REPORT Holyhead Port Expansion Environmental Statement Addendum Client: Stena Line Ports Limited Reference: PB6108-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-0001 Status: Final/P01.01 Date: 30 September 2020 Project related HASKONINGDHV UK LTD. Honeycomb Edmund Street Liverpool L3 9NG United Kingdom Industry & Buildings VAT registration number: 792428892 +44 151 2362944 T +44 151 2272561 F [email protected] E royalhaskoningdhv.com W Document title: Holyhead Port Expansion Environmental Statement Addendum Document short title: Reference: PB6108-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-0001 Status: P01.01/Final Date: 30 September 2020 Project name: Holyhead Port Expansion Project number: PB6108 Author(s): David Brew; Sarah Marjoram; Ben Hughes; Keming Hu; Tanja Cooper; Helena Wickes; Helen Reilly; Anna Sweeny Drafted by: Nicholas Hill and Melissa Roe-Ely Christa Page; Gregor McNiven; Jen Checked by: Learmonth Date / initials: 28/09/2020 CP / GMcN / JL Approved by: Jamie Gardiner Date / initials: 30/09/2020 JVG Classification Project related Disclaimer No part of these specifications/printed matter may be reproduced and/or published by print, photocopy, microfilm or by any other means, without the prior written permission of HaskoningDHV UK Ltd.; nor may they be used, without such permission, for any purposes other than that for which they were produced. HaskoningDHV UK Ltd. accepts no responsibility or liability for these specifications/printed matter to any party other than the persons by whom it was commissioned and as concluded under that Appointment. The integrated QHSE management system of HaskoningDHV UK Ltd. has been certified in accordance with ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018. 30 September 2020 PB6108-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-0001 i Project related Table of Contents 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Purpose of this document 1 1.2 Approach to the ES Addendum 1 1.3 Consultation 2 1.4 Structure to this Document 3 2 Policy and Jurisdiction Corrections 4 3 Changes to the proposed scheme to that presented in the ES 5 3.1 Introduction 5 3.2 Changes to the proposed scheme 5 3.3 Environmental Assessment of changes to the Proposed Scheme 9 4 Responses to Stakeholder Comments 27 4.1 Introduction 27 4.2 Coastal Processes 27 4.3 Marine and Sediment Water Quality 43 4.4 Marine and Coastal Ecology 52 4.5 Fish and Shellfish Resources 59 4.6 Marine Mammals 63 4.7 Commercial Fisheries 68 4.8 Ornithology 71 4.9 Commercial and Recreational Navigation 73 4.10 Archaeological and Cultural Heritage 75 4.11 Visual Setting 79 4.12 Coastal Defence and Flood Risk 80 4.13 Cumulative Impact Assessment 84 4.14 Water Framework Directive Compliance Assessment 96 4.15 Shadow Habitats Regulations Assessment 101 5 References 110 30 September 2020 PB6108-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-0001 ii Project related Table of Tables Table 1-1 Comments received from NRW and where these have been addressed in this ES Addendum. 1 Table 1-2 Comments received from the Planning Inspectorate and where these have been addressed in this ES Addendum. 2 Table 3-1 Total volume of sediment by type to be disposed at Holyhead North. 5 Table 3-2 Imported material and vessel movements for Salt Island Expansion and Pelham Patch Development reclamations. 5 Table 3-3 Revised volumes of cement required for Salt Island Expansion and Pelham Patch Development reclamations. 6 Table 3-4 Quantity of sediment types input into the sediment plume dispersion model. 6 Table 3-5 Main specifications of the TSHD. 7 Table 3-6 Estimated dredging cycle of the TSHD. 7 Table 3-7 Dredging production parameters of the TSHD. 7 Table 3-8 Main specifications of the BHD. 7 Table 3-9 Estimated dredging cycle of the BHD. 8 Table 3-10 Estimated barge cycle of the BHD. 8 Table 3-11 Dredging production parameters of the BHD. 8 Table 3-12 Assumed dredging programme. 8 Table 3-13 Magnitude of effect on sea-bed level changes due to deposition under the worst-case scenario for sediment dispersal following capital dredging of the approach channel and land- claim. 9 Table 3-14 Sensitivity and value assessment with respect to sediment deposition of the defined receptor group for coastal processes. 9 Table 3-15 Magnitude of effect on sea-bed level changes due to deposition under the worst-case scenario for sediment disposal. 12 Table 4-1 Responses to Coastal Processes comments. 27 Table 4-2 Plan areas and dredge depths of the existing maintenance dredge areas and the approach channel. 33 Table 4-3 Total tonnages extracted over the past nine years and volumes extracted for each area in April 2017 (from data supplied by Holyhead Port). 33 Table 4-4 Historic sediment deposition rates in Ferry Berths T3 and T5 and estimates of potential maintenance dredging requirements in the proposed approach channel. 35 Table 4-5 Historic sediment deposition rates in the Inner Harbour estimated from the maintenance dredge volumes and estimates of potential maintenance dredging requirements in Pelham Patch Development berth pocket. 35 Table 4-6 Responses to Marine and Sediment Water Quality comments. 43 Table 4-7 Responses to Marine and Coastal Ecology comments. 52 Table 4-8 Responses to Fish and Shellfish Resources comments. 59 30 September 2020 PB6108-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-0001 iii Project related Table 4-9 Responses to Marine Mammal comments. 63 Table 4-10 Responses to Commercial Fisheries comments. 68 Table 4-11 Responses to Ornithology comments. 71 Table 4-12 Responses to Commercial and Recreational Navigation comments. 73 Table 4-13 Responses to Archaeological and Cultural Heritage comments. 75 Table 4-14 Responses to Visual Setting stakeholder comments. 79 Table 4-15 Responses to Coastal Defence and Flood Risk comments. 80 Table 4-16 Response to Cumulative Impact Assessment stakeholder comments. 84 Table 4-17 Marine Mammals CIA for the proposed scheme with the Morlais project. 88 Table 4-18 Responses to WFD Compliance Assessment comments. 96 Table 4-19 Responses to Shadow HRA Comments. 101 Table 4-20 In-Combination Assessment for Marine Mammals between the proposed scheme and the Morlais project. 104 Table of Figures Figure 3-1 Predicted changes in sea bed elevation due to deposition from the plume caused by dredging activities and land claim. 10 Figure 3-2 Location of points for time series analysis of deposition from the dredging activities and land claim. 11 Figure 3-3 Time series of bed thickness change at four selected points outside the dredged approach channel. Location of points is shown on Figure 3-2. 11 Figure 3-4 Predicted changes in sea bed elevation due to deposition from the plume created by disposal of dredged sediments. 13 Figure 3-5 Maximum predicted suspended sediment concentrations for the bottom (bed) layer over the simulation period. 14 Figure 3-6 Maximum predicted suspended sediment concentrations for the mid layer over the simulation period. 15 Figure 3-7 Maximum predicted suspended sediment concentrations for the surface layer over the simulation period. 15 Figure 3-8 Maximum suspended sediment concentration above 100mg/l for the mid layer over the simulation period. 16 Figure 3-9 Maximum predicted suspended sediment concentrations for the bottom (bed) layer at the offshore disposal site. 17 Figure 3-10 Maximum predicted suspended sediment concentrations for the mid layer at the offshore disposal site. 17 Figure 3-11 Maximum predicted suspended sediment concentrations for the surface layer at the offshore disposal site. 18 30 September 2020 PB6108-RHD-ZZ-XX-RP-Z-0001 iv Project related Figure 3-12 Deposition levels as a result of capital dredging in relation to biotope classifications and predictive HABMAP data. 21 Figure 3-13 Deposition within the disposal site showing 1-5cm, 1-30cm and above 30cm change in bed thickness. 22 Figure 4-1 Existing maintenance dredge areas in relation to the approach channel (red outline) and Pelham Patch Development berth pocket (blue hatched). 34 Figure 4-2 UKCP18 model grid used to derive sea-level rise projections for Holyhead. 36 Figure 4-3 Changes in relative sea level (m) under the 50%ile medium and 95%ile high emissions scenario using a 2020 baseline. 37 Figure 4-4 Model extent covering the Irish Sea (yellow star indicates the study site); brown dots showing bathymetry data points. 38 Figure 4-5 Difference in current speed between baseline and with scheme scenarios during spring tide two hours before high tide. 39 Figure 4-6 Difference in current speed between baseline and with scheme scenarios during spring tide two hours after high tide. 40 Figure 4-7 Difference in current speed between baseline and with scheme scenarios during neap tide two hours before high tide. 41 Figure 4-8 Difference in current speed between baseline and with scheme scenarios during neap tide two hours after high tide. 42 Figure 4-9 Time series plots showing the dissipation of SSC in the mid-layer within Holyhead Harbour once dredging has ceased (a), 15 mins after last release (b) and 30 minutes after last release (c) 49 Figure 4-10 Time series plots showing the dissipation of SSC in the mid-layer within Holyhead North once dredging has ceased (a), 30 mins after last release (b) and 60 minutes after last release (c). 50 Figure 4-11 Time series plots showing the dissipation of SSC in the mid-layer within Holyhead North 90 minutes after last release (a), 120 mins after last release (b) and 150 minutes after last release (c). 51 Appendices Appendix A Request for clarification / Further Information from NRW on the Marine Licence Application CML1931 Appendix B ES Completeness Report from The Planning Inspectorate on the HRO Application (DNS/3234821) Appendix C1 Response to
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