The MILWAUKEE.· MA· MAGNUS METAL CORPORATION Journal Bearings and Bronze Engine Castings NEW YORK -:- .:- CHICAGO BINKLEY COAL COMPANY Ships, every year, over a million tons of coal and coke over the Milwaukee Road. From 26 coal mines in 14 seams. From 2 briquet plants and 1 by-product SEAL and SAVE coke plant. Seal your wooden water tanks against A great many people must like our leaks. Dearborn Sealing Compound fuel and service. Anyway, we appre­ applied to the inside of water tanks ciate every order and try to take good bonds to the wood, dries and sets in a few hours as a non-porous inner lin­ care of it. ing for the tank. It is applied with a trowel in about 'Is-in. thickness, is non­ deteriorating, non-inflammable and low in cost. Seal your tanks and save the costly drip. Data and recommen­ BINKLEY COAL COMPANY dations upon request 230 North Michigan Avenue Chicago DEARBORN CHEMICAL COMPANY Branches in Minneapolis, St. Louis, Indianapolis 310 So. Michigan Avenue, CH ICAGO t 205 East 42nd Street, NEW YORK =========================:'1 Two The Traffic Tip Plan AM very sorry to have t~ report a much smaller nu mber of tips were sent in during July than in Mayor June and the August returns are running below July. I It was expected that as the vacation season advanced there would be a falling off in tips for vacation travel but it was also expected that this loss would be more than offset by the work of the 90 per cent who, .so far, have not turned in any tips. Several Service Clubs recently have been organized and before long we hope there will be many more. These clubs will beyery helpful as they will enable groups of Milwaukee people to get together frequently, exchange experiences in getting tips and make plans for going after new business in their respective communities or districts. N a small number, however energetic, can put over the Traffic Tip plan. vVhat we need is a greater number enlisted in this campaign. To get real, worthwhile results there must be a widespread, enthusiastic effort through­ out the organization. I am confident the men and women of the Milwaukee Road will get behind this movement with renewed energy and enthusiasm and overcome this temporary decline with a splendid volume of productive tips. NUMBER OF TRAFFIC TIPS REPORTED BY TRAFFIC TIP SUPERVISORS DURING THE MONTH OF JULY Pas­ No. of Tins Pas­ No. of Tips senger Freight per 100 senger Freight per 100 Tips Tips Employes Tips Tips Employes Chicago General Office Coast Division . 54 13 4.3 and Off-Line Offices . 248 67 13.7 Chicago Terminals 64 54 3.9 Dubuque & Illinois . 45 134 13.1 Twin City Terminals.... 70 12 3.9 Seattle Gen. Offices . 26 6 12.3 Iowa and S. Minnesota La Crosse & River . 77 101 9.1 Div. .., . 5 23 3.4 Iowa & Dakota . 94 29 8.7 Milwaukee Terminals . 138 12 3.3 Rocky Mountain Div . 40 6 6.7 Terre Haute Div . 1 20 2.9 Madison Division 35 6 6.6 Milwaukee Division _. 19 13 2.7 Kansas City Div . 28 23 6.5 Trans-Missouri Div . 18 3 2.3 Iowa Div . 55 39 6.4 Superior Div. 25 7 5.1 Hastings & Dakota . 43 14 4.4 Totals 1,085 582 6.0 they could not get into other rooms in A Trip To Morrison Cave the cave for them. Nora Breckenridge Decco There were springs of cold water and T MIDNIGHT mother called to me In the morning, I cross questioned in the light from their candles the walls A "to shut the front door it was go­ little brother and found, that on one of of the cave were beautiful colors, and ing to rain, and she did not want rain his trips, he had heard about this cave. there were a lot of large boulders here on the new rug. ." But I could So had I, but I had not heard very much and there. They thought, too, that not shut the door, and in the darkness about it, and had supposed it was just a no· one would miss a few rocks from so I stumbled over something against it. cave in Dan Morrisons back yard at many, so they all took some with them. Little Brother wanted to know "what the ranch where he stored potatoes or Little brother took one about the size was all the racket about when good peo­ rutabagas maybe, for the winter. "But of a fence post I gathered, and when ple were sleeping, or trying to . " it was not that kind of cave. near night fall, they returned to the and mDther said to him "it's that silica "Well all other caves were wet, and river where they had left the boat, the I put beside the door to hold it open." full of bats, or had bears in· them and boat was gone and they had to walk Big brother laughed . "not silica old bones. " . "Oh: no'" said about twelve miles to get back on the mother, that's a stalactite...." Little little brother, "not this cave, this was a other side. Still as little brother was brother said, "you are both wrong, it's great cave, acres of it," and he and about twenty and large for his age, the a stalagmite.... " Little brother did some others had taken a boat, and gone tale was not so harrowh1g. not know such a lot about those things, across from the soufh side of the Jeffer­ It was after he got the stalagmite in but he knew more about them, than the son River early one morning, and tied his suit case and started home with it, rest of the family did, so he had the last the boat to willow trees on the opposite that he began to worry. He got dark word. bank, and had explored the cave. They looks. People watched him when he After I had moved the heavy rock went down into it, on ropes and saw lifted the suit case. Prohibition was from against the door and closed it to everything they could and it was won­ then, only a word in Websters, but lit· the storm, I asked little brother, . derful. There were thousands of these tie brother said he was glad when he "where did you get it, the stalactite or stalactites which hung from the ceilings arrived home. stalagmite or what ever you ·call it" and of the rooms, and thousands more of So this is how it came about, that I he said "Well I got it at Dan Morrisons the stalagmites which stood up all over stumbled over the door stop and cave. ." I thought about that for the floors, and some of those from the learned the difference between a awhile and then I went to sleep. floors met those from the ceilings and stalactite and a. stalagmite and turned Three explored it, and some time after Mr. form the greater part of MOl'ri~on ca ve Morrison with several geologists de­ as we see it today. scended into the cave and explored it Now, that the limestone bed rock is as much as possible. They were so im­ above the ground water table and ap· pressed with its beauty and grandeur parently will not be used for the pas­ that Mr. Morrison entered upon an ex­ sageways of underground streams, na­ pensive development of the cave. ture is again filling the caverns. In He filed claim for the land surround­ other words repairing the damage done ing it and the cave was soon afterward by the work of the underground water. taken over by the Federal Government. The cave is now in the process of being At present it is under the Yellowstone filled and geologically speaking, will Park jurisdiction. The total area of some time again be a solid mass of lime­ the park at the cave is about six hun­ stone. However, we do not have to dred acres. worry about that. In 1908 President Theodore Roosevelt New cracks and seams appeared in made this ·cave a National Monument the rocks and these are channels now Highwoy Entrance to :I\Iorrison Ca,""f. and in 1911 it was set aside as the used by the water entering the forma­ my eyes toward Morrison Cave. Twen­ LeWis and Clark Cavern Monument. tion. The water drips from the ceiling ty years afterward, I took time off to This title still remains although every or trickles down the walls and a singl", make the trip into the cave. one calls it the Morrison cave and as drop leaves a ring. The next drop Of the large caves in United States, such it is better known. leaves another ring, and these succes­ the best known are in the order named, As I am deeply indebted to :Mr. H. J. sive rings ,grow thicker and longer and Mammonth cave in Kentucky, and Poston, architect at Morrison cave for are similar to icicles. These pendants Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico. Mor­ the following information, I will quote are called "stalactites." If the drops rison cave now trickle slowly down sloping surfaces, comes along to scarfs are woven. The cave is prolific take its share of with stalactites and scarfs. glory and bids Many drops appearing on the ceilings fair to m a k e are too large to remain there and fall these two other to the floor.
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