WE ARE 2 9 M A Y 2 0 1 9 | I S S U E 8 | V O L U M E 1 A MISSION Be Holy! Pallottine Missionary & Apostolic E- Magazine Mary'sI nM thoisn istshue .o.. f May! Marian Devotions in 21 Countries Introducing Melbourne's Youth • Ukraine's Scouts • St. Rita's Feast Love Mary. That's holiness! 04 08 46 25 Ukraine's Scouts Marian Devotions St. Rita of Cascia Meet Melbourne! This issue is in memory of Fr. Noel O’Connor & Don Giuseppe Colantonio Who went home to Mary's Mantle this month. In short, holiness or nothing! Undertake the Beatitudes. It's not about doing extraordinary things, but following this . way every day that takes us home. Pope Francis PALLOTTINES, UKRAINE GRANDEUR OF THE PEAKS, SHINING OF THE SOUL: UKRAINE'S SCOUTS OVER THE WEEKEND, PALLOTTI'S YOUNG SCOUTS SET OUT TO "THINK WELL, FEEL WELL, DO WELL!" (POPE FRANCIS) THE SILENCE OF GOD’S MARVELS Photos & Gratitude: Fr. Valeriy Dubyna, SAC As Pope Pius XII so readily said, be "docile to the lessons of the mountain:...it is a lesson in spiritual elevation, of an energy which is more moral than physical." The young Pallottine scouts of Our Lady of Fatima Parish in Ukraine set out on a 4 day journey through the country’s mountains, learning skills of the outdoors through team- work and faith. As they followed the trails, so, too, did they follow in the actions of some of our Church’s most beloved saints. To all of those raised to the altar, they understood the importance of seeking interior solitude; understanding it was peace alone that would increase their sanctification. For many, this was found through contemplating in the silence of God’s marvels. One of the most notable of all was the universal pope from across the Ukrainian border. St. John Paul II cherished the outdoors, a gift from God and entrance to a state of grace during his years shepherding the Church. For “IN CONTACT WITH THE BEAUTIES OF THE MOUNTAINS, IN THE FACE OF THE SPECTACULAR GRANDEUR OF THE PEAKS, THE FIELDS OF SNOW AND THE IMMENSE LANDSCAPES, MAN ENTERS INTO HIMSELF, AND DISCOVERS THAT THE BEAUTY OF THE UNIVERSE SHINES NOT ONLY IN THE FRAMEWORK OF THE EXTERIOR HEAVENS, BUT ALSO OF THE SOUL, that allows itself to be enlightened, and seeks to give meaning to life. From the things that it contemplates, in fact, the spirit is lifting up to God on the breath of prayer and gratitude toward the Creator." St. John Paul II \ Be Holy! “AMID THE MARVELS OF MOUNTAINS, SEAS, FIELDS AND SLOPES, YOU ARE IN THE BEST POSITION TO PERCEIVE THE VALUE OF SIMPLE AND IMMEDIATE THINGS, THE CALL TO GOODNESS, THE DISSATISFACTION WITH ONE’S INSUFFICIENCY, AND TO MEDIATE ON THE AUTHENTIC VALUES THAT ARE AT THE BASIS OF HUMAN LIFE. “ St. John Paul II 8 Marian A CDR O S eS T HvE oP A LtL OiT ToI N En W sO R L D " P L A C E Y O U R S E L F I N T H E H A N D S O F M A R Y " S T . V I N C E N T P A L L O T T I Q U O T E S B Y S T . V I N C E N T P A L L O T T I O u r L a d y o f F a t i m a " I T I S M Y T A S K T O C A R E F O R Y O U , T O G U I D E Y O U , T O S A N C T I F Y Y O U . " M o t h e r M a r y s p e a k s t h r o u g h S t . V i n c e n t P O R T U G A L , B R A Z I L , C O L O M B I A , U R U G U A Y , V E N E Z U E L A , P E R U , R U S S I A , U K R A I N E , P O L A N D , U S A On May 13 1917, Our Lady appeared to All around the world, our Pallottine family Saints Francisco and Jacinta, and Servant honored Our Lady of Fatima through of God Lucia, in the farming town of processions and Masses, and- above all- Fatima, Portugal. through the beads that carry our gaze Heavenward. It was the first of three apparitions, in which she told them, "recite the Rosary In places such as Russia, Ukraine, and every day to obtain peace for the world Brazil,. she is the namesake of our parishes; and the end of the war." On the third thus the devotion between our Heavenly apparition, she also added to the children Mother & St. Vincent runs ever deep in a that- at the end of each decade- they must special way. recite, "oh my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell, lead all souls Here's how we honored she who made to heaven, especially those in most need of God's dream flesh, and appeared to the Your Mercy." little ones. P o r t u g a l , B r a z i l , U r u g u a y , U k r a i n e P o r t u g a l , B r a z i l , U k r a i n e P o l a n d , P e r u , C o l o m b i a , B o l i v i a , U S A , V e n e z u e l a O u r L a d y o f P e a c e " M Y G O D , M Y M E R C Y , H A I L M A R Y , M O T H E R O F M E R C Y . " I V O R Y C O A S T , P H I L I P P I N E S The title of Our Lady of Peace is not too took it with them for protection and so not well defined, though her intercession by to be destroyed. When they finally way of this devotion dates back to the returned, so, too, did Notre Dame de Paix. 1500s. Tradition reads that Jean de Joyeuse presented this statue to his new bride, and- This cherished history is also a part of our a precious family heirloom- was taken by own Pallottine history, as it is the his grandson who joined the Capuchin namesake of the Basilica, and Church, our Franciscans in Paris; where it remained for Fathers administer to. 200 years. In the Ivory Coast, the Polish Pallottines When- in 1657- the Capuchins built a larger shepherd the Basilica of Our Lady of Peace; chapel, the statue was taken and blessed the largest Church in the world. by the Papal Nuncio before King Louie XIV on July 9; the day Pope Alexander VII later In the Philippines, Our Lady of Peace is designated for the Capuchins to celebrate entrusted to the Society's Bangalore Our Lady of Peace. Province. Between this Church & its other Church it administers to, our Community in During the French Revolution in 1798, the the Philippines pastorally guides 700 Capuchins- forced to flee the Monastery- families. P o r t u g a l , B r a z i l , U k r a i n e O u r L a d y O f K i b e h o " I W I S H T O L O V E T H E M O T H E R O F G O D A S G O D H I M S E L F L O V E D H E R , A N D S T I L L L O V E S H E R . " R W A N D A November 28, 1981: Our Lady made her first visitation to a group of young girls at Kibeho College, under the name “Nyina wa Jambo”; or "Mother of the Word." In August of 1982, the visionaries reported that Mary seeked all to pray to prevent a terrible war; the Genocide that would ensue 13 years later. Since 2003, the Shrine has been entrusted to the Pallottine Fathers. In October 2018, Fr. General Jacob and the Society's major superiors celebrated Mass and met Alphonsine Mumureke; who received the first vision in 1981, as well as the last in 1989. V i r g i n M a r y i n T à P a o " P L A C E Y O U R S E L F I N T H E H A N D S O F O U R L A D Y , A N D D O N O T L E T A N Y T H I N G W O R R Y Y O U . " F R . J A C O B ' S V I S I T A T I O N V I E T N A M 492 steps lead to the Grotto of the Virgin Mary in Tà Pao, located in Ho Chi Minh, South Vietnam.
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