノモンハン事件」は検事側立証から漸く明らかにされ始め Incident witnesses in the Tokyo trial 今週の東京裁判における弁護側反証によってある程度眞相 は明らかにされたがまだ割り切れない幾多の疑点があとを 引いて残った、 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) Prange Date Submitted by Submitted by (based Control No. Date Submitted Censored Hold No. Source News Agency (Japanese) Submitted by on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Censorship Action Writers Japanese Article Pages of Number Duplicate Photograph(s) Oversized 47-loc-0272 5/30/1947 6/1/1947 5/30 news item 新夕刊 Shin Yukan (1) Shin Yukan (#1) 土建業界の有力者 社、民の幹部を操る. Influential persons in influential persons manipulate H, P Malloy Ebisawa Kuramoto Abe Y 3 入閣條件に選擧費を提供 engineering and architectural leaders of the Democratic Party circles manipulate leaders of and the Socialist Party; the Democratic Party and the election cost furnished on Socialist Party. Election cost condition that persons they furnished on condition that want be admitted into the new persons they want be admitted cabinet into the new Cabinet. 47-loc-0273 5/30/1947 5/31/1947 6/30 News Item 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun (103, Yomiuri Shimbun 腦炎か. 赤井村で不明患者死亡續出 Encephalitis? Deaths of Deaths of patients may be H, P Spaulding T. Kato Pinto M. Nagashima [Kamachi] Y 2 Miyagi) 103 (Miyagi Edition) Patients from Unkown Cause caused by encephalitis Occurring in Succession in Akaimura 47-loc-0274 5/30/1947 5/31/1947 7/30 News Item 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Asahi 強權お斷りの陳情. 無罪判決の影響か Petition against invocation of Rice delivery: Petition against H, P Spaulding Ogino Gomes Hirota Y 2 legal authority invocation of legal authority 47-loc-0275 5/30/1947 5/31/1947 8/30 news item 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri, Ishikawa 冷い世間へ抗議. 戦争犠牲者の投書から Letters from war victims Letters from war victims H, D Malloy Matsumoto Ono Abe Y 2 protesting cold-hearted society protestomg cold-hearted society; deleted: mention of thoughts of killing one's own children 47-loc-0276 5/30/1947 9/30 News item 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 引揚關係諸團體の展望 Survey of various bodies Survey of various bodies H, C, P Juichi Spaulding Ogino Kimura M.
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