ANTROPOMOTORYKA Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences (JKES) A T I O C I N Vol. 25, no. 2 (70), 2015 O O S F S A S P L O A R N T O I K T I A N N E R T E I C T S N I UNIVERSITY OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION IN KRAKOW, POLAND UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION IN WROCLAW, POLAND Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences JKES 70 (25), 2015 COMMITTEE FOR REHABILITATION, PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SOCIAL INTEGRATION OF POLISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SPORT KINETICS – IASK UNIVERSITY OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION IN KRAKOW, POLAND UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION IN WROCLAW, POLAND EDITORIAL COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN Edward Mleczko VICE-CHAIRMAN Zofia Ignasiak ASSOCIATE EDITORS-IN-CHIEF Jan Chmura, Jerzy Januszewski, Andrzej Klimek, Tadeusz Koszczyc, Lesław Kulmatycki, Wiesław Osiński, Joachim Raczek, Teresa Sławińska-Ochla, Włodzimierz Starosta ADVISORY BOARD Michal Belej (Slovakia), Józef Bergier (Poland), Peter Blaser (Germany), Tadeusz Bober (Poland), Janusz Czerwiński (Poland), Józef Drabik (Poland), Stefan Grössing (Austria), Peter Hirtz (Germany), Vladimir Issurin (Israel), Jan Junger (Slovakia), Josif Moisiejewicz Fejgenberg (Israel), Andrzej Jopkiewicz (Poland), Grzegorz Juras (Poland), Han C.G. Kemper (The Netherlands), Krzysztof Klukowski (Poland), Vladimir Lyakh (Russia), Robert M. Malina (USA), Ryszard Przewęda (Poland), Igor Ryguła (Poland), Albertas Skurvydas (Lithuania), Michał Spieszny (Poland), Peter Weinberg (Germany), Stanisław Żak (Poland) EDITOR’S OFFICE Executive Editor: Joanna Gradek Editorial Assistant: Renata Nieroda al. Jana Pawła II 78, 31-571 Kraków, Poland www.antropomotoryka.pl http://e-antropomotoryka.pl/ Original version of the journal ANTROPOMOTORYKA is the electronic version Linguistic editors: AmE Native Statistical editor: Stanisław Matusik © Copyright by The University of Physical Education in Krakow, Poland e-ISSN 2353-3986; ISSN 1731-0652 Indexed in: Ministry of Science and Higer Education 2015: 9 pts; IC Journal Master List – ICV 2014: 81.38 (7,7) pts Design and DTP: Zdzisław Przybyło Print: Drukarnia EIKON PLUS Dominik Sieńko, ul. Wybickiego 46, 31-302 Kraków Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences JKES 70 (25): 3-6, 2015 REGULATIONS FOR ARTICLE PUBLICATION Description and profile of the journal provided that the author obtains written consent to reprint the article from the foreign journal in which the text has been or Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise will be published. Sciences (JKES) is the official, reviewed, quarterly academic publication of the International Association of Sport Kinesiol- Requirements for submission ogy (IASK), issued by the University of Physical Education in Krakow since 1989, and from 2010, in cooperation with the Submitting the paper should be done via the Index Coperni- University School of Physical Education in Wroclaw. The jour- cus Publishers Panel – the electronic system for management of nal has received academic patronage from the Rehabilitation, the editing process. For this purpose, it is necessary to register Physical Education and Social Integration Committee of the on the following website: http://970.indexcopernicus.com/. Polish Academy of Sciences and can be found in the IC Jour- Manuscript registration takes place in accordance with nal Master List international indexing database. Since 2014, the the instructions for authors: http://970.index-copernicus.com/i journal is published in the original electronic version in English. c_publishers_panel_instrukcja_obslugi_dla_autorow.pdf On subscribers’ request, the journal may be issued in English and Polish in book format. • Once registered on the IC Publishers Panel platform, au- Editorial office: Antropomotoryka thors should contact the editorial office via the IC Publish- Al. Jana Pawła II 78, 31-571 Kraków. Poland. ers Panel e-mail or the editorial office directly via e-mail: E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] . • The author responsible for correspondence with the pub- lisher concerning the article receives notification confirm- Aim ing submission of the article, and information about stages of its publication. In Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exer- • Editors will not accept an article in which the phenomena cise Sciences (JKES) the results of innovative experiments of “ghostwriting” and “guest authorship” is present or and observations on human locomotive activities conducted showing signs of any aberrancies. under natural and laboratory conditions by researchers of hu- • All publications are copyrighted on the basis of the Berne man motor skills (anthropomotorics) or related fields and dis- Convention and the Universal Copyright Convention, ex- ciplines, such as: physiology, psychology, physical anthropol- ceptions being only cases allowed by national law. ogy, biomechanics, medicine, computer sciences, economics, • The author submits a statement (in the case of collaborative genetics, pedagogy, sports education are presented. This al- papers, the lead author submits the statement on behalf of lows to acquaint oneself with the essence of human physical all co-authors) asserting that materials submitted for publi- activities, their structure, skills, motor functions and aptitudes, cation become the sole property of the publisher and cannot learning of these motor functions, their monitoring and control, be published in whole or in part by other journals or digital and the health and sports effects of the broadly understood media without the permission of the publisher. human notion of physical activity. • Submission for publication is tantamount to the author(s) In accordance with the aim of the journal, the subject of relinquishing ownership rights to the publisher, which is the article should fall under one of the four thematic categories: claimed by the lead author in a statement posted on the I. Theoretical and applied aspects of kinesiology (Funda- website: http://970.indexcopernicus.com/ • The lead author is required to determine the contribution of mental and Applied Kinesiology). the co-authors in creation of the article in accordance with II. Scientific basis of motor function training in sports and the requirements of the IC Publishers Panel – electronic recreation (Sport Sciences). system for managing the editorial process. III. Teaching, controlling and monitoring motor functions. Article preparation for publication in Antropomotoryka. Scientific basis, formation and evaluation of activity and Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences (JKES) physical fitness (Exercise Sciences). IV. Reviews, debates and discussions, historical elaborations, conference announcements, reports from conferences Texts submitted for publication should be and congresses of the IASK and brief summaries of papers written in English or Polish in accordance printed in foreign journals, book reviews on the theory of with the following editorial requirements: human motor skills and also, assessment of the current state and prospects for the development in anthropomo- • The volume of empirical work including the summary, fig- toric research achievements (Varia). ures and tables should not exceed 22 pages, and the re- Papers of high scientific value previously qualified for views – 30 pages standard A4 size (up to 1,800 characters publication in another foreign journal may also be submitted, including spaces per page); Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences 3 Regulations for article publication • Texts should be prepared using only Microsoft Office Word determined whether they are properly suited for the purpose text editor, pages should be numbered, font: Times New of research. The author of the review or meta-analysis should Roman; size: 12 points; spacing: 1.5; justified text; title provide methods of searching for materials, methods of selec- written in bold typeface; centred. tion, etc. • Tables and figures labelled using Arabic numerals and head- Results. Presentation of the results should be logical and ers, explanations and descriptions of illustrations below the cohesive, and closely linked to the data in the tables and fig- figures and the results above the tables should be placed on ures. Referencing results presented in the tables or figures, separate pages in the English and Polish versions. Head- the abbreviated name of the table and figures (Table 1, Fig. ers, explanations and descriptions below the figures and 2) should be placed in parentheses and on the margins of the above the tables should be in English and Polish. work, suggesting their location in the comments. In the main Example: body of the paper, the same results in tables and figures cannot Tabela 1., Ryc. 1., Objaśnienia, Chłopcy be repeated. Table 1., Fig. 1., Commentary, Boys Discussion. The author should relate the results to data • Figures and tables should be placed on separate pages from literature (other than described in the introduction), high- (See: Illustrative material); lighting the innovative and significant aspects of his/her work. The adopted hypotheses should be verified or falsified. Title page (English and Polish versions on separate pages Conclusions. Presenting cognitive and applicative find- – if article is meant for publication in both English and Polish) ings, the posed hypotheses should be considered and vague containing the full title of the paper and its short title (up to 40 statements not supported by the results of the research should characters including spaces) to be placed
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