Notes and References 1. BACKGROUND AND ORIGINS 1. Joseph Dorfman, "John Bates and John Maurice Clark on Mono­ poly and Competition," Introductory Essay to John Bates Clark and John Maurice Clark, The Control of Trusts, Rewritten and Enlarged Edition [1912] (New York: Kelley, 1971),5. 2. Both John Bates Clark's great-grandfathers served in the Revolution: his paternal great-grandfather, Daniel A. Clark, serving under his maternal great-grandfather, General Jedidiah Huntington. Daniel Clark was a founder of the village of Plymouth Kingdom in Ver­ mont. General Huntington was "one of the eight original brigadier­ generals appointed by Washington." See Frances A. Toyer, "The Economic Thought of John Bates Clark," unpublished Ph.D. disser­ tation (New York University, 1952),4; and "John Bates Clark" in The National Cyclopaedia of American Biography, vol. 13 (1906), 48. 3. The reference is to Daniel Clark. See Economic Essays, Contributed in Honor of John Bates Clark, edited by Jacob H. Hollander ([Published on behalf of the American Economic Association] New York: Macmillan, 1927), 365. 4. The evidence for this is ample and will be presented in following chapters. Two examples may serve here. Towards the end of his life (probably in 1955) Clark made the following notes on an envelope: "About 75 years ago, J.B.C[lark] called for truer 'anthropology' as basis for ec[onomics). "40 years ago (1915) [sic] I was writing 'Changing basis of ec[onomic] respons[ibility),." And in a letter to John C. Schramm, Director of the Calvin K. Kazanjian Foundation in 1955, Clark wrote: "For the purpose in hand, I like to think that I am continuing the tradition of my eminent father, who some 75 years ago began to stress ethical elements in economics." The "purpose in hand" was the forthcoming Kazanjian Foundation Lectures delivered in 1955 and published as The Ethical Basis of Economic Freedom. Clark to Schramm, 10 March 1955. Copy and envelope in J.M. Clark Papers. None of this, however, is to be interpreted as suggesting that the efforts of the younger Clark were limited to those originally undertaken by his father. 5. Joseph Dorfman, The Economic Mind in American Civilization, 5 volumes (New York: Viking, 1946-1958) V: 440. 6. John Bates Clark: A Memorial (Prepared by his children and privately printed, 1938), 5. 128 Notes and References 129 7. Thomas Ie Duc, Piety and Intellect at Amherst College. 1865-1912 (New York: Columbia University Press, 1946), 27-28. 8. Alan Simpson, Puritanism in Old and New England (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1961),39. 9. A converter is a device for transforming energy from one form to another. The steam engine transforms heat energy into mechanical energy. Carlo M. Cippola adopts the useful term "inorganic conver­ ter" in order to distinguish technological advances beyond the use of animal or "organic" converters. See his The Economic History of World Population, rev. ed. (Baltimore, Maryland: Penguin Books, 1964), esp. Chapter 2. 10. See, for example, Joseph Dorfman, The Economic Mind in American Civilization, volumes I and II (especially chapters 25 and 34), and volume III. 11. Simpson, 33. 12. John Bates Clark, 5. 13. John R. Everett, Religion in Economics: A Study of John Bates Clark. Richard T. Ely. Simon N. Patten (New York: King's Crown Press, 1946), 26. This work, Everett's dissertation at Columbia University, benefited from the suggestions of John Maurice Clark and Joseph Dorfman. The elder Clark, however, "was the third American figure to attain outstanding international importance." See Joseph Dorfman, The Economic Mind in American Civilization, II: 804; III: 102, 188. 14. Hollander, 5. Professor E.R.A. Seligman placed him "on a level with Ricardo, Senior, John Stuart Mill, Jevons, and Marshall." See Essays in Economics, 151. Allan G. Gruchy notes that "textbooks are still largely written in the pattern sanctioned by Alfred Marshall and John Bates Clark at the turn of the century." See Modern Economic Thought: The American Contribution (New York: Pren­ tice-Hall, 1947), 13. 15. l. M. Clark was to later recall that his father commented "that when he was young, Hell was a very real thing ... but he was reserved about discussing such matters." John Maurice Clark to l.R. Everett, 17 September, 1944. Cited in Everett, Religion in Economics, 1953. 16. Toyer, 5. 17. John Bates Clark, 6, 7. 18. The patents were No. 86210 (26 January, 1869) and No. 57151l (17 November, 1896). "One was a 'new apparatus for heating houses of all kinds' which was purported to save money in the initial installation of a heating apparatus and also in the use of fuel; the second was a machine for converting wave motion into [mechanical] power." Toyer, 6. Other "Patents in the attic" were "Bridge across the Atlantic," "similar idea for mid-ocean airports," "Rope fire­ escape," and "2-story streets for N.Y." See notes in John Maurice Clark's hand in J.M. Clark Papers. 19. Everett, 28. 20. Toyer, 7. 21. John Bates Clark, 8. 130 Notes and References 22. Of the ten clerical members of the first Board of Trustees, Claud M. Fuess writes: "with one or two exceptions, they were all aggressively Calvinistic." Amherst was appropriate in another way for Clark since his paternal great-grandfather, the Reverend Daniel A. Clark, was on the original Board of Trustees. The Reverend Clark was "a vigorous, original personality, who had made himself unpopular in the town [Amherst] because of his energetic espousal of the tem­ perance movement and who was evidently a consistent trouble. maker, moving rapidly from one pastorate to another .... " See Fuess' Amherst: The Story ofa New England College (Boston: Little, Brown, 1935),42,43. 23. Fuess, 170, 179. 24. Friedrich August Gottreu Tholuck (1799-1877) was the son of a goldsmith who rose to become a leading defender of evangelical religion and Calvinism. In 1819 he was appointed professor at Berlin; in 1826 he became a professor at Halle where he remained the rest of his life. 25. Fuess, 209, 211, 219. Seelye had studied at Amherst under Henry B. Smith, who persuaded him to spend a year in Germany following his graduation. Smith himself had studied Kantian philosophy at Halle and Berlin and theology under Tholuck. See Le Duc, 42. As one student of the class of '71 remarked, "the atmosphere of that senior lecture may at times have been highly rarefied, but we did think, and we thought about God, freedom, and immortality." Yet another student described the lecture "as mainly an exposition of the West­ minister Catechism .... " Fuess, 217, 219. Still, Amherst produced men like Francis A. Walker, Herbert B. Adams, and Richmond Mayo-Smith in economics. 26. Fuess, 213, 215. In his campaign for Congress, Seelye "refused to make speeches or to spend money. His only expenditure, in fact, during the campaign, was the postage stamp which he placed on his letter of acceptance." Ibid. 27. From the manuscript, cited in Le Duc, 98. 28. John Bates Clark, 8, 9. 29. See, for instance, Veblen's "Professor Clark's Economics," The Quar­ terly Journal of Economics, 22 (February 1908), reprinted in Thor­ stein Veblen, The Place of Science in Modern Civilisation and other essays (New York: Russell & Russell, 1961). The opening paragraphs clearly indicate Veblen's high regard for his former teacher. 30. See "J.B. Clark, 1847-1938" in J.M. Clark Papers. 31. Much of this was as a Latin teacher. See Joseph Dorfman, Economic Mind, III: 189. 32. Maurice (1805-1872) was a professor of English literature and history at King's College, London and, later, Cambridge. This earlier, English "movement was composed of 'social conservative critics' of capitalism and classical political economy. It attempted at the same time to meet the challenge of the 'un-Christian socialism' of the French revolution of 1848." See Joseph Dorfman, Economic Mind, III: xxiii. Notes and References 131 33. Donald O. Wagner, The Church of England and Social Reform Since 1854 (New York: Columbia University Press, 1930), 110. See also Peter D'Arcy Jones, The Christian Socialist Rel'il'al, 1877-1914: Religion, Class and Social Conscience in Late" Victorian England (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1968). 34. James Dombrowski, The Early Days of Christian Socialism in America (New York: Columbia University Press, 1936),3. 35. Ibid., 15. 36. The article later became Chapter 10, "The Principle of Cooper­ ation," of his The Philosophy of Wealth: Economic Principles Newly Formulated (I st ed., 1886; reprint of 2nd ed., 1887; New York: Kelley, 1967), 198. The original article appeared in the New Eng­ lander, n.s., 2 (July 1879): 565-600. 37. Joseph Dorfman points out that the three sons pursued as careers the three main interests of the elder Clark: Religion, Engineering, and Economics. Clark's sister married Henry Carrington Lancaster on II June 1913. At that time, he was professor of French Literature at Amherst College. 38. John Bates Clark, 13. 39. J.M. Clark Papers. Understandably, in light of this recollection, the younger Clark's copy of John Stuart Mill's Autobiography was heavily underlined. 40. He also joined his father's fraternity, Sigma chapter of Delta Kappa Epsilon. 41. London: James Clarke [1896], 350, 354. 42. (Boston: Houghton, Mifflin, 1898), 12. Looking Backward was published in January 1888. 43. Le Due, 144. 44. Fuess, 224. 45. Fuess, 239. Garman also took some illustrations from theology, but they were relatively few. 46. In the posthumous Leiters, Lectures, and Addresses of Charles Edward Garman: A Memorial Volume, prepared with the cooper­ ation of the class of 1884, Amherst College by Eliza Miner Garman (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1909), 343.
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